The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 110: Dragon Slaughter and True Love


"'Long Tu' Basra, the goddess of the moon is crazy? How can you release this mad dog?"

The news of the arrival of a powerful heroic spirit under the goddess of the moon is not a secret. After all, the difference between heroic spirits and mortals is clear at a glance, and that one has no intention of hiding his identity. high.

In the legend of the gods of order, the heroic spirits are all great heroes in history. At the end of their lives, they are appreciated by the true gods, signed a soul contract to fight for them, and become immortals honored by the true gods. warrior.

Of course, this is a good thing, but if I say that, heroic spirits just look glamorous, and throwing away those boring hymns is actually an alternative undead on the side of order, and they have accidentally signed a lifetime betrayal contract, even the freedom of private life and the The unlucky person who has no annual leave.

The most obvious is that although they have flesh and desires, they cannot leave offspring. This is determined by the nature of the souls of the dead who have entered reincarnation. No matter how the body is replaced, this is the case. If only the flesh and desires are restored, my Undead transformation technology can also do it.

However, the reincarnated angels and angels can leave their descendants, that is because they have completed the reincarnation and reincarnated as living beings. Well, in fact, if the angels are transformed by humans, they are quite similar to the reincarnated demons in the lower planes. How similar.

Moreover, like the obsessional creatures like the undead, the heroic spirits with better names are also very obsessed. They were indeed the great heroes of history, but the great heroes never represent saints who have no desire. They became heroic spirits. , but still maintains a very high obsession with the hobbies and past events in his lifetime.

Basra's past experience can be summed up with the nickname "Dragon Tu".

He was an experienced aristocrat born of a wood elf. At that time, it was still the heyday of the elf dynasty. He should have had a happy childhood, but he still did not have a good life for a few days.

He lived in a time when dragons were not as rare as they are today. Like most fairy tales, he once had a happy family, but when a green dragon passed by his door, he spit out a dragon's breath, um, and a certain Those guys who don't talk about civilization spit casually is a nature, but if humans don't talk about civilization, they will only encounter fine aunts with red armbands. The result of dragons spitting casually without talking about civilization is to escape the disaster except for going out. Basra, and everyone else is wiped out.

Well, the story after that is lackluster. Under the gears of history, the orphan boy grew up slowly and finally set foot on the top of the world, but even after becoming famous, he still did not find the one who killed his parents. Green Dragon.

"Since I can't find it, I will kill all the evil dragons. This is not only revenge, but also to prevent a tragedy like mine from happening again."

This is undoubtedly a paranoid arrogance, but when the person who utters this blunder is a super strong person who has the ability to say what he says, the tragedy of the dragon comes.

He hated the dragon race, and the scope of hunting was not limited to green dragons. In his eyes, this behemoth was always a threat. As long as the dead dragon was a good dragon, he would do anything, regardless of good or evil. Even young dragons and dragon eggs are not spared, as long as they are related to real dragons, they should die.

And the revenge of the dragon family made him lose his wife, children and friends, and made him, who was alone again, become a world-famous dragon slayer.

As a perfect paranoid and dragon slaying hero, all his abilities are prepared for the dragon. The dragon slaying spear and dragon slaying sword are fully equipped. According to records, the dragon life of his subordinates is at least four digits, and many of them are demigods. A super dragon of the highest level, when he aroused the public anger of the dragon clan and was beaten to death, he also successfully dragged the three-digit dragon to the ground together.

"Baby be obedient, and if you make trouble again, 'Long Tu' Basra will come."

These words have become the mother dragon's trump card to scare the baby dragon. The young dragons who passed on their knowledge through blood know that this code name represents countless dragon lives, and they have been afraid of this name since childhood.

Even Xiaohong, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, has a time when she fell asleep listening to childhood stories. When the name Basra is mentioned, it must be full of hesitation and anxiety.

Even, just because Patricia, the goddess of the moon, who is part-time hunting goddess and guardian goddess of the lost, accepted Basra's heroic spirit, she was hostile to the dragon clan, and her relationship with the dragon god was extremely poor, and two god battles broke out. .

From the perspective of ability, there is absolutely no problem in sending Basra down to the world. Even if the heroic spirit can barely reach the demigod level, he still has at least the combat power of the Nine-headed Dragon Emperor. At least, before this heroic spirit After going down three times, he slaughtered three more super dragons, and then killed hundreds of adult dragons. In the eyes of the world, as long as it is a dragon, there is nothing he can't kill.

"As a good hunter, before hunting large prey, you must first observe its habits, weaknesses, and personality. These days Basra seems to be wandering around, but he is actually observing the opponent's weaknesses. Absolutely merciless killing."

This is the evaluation of the veteran hunter Lomons. Basra, who has pursued dragon hunting for his life, is undoubtedly an idol in the hearts of ace hunters like Lomons. These days, this wanted criminal (escape) would rather avoid the guards And the guards, also put on a hood, and take a look at the idol hero in his mind from a distance.

Naturally, this kind of peeping could not be concealed from the sensitive Basra, but what was surprising was that the rumored murderous Long Tu was actually very easy to get along with, and he took the initiative to call Romons to chat with him.

When Romons asked the idol for hunting skills, he also gave him pointers. When Romons asked the reason, he replied:

"Oh, I can feel the dying cry of the beasts in your hands. We are fellow travelers, how can I be stingy. It's a pity that you are not an elf ranger, and you don't know how to use a bow, otherwise I can teach you a little bit of slaughter. Dragon's little trick. The younger generation is too weak now, and there are too few people like you who take the initiative to challenge powerful prey. Those big lizards that lay eggs everywhere like cockroaches, it's time for regular extinction again. "

To say that Dragon Slaying was like killing cockroaches on a regular basis was an understatement, but Romons deeply felt the power of this heroic spirit and his bitter hatred for the dragon race.

This wasn't the only time the gentlemen met Basra.

"It's a pity, it's almost half..."

The dragon slayer who suddenly appeared as if passing by, with a casual glance and sigh, almost scared Bei Feng to death.

The poor half-dragon hunter just wandered around the alley like a "daily walk", and was blocked by heroic spirits who smelled dragons. If it weren't for most gods and mortals, half-dragons were regarded as a kind of demi-human rather than a demigod. Dragonborn, I am afraid that Beifeng will finish the game on the spot.

"It's a pity." This was the comment I made when I learned about it afterwards, but just as I said it, I found that there were nods all around...

"But the Nine-Headed Dragon King Hydra is a god's pet. Patricia let the dragon who could not be merciful at all be slaughtered. Is she planning to fight Ms. Storm directly?"

His ability does not need to be questioned, but I have made the same judgment as Dasos and others. Basra will never show mercy. This is the point of the problem.

"As long as he makes a move, no matter whether he wins or loses, the war will escalate directly. We must hurry up."

For me, every battle and the time after the war are precious. The actual combat is the most direct and real test bed. No matter what looks beautiful and powerful, the talent, ability and combat skills have not been tested in actual combat. Always worrying.

Personally, I am also used to summarizing the gains and losses after the war, and writing the gains and insights in my journal. Of course, the most important thing is to discover and make up for the weaknesses.

Although this battle is not long, the opponent is not weak. After all, it is a holy necromancer. If I am not careful, I may indeed fall into the opponent's hands... Well, I admit that this is wrong, the more I understand that Only Lich Junior Brother, the more I feel that it is impossible to lose to the opponent, even if we did not succeed in dismantling the opponent at that time, most of them were just caught in a protracted battle, and in the end, we who were absolutely weaker won the victory.

It seems contradictory that the weaker will win? In fact, it's not contradictory at all. Kaloxin's extreme lack of combat experience is only part of it. The rotten and twisted soul is the culprit of his impossible victory.

"The real world? This mental world sounds good, what's the use?"

As a necromancer specializing in instant-death attack magic, Kaloxin's soul emblem is an instant-death enhancement effect, nothing special, but I heard that he has a mental image world, or a rare thing with non-simple attribute bonuses, which makes me very surprised.

The mental image world of most saint-level mages is simply to transform the surrounding environment into a home environment that is most suitable for their own combat power. For example, fire magic can transform the surrounding into a fire element plane. Although it can greatly enhance the power of flame magic, the actual However, it consumes a lot of energy during operation, which leads to low cost performance.

The conventional mental image world is often used for large army battles, or for several mages of the same line to cooperate in battles. The repeatedly superimposed attribute bonuses can turn an ice ring into a blizzard, which is very terrifying.

The unconventional mental image world is the embodiment of personal experience and soul. Although the abilities vary widely, being able to revise the world with personal will is enough to prove that the person's obsession and will is extraordinary. The mental image world is often extremely difficult to deal with and guard against. Having a special mental image world is simply the patent and status symbol of the super strong.

I heard that Caroxin actually has a mental imagery world called the "real world". While I was curious, I also raised my inner evaluation of this junior and senior brother who has reached the floor.

"I didn't expect you to have some clues. Does that mental image world have any effect? Why didn't you use it at the time?"

"Hehe, it's not that good, it's just my personal obsession, it's like this..."

Then, after listening to Caroxin’s explanation, I directly lowered its evaluation level again. This time it was not a floor-level evaluation, but a basement-level evaluation. After listening to the introduction, Herois once again emphasized to Caroxin, don’t Said he was his master.

reason? This mental world is so speechless.

"Gender transformation of all people within the scope? This has a hairy meaning, can you do something serious? For example, serious planning of a coup and rebellion and a natural disaster of the undead, if you are a little normal, you have overthrown your brother long ago!"

"But this is the deepest desire in my heart, and isn't the world of images a reappearance of my heart's hopes and desires?"

Well, although Kaloxin was crying and lacking confidence in her tone, her understanding of the mental image world was indeed correct, and the next moment, when she seemed to think of something, Kaloxin's voice became triumphant.

"Moreover, I have used this mental image world twice, and I have successfully won a super tough opponent. There is also an epic powerhouse!"

Hearing this, I'm a little speechless. Indeed, not every man can keep calm when he suddenly finds that he has two more pieces of flesh on his chest and his little brother is gone, and being distracted in a tense battle is like courting death. , but it's too embarrassing for a super strong person to die because of distraction and look at the crotch.

Thinking of what would have happened if he suddenly opened up this world of mental images during the battle, I couldn't help but shudder.

"Absolutely, never use this mental image world! By the way, also, don't tell anyone about this mental image world, especially Kolos."

I can't imagine what would happen if Kolos knew about this mental image world.

"That female elf Druid? Is she also my kind? Great, I've been wanting to talk to someone for a long time, I... well, my lord, don't stare at me, I'll do it sooner than you say."

But there are still some things that can't be avoided. What should come will always come. The meeting between Kaloxin and the gentlemen is still coming, and there is a spark as soon as they meet.

"You still like grown men because you haven't met your true beloved wife. Age? That's never a problem!" said a certain gray elf.

"You still like women because you haven't met the man you really love. Gender? That's never a problem!" said a lich.

"You still like humans just because you haven't met the real life you love. Species? That's never a problem" This someone... someone everyone knows.

The three hands were held together, and an inexplicable resonance formed the connection between the three to establish their exclusive gentleman's friendship. They knew each other and understood each other. The gentleman's friendship came so quickly.




The gray elves and the lich looked at each other, and while sympathizing with each other, they finally bowed to the third party at the same time.

"Big Brother Beifeng!", "Boss Half-Dragon!"

Yes, if gentlemen also have degrees, then the sad demeanor as a unit of gentleman degree has already demonstrated the status of Beifeng as the leader on the road of gentlemen.

"Everyone is a fellow person who ignores the virtual image and face, and pursues the 'true love' wholeheartedly. There is no need to be so polite. I am not alone. In the future, let's be brothers and sisters. Even if the world can't understand our pursuit of true love, but At least we can understand each other. Little brother, little sister, can you agree?"

"Okay! Little sister, I am 67 this year, so I will send my second sister."

"Although I'm 235, I'm still the third sister."

Well, let's not complain about why there are two younger sisters, and don't complain about why the oldest Momo is the third younger sister. Obviously, the order of their marriage is not based on age, but according to the degree of gentleman.

When the three hands clasped together, when a certain half-dragon man became the eldest of the three brothers and sisters, when the three brothers and sisters of true love were officially born, other people in the house were already blind.

"I can't stand it! My kryptonite dog eyes!"

Someone rolled around with their eyes covered.

"Don't stop me, let me kill her! The glory of Brimstone City's urban management can't be defeated by her. It's too embarrassing to catch a pervert and become a pervert, and look for a mummy to become a mummy."

Some people draw their swords in anger.

"I can't stand it."

"Brother, I will work hard, and one day, I will find my true love too!"

Some people are inexplicably moved by the knot in front of them, and their blood is surging.

"If true love is a dead thing, is that okay..."

Some people, although they did not join because of their face, saw this scene, but they were just around the corner...

"Stop, I'm fed up with these damn gentlemen, you dare to mix with them and let this 'true love brother and sister' proliferate again, I really do it."

Some people plan to use force to stop the spread of the sad wind virus.

"Well, is true love also blood relatives? No, I remember that blood relatives are within three generations. We are first, second, third... The genealogy has been forgotten. Anyway, there are many generations, and there is no obstacle at all. Hehe."

Someone secretly snickered.

"There's nothing wrong with giggling, and suddenly the wrench is indexing. It seems that due to Roland's influence, Renee's etiquette is completely finished, and people are getting more and more crazy. How can this be like a princess of a country? ."

Some people are secretly worried about the increasingly strange princess.

At this time, I deeply regret why I fulfilled my promise so quickly, created a body for Kaloxin, and led to the birth of the true love brother-sister group, well, now maybe it's time to call Rosemary (his own name) .

On the day I received the invitation letter from Nadassos's malicious succession ceremony, I started Rosemary's body without hesitation, and this seemingly beautiful female body also contained me. full of malice.

The face is based on the "historically" verified Queen Victoria, which combines the neutral beauty of many people such as Kroose, coupled with the unnatural and seductive curves of mature sex, Rosemary's own research on women's behavior. Perfect performance, definitely a masterpiece, and, so to speak, tailor-made for someone's love for women.

At least, when Rosemary came on stage, the young men of the Donglan Royal Knights were dumbfounded, and the young knights of the Oran White Wolf Guard almost lost their sabres. With Rosemary's fiery eyes, my craftsmanship hasn't regressed.

As for myself? When you piece together mud into a doll bit by bit, and piece together a human-shaped doll with pieces of meat, how can you be interested in this doll

At this time, I was in the carriage, looking at the super beauty sitting across from me, maliciously imagining Dasos' stunned look, to vent my frustration about putting on a skirt again.

"Wait, stop for a while."

Seeing that it was still early, I was a little curious about the scene on the side of the road. At my request, the Oran Royal reception carriage slowed down.

On the side of the road was a group of poor people begging along the street. They stared at our carriage with the royal emblem of Oran. I could feel the piercing hatred beneath the expressionless calm.

"Those? They're just pariahs in the dock area. Her Royal Highness, there's nothing to see about this. At this succession ceremony, there will be the world's top song and dance troupes and circuses..."

Nodding thoughtfully, I lowered the carriage curtain and let the carriage run again.

Along the way, the disaster victims who have gathered in this way have met four or five times. Obviously, as the sea clan's protracted war progresses, more and more war victims will appear. I am afraid that the Oran nobles who are busy with the succession ceremony will be the same as that one. Just like the disdainful white wolf knight, he ignored these unlucky bastards at all.

And the carriages out of the city, which are contrary to our behavior, have created congestion. More and more citizens have found that the situation is not right, and more and more people have fled.

The commoners don't care about the balance of war, they only know that their homes and lives are threatened, while the nobles and knights are busy with the so-called succession ceremony, ignoring the A low-level cry for help.

Although it is only a small matter, it is enough to explain the tension of the current situation and the problems in Kagoxi City. At least, the new emperor's originally extremely high popularity has run out. This undoubtedly also shakes him as a ruler. cornerstone.

"Dassos couldn't have seen it, but he still didn't do anything. It seems that he planned to use the opportunity of the succession ceremony to put all the weights on the table and make a big gamble. Under the premise of lacking enough understanding of the sea clan Risky gamble? I'm not optimistic, it seems that we will retreat early."