The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 95: out of control


"A wise man becomes an idiot, and he is the most easily hooked fish; because he relies on his talents and knowledge, and cannot see his own arrogance. The foolishness of the fool is not uncommon, but the foolishness of the wise man makes people laugh and hurt the stomach; because he uses His complete ability proves his own stupidity."

"There is a wise king in a foolish country, and he thinks he is nobler and greater than the gods."

"Oh, my brother, please don't say that. The majestic king, who wields the supreme scepter and is about to ascend the supreme throne, if you criticize him, be careful to be raised by him with a maggot-covered scepter. , beat you up."

"Hmph, little king, you're not even allowed to speak the real words. That arrogant declaration, that maddened statement that took the God of the Law as a country bumpkin, is causing the gods in the sky to laugh wildly."

"Oh, who gave that funny king the confidence to think that his short-lived he and his kingdom could look down on the man who had entered immortality?"

"Perhaps, it's because of his loud voice. At least, his heart-wrenching roar made the crows tremble in fright."

"Maybe it's because he's rich, at least, rich enough to adorn trees with jewels and pave roads with rugs."

"Perhaps, it's because he is very powerful. At least, the forty-six unlucky bastards are planning to present their own banners and act as lackeys obediently."

The three funny people still sang their own songs under the siege of legends.

"Hahahaha!" "Hahaha!"

The hall was already in chaos, and amid the trembling of the nobles (ravens), the wild laughter of the three dwarfs fused together.

"The emperor's voice is very loud? Hmph, his roar may spread throughout the whole country, but that person never needs to roar, even in the face of a farmer who has nothing, even in the face of a noble demigod, he just pulls out his own codex , Mance told the other party the truth of our Sulphur Mountain City in a methodical manner."

"Let's wait, let the great time judge the weight of words, how many ashes are left of the great king after three hundred years, whether his arrogant words have become the laughing stock of history, and whether the silent immortal has I realized my idea and changed the whole world with my own rules.”

"The emperor's country is very rich? Oh, in order to decorate the facade, he opened his treasury extravagantly, decorated the trees with jewels, and irrigated the rivers with milk. Our county judge is not so rich, he is poor and often overdrafts. Wages and IOUs to the store to prepare tomorrow's bread."

“But in his country, as long as you work hard, you won’t starve to death. As long as you obey the law, you can gain dignity. Every civilian in his office can go in, complain about their troubles, and express their sympathy. The expectations of the future. And in your country, it is a world where man eats people, greedy nobles are jackals, cunning merchants are sheep before the jackals, but man-eating tigers and leopards before the commoners. And you, great king, Has the Supreme, who feeds on wolves and tigers and leopards, ever went to the civilian areas on the outskirts of the city to listen to the groans of those lambs that were too painful to live, and how they sold their children and abandoned their daughters just to fill their stomachs today? "

"The emperor's kingdom is very powerful? Oh, I heard that your royal guard is the elite of the silver cross (the symbol of the silver rank), and your voice can make the surrounding countries tremble? Then you know that in the underground world where the strong eat the weak, it is the golden triangle They (the symbol of the golden rank) are just cannon fodder under the fire of war. Did you know that we just wiped out the demon earl and his army that was enough to rival the true god, and exiled the dragon queen who led countless evil dragons, the one with more than ten thousand golden triangle guards The Beastmaster was also beheaded."

"We have no noble nobles who guard our territory and our subjects, because our territory belongs to no one. Our cities have no armies, and each of us is a warrior who will give everything as long as the shadow of war draws near our final home. We There are many enemies, but we have many more friends to trust. And you, great king, emperor jealous of the gods, you feel, when you lose your crown and scepter, when your homeland is threatened with destruction, How many citizens are willing to sacrifice their lives for you? How many nobles will perish with the country? How many allies will come to save you, instead of stabbing you in the back?"

"Young emperor with a corrupt scepter, you think you are a majestic king, but in fact you are a grandstanding clown."

"The unrighteous murderer of your father and brother, you think you can look down on that person, but in terms of character and meaning of existence, you can't even compare to that person's little finger!"

"The foolish king who is jealous of the true God, you are rich because you are powerful, but in fact you don't even know what real power is. In front of that lord, in front of real power, please remain humble."

"You are because you are a dick."

"It's actually ugly."

"You are a joke."

Well, between the singing and the reconciliation, Dasos' face has turned the color of pig liver. In the end, all three shorties were caught by the emperor's personal guards. Perhaps, it should be said that they found that they couldn't beat them, so they did not hesitate to take action. The hand surrendered, but someone keenly felt that this matter was far from over.

Hoyle and the others don't think about the general situation of the country, they are even more troubled bastards, but they know who gave the residents of Sulphur Mountain a good life, so even if you are the supreme king, just insult the benefactor they have in mind. , they still dare to drench your scolding.

In the eyes of onlookers, especially in my eyes, this is a scene destined to go down in history.

Sure enough, two days later, things have changed.

"...The nonsense of the three shorties was composed into a funny bar tune. Now many middle and lower-level pubs and teahouses are singing it, and it has spread. I am afraid it can't be stopped."

The general trend of history is indeed unstoppable, but the so-called general trend is composed of countless individuals and events. In the national-level infighting, the three people are all small people who are not worth mentioning, but often, it is these small people who are not worth mentioning. An astonishing thing happened.

"There must be the manipulation of the mastermind behind the scenes. Most of the lyrics are taken from the original words of the goblins, and the overall correction processing has been carried out. The artistic level is very high. Our music masters and dramatists have said that this should come from the masters. ...and said that it might become a masterpiece."

"Bishop Chloe, the God of the Law, has issued a formal note, asking us to quickly release people and explain the disrespect to the God of the Law. The Holy Light Church Church Noel VI, through the emergency communication channel, expressed a high degree of Dissatisfied, and asked us to explain the disrespect of the true God. And then, there were serious warnings and concerns from the nine True God churches, and they asked us for an explanation. "

"The Royal Guard seized the giant robot in the temporary residence of the three guys, and that should be the gift they intended to give. According to the preliminary research of the Royal Society of Engineers, it is indeed very advanced, and many of its technologies are very important to our country's engineering research. It's helpful. But unfortunately, that goblin simply refused to cooperate and didn't say anything. I don't know who spread the news, and as a result, someone has already privately accused the empire of taking revenge for revenge, mocking the king's lack of tolerance."

"The intelligence organization 'Midnight Rose' issued a warning, and those nonsense vividly described you murdering the previous king in order to ascend to the throne, of course, this is all slander, but your prestige has indeed been affected. And with the malicious rumors The irony has spread, and some people have called the king a 'folly king who is jealous of the true God'. There are also people who are spreading the ambition of our Oran Empire to annex other countries. At least 30 of the 46 countries are just around the corner, and they communicate in private. , there seems to be a conspiracy."

One bad news after another is on the table. The pen is better than the sword. The young emperor has faced the most dangerous challenge since he ascended the throne. The invisible enemy in the shadow is the union of countless hostile forces, making it impossible to fight back. .

I have to say that, in a sense, Dasos is indeed called the sage king. At least under his power, his subordinates dare to directly tell the king's mistakes and various unfavorable status quo, without worrying about being punished. Punishment for anger.

"Dassos, this time you really went a little too far, and the rest doesn't matter, but just for verbal disputes, it is too stupid to put the hat of contempt for the true God on your head and be hostile to the Church of the Gods. already."

As Dasos's close friend and brother, only Hemet dared to speak out about the king in person, but at this time, Dassos was also full of annoyance. In retrospect, it was indeed not his cautious daily behavior at that time.

"Sure enough, it's right to stay away from women. Beauty hurts people."

Looking back now, Dassos was so annoyed at the time that he was so annoyed at the time, it was more or less the reason why "Renei" was by his side.

Being accused and ridiculed face to face in front of the woman he loves, and his face is ruined, even the most cautious and humble person in the past, it is easy to hold back the rage in his heart, not to mention the monarch of a country who has just been in power.

"There may be some reasons for that contract. After all, it is written by the devil, and the language of the lower planes is somewhat problematic."

The language itself has magic power, and the language of the lower plane will arouse negative emotions, the blasphemous language in the mantra, the chaotic language in the divine art, is the use of the language magic of the devil language and the devil language of the lower plane, and with it. On the contrary, it is the words of the best, the words of holiness, and other types of magic and magic that use the language of the upper plane and the language of angels.

Dasos has been staring at the contract for too long, and has been unknowingly aroused negative emotions, and the magic sword itself will also make people inclined to chaos. When he walked out of the room, his emotions were very depressed and uncomfortable. To be ridiculed in person as a fuse to detonate out of control is even more natural.

"It's too late to say that, things have already happened, and now I'm thinking about how to make up for it."

If it was just a blunder, it would be easy to deal with, but the weight of the sarcastic person's heavy ceremony has instead achieved the stigma of Dasos being ungrateful and small.

As the strange song spread throughout the city and spread at a rapid rate, before gaining the reputation of the king of winter wolves, the "good name" of "the foolish king of jealous gods" was poured into Dasos' head. superior.

For the feudal feudal monarch, authority and dignity are more important than life. Reputation is sometimes equated with strength itself. When the emperor loses his dignity and reputation, the nobles under his command will naturally disobey orders.

None of this is someone's conspiracy, but sometimes the accumulated mistakes of chance are more deadly than the conspiracy of the enemy.

In particular, Dasos and the Oran Empire themselves are not monolithic. Although his father and brother fell, the power they left behind has not been completely eradicated. The warlords and nobles of the major territories are even more ambitious. , the opportunity to reduce the authority and dignity of the king, how could they let it go.

And those small countries that were forced to participate in the covenant have long been full of resentment. It would be good if your Oran Empire had no flaws. Now that there are flaws, it is natural to attack in groups, looking for an opportunity to get rid of the suzerain's independence.

If it takes three to five years, and Dasos is firmly seated, these will not be a problem, but recently Dasos forced a covenant to force internal and external pressure, and he was sitting on the crater.

Therefore, with the concerted efforts of all parties, bar tunes and rumors spread rapidly, and various hidden dangers were detonated at the same time.

"Since it's already wrong, let's be wrong to the end. Put those three in the highest-level prison, and don't let them see anyone. If they are released, it will make us weak. Tell King Noel VI, To be a little more euphemistic, I will apologize for my blunders. As for the Church of the God of Law, it has already offended him completely, so just ignore him. As for the rumor, let the intelligence organization create more unbelievable rumors to confuse public opinion..."

Even in the face of an unfavorable situation, Dasos still put forward a one-by-one countermeasure with a straight face. Although it was a remedy for a dead sheep, it was also very appropriate.

"... This, Your Majesty, Lord Hemet, just received two messages."

The civil servant who suddenly ran in was speechless, obviously not good news.

"Come on, what's the worse news, I'll go on."

"I don't know who brought that bar tune into the Royal Prison, and the goblins were humming all day, and the prisoners also started singing along, and they were all laughing at it... Some people said that because of the incompetence of this generation of kings, Austrian The Lan Empire is about to decline."


He clearly knew that this was all the scorn of the losers to himself, but Dasos still couldn't hold back his out of control emotions. Under the hammer, the precious red nanmu desk was immediately split in half.

The room suddenly became quiet, half-paid, His Majesty the Emperor suppressed his anger and the low tone broke out in the room like a muffled thunder.

"I see, what's next? What's the bad news?"

The young civil servant replied tremblingly.

"The Principality of Donglan announced that it will establish the God of Law as the state religion. Princess Renee pledged the innocence of those three people in her own name, and guaranteed that the gifts they sent were priceless treasures, and there was no crime of disrespect, and asked us to release them immediately. ."

"Boom! Crack!"

This time, the precious desk did not need to be repaired. After Dasos slapped angrily, the desk was directly reimbursed, and even the ground was smashed into a hole.

"Sure enough, women are untrustworthy!"

At the same time, under the river, a figure was diving, and beside him was a black cat walking underwater.

"Is it here? Is the key responding? Hurry up, we don't have much time."