The Falling of The Stars

Chapter 100: ——Do you believe this too?


Huo Xingming patted the dust on his body, stood up, and said, "Which faction are you on the bright side? Are you still neutral on the side of the fake Helen?"

Ophiuchus said, "Neutral, all the constellations of Burning Sky Volcano are neutral. We must guard the gate of time and space. Unless the star realm is alive or dead, we will not go out."

Huo Xingming said, "This is easy, you only need to make two dummies, and then throw the two dummies into the magma lake."

Ophiuchus twisted his body, hesitated for a while, and said, "No problem, I will do it now."... "Then, how do you know that I am the thirteenth house of the zodiac? This is a secret, and Helen, too. Never mentioned it lightly."

Huo Xingming counseled his shoulders, and said, "On the earth, Ophiuchus has long been recognized as the thirteenth constellation of the zodiac, but for ordinary people, they don’t know the existence of Ophiuchus, only the twelfth constellation. The constellation, I just guessed it, I didn't expect it to be."

Ophiuchus is ashamed. He is indeed the most secretive 13th house among Huo Xingming’s zodiac signs. His power is concealment and vagueness. The upper body is a human, and the lower body is indeed a snake, just like the snake girl in the legend... but a snake. The husband is actually a beautiful man.

However, Huo Xingming did not see the appearance of Ophiuchus, even his overall appearance. The appearance of Ophiuchus in front of Huo Xingming just now seemed to be a huge black unidentified object. The mosaic was applied and the blur filter was applied. Looking like a mirror, Huo Xingming even suspected that he had myopia of more than 800 degrees at that moment.

But it was also because of this special blurring ability that Ophiuchus could completely avoid the false Helen's surveillance state, thereby helping Huo Xingming to achieve his goal.

Not long after, Ophiuchus, who had lost his ambiguity, led the family members who had kidnapped Huo Xingming and the others, and drove "Huo Xingming" and "Zi Xiao" onto a cliff by the lava lake.

Ophiuchus said, "Earth people covet our world, are you too greedy?"

"Huo Xingming" wanted something, but there was a rag in his mouth, and "Zi Xiao" was still in a coma and was carried by a dark shadow.

The Ophiuchus snorted coldly, "Want to quibble? I don't want to hear your dirty voice. The war in our world is because of you! Come, throw them two down and feed the fish!"

Ophiuchus gave an order, "Huo Xingming" was kicked off the cliff by a black shadow, and the other black shadow also directly threw the unconscious "Zi Xiao" down.

"Plop" and "Pump" twice, "Huo Xingming" and "Zi Xiao" both fell into the lava with a temperature of nearly 1,000 degrees, and there was no slag that was melted by the high temperature in an instant.

Ophiuchus wows on the two storage rings on his hands, "These two greedy humans deserve it, but I haven't eaten fresh food from the field for a long time, and these two rings have brought me a lot. pleasure."

Then, from a storage ring, he took a dragon fruit that was a specialty of Ashenvale Forest and ate it.

Above the endless sea, there is a flying island. It was originally a Gemini, the noble Helen’s palace. The environment is beautiful and the birds and flowers are fragrant. There are no ferocious beasts in the jungle, and it is not as special as other places. If there is a heaven on earth, Then it must be here.

But this is all history. The flying island nowadays is already a piece of land where no grass grows. The original magnificent palace now only has a broken wall.

But just in this place where the ridges are broken and the birds don’t shit, there is a burst of crazy laughter. The laughter lasts for a long time without stopping, as if the person making the laugh doesn’t need to breathe, he keeps laughing wildly. .

For a long time, a beautiful man in a gorgeous shirt stood up, and his laughter stopped abruptly. That's right, he was the appearance of Helen who had been in contact with Huo Xingming on Earth for ten years.

Refreshing and beautiful, he is obviously a man, but he is even more delicate than a peerless beauty. Every move has the demeanor of everyone. With the gorgeous battle robe, he is incompatible with this double-** palace with only a destructive atmosphere.

Helen walked inside and outside the palace, near a mountain bag that had been bombed countless times, and placed his hand on it. The mountain bag immediately opened a door, and Hailu walked in without hesitation.

This is a dungeon located below the palace. If you look closely, you will find that it is not like a place for prisoners, because in this dungeon, there are no cells, only a tunnel full of various institutions and seals.

In the deepest part of the tunnel, there was only a cross with various instruments of torture scattered around, and a person who looked exactly like Helen was nailed to the cross.

There are a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one giant nails on the hands, feet, and on the body. The person who was nailed is different from the incoming Helen, with disheveled hair and bone wounds everywhere on his body, but he did not see a drop of blood. .

Helen walked to the cross and said, "You deliberately told me how to unlock this damn seal, but you put two sad mice in. You want to create a chance for self-salvation. It's a pity, your mouse is dead. ~"

Helen, who was nailed to the cross, had no words, as if fainted. When Helen wearing a gorgeous shirt saw that the other party did not respond, he picked up a huge blade at his feet and slashed towards the person on the cross. .

There was no blood splattered, and there was no scream. The person who was tied to the cross had another deep scar on his chest, and several ribs had been exposed in the air.

Helen grabbed a handful of dirt and sprinkled it on the cut that had just been split, "You continue to bear it! Do you regret creating me? It's a pity, I am you, I will replace you and become the real king."

The person tied to the cross still did not move, as if it was not him who was tortured, Helen took out a special crystal and placed it in front of him.

The crystal gleamed slightly, and an image appeared in front of the cross. It was the scene where Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao were left in the lava lake by the relatives of Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus also took out all kinds of things that belonged to human society and Ash Valley. Come and taste the delicacies in the forest.

The video ended here. The body of the person tied to the cross trembled a little, but there was still no other reaction. Helen snorted coldly, dropped the giant blade on the ground everywhere, and walked out of the dungeon.

The person tied to the cross shook his body again after Helen left, and muttered to himself, "Silly [Beep—], do you believe that, just relying on the foreign snacks in that ring? It seems to me The clone created is incomplete after all..."

Then, my body shook unconsciously, "Oh, I've been holding the pee for almost 20 years, Huo Xingming, hurry up, you can't let me, a noble constellation adult, pee his pants..."

Announcement: The last three weeks of the net-wen league audition stage this season! Those who did not participate, hurry up! Heavy bonuses and opportunities to become gods are waiting for you!