The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 46: greedy


Green is the lord of the city, but since the city and the surrounding four dungeons are in a state of war all the year round, he spends at least half of the time on the battlefield every year.

He was obviously just an ordinary human with a small stature. The gray heavy armor more than two meters high covered everything. Outside the weird bird helmet, he could only vaguely see two bright eyes.

Even though he was entrusted by his father and came to the Vitan, who had a promise of no battle, he still did not hesitate to bring his full armor. The rice spear, the double swords on his waist, and the dwarf musket are all in the most convenient position.

The little prince, who had survived dozens of times on the battlefield, was used to being in a state of readiness forever.

"Prince Green, in fact, you don't need to be so vigilant at all, and there is no need for your attendants to put up a battle formation. This is Vitan, a platinum city full of gold, and there is no infinite war like your hometown."

The goblin businessman Shiros who accompanied him was a little helpless. He had already regretted his coveting the commission fee, and easily accepted the commission to bring Prince Green to Vitan to rush to the covenant. Along the way, he had had enough of the prince's hypersensitivity and war. syndrome.

It's no wonder that Siroth is upset. It's enough to bury a circle of goblin mines in the camp. As for dragging mines in the camp, okay, so you'll be safe, but you're on your own bed again. Put a dummy, what does it mean to sleep in a tree

Every morning when the caravan set off, it would take half an hour to find you, but it was hard to find you, and you had to be careful not to get hurt by the traps.

"You fell asleep. The sentinel on duty at night kindly helped you build a blanket, and was almost cut by you. You are too nervous. I know your hometown is not stable, but when you get here, you can feel at ease. There is no war here. !"

Half-paid, the steel can stretched out his index finger, shook it in the air, and put it to his mouth.

"… the smell of gunpowder, lie down!!"

Then, the steel giant fell directly to the ground, and his followers immediately fell down at the same time.

", it's safe here..." The goblin's scream was still in his ears, and two crimson brilliance whizzed past it. The deadly heat wave almost evaporated it directly, and then the flames began to extend. , The buildings not far away were completely turned into a sea of fire.

"Dragon Breath!! It should be an adult red dragon, prepare for battle!"

Green immediately acted with his entourage, and began to lay temporary positions, set up shelters with carry-on luggage, and assemble dragon spears... As soon as he entered Vitan City, he enjoyed such treatment, and the goblin Silos was completely dumbfounded.

But at this moment, it is not the time to stand in a daze. The next moment, the two red dragons whizzed past their heads, indicating that they were involved in an extremely terrifying war.

And then, a deadly black brilliance cut through the sky. One of the red dragons didn't even say a word.


The minced meat and dragon blood were smashed directly in front of him, and the goblin businessman who lowered his hands and held his head, could no longer say the promise that this was a safe zone.

Immediately, another red dragon seemed to have seen some terrible nightmare, and fled directly, but the red light beam, which was almost the same as the black light just now, directly penetrated its head, blood splashed everywhere, and the headless dragon corpse turned into a Meteor falls.


Silos' scream was still out, but it was pushed back by a big steel hand, while Green looked at the sea of fire tremblingly. A natural sense of warning.

In the sea of fire created by the dragon's breath, a slow-moving behemoth was marching slowly as if no one else was around, and the surrounding orc soldiers who tried to stop him were as small as ants in front of it.

It is more than thirty meters high, and the hooves of eight huge bone pillars are as solid and heavy as steel towers. Every time it travels, it causes earthquakes in the surrounding houses.

The skeleton monster has three heads, all bone skeletons, a giant skull, a sheep-headed demon, and a bone dragon. The sheep-headed devil's head is surrounded by black light, and the flames of the bone dragon's mouth are still lingering, and now , the Giant Skull seemed to have ended his long chant, and it was its turn to perform.

"Polar Storm, Giant Icefield."

Under the secret spell of the frost giant, snowflakes fell, the ground froze, and the vast ice field came to reality. The legendary home of the frost giant was summoned here. Frozen and died in a large area without resistance.

"Clinsp, the evil beast of bones, the most dangerous skeleton monster in the world, the sixth consul of the Shiro Empire!! Why is it here!!"

This vicious fighting form is the best business card of the Undead Monarch.

It seems to be moving slowly, but it is actually an illusion caused by its huge size. After a few seconds, the three-headed skeletal demon has come to the front. The head of the giant even glanced at them, but looked at the heavily guarded Green and his guards. , but only moved his chin contemptuously, without stopping.

"Boom!" "Boom!" Amid the explosions and earthquakes, Clingspo moved to the next target.

"… was ignored."

"I was let go!! Hurry up!!"

In the distance was the sound of orc catapults ejecting. This one-man war against a legion continued. No one wanted to become cannon fodder inexplicably, but Siroth dragged Prince Green to escape.

More than ten minutes later, the people in the Black Iron City who had successfully escaped were gasping for breath on the street, but the old goblin had already figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

"His Royal Highness, it seems that there are still three weeks left. The legendary Scepter of Eternal Night will be auctioned here, so the undead monarch on the surface will snatch it. Hehe, our luck is really bad enough, but don't worry, we just entered It is the East Gate, the Beast Emperor's territory, and now the scepter is in his hands, so we will be involved in trouble. The rest of Vitan City is safe, you can rest assured."

Green looked at the goblin silently, and then pointed to its back, where a group of beasts was whizzing past, knocking over countless passers-by along the way, setting off countless vendors.

The one who led the way on the head of the rhino was a half-dragon hunter, and behind him were countless pursuers.

"Bastard, you actually opened all the animal pens in the zoo and Druid territory, you have eaten too much!"

"You are an old veterinarian, please return my pet!! Liar!!"

"...Xiaoxue, don't be sad, I know that your husband is sad. You see, I'm not very strong, and I look like your husband? Accept me as your alpha wolf, and I will treat your sisters well... "The expression and actions of this digging are extremely sincere, which is quite touching, but the person he is talking to is a female wolf, and the harem he wants to take over is a pack of wolves...

The stunned goblin took a long time to recover, wiped the sweat from his head, and said.

"Hehe, then there are a few liars and villains. Our luck is really bad, but most of the city is still safe."

Green shook his head, but pointed to the other side.

Where, there is a group of villains surrounding the two elf girls, it seems that they are planning to do something. In the chaotic underground world, there are too many such things. Old Sir Ross shook his head, not planning to control it, nor had the strength to control it.

"It's a pity, these two should be aristocratic young ladies who sneaked away from home. They're so beautiful they've never been seen before. It's a pity."

But at the next moment, he seemed to remember that Green's strength was not bad, and he should be able to save people. The old goblin looked over with anticipation, but the other party shook his head.

"…too many people, traps, and bait for men."

The stunned Shiroth looked back, the trap had come to close the net, and a group of dark elf female knights suddenly came out from the corner.

"Curse: Conviction"

"Curse: Conviction"

Immediately, the result of fishing law enforcement was a lot of popularity, but the target of the fair knights was the most popular group, and they must have committed other evil deeds in addition to their intention to commit a crime.

"Big... big harvest, I said it was a good idea to use Kroos and Victoria as bait, look, you are all dressed as dancers, you can catch seven or eight in a circle, they don't make up, they don't wink, they just Shopping with your head down, it’s three or four hundred. Look, those well-dressed and well-dressed, but bright red, must be high-level liars and villains.”

"The law and order in this place is really bad, there are bastards everywhere... The criminal in front stopped me, you are all red and purple, but you dare to slip, count to three and stop for the old lady, otherwise the old lady will behead you, 1... Still dare Run, watch me smashing shoes, oh, wrong, smashing evil, wrong again... slaying crime!!"

"Hmph, to be honest, it's really sad to lose to men over femininity, but I'm not at all sad to lose to the number one beauty in justice, Coros and Victoria, you've seen more beautiful and feminine than them. Is it a woman? By the way, this time it must be the record for the most arrests, who is the record for the least? Say it and let’s have fun together.”

"Deputy Yawen, 1, Captain Diana, 0. As expected of our eldest sister, she is full of masculinity. Those young people dare not step aside."

"...Pfft, it's really miserable, Momo has sixteen, the eldest sister is always scary with a straight face, plus the legendary deterrence and epic weapons, this result is also normal. The worst is the second sister, who speaks like a man , He also looks a bit like a man. No wonder the so-called 'knife is my friend'. It turns out to be an alternative saying that there is no suitor. By the way, this joke is good, go back and tell everyone, it is better to be alone than to be happy. ah."

"Momo... Yawen's deputy team is behind you."

"Ali, you are cheating on me again!! Second sister, am I joking? Laugh, laugh. What are you doing with a knife!"

Looking at the female knights with silver lights on their bodies, the old goblins were frightened enough. This is clearly the power of order. Could it be that there are paladins even among the evil dark elves, but the holy light should be golden? , this is too subversive.

But obviously, these knights are different from ordinary paladins. They actually ignore the demons and necromancers on the roadside. This is the mortal enemy that ordinary paladins will fight to the end once they meet.

This time, even the old goblin could only mutter to himself.

"The change is too fast. It seems that there are many new residents. However, at least the goblins are still normal."

This time, Green just pointed to one side, where the gnomes and goblins were debugging a rocket car with a huge rocket thruster strapped to the back. This harmonious scene seemed like a bolt from the blue in the eyes of Siroth.

"What a joke!! Goblin actually cooperates with Leprosy Shorty, those traitors of goblin, let old Siroth show you a good look."

But he was about to come forward to provoke him, but he was held back by his companions... Fortunately, he was held back. As soon as the rocket car set off, it began to float up, floated over the heads of everyone, turned directly into a meteor, and flew directly to the top of the rock wall.

Then, with a loud bang, it turned into a fireworks.

"...It's because the stupid cow is too heavy, which caused us to increase the horsepower too high, and instead fly, we need a lightweight test object, uh, no, the driver."

"Rowy, this time. Shouldn't you show your goblins' sacrifice at all costs for the advancement of engineering?"

"My survival is my greatest contribution to goblin engineering... Where can I find a silly goblin? Oh, oh, my friend. Are you interested in a goblin rocket car?"

Obviously, if he nods his head at this time, Shiroth has been a businessman for thirty years in vain.

After finally getting rid of the difficult goblin engineer, old Seaross looked tired, sitting on the steps smoking a dry cigarette.

"The world is changing too fast, maybe it's just a bunch of crazy people stripping naked and running around..."

The Storm Eagle and his clansmen ran past the eyes of the crowd. They came quietly, walked quietly, waved softly, and said goodbye to the audience who exclaimed. They didn't take away a cloud or leave behind... They didn't have anything. Wear, what can you leave behind

The old goblin rubbed his eyes, a little demented.

"Unbelievable, what to say. Can we still meet the consul of the undead empire?"

Not far away, the sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded...

"Adam, do you feel that we have been looking for a week, is the emperor really in this city?"

"Dad is here, Adam is sure!"

Two undead consuls rode by on bone horses...

"Black-eyed, white-eyed, it's the Queen of the Bone Dragon!!! Wait, I wouldn't be surprised even if the Titan passed in front of me..."

"Clap!!" After the loud noise, the tea stall in front of him turned into a flat ground, and a huge metal titan whizzed past everyone. Behind the big robot, the huge "Roland Titan" was shining.

"I… "

"Shut up." This time, even the indifferent Green couldn't stand the old goblin's crow...

"Thanks to those troublesome spirits, most of the attention was drawn away. Our private communication with other dungeon masters went very smoothly. There are already 27 dungeons willing to support us at the alliance meeting. In the afternoon, we will also conduct Three contacts, among them, the underground overlord Elul, you must meet in person, and there is a prince named Green, who is quite famous and has clearly expressed his goodwill to us, you'd better meet in person."

I nodded to show my approval. It was also time to meet Elul in person. It is said that the city of black iron is also a multi-racial city.

Within a week of entering the city, there was a live demonstration by the Dark Elf Knights. The power of the law has undoubtedly become a rare treasure in the eyes of the dungeon master. Using this as a stepping stone, our covenant diplomacy has been quite smooth.

Seeing that I agreed, Eliza continued her debriefing.

"In a week, the Lion King's Mansion was demolished twelve times, and now there are no buildings, there is only one sinkhole. The latest news, Ciro's sixth consul, Clingspo, appeared, and his old partner' The Rotten Ant-Lord' Ramsden should be here too."

"Has the Undead Monarch fought against the underground overlord?"

"There is no direct confrontation. It seems that the two sides are still testing. Clingspo demolished two barracks and one street in the orc area, but only Moriel's red dragon shot, and two underage dragons, so... "

"Have you been killed in seconds? It's normal. Clingspu is the last generation of undead left by the battle of gods. He has always been ambitious and has been staring at the position of the undead emperor for a long time, but it is really difficult to deal with. However, his temptation should have been received. As a result, the scepter is in the hand of the dragon queen, so Moriel is willing to send the little dragon as cannon fodder."

"We seem to be reassessing the relationship between the Dragon Queen and the Lion King, and we are willing to hand over the scepter to the other party for research..."

"Hehe, it seems that their alliance is indeed stronger than we thought. Hahaha, don't worry, everything is under control!"

I laughed wildly, but Eliza hesitated.

"Master... I don't know if I should say something."

"Am I stingy? But it doesn't matter!"

"We're out of money. If you don't think about it, we might live on the street."


Hearing this, I was surprised. I remembered that the funds should have been sufficient when I came, at least enough for us to live here for three years.

"You told those guys that you can call for support, but they did. They called for support more than 60 times this week. The consumption of magic stones, the replacement of machine parts, and even the purchase of new machines, all It's a lot of money, and it's all outside the budget."

I nodded and approved Eliza's report and the excess expenditure. I didn't expect to prepare so many 'Roland' before, but now it is normal to overspend, plus engineering is burning money, and that big guy just It burns more money, and it is true that the funds are insufficient so soon.

"Hehe, fortunately, I've already made preparations. Come here and let me introduce you to my new baby! It's called greed, so cute!"

On the test table, it was a transparent vial in which a strange viscous liquid was boiling. It seemed to intend to break through the seal of the bottle mouth, but was reflected by the electric shock sealed on the bottle mouth.

"Really... Really disgusting!! It's white and sticky, and it really is the same thing as what your head uses to think." Eliza said without hesitation with a look of disgust.

It is nothing more than laughing at me for thinking with my lower body. This level of poisonous tongue has happened countless times after my treasures were exposed. I was already numb, but smiled proudly.

"That's why you don't know its magic. Don't look at it's small size, as long as it integrates into the underground water veins of this city, it will reproduce itself crazily and change into countless clones. In just a few hours, this milky white Slay Mu will fill the entire city's plumbing and water systems..."

"It's even more disgusting!!! Please stop talking! What are you going to do!"

"Hmph, ignorant, it is called greed, it will instinctively look for gold coins, then swallow the gold coins and bring them back to the mother body, so that we will not be short of money!"

As a rule of thumb, even if there is a finale, the auction will bring out at least a few pieces of the same level to the market. I don’t expect to encounter another artifact, but as long as the Lion King doesn’t plan to lose face, the auction will definitely be There will be other goodies.

Thinking of the upcoming auction, I plan to raise more money to buy some souvenirs, and last time I just dreamed of Adam's manufacturing experience, so I turned my attention to the best undead creation.

And the current greed is the result of this week's hard work.

[Xenogeneic Slime: Greedy Race: Undead Slime All Attributes 1 Race Ability: Devouring Reserves, Secreting Fiber Decomposition Liquid, Rapid Self-replication System Evaluation: Extremely dangerous, please destroy the mother as soon as possible. If this thing is out of control, don’t say this Cities, entire underground worlds will disappear. By the way, please stop creating things, your talent is completely wrong in this respect, keep going, you can destroy the whole world without waiting for catastrophe.]

Seems contradictory? Obviously, such a waste of ability will actually make the system fear it.

It is an existence between life and death, and for living things, the simpler the need, the more powerful the desire. This greed represents the endless greed. In my setting , precious metals such as gold coins and mithril are the meaning of their existence.

The simpler the creature, the easier it is to replicate. The replication of a single cell consumes very little. It will copy itself frantically according to the creator's settings, and then steal gold coins. Treasure house, corrode sacks full of treasures and seize gold coins and precious metals.

However, I can also understand the system's concerns. If the "greed" really gets out of control, as long as it is replicated to a certain extent, countless slimes can still occupy all the living space, leaving people nowhere to live.

Provided, of course, that unlimited copying…

"Look, this jar is its mother, I only release one tenth, their reproductive capacity and size will also be limited to one tenth, and their lifespan will also be limited, and they will all be released within two days. Death is nothing more than a gold coin thief at most."

While explaining, I carefully poured "greed" into the sewer, and suddenly, a gust of wind blew, inexplicably, my nose that I didn't feel felt itchy.

"Ah... sneeze, who is thinking of me!?"


Eliza's exclamation brought me back to my senses, but at this moment, half of the "greedy" mother body has entered the sewers, and soon, following the complete drainage system of this ancient city of thousands of miles, it is combined with the underground water veins. Once it replicates itself, it quickly fills the city.

"…Don't worry, there's still half of it, that 'greed' will be a little bit stronger than expected."

"How much stronger? Will it hurt people?"

"If it's five times larger than the design, it's probably a little bigger than a person. According to their intelligent settings, they will change the attack mode, maybe swallow a person, melt his clothes, and take away his metal. Attack mode... don't worry, I have set it up, 'greed' will never hurt any life, it will go away after eating clothes."

"Eat the clothes? The whole city?" A terrifying picture appeared in Eliza's mind. Countless Storm Eagles and Snowhoofs were dancing in circles, and more and more perversions spread...

"Master!! Please study the way to eradicate this demon as soon as possible!!"