The Falling of The Stars

Chapter 117: --Won!


But Huo Xingming was still smiling, and he was very happy. For the first time, Huo Xingming felt that the battle was so interesting, especially after he had trained himself in the devil style, the feeling of incisiveness on the battlefield was really refreshing! It was so cool that Huo Xingming was reluctant to stop.

However, the battle should also end here.

Huo Xingming repulsed the clone closest to him with a palm, gathered the remaining star power on his body, and burst out in an instant.

A strong air current violently forced all the clones surrounding Huo Xingming back a few meters, and flowed out a clearing for Huo Xingming.

Huo Xingming did not stop, jumped up directly, opened his eyes to the maximum, Huo Xingming quickly made a clear direction, summoned the Yuhun out of thin air, and threw it forward, treating it as a landing, stepping on the Yuhun, and quickly moving towards one. Ejected in the direction.

Helen couldn't help feeling a little flustered as he watched Huo Xingming suddenly change his tactics. He didn't expect that Huo Xingming would actually induce all his star power to force all his clones back, and he found the position of his body in the air and rushed over.

Helen yelled again, "There are many phantoms!" For a while, dozens of phantoms appeared in front of Helen, trying to block Huo Xingming's surprise attack.

With a move of Huo Xingming's thoughts, the soul-retaining sword in the distance instantly turned into a stream of light, appeared in Huo Xingming's hand, and swiped forward, and most of the avatars in front of Huo Xingming who were in front of him disappeared.

Huo Xingming held Yuhun's knife handle with his backhand and threw it towards Helen's body. Helen became nervous. This is a famous knife that has brought huge changes to the star realm every time in the rumors! Even Helen's true body is probably evasive here, don't stand here, it's a clone that only inherits 80% of Helen's true body.

Even though Yuhun was not out of the sheath, Helen still felt a deep crisis, but Helen is still in the clone army that she spawned, surrounded by clones that are exactly the same as her own. Originally, these clones were all helpers. Helen came to fight, but now, instead of filling up all the hiding places around Helen, it became Helen's "cage".

Helen made a decisive decision and immediately jumped from the ground to avoid the attack from Yuhun. This is not a joke. Helen had tasted the characteristics of Yuhun before.

Just a moment ago, the soul link between Helen and the real body has become unstable. If the head is attacked by the soul, this last clone will undoubtedly disappear here.

But Helen just jumped up and avoided Yuhun's attack. In the next instant, Huo Xingming himself arrived.

With one punch, just one punch, Huo Xingming exhausted all his strength, and finally hit Helen's extremely exquisite and handsome, or allure, face.

The four people watching the battle from a distance even heard the popping sound of Huo Xingming’s fist. Helen in the air suddenly twisted half of his face together, and was hit back to the ground by Huo Xingming, and Huo Xingming was also here. After throwing a punch, he fell not far away.

The body was damaged, and suddenly all the clones disappeared in front of his eyes as afterimages. Huo Xingming climbed up from the ground with difficulty, raised his fist at Zi Xiao, and yelled, "Win!"

Although Zi Xiao knew that Huo Xingming was set to win, she jumped up from the ground excitedly, hugging Xue'er and kissing and screaming, while the two on the other side...Along and Ahu stared at him with stunned eyes. Huo Xingming...

The two of them don’t lose their eyes. For the battle just now, the two of them only saw Huo Xingming’s last blow. To sum up with the words of the two of them, Huo Xingming defeated what they admired for a long time with one blow. ...The eighty-eight stars, the leader of the zodiac, Helen of Gemini...

Along Ahu can't believe it now, Huo Xingming actually won! Although he is not the real body of Helen Gemini, he is also a clone with 80% of Helen's strength and soul link!

And what about Huo Xingming? Even if Huo Xingming's strength had indeed risen a lot in the past ten days, he was still given the title of invincible melee by Along Ahu jokingly.

But it is only limited to melee skills. If you really learn from each other, Huo Xingming is still the weakest among the few people!

Without integrating the strongest Zi Xiao in combat, if Huo Xingming confronts Along Ahu, and the two brothers randomly use a beast, Huo Xingming will undoubtedly lose.

Even if it is against Xue'er, with the rapid firing of the Ice Feather Divine Bow, the characteristics of the ice attribute and the dexterous positioning, Huo Xingming will win less and lose more, and Huo Xingming, the weakest among the five, is actually the weakest of the five. The... clone who defeated the aloof Helen-sama? !

After being knocked down in the distance, Helen slowly got up from the ground, staring at Huo Xingming with an incredible expression, "How did you do did you find me?"

Huo Xingming turned and smiled at Helen and said, "Helen, I ask you, have you and the other 87 people been in the seal of the holy mountain from birth to now?"

Helen turned her head, suddenly thought of something, and said, "Fighting experience?!"

Huo Xingming said, "It's easier to talk to you, yes, it's combat experience. I admit that your strength is actually very powerful, but your combat experience is really not good."

"Nothing else. Although the clones you have produced are tougher and more numerous, they are exactly the same as yours, but the fights are still the same as the children's play, either punching or punching, and they won't hide. There will be no flashes. In the previous battle, you had at least three chances to defeat me completely, but you did not."

"First, that is when the battle first started. If you face my first assault, you will have rich combat experience, neither dodging nor dodge, and you are completely able to give my fist to the next with one hand, and then there will be no back. Those things."

"Secondly, when you started to fight me seriously, every move called out the name of the move. It's really ridiculous, you know? Especially the cloned light, I knew it was not a means of attack when I heard it, so I'll just stand and shoot at you, but if you don't shout that move, I will definitely hide, and you can use this powerless light to continuously drain my physical strength remotely."

"There is one last one. What is your main body doing when the clones you spawned are fighting? If your main body dares to come up and stabbing me with a knife from time to time, why can't I win?"

Huo Xingming moved his shoulders for a while, and then said, "The physical fitness of each of the clones you produced in an emergency is good, but they don't know how to fight. That's why I can fight in your clone army very easily."

Helen nodded and said, "These few, I admit, you are right, not just me, the whole sky has 88 stars, and has basically never fought in hundreds of millions of years, but I am very curious, why are you in the air? I was found among hundreds of identical people in an instant."

Huo Xingming said, "It's very simple. Your clone is facial paralysis, but you have an expression on your face. When I jump up, you have a surprised expression. Everyone, you are the only one looking up. It's so easy to find."

Announcement: The last three weeks of the net-wen league audition stage this season! Those who did not participate, hurry up! Heavy bonuses and opportunities to become gods are waiting for you!