The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 52: Tragedy


"Give it back to me, this is my belt!!! Woo... Woo! I've sacrificed everything for it, why should I take away my last hope." The dark elf girl had already cried to tears, but He still hugged Koros's waist tightly, tears had already wet the other's chest.

"Let it go!" Koros himself wanted to cry without tears. He obviously just picked up a belt from a "son of greed", and he just tried it to see how beautiful it was. Why did he get such a result.

The colleagues in the four halls and one courtyard next to them all looked at Kroos with sympathy on their faces... Well, let's ignore the strange curvature of the corners of some people's mouths and the slobber, and treat it as sympathy.

"You took away my last hope, I... I fought with you." Victoria, who was still underage, raised her small fists, intending to die with Koros.

"I... I'm worse than you, and I still have a fiancée!! I plan to go back to my hometown and get married in more than 50 years! Uuuuuuu."

Thinking of the childhood sweethearts of his hometown, finally, Koros, who was already a little weak, also slumped on the ground and shed tears.

"Uuu... why are we so unlucky. We should be men obviously."

Seeing Koros, who was connected to the same fate, Victoria's small fist finally put it down. In the end, the ill-fated two "girls" hugged and cried together.

I shook my head helplessly. Although it wasn't me doing it on purpose, it really had something to do with me. Perhaps, it was time to find a way to end this farce.

"Actually, necromantic spells in this world are much more effective than plastic surgery and surgery. Organ transplants are not even minor operations. If they don't recommend using other people's organs. Otherwise, ask them if I can help them do it. Minor surgery."

In the end, I gave up this method of treating the symptoms and the root causes. I always felt that once I said it, not only would I be beaten, but the few remaining integrity and dignity would be wiped out.

"Let's find another way..."

At this time, the system jumped out to brush its presence and seek trouble.

"Ding! First... Well, the system doesn't remember how many people have been unlucky because of this, but I can't even watch the system, so I'll give you a reward. The honorary title of reward: Natural Disaster Star, equipped with the passive skill Plague God Halo. This title cannot be hidden and turned off, and the halo is permanently turned on.”

"Born Calamity: In daily life, you always see other people's unlucky appearance, and even, you have begun to feel that it is the normal state of the world. But finally one day, you realize that you are the source of their unlucky! Equipment After Charisma -10, the attack power of small animals against you triples."

"Halo of Plague God: I don't know why, your pets always die inexplicably, and the people you meet will always be unlucky. If someone feels that everything is going well and has no fear, or someone feels that they can't be miserable any more , then, he must have not met you yet."

"Halo effect: Hidden attribute luck increases by 10%, yes, it increases, you read that right, but as long as there is a chance of bad luck, even if the chance is only 1%, someone is destined to be unlucky. The lower the luck value, the easier it is to be hit, If no one else is unlucky, then the unlucky person is you! PS. The halo effect is invalid for the spearmen and heroines of Korean dramas, why? Do you know that the halo of the same effect cannot be superimposed? In terms of bad luck, their' spearmen and supporting roles are doomed to tragedy Halo' is much more powerful than your Plague God halo!"

"Now I understand why I gave you a lucky value. Let's find some hapless lightning rods."

What is it that the system thinks you are a disaster star, I know it.

The negative effect of minus 10 charms, judging from my charm value of minus 88, actually doesn't make any sense. Anyway, you can scare people to death with your face, so there's not much difference between scaring a few to death and scaring dozens to death.

However, this is the first time I know that there is a so-called luck value in this world... Inexplicable, I feel that even if the system does not display it, my luck value is absolutely amazingly low.

But right now, I am a little interested in the halo of the God of Plague. The strong must learn to make good use of all the factors that can be used, even if the factors seem to be very tricky and spoofed, maybe the precious gem raw ore is hidden in the small roadside. among the stones.

"Is the lower the luck value, the easier it is to be hit? Then... try it."

Picked up three small stones at random, then picked one, and threw it into the air downwind.

The first one just flew halfway, the wind blew away, and it crossed a beautiful parabola. With a "bang", it just hit the Roland II, which was being repaired, and then slipped along the body of the big robot.

"Clang, clang, clang." After continuous ejection, it finally found its target.

"Ah! It hurts!!! Who is it, who is it, so uncivilized!!" The stone just hit the centaur Anlia, who had been hired as a cook, and then slipped down...

"Ahhh. Anlia's soup!! Ahh. My plate! No, that vase is expensive. Uncle Henry in the kitchen will kill me!!"

The stones swayed back and forth in the various porcelains, and after the crisp sound of "pop, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang", after Anlia's hurried rescue, they all turned into pieces.

In fact, I can see clearly that if she doesn't move, at most one plate will be smashed, but she runs around on all fours, clumsily trying to grab the stone, turning over countless tables along the way, plates and other china Broken.

"Has the lowest lucky value appeared? Poor child, I hope your first month's salary is enough for you to pay."

Shaking my head sympathetically, looking at the figure holding the broken plate and trying to put it together, and the ghost behind him, I decided to help her.

"That, Diana, go and help Anlia, Beifeng stared at her, was laughing at the windowsill, don't let him succeed. Don't give me face, beat to death, don't be afraid to kill, gold-level hunters are very strong ."

Well, watch the city management team set off. At this time, the last one in luck is undoubtedly the hapless centaur Anlia who lost countless jobs because of our arrival.

"Second..." After hesitating for a moment, I finally decided to try it.

This time, even though it was windy, the stone was strangely standing still, and it went straight up and down.

"Could it be me..."

When it was about to reach my head, the wind came and fluttered with the wind, but it just hit the head of some unlucky guy.

"Ah, it hurts!"

The unlucky Victoria happened to be hit, and the small stone fell directly into her long hair. Victoria, who was very uncomfortable, shook her head vigorously, and the stone also flew out.

"Boom." It was the crunchy sound of a meat egg being smashed lightly, and the thing that should not have existed was rippling under the impact of external force. Under the turbulent waves, the shirt that had collapsed to its limit was finally reimbursed, and the snow-white big white rabbit was finally reimbursed. Jumping out, while being ambiguous, Koros blushed immediately.

It's not over yet...

"Ah ah ah!" Amid the exclamations of the surrounding satyrs, the stone went straight down the river, dropped into his pants, and slid under it. At that moment, Koros burst into tears again.

"Don't move, sister, I'll help you get it." Because of the similar fate and the "sister" relationship who had just formed a solid revolutionary friendship, Victoria took the initiative to reach into the other's pants to find it.

"Don't!!" But at this time, Koros had already become a frightened bird. The unfamiliar touch of her thigh made her tremble and even fear. She quickly grabbed the evil hand that was trying to do evil. Finally, the two "sisters" competed for "hand-to-hand combat", especially It was the shirt that Kroos had spread out, making the surrounding wolves excited and howling.

Well, you can take care of your own mistakes, it's too dangerous to continue like this.

I would say that the scene of the two super beauties leaking in spring made me also have the urge to scream in the sky.

"Yawen, take those bastards with excessive androgen secretion... to the kitchen for cleaning."

In the distance, the city officials were beating Beifeng who was trying to "hunt", while on the side, Anlia apologized to Henry, the kitchen chef, while picking up the pieces.

Well, in fact, worried that she would be fired again, she was in a panic, and she continued to destroy the kitchen by herself.

"Crack!" "Why is it broken again!! Anlia really didn't mean it, uncle don't fire me!! Anlia will work hard to clean it up. Ah, why is it broken again."

"Come on. Before that stupid centaur destroys all the utensils for dinner tonight!"

Well, two stones have set off a bloody storm in another sense. Looking at the last stone in the palm of my hand, I shuddered. Perhaps, this small stone is more dangerous than my meticulously crafting the Eternal Night Scepter.

"Well, is Victoria or Kroos second? Forget it, it's almost there, let's tie for second. Since there are already three lightning rods, as long as they are around, I can rest assured about the effect of the halo of the god of plague. No, lightning rods This kind of thing, the more the better.”

I made up my mind to continue, and this time, in order not to affect the people around me, I attached magic to it to make it fly far away.

"Go, my mine detector, and see who's the next unlucky one!!"

But as soon as the stone flew out, no shadow could be seen, and it actually floated up straight downwind. Then, a roar came down from the clouds.

"It was that bastard who threw things and smashed people!! I ¥%¥… ¥”

Well, it's Xiaohong's voice. She has been beaten up a few times by someone recently. She has not been able to find her way back after suffering a loss. She is very angry.

"Is it Xiaohong? Isn't she always lucky? Hehe, it seems that this thing can't be done accurately."

"Sure enough, you bastard!! It's all your fault that I've been so unlucky recently! How dare you provoke me! Watch me top the mountain!!"

Well, looking at the expanding shadow above my head and the apparently angry growl, I revised my judgment.

"Oh, it turns out that the third is me. Well, at least have a lightning rod by your side in the future."

Cough... How I managed to escape from chaos afterward, let's not talk about it for the time being. After this incident, I made up my mind to bring at least one person with a lower luck value than me.

Afterwards, looking at Victoria and Kroos, who acted as lightning rods and helped me prevent a lot of disasters, I felt a little uneasy. In the end, I just found a solution that could only be said to be reluctant.

"Men Drowning Spring." A magical spring in an old comic, it can turn a woman into a peculiar physique. As long as it is dipped in hot water, she will become a man, and if it encounters cold water, she will become a girl again.

In order to draw this otherworldly treasure, I spent a lot of points and several months of lottery chances, and finally got what I wanted, but...

There is only one copy of the male drowning fountain...

At that time, Chloe and Victoria, who had become closer than their own sisters, fought for the chance of the incomplete man. In the end, under the influence of a certain plague halo, the spring water hit a hapless man who happened to pass by. body...
