The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 40: bait


Black iron bloodline, bronze body, silver majesty, golden will, legendary venerable, human saint, immortal epic, immortal demigod, the names of these power levels themselves are enough to explain a lot.

The black iron bloodline, that is, the level 1 to 20 defined by the system. At this time, most talents have just taken up their jobs, and the power they can master often comes from the bloodline, but often at this time, the growth path has been determined.

Sound puzzling? Let's use the system representation to illustrate...

The following three are the most common melee occupations of the three tribes:

"Standard Orc Berserker Template, Strength: 15 Agility: 8 Body: 12, Main Attribute Strength, Racial Talent Berserk."

"Standard Dark Elf Assassin Template, Strength: 12 Agility: 14 Body: 9, Main Attribute Agility, Racial Talent Anti-Magic Skin."

"Standard Human Warrior Template, Strength: 12 Min: 8 Body: 10, Main Attribute Strength, Racial Talent... None."

Strength is the physical force possessed by the body, agility is the combination of reaction and balance, and physical strength is the health and robustness of a life, which are the most important attributes of the melee profession.

In the black iron stage, the rookies of all races will use the standard template as their goal and strengthen their strength through exercise. The so-called natural power is probably the natural power attribute plus 2, and with their efforts, the more The closer you get to this template, and when the basic abilities are all up to the standard, it will be time for the next level of breakthrough.

What, complaining is unfair? The sum of the three attributes of orcs and dark elves in melee combat is 35, while humans have only 30, and there is no racial talent? I'm so sorry, the world has always been so unfair. The natural attributes and abilities of races are not equal. Otherwise, there would be so many disputes and discrimination.

With the efforts of the two sides, the difference in talent will further expand this injustice. This is like walking and riding a horse starting at the same time, after the same time, the horse riding will definitely run far.

For example, an orc with ordinary aptitude can increase the strength attribute by about 0.1 when leveling up. At level 20, it can increase by 2 points, while a human warrior has increased by 1 point at level 20, which is enough to be called a good seedling of a powerful warrior.

Moreover, this is a comparison without considering the racial talent. The racial talent of powerful races is often extremely amazing.

Warriors of the same rank have a huge difference in actual combat power among various races, which has become the consensus of the world, but in contrast, humans, the least talented race, grow the fastest, and the stronger the race, Slow growth is also slower. Dragons need a hundred years to become teenagers, elves are two hundred years of adulthood, and seventy or eighty years is enough for humans to reach their peak from their prime.

In terms of games, it means that the weaker the profession and the race, the less experience is required to upgrade. Taking myself as an example, when I was also in the initial stage of the legend, the experience bar of the lich was at least three times that of the human archmage. It was a pain to get up.

However, since the breakthrough of each class is too difficult, this advantage is not great for the top powerhouses, but for the creation of a large number of low-level warriors (or cannon fodder), mortal races such as humans have obvious advantages, and silver races have obvious advantages. The elves are good at creating a large number of medium-level powerhouses, and the dragons of the golden race have a small population, but no one dares to underestimate them.

If the black iron rank is still just on the road, mainly imitating the predecessors, then the warriors who have reached the bronze body will start to hone their combat skills, tap their potential, improve themselves, and shape their perfect combat body.

Simple and easy-to-understand game language, work hard to learn skills, add talents, add attributes...

Silver dignity, at this level, the physical body is almost limited to mortals, so he began to hone his will, exercise his combat skills, and combine the power of spirit and will to form the most suitable fighting style for himself.

According to the game, the character template is basically formed, the attribute point rises more slowly, and it is too difficult to grind the attribute to grow, you can learn a few big moves and show off.

Golden Will, the powerhouses of this level begin to combine their own strengths and find a path that suits them. If they can obtain specific high-level occupations and inheritance, their growth will be faster.

The game is to choose a path and advance, from the root to the next level, a new starting point.

The legend going up is the soul emblem, and the holy order is the world of mental images. I mentioned it a little before, so I won't expand it for the time being. When it comes to this, I am afraid that some people can guess why Annie can't beat Eliza no matter what.

Annie is a human, and she is a mixed-race human with part of the Phoenix bloodline. At the peak of gold, although she has no racial talent, her main attribute strength has reached 19 points. At least in terms of basic attributes, she has stepped into the edge of a legendary warrior. To get. (Unlike other alien games, the basic attributes of this world are very difficult to increase, but the four or five attribute points in the later stage are very different.)

But her opponent Eliza's race is "half demon favored by the abyss", and her racial talent is called abyss. As long as she is willing to respond to the demonization of the summons, she can get a huge increase in attributes. To her current level, she is already a "medium" The degree of demonization, strength +12 agility +12 physical strength +12 intelligence +12 charm +6 will -6".

And just this level of bonus is enough to make Annie completely helpless.

Eliza's initial strength is 12 points, plus 12 points... A mage who is strong enough to crush warriors is born, plus the overall dominance of agility and physical strength, monkeys rely on combat skills to defeat dinosaurs. It may be a joke, what powerful combat skills, in the end, still need to test the basic attributes to compare, so Eliza has the capital to take the sword with her bare hands.

In addition to the messy physical skills taught by me, as well as her self-created magic martial arts combined with ice melee skills, not to mention the peak gold of Annie, even the legend of Snow Hoof, it may not be able to win... As mine A proud student, as a melee mage, Eliza has undoubtedly surpassed the blue.

This is really unfair, but compared to Xiaohong's "Ancient Red Dragon's perfect body, poison, plague, and flame are invalid, and all attributes are increased by 30", Eliza's moderate demonization is already very reliable. I guess she It is a complete demonization, that is, an increase of 20 points in all attributes, and a maddening of will.

Of course, there is no free lunch in this world, and the power of Chaos Abyss is not destined to be easy to obtain.

The lowered will will make it more and more difficult for her to resist the summon demonization, and eventually turn into a complete demon. I personally prohibit her from using the "Abyss Summoning" talent.

Even, using the contract magic invented by the devil, this is included in the employment contract between Eliza and I, and before the salary settlement contract is paid, she is forbidden to use the magical ability extremely instinctively.

The root of both the devil and the devil is Styx, but the two are undoubtedly mortal enemies. This can be regarded as a disguise to use the power of Styx to fight the call of Styx. There is no way out in a way out.

Perhaps, one day, Eliza, like other demons, will be unable to resist the call of the abyss in her blood, and like my stupid brother, walk into the gate to hell and the abyss, and completely turn into a resident of the lower planes , but I expect that, with my handicap, that day will be extended indefinitely, at least, for the rest of my life, without letting this happen.

Well, there are always good and bad in this world. With the racial advantage of this "half demon", Eliza's actual combat power will not be inferior to the legendary combat power that other dungeon masters are proud of.

Eliza is indeed very strong. Anne, who is a human, is weaker. After all, she is only a nineteen-year-old girl, but the strength of the golden peak is enough to crush human common sense. However, Adam and I are not very satisfied. After all, in the In the underground world of strong players, the legendary dungeon masters are only average.

Now, both Eliza and Annie are still at their golden peaks, and they are both stuck at the step of condensing their own soul emblems...

In this step, it is difficult for outsiders to help. They need to be sharpened, whether it is in battle or in life, they need setbacks and failures to discover their own shortcomings, they need to win after hard battles to discover their strengths and self-confidence, and they need everything to be able to contribute to life. The experience that caused the impact, and the two of them are naturally very talented, and the foundation is built by Adam and I. The only thing missing is experience.

"Dark elves won't be easy to deal with, but with the backing of Margaret and Adam, they don't dare to touch you directly. Come on, time is running out... Even if I make troubles like a butterfly, the underground world will be reached. The day when the Covenant counterattacks the ground will not be far away."

Well, that's it for seriousness.

What I'm going to do next, if I leave it to them, it's not to gain experience, but to murder.

When I silently walked into the Platinum Order Auction House in Vitan City, there was still a loud voice, but the moment I entered, all the voices disappeared.

Everyone turned their attention to the figure at the door... Because, he was too bright!

The silver light of order and law stirred on the robe, the mask of the sub-artifact carried the dignity of judging all, the thick yellow paper tied on the left side of the waist, flashing the line of rules unique to the artifact, and the worn-out The mallet is also full of the brilliance of the power of the law, and it is obviously a piece of equipment above a sub-artifact.

One artifact, three sub-artifacts, even true gods should be moved. It's strange that they don't get robbed when they go out. Maybe the entire underground dragon city will be dispatched for it.

"Hmph, just to blind you."

But even a fool knows that those who should go out with such equipment can only be super tough.

However, there are always lucky guys everywhere. The next moment, two little thieves who were forced to come forward by their bosses came out of the shadows and approached my side.

"Curse: Conviction." Luckily, the red-black hapless bastard apparently did a horrific act within hours, so...

"Dharma Curse: Death Penalty - Hanging!" Under Liuhuan's death sentence, an invisible noose hung him directly in the air, and then it was the sinner's last repentance time before he kicked his feet and stuck his tongue out...

As the power of the law that only targets sinners, in front of this Six-Circle Magic Spell (Golden Rank), this poor Silver Rank thief didn't even have time to scream, and went straight to death.

In front of the perverted corpse, another unlucky bastard spread out on the ground, and was also frightened to pee.

The death of the pathfinder pawn had long been expected by the conscientious person, but the death was so strange that no one could calculate it. The blank, representing the unknown, was always the most vigilant color.

Ignoring the lucky guy who thought he had survived without committing a crime in the last few hours, I walked to the counter of the auction house on my own, and as far as I could, it was like Moses dividing the sea on one side and two sides.

"I'm here to auction, an artifact."

Everyone's eyes were on me. As soon as these words fell, thousands of waves were aroused. The strange auction hall that was quiet just now was suddenly filled with buzzing discussions and exclamations.

Of course, they will be surprised and even shocked, not to mention the artifact, the auction of a sub-artifact or even an epic divine weapon will cause a terrible storm and leave traces in history. As for the auction of artifacts, it is destined to become history.

"Ahhh... Auction? Alright, alright, you want to auction an artifact? Artifact? Artifact?! Are you sure!!!"

This poor lady centaur had golden eyes, incoherent speech, and an expression that she could no longer accept the reality and was directly broken.

"Well, artifact, congratulations to your auction house. This should be the first artifact auction in the underground world. Your platinum order auction house is destined to be famous in history."

The centaur was also concerned about whether she would leave a mark in history. When she heard that she was really going to sell the artifact, she rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.

"Artifact=Very valuable=Lots of people robbed=It broke a bit, I can't afford to pay for it in my life=I was caught as a cow and a horse=I was sold by wicked people with other interests in the slave market=All kinds of concessions Embarrassing and embarrassing encounter..." This instantly became an equation in the centaur Anlia's mind...

"I don't want to be sold into a slave, then XXXX." So, this imaginative girl just overheated and fainted on the ground.

... This kind of big-shot thing is too embarrassing for her, a rural girl who only came out of her hometown three months ago because of her obsession with traveling through novels.

"Slave? Who? I'm not Beifeng, and I won't be sexually interested in you."

In such a situation, even I didn't expect, what happened to this little girl, why her expression changed so richly, she had everything in an instant, and she screamed out this kind of dirty joke...

But now she's fainted as an auctioneer, what should I do? go back directly

"My lord, my lord. I... Please leave it to me. I'm the manager here, Carlos, and this is my business card."

A well-dressed goblin ran over, but looking at his blood-red eyes and messy clothes, it was obvious that he had just received the notice and had come in a hurry.

"Is this book you auctioned off?"

It seems that, as the manager of this auction house, Carlos also knows how to order goods and knows that there are often lines of regulation around the artifact that it represents.

But I shook my head and snapped my fingers.

A skeleton soldier came out from behind me, a black wooden box, which it held in its hand all the time.

Then, the box was opened...

In the next second, the entire hall was lit up by starlight, and Carlos even thought that the box was a star that had just been plucked, until the brilliance dissipated...

It was a black scepter, unpretentious in itself, with traces of scorch and ice cracks, full of historical dust, and the fetishes were obscure, only the silver gems on it glowed.

The starlight jumped and shuttled between the gems, and the light also had its own rhythm, like a breathing creature.

In front of the star-like gems on the scepter, the expensive and extravagant merman oil of the auction house does not put out the lights, but it is worthless like a cheap kobold candle.

"Artifact, it's definitely an artifact, is that starlight the line of its rules... Wait, it's a scepter!! It's a scepter!!" Suddenly, Carlos' face was blue, and the goblin's piercing scream was in the hall. agitated.

It seems that my goal has been initially achieved. If an existence carries three sub-artifacts and one artifact with him, if he takes out another artifact, most people will subconsciously think that it is true.

"Yong... Yong Ye!!!!..." The rest of the words were choked back by him. He knew how valuable the auction item in front of him was, at least it was the weight of an empire! He is now starting to envy his fainted rookie, he wants to pass out and then he is dead.

"Yes, the Scepter of Eternal Night." I ruthlessly shattered his last fluke, looking at this despairing goblin.

"... Eternal Night Scepter?"

My voice was not loud, but when everyone was staring at us, this sound was enough, and soon, the fact that the Eternal Night Warrant was alive spread throughout the hall.

Most people were shocked at first, then showed greedy joy, and finally, turned into fear...

"Call everyone Qi, hurry up, something big is going to happen here!"

"Go, go. Kay doesn't want to go? Okay, let's go and let this fool die here."

Artifacts can only be used if they have life. According to the rules of the underground world, idiots who are incapable of possessing treasures will die sooner or later. When the news of the existence of the scepter spreads, countless top forces will flock to them. At that time, they want to escape. , it's really late.

Of course, there will be no shortage of idiots talking about wanting money but not life. Many people file out, but some people stay, but they are afraid of the strange death of the thief just now, and they dare not take action for the time being.

I didn't pay any attention to those peeping people who had no guts. Instead, I smiled and said to the trembling goblin holding the scepter.

"There are only two requirements for the auction. One is that the auction will be held at 3 pm after 30 days. All individuals and forces can participate. Second, if the auction item is lost, I want you to compensate me, including 'Mir Oasis' and 'Cloud Water Tank'. Twenty top dungeons including ''Flying Dragon City' will pay me."

"What... pay, pay, your underground city? I... there is a dungeon... Mir, I understand, the Lion King!!! You are here for the Lion King!"

Well, the poor goblin rolled his eyes and followed in the footsteps of his subordinates.

And he did say my goal. Of course, I came for Tao. I wanted to open an auction house in this city. How can I do it without a backstage, and the backstage of this auction house is the orc Huangtao Furious Fang. And the dungeons I mentioned are also his property!

Hearing the name of the underground overlord, another part of the "audience" was recalled to their rational and instinctive fear, and chose to leave. Sometimes, knowing too much is also the cause of death.

"Oh, I fainted again, is there anyone else who can handle things?"

The staff who were caught by my gaze either avoided their gaze or fell down and pretended to be dead...

"Haha, isn't this Sleepless? It's been a long time. Are you coming to the auction? Okay, we'll take this order."

A rough figure came in from the door accompanied by loud laughter. Before anyone came in, the voice echoed in the hall.

It's still the same look that I saw outside Sulphur Mountain City. The one-eyed old lion has thick hair, and his body is muscular but not exaggerated. Legendary equipment that is hard to buy.

At this moment, the old lion-tailed lion and beast emperor smiled brightly on his own territory, as if he didn't care at all about his previous fiasco and lost corps.

"Oh, old man, you are not dead. As expected of a man who can use his own soldiers as a meat shield, he is thick-skinned, and he took his life, and dared to appear in front of me. I am not afraid that I will kill you directly. ."

Beating someone doesn't make a mistake, but I want to make a mistake. In an instant, the old lion's face distorted.

War is an extension of politics, and big people are all about their face. Under normal circumstances, no matter how intense the dungeon master fights in private, if there is a chance to sit together in public, they will give each other face and communicate with good words. It was the first time he had seen an opponent who did not give face to him, and his face turned ashen in an instant.

That's true... but why should I give this bastard face! !

The old lion held the hilt behind his back with both hands, but then he was dazzled by my magical weapon.

Tao remembered the forbidden spell involving the whole city, the invisible and majestic Eye of the Sky, as if ready to judge everything, even the orc emperor, also had some fears, unable to make a desperate determination.

"My lord!! There is a no-fight agreement in Vitan City!"

Aware of his master's hesitation, a fox orc in a robe took a step forward, as if reminding his master to pay attention to the rules of the city, but it was actually a step for his boss to step down.

Someone discouraged him, and slowly, Tao's expression loosened, and he let go of the hilt of his sword.

Neutral cities are of course restricted from fighting, but there are also arenas for resolving personal grievances, not to mention, when have these arrogant underground overlords ever told the rules.

But then, the surrounding people exclaimed, they couldn't believe that the invincible orc emperor would actually be shriveled. Could it be true that the rumor that the orc emperor led the army on an expedition, but was frustrated in a remote area and wiped out the entire army

Yi Tao's past behavior style, in the face of face-to-face malicious remarks, was enough to confirm the rumors, and the reputation of this orc emperor was seriously damaged!

But then, the one-eyed looking around made all the restless people stop... Even if this news might be true, it might spread out. Come on.

The one-eyed orc emperor suppressed his anger, but it was obviously impossible for him to come into contact with the "rogue" in front of him, so the fox orc stepped forward again with his eyes signaling.

"If you do business, you will be a guest, so you will naturally have to smile. Even if the guest is a bad guest, Mr. Sleepless, do you think it's true?" These words are not humiliating or choking, and they are knocking and beating at the same time. But it is very funny, and what he said is very accurate, I also laughed, and ignored the evil words just now.

Go down if you have a ladder. After all, today I'm going down the trap, not here to turn my face.

"So, have you accepted my auction list?"

"Yes, of course."

"Okay, then sign the agreement and use mine."

The little fox took over the parchment contract, and his face turned pale on the spot. On it, it was not the common language, but the devil language of hell. This was a contract belonging to the devil.

The above conditions are exactly what I said. First, the auction will be held after 30 days. Second, if I lose it, I will accompany 20 dungeons to me. The only difference is that there is an additional restriction clause. If these two conditions are not fulfilled , the signatory will fall into the river Styx and never turn over.

For humans and orcs, there is no difference between swearing by the river Styx and swearing by the sun. They have no effect at all, but for the evil gods, demons, and devils who live in the lower planes, their power and life come from the source Yu Minghe, even if he violated his vow of Minghe, even Luosi, the queen of spiders, would directly become a little spider.

Of course, when I took out this contract, I also made it clear that this orc emperor is just a demon in orc skin...

The little fox tremblingly handed the contract to Tao, and was slapped away by the angry orc emperor.

But he was holding the contract, obviously hesitating, the forces behind him were very interested in this scepter, and if he let it go...

"If you don't accept the order, I will give it to the Black Pearl auction house next door." I increased the price in due course.

That very pearl auction house, and behind it is another dungeon overlord, Estena Elul. The force behind him is the devil. No matter from the background or from the reality of fighting for the dominance of the underground covenant, Tao and Estena They are all destined enemies.

"If Esterner held an auction for the city management, and thus formed an alliance with Brimstone Mountain City, then it would be three to two, and Moriel was completely unreliable... No, the worst result is that he used those thirty days to open the The secret of the Scepter of Night."

But then, Tao naturally thought, Esterner can parse the secret of the scepter, but can't he parse it himself? Even if my dark shaman is not very good at this aspect, but I also have a wizard under my command, it really can't be done... Who else can I ask for help!

"No... If I really reveal the powerful secret of Yongye Lord, I can become the second Yongye Lord. Do I still need the support of that existence?"

At the moment of Chongbao, countless desires stirred in the back of his mind, but in the end, they turned into one sentence.

"I signed, but before signing, I have to inspect the goods."


So, I tried very hard to hold back my laughter, why? No matter what those legal professions do, those "yes", "yes" and "true" really make me laugh.

Before leaving with the signed contract, I left a sentence.

"You may regret it."

Unsurprisingly, what followed was the roar of a lion.

"The Orc Emperor never regrets it!!"

Okay, let me keep laughing...

That night, I heard that the old lion was bored in the study all night, and killed seven strategists, eight mages, and six dark shamans, including the little fox. When he came out, he knew how to repeat it.” Obviously I have heard the call, how do I turn it on?"

That night, I heard that after the old lion suffered numerous attacks on the auction house, he moved directly to the military camp, but he still suffered more than thirty thieves, five army mutinies, and four raids by other dungeon masters...

That night, it is said that countless dungeon masters began to rush to Vitan, preparing to attend the auction in 30 days. Of course, those who acted with them were not their army.

That night, it is said that all the necromancers and thieves started to go crazy, and the passage to Vitan was filled with all kinds of dangerous elements. At the same time, someone passed on information that in the underground passage, they saw the undead monarch from the ground world. .

I heard that the next day, the old lion turned white, and the man was ten years old...

And I, looking at the slightly pale sky, waiting for the dawn.

"The wind is finally up, but this is just the beginning."