The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 837: A never-ending adventure


"The day before yesterday, the 32nd batch of overseas delegations completed their rotation. After a regular intelligence report, it was determined that the situation mentioned in the 'agreement' was basically true. The countries finally reached a preliminary agreement on joining the Overwatch Agreement."

The cessation of the war did not make the new things during the war die out. The Goblin's war intelligence organization, under the needs of various ethnic groups, quickly became a huge media empire after the war.

Different from the previous world news only obtained from the intelligence agencies of various countries, now people can enjoy the enjoyment of drinking tea and reading newspapers while criticizing the inefficiency of the government for a little bit of money.

"Forty-six years have passed since the Watch Association initiated the invitation to the initial determination of the intention to sign the contract (another generation has passed for human beings), people can't help but lament the huge differences between our ethnic groups and countries, the difficulty of reaching an agreement, and the fact that The sad administrative efficiency (the elf empire said that this efficiency is outrageous, the world has become too fast to accept it, let us consider it for another fifty years if possible), it really is the fault of the racial joint consultation mechanism that prevails in the bureaucracy …”

Katarina put down the black crow current affairs in her hands and shook her head. The previous statement was a bit reliable, but the latter was full of attacks and criticisms of the "joint consultation" mechanism, full of dissatisfaction with the current situation.

If this is the case, it is enough to repeatedly attack the Lan Alliance and leaders, the advocates of "Lianxing", and say that there are conspiracies and transactions in it. It seems that the rumors that the gold masters behind the current government are those old nobles of the previous dynasty are really there. Several copies of credibility.

"Looks like I'm going to mention it to Sister Renee... Forget it, given how pervasive their Lan Alliance special attacks are, I thought they already knew, maybe they've already controlled the current affairs editorial department, and they're fishing with their left hands and right hands. "

The open world view brought by not being in the untouchable external world brings ideological changes far better than material changes. New words and new concepts such as "fishing", "anti-pretend loyalty", and "high-level black" are not uncommon. .

In particular, as one of the senior members of the revival country of sages and engineers, Katarina, who has obtained the ancient heritage of the Tower of Babel, often has technical exchanges with external civilizations, and has been touched a lot. The achievements of the sage civilization in artificial souls were top-notch even in the multiverse.

Although the history of its establishment is very short, the new country Martell is indeed a small country among small countries in terms of geographical area, but as the holy land of the increasingly prosperous magic mechanics and engineering, countless engineers and magic scholars flock to At the technical level and in the academic field, it is already a big country comparable to the country of mages.

For more than 30 years, under the pretext of better adapting to world changes, connecting with the outside world, and eliminating war, the Northern Lantern League has launched a multi-ethnic and multi-country joint consultation mechanism, "give all countries and races a place to sit down and talk instead of confrontation. The opportunity to cut” has won the support of major powers such as San Antonio, Oran, and Bayer. After so many years of development, it has become more and more like a coalition government.

Undoubtedly, this has made it a lot more convenient for foreign civilizations to deal with Ashe, and it has also made Ashe's world a lot more peaceful, but there are always people who are still dissatisfied, such as the old and young of the previous dynasty (Sacred Light Dynasty), such as unable to As in the past, a regional power that assumes a dominant position and does whatever it wants to its subordinate countries, such as a small country that was fed soft nails by big hooligans in the "joint business".

But in general, the past 50 years have been a peaceful and prosperous age, which is rare in history. It is something that I never dared to think about before, to be able to fight less wars and use human resources and resources to farm and improve life.

Some things are already in front of us, and it is not because the modern people are more noble than the ancients, and they love peace more, it is nothing more than the impression of two factors, internal and external.

The external factor is the opening of the door of the plane. Although the civilization outside the territory has always maintained a posture of restraint and non-interference in internal affairs, more and more news from the outside world has also been passed back. Existence, ensuring sufficient force, technological achievements and overall strength are the foundation for civilization to be based on the multiverse.

Only when there is pressure can there be motivation, and there are external threats, which makes the Ashe tribes more united and harmonious... Recently, even the lords in the abyss have begun to prepare to join the "joint consultation mechanism", which makes people feel that the world is changing too fast. .

And the internal cause that promotes all of this is naturally the underworld side that is more and more surfaced.

The fall of the God of Light has exposed the most powerful gods in the past. The world was surprised to find that when the Lord of Light was not there, the God of Light could not find a second Lord God. .

During that period of waiting for the "Final Judgment", the priesthood of the God of Light was replaced by Estrada, the four-pillared underworld, and the "mortal possessions" of the mortal world were also replaced.

Once something is lost, it is impossible to regain it, especially when Estrada quickly became the second main god on the underworld side. After making the doctrine of pure holy light the canon of holy light, the gap in strength widened and the foundation of faith was lost. , the Holy Light divine system that lost the God King is naturally marginalized.

And it is precisely this relatively moderated new Holy Light system that acts in many ways behind the scenes, so that the multi-ethnic coexistence joint consultation mechanism has been successfully accepted by the world.

It can be said that people with discerning eyes can see that under the current general situation, it is an irresistible historical tide to replace the overly hawkish Holy Light side with the relatively relaxed Hades side.

Another consequence of "regeneration" involves the evaluation of historical figures... historical heroes and sinners.

The newly born Lord of Light, Estrada, was the first to be rejected. After all, he has become the new God of Light. In addition, he has not smeared for a long time and his past reputation. "The most powerful and pure human being , Guardian of the Light" signboard is not difficult to re-hang.

However, when time exposed the truth to the world, the historical evaluation of two people caused widespread controversy... or a pair of brothers.

Roland Lan, the founder of the Lan Alliance, the initiator of the pure holy light doctrine, the heir of the way of guardianship, the chief architect of the underworld, and... the Eternal Night King who almost destroyed the world!

Cavens Lan, the god of the abyss, a reckless egoist, nothing else is controversial, but he opened the gate of the crystal wall for his own selfishness... Standing in these fifty years to see this historical event, how do you see it? a good thing.

Roland Lan, however, tried his best to prevent the door from opening, and he almost succeeded. Even though he was well-intentioned back then, he was indeed hindering the progress of history.

"A good intention does bad things, and a bad intention does good things. It's really hard to tell right from wrong."

"Without Cavens opening the door, various races are still fighting for their living space and dominance. Even with the suppression of the forces of the underworld, the war for survival opportunities is still impossible to stop."

"... This is an afterthought. Without the sacrifice of the previous Lord of Light, Carolan, and without the civilization that he brought in to guard the agreement in advance, the endless extraterritorial wolves would enjoy this opening feast first. Can Ashe survive it? It's hard to say."

"On the top floor, is it possible to evaluate the cause and effect of historical figures just because of the results? According to this analysis, isn't Cavens, who does all evil, a hero who saves the world? He obviously has no good intentions, is it because If the result is good, can those evil deeds be forgiven?"

"... I think it's ok. History doesn't have ifs. If the results are good, everything will be fine. And it's not been decrypted. Cavens really didn't feel at ease back then, but the rest of his team fought for their ideals... "

Since the information of the two brothers was decrypted more than 30 years ago, the dispute has never stopped, and the fact that the two brothers are too strong to be killed by reincarnation, and they are still serving their sentences in purgatory in the underworld, has also made many neutral bystanders trust the underworld more. On the side of the insistence on law and justice.

"Even the founders of the underworld and the law will be judged after death, so there should be no need to question the rigor and authenticity of the law of God."

Recalling the various disputes in the past when Gemini was mentioned, Katarina shook her head helplessly. Fifty years have passed, but the memory of the past is not blurred at all. She thinks of the man who made her teeth itch. While serving her sentence in purgatory, Katerina has some inexplicable regret and heartache.

"... The most powerful god, Eliza, made a public statement. If the underworld does not release Roland Lan's soul within three months, the fourth underworld war is just around the corner. Amyla, the mother goddess of wood spirits, expressed her second opinion and will definitely participate in the war... Come again. already."

This is not the first time that this powerless declaration of war has been declared. As two of the most powerful main gods in this world, Eliza and Amira have been trying to rescue Roland from the underworld who is serving his sentence in purgatory.

At present, only Ayer and Estrada are the real main gods of the four pillar gods of the underworld. However, both of them have a special relationship with Roland, and they can't deal with Eliza. Had a headache on the Hades side.

But it was decided not to let people go, not to mention the devastating consequences of this to the law of God, even the one who was serving his sentence, also insisted that he was not willing to leave... Is this guy in prison for being addicted

On the other hand, Katerina learned from her own intelligence that during the third Hades battle five years ago, Eliza had a chance to break the kingdom of the dead, but she did not choose to destroy Hades to save that person. Perhaps, that's because the underworld is that person's lifelong pursuit and achievement.

Shaking his head, he tossed aside the infiltrating advertisement of "Friend, do you know Beifeng? Welcome to join the interplanetary Beifeng Sect", although in a sense, this legendary half-dragon hunter has become a multiverse The legend of his, his church has appeared in countless worlds, and the teaching of "true love knows no bounds" has attracted countless waves.

It is said that in those days, when he traveled alone in Outland, he also pulled out a powerful team to help save Ashe, but due to some reasons, such as passing by the planet of the Beastmaster, the rise of the Planet of the Apes, and so on, he was finally a step behind, Didn't come in handy.

And because of his "excessive activity" in the multiverse, more and more Ashes are embarrassed to admit that he is also from Ashe. For today's Ashes, if an outsider says "You know sadness" The wind?", that was definitely a face-to-face humiliation, and it must have been a group in the end... Except for those cultists of Beifeng God Sect.

Katerina shook her head, throwing aside the terrible cases and dirty news she had just recalled, but in front of her was a wanted list that made people laugh and cry.

"Wanted Order: Adam Han, a vagabond red-haired idiot, with very stupid and road-crazy features, an irresponsible person who said 'I want to see the outside world' and left his wife and daughter, if anyone met, You can contact the Speaker Margaret of the Kingdom of Mage, and you must be very grateful. PS: It doesn't matter if you live or die, you can kill him if you can."

Katerina played with the wanted order in her hand and looked at the red-haired swordsman in the shadows who was looking down at the map with a half-smile.

"... You are capable of making the good-tempered Margaret so angry. But according to the time, you should have been outside the realm long ago. Why did you come to me to open the door for you?"

Hearing this, the red-haired swordsman fell silent, but he knew the reason from the trembling arms holding the map... This guy turned the map upside down again!

"I... As an adventurer, I want to go out and see the endless world outside. Such a small Ashe can no longer satisfy me."

"... Really not to escape the responsibility of the chief warrior of the dungeon-state union and the husband of the speaker of the country of mages?"

Adam was silent, and big drops of sweat kept falling. After so many years, he still wouldn't lie.

"Actually, I got news that that person will be reincarnated in the outside world soon, and he may need help..."

"...And then you two continue to be lawless together? Count me in, but it looks like I can't do it now..."

The voice from outside the door was so familiar, Adam was overjoyed immediately, this is the long-appointed traveler.

"Little Hong, I knew you would come..."

But the voice became smaller and smaller, and then even the body froze, because behind the figure was a more familiar person.

"… go home."

Margaret, who was holding the little red-haired girl's hand, was much kinder, but the smiling eyes that swept across made Adam want to run away.

"... Eliza has already designed it. After Roland is able to play around again for at least ten years, let's go home first."

She originally planned to meet her with a bang, and glanced at the pleading little girl, Margaret sighed helplessly, and finally decided to have good things to say and take care of this bastard man when she got home.

"At least stay with Lisa for a few years, and when she grows up, it will be almost... OK? Darling?"

Looking at Margaret, who has rarely softened, what can Adam, who is more and more strict with his wife, say anything, nod and agree.

"The adventure isn't over, it's just... take a break first."