The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 839: New beginning


When it comes to the memories of youth, probably everyone has memories of one kind or another. Some memories make people smile when they look back on them, some green memories make people sigh, and some people feel flushed when they think of them. Find a mouthful of water to drink.

And for someone, today is a special day, and he doesn't know whether what he did today is a super dark history that will beat his head on the table once he remembers it, or the beginning of a sweet memory that will be unforgettable. .

"I like you, please be my girlfriend."

On the rooftop where there were only two people left, under the peeps of friends hiding in the corner, when the blushing boy shouted out his heart to the girl, the whole world was full of youth.

"Okay, actually, I've liked you for a long time too."

If the girl sweetly agreed to the boy's confession and let the situation develop like this, I am afraid everyone knows that this is a sweet and greasy youth comedy, but the memories of youth are always sweet and sour, and 99% of the development will not So smooth.

"... I'm sorry, in fact, I already have someone I like."

This is probably the development of the realistic school. Although the plot is twists and turns, as long as our male protagonist continues to work hard, there will still be a turning point.

"Waste material, do you dare to confess to me like this? How much is your asset? How much is your annual income? Which university do you plan to go to? What kind of job do you expect to be able to do. Let's talk about it first, if you don't have a million annual income, give it to me."

Well, this is probably a more realistic development, and it is also the pain in the hearts of countless adult men.

"…Sorry, I like girls."

This... is too difficult. If this girl is not planning to use this excuse to reject you, it is better to just give up.

"Haha, actually, I'm your mother/father/sister/brother."

This is even more tangled. If this guy is not a star wars system, or is deeply poisoned by Korean dramas, if what she said is true... Before doing blood test, is it better to take him to see a psychiatrist? Bar.

"Sorry, I only like the second dimension, I'm not interested in the three-dimensional orangutan with leg hair and chest hair!"

This one is more desperate, but fortunately, it generally does not develop like this in reality. Of course, for a small number of compatriots with special living habits, such otaku girls are more and more expectant... But in reality, otaku girls have requirements for appearance In fact, it is particularly high, and the otakus are even more tragic.

But sometimes, the only difference between reality and fiction is that the story needs logic, and reality doesn't need it at all!

"Sorry, I'm a vampire, and my family says you can't interact with humans. Although you're only half-human, you're also three-dimensional, and I only like two-dimensional, and I'm not interested in three-dimensional orangutans with leg hair and chest hair! My favorite A cute two-dimensional girl! Besides, I already have someone I like!"

This scene, sorry, narration, I really don't know how to face it at this time, it's too bad, where should I start to complain...

"Smile, just smile... A little girl! Is this any different from the tragedies above!! It's just that all tragedies come together? How far does it take to be a human being, so that all tragedies can come together? And what does vampire mean? Is this really a high school in the real world? Give me back the scientific worldview of ordinary people!"

In the classroom, even though it had been a day since his utterly failed confession, Rorschach's series of rants still reverberated in the classroom. This angry roar made him meet new friends who had only met for two weeks, and meet this young man again. .

Rorschach, l. Heloise, some strange names, and looks younger than his actual age. He just passed his sixteenth birthday not long ago. Now he is believed to be ten years old. He is often called blond and small face Red Pupu is very cute, well, it is a natural baby face.

He weighs less than 50 kg and is about 1.5 meters tall. Considering that a quarter of the half-breeds are wood spirits who are forever young, this height is already something to be proud of.

There is no special strength, but because of his too young appearance, he once had an unforgettable black history...

"When I'm with you, I'll be under pressure. I can endure being treated as a brother and sister. If I'm treated as a mother and son... Last month, Asha was treated as an aunt just by shopping with you. I really can't accept it."

"Sorry, although your confession moved me a lot, in fact, I have always regarded you as a younger brother/little brother/cute/pet..."

Wait a minute, is there something wrong with the last "pet"? Is it better to call the police directly

Although Rorschach's appearance is a little unconventional, he is actually a very ordinary earth boy on the inside.

If you insist on finding something extraordinary, it is the natural mixed-race talent, which makes Rorschach’s motor nerves very good. Even if you don’t exercise much, you can become the main force in the sports meeting, but in this special academy you just transferred into, I am afraid That's not even a good thing.

"Comrade brave, don't be sad, who told you to aim so high, the other is the daughter of the Isabel family, but the words of rejection spread throughout the school, and there are many people who are as sad as you. Hey, the goal of love is a two-dimensional creature, All the boys in the school are out at the same time."

Kahn sat in the front seat of Rorschach and was his first friend who came to this school.


"Yeah, it's only been less than a week since you transferred to another school. You dare to rise to the challenge with the 100% shooting rate of the High Ridge Flower. In addition to the things you did in the academy for a month, it's not a hero."

It sounded good, Rorschach was in a slightly better mood after reaching the bottom, but her tablemate, the monitor Su Nana, who was also a human, pushed her glasses and said playfully.

"It's a waste material hero. However, we are not qualified to speak of you."

Rorschach was immediately speechless, but he could only lie down on the table in frustration and complain.

"Waste stuff, no way. I'm considered an athlete in my own academy, so I'm still very popular..."

But it seems that Su Nana, her childhood sweetheart who came from the earth, still has no intention of letting her go.

"Athlete? How long does it take you to run a 100-meter dash?"

"13 seconds 2! Third in the school sports meeting!"

Rorschach, who was born with good athletic talent, was once expected by the school because of this, but he had no interest in sweating at all. He refused the invitation of the track and field team without hesitation, but he was still the main force of the class at the sports meeting.

"... The 10-second pass in the sports department here, even me, a girl, is within 11 seconds."

Putting aside the suspicious drink labeled "Authentic Dungeon Milk", Su Na, who was clearly a "literary girl", despised Rorschach, the "athlete", from the corner of her eyes.

"Ten seconds to pass? The Olympic record is really weak. Ahhh, give me back the world and worldview of mortals! Also, give me back my childhood sweetheart in the literature department and my longing junior sister!"

"Don't be stupid, this is not the earth, and you can't be a mortal since you started, wood spirit half-blooded little prince."

"Don't laugh at me, I'm just an ordinary one-quarter hybrid. Those wood spirits must have made a mistake. You think I want to come! I haven't encountered an irresistible force."

Yes, Rorschach also wanted to ask himself why he was an ordinary earthman, why he came to other planets, entered this cosmic era full of fantastic creatures, and became an alien studying in the Ashe star field.

Ashe, like Earth, is a member of the Overwatch Agreement, but unlike Earth, where the technology tree develops, it is obviously biased towards the mysterious side. The mystery in the novel has become a reality, but it is also the hometown of half of his own blood.

Although he is a quarter of the wood spirit lineage, he is an indigenous inhabitant here, allowing himself to adapt to the primitive elemental tides here. Lots of jokes.

Originally, my life trajectory has been determined, that is to study hard, study hard, find a good or bad university to learn a craft that can make money, find an easy job with no future, and continue my hobby while working. , Under the nagging of relatives and friends, I can no longer be a bachelor, and then find a wife who is neither beautiful nor ugly to marry.

Then when I was middle-aged, I pushed the affairs to the young young people who were new to the industry, and wandered around as a salary thief until the year of retirement. The tears at the end are even more perfect. As for those Shinto things in the family business...

"It's all over to my little sister who likes these things. Compared with my mediocre eldest son, I adapt to that crazy and incomprehensible inner world in every way."

But unfortunately, just a week ago, Rorschach received a letter, and then all his expectations and life goals were shattered.

"Dear brother.

If you read this letter, I'm afraid I'm dead. If you want to know who killed your dear sister, go to the Star Warden Academy in Thor's in Ashe and go after the girl named Isabel. By the way, Xiao Yibei is a two-dimensional dead house, remember to do whatever you want.

Your cutest sister: Lori H. Heloise.

Yes, on Rorschach's sixteenth birthday, the birthday gift he got was not something to make people happy, but the news of his twin sister's death and suicide note.

Since then, Rorschach's world has all been changed, and he has not come to this ghostly place to pursue a girl he has never seen before, to seek the truth of his sister's death, and to start a new life as a super waste. Life.

Originally, who cares about family affairs, and he already has his own goals in life, he still wants to let it go, but what makes Rorschach most haunted is the last words in the letter.

"ps. Remember to bring the Milos cake from the bakery next door to me, I really want to eat it."

"PS's ps: Matcha flavor, chocolate flavor, strawberry flavor must be available! At least ten of each! The cream should be doubled. The aunt is very easy to deal with, and more talk is enough."

"ps of ps of ps: By the way, even if I'm gone, I'm not allowed to be bitter! My brother's popularity is already bad enough, let alone be mad at people!"

Seeing such an ending, he determined the source of the letter. Except for the cute snack guy in his family, no one could write such a ps.

"Hey, hey, Luo Li, are you really dead? How can a dead person write a letter and still want to eat? Also, who killed you!"

Three days ago, the sixteen-year-old Rorschach had the happiest summer vacation in his life, but unlike other arrogant kids who just finished the high school entrance examination, his choices were very fulfilling, and he worked part-time for the whole summer vacation. make money.

After all, in a sense, rejecting family arrangements and clinging to the life of ordinary people means cutting off one's own source of income. Although my sister will try to get herself some financial assistance from time to time, the little girl's purse She is not rich, and her mouth is still very greedy. Every time they secretly meet, she can see her drooling outside the cake shop. Don't take it seriously just by accidentally leaking it, Rorschach just considered that the days are still long, and he has to learn to be independent.

work to earn a living? What job would use a minor who is only sixteen? There are some reasons for this. An uncle from afar took care of himself and introduced a job that could take care of his studies and allow him to earn enough living expenses. He was originally a "backdoor rookie", and these two Yue's hard work has made the seniors in the workplace recognize him a little bit, and they have also begun to give him some single-sided jobs.

Speaking of which, I am afraid everyone has guessed that Rorschach's way of making a living is to earn some royalties by doing odd jobs and writing some tofu for a not well-known magazine.

However, due to the lack of life experience, he can only write some game reviews, sf short fantasy novels, etc., and he is always criticized by the editors and readers' survey letters as "too fake", "The characters' feelings are messed up, and the author has no friends. Do you feel ashamed when you look at the moves and lines of the super middle school two, author, do you dare to read them yourself?".

As a result, he spit out, "I'm really sorry that I don't have any friends, but everyone spends time in the editorial department during holidays and weekends. It seems that everyone is similar, no, I'm still young and I can save you, you old dead houses will continue. Fff team", and then because he told the truth, he was chased by seniors holding posters and bound magazines...

I have been working in this job for nearly two years, and I have made great progress, especially the recent one. I was forced to write a messy adventure thing I heard from my adoptive mother.

The adventure biography of the mad prince, because of its authenticity, the plot is surprising, especially the protagonist Roland is amused and full of joy, and it is very well received. As a result, while I am very happy to receive many enthusiastic letters from readers, he is also secretly praying. , Don't let your adoptive mother see it, otherwise you will probably not end well.

He had just made some progress in his work and was recognized by his seniors. Rorschach even hesitated whether to drop out of school and start work ahead of schedule. After all, that job didn't require much education.

"...Luo Li, I think writing is my happiest day. I want to write for the rest of my life. Otherwise, I'd better drop out of school early. It feels like continuing to study is just a waste of time."

In the end, it was just a discussion, and his sister was so angry that he didn't answer his phone for ten days, and even wrote a letter to reprimand him, "I don't want my brother to become one of those nerds in the editorial department. Done, let him take you back to inherit the family business.".

Even though he was very depressed by the map cannon on the phone, the senior who brought him into the industry also objected to his idea, saying: "Without real life experience, no matter how brilliant the imagination is, there is no real color, even if it can briefly attract attention. , savoring it carefully is like chewing wax. It is better to read more books while you are young. Don’t be afraid to waste time, even if it is to accumulate for the future.”.

Looking at this chubby senior, it's not that he doesn't know that the other party is really good to him, but when Rorschach thinks about those things that he will learn in a boring classroom that may not be used in his life, he feels super unmotivated, but he My sister wouldn't let herself drop out of school.

So, the unlucky Rorschach could only "continue to waste time".

In fact, he has already thought about his future. Even if he studies, it is enough to find a normal high school. He can also focus on writing. When he goes to college, when it comes to the college entrance examination, he can apply to any second-class university. The Chinese department and the journalism department can continue to herd sheep, and Luo Li will not say anything at that time.

But everything, future expectations and dreams, the only trusted relative, was shattered by that cold black letter.

"Luoli is dead, so you have to go to Ashe and become a star knight in her place."