The Falling of The Stars

Chapter 28: ----Instar City


Zi Xiao was still depressed in place, Huo Xingming first walked aside to feel the changes in his body. After Taito entered his body, he could clearly feel its existence.

As soon as his mind moved, Taito appeared in his hand immediately, and his hand was not cut into pieces as expected.

"Close" Taidao immediately as Huo Xingming thought, re-entering Huo Xingming's body, just like magic.

When I got up, I hadn't seen the inside of the sword. With a thought, the sword appeared in his hand again. Zi Xiao also noticed Huo Xingming's movements and walked over to see this artifact.

Huo Xingming's blade moved forward and slowly pulled out the sword. As soon as the blade was out of the scabbard, there was a sharp aura. Huo Xingming felt that something was wrong and immediately retracted the sword into the scabbard.

But it was too late. A two-meter-long straight crack appeared in front of Huo Xingming. Although it was not deep, only three centimeters long, the cut surface was very beautiful and smooth.

Huo Xingming couldn't imagine that he didn't use any star power, he just pulled out the knife. How strong is this knife

"Ah, your shoulder is bleeding!" Hearing Zi Xiao's voice, Huo Xingming glanced at his shoulder. There was a not shallow wound on it. The blood was flowing out, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

Was it cut by a knife? The direction he was heading was the back of the sword. Just pulling out this sword, even himself was injured. This knife is horrible.

If you use this knife to fight, if you kill the opponent, you will also be killed by this knife, right

Fortunately, when I first drew the sword, the blade was not towards me, otherwise I might lose one of his arms, or even half of his body.

Huo Xingming was frightened and sat on the ground. He just passed by with Death.

Seeing Huo Xingming’s shoulder bleeding, Zi Xiao immediately tore off the cloth strips from her clothes and bandaged Huo Xingming. Then he found some herbal medicine nearby to stop the bleeding, put it on Huo Xingming, and took out a bloody lily Take Huo Xingming.

The blood finally stopped, but Huo Xingming was still scared, and even Zi Xiao was a little frightened. If it weren't for him to stay in a daze for a while, Huo Xingming might injure or even kill himself when he drew his sword.

After being silent for a while, Zi Xiao first spoke, "Anyway, I'll treat this knife as if I don't have it in the future, it's too dangerous."

Huo Xingming nodded his head and retracted the knife into his body again, "Let's go, let's go to the human city near the Shield, this knife can no longer be used."

Huo Xingming stood up, only then did he remember that his clothes had been torn to pieces by the strange blind man, and he had no spare clothes. The thin body was exposed to the air.

After I came to the star realm, I had a lot of exercise, my abdominal muscles began to faintly develop, but my ribs are still clearly visible...

Zi Xiao looked at Huo Xingming with a look of disgust, "Look at you thin, just like spare ribs, don't your parents give you food at home?"

Huo Xingming touched his ribs, "No, maybe I spend too much time at home. But it's also good, at least better than becoming a fat man."

"Puff, I would rather you be a fat man, look at you like this, are you over a hundred weight?"

Huo Xingming touched his newly developed abdominal muscles, "It's really not over a hundred. When I came over, I was like ninety-two. It should be over a hundred now. I eat meat here every day."

Suddenly, Zi Xiao felt excited and quietly put her hand on her waist and squeezed it. She knew that she was careless, the fat actually ran out, and she seemed to have to control her appetite.

Huo Xingming recognized the direction and began to move towards the Scutum constellation. Because that strange blind man forcibly became one of his seven stars, Huo Xingming's physical strength has also been strengthened, so this time Zi Xiao doesn't need to hold him any more.

The two hurried forward in the forest, passing several sacred mountains on the way, and neither Huo Xingming nor Zi Xiao stopped.

Day and night, the only time I stopped was when I met the village and bought a piece of clothing for Huo Xingming.

After arriving in the star realm, too many things seemed too strange, Huo Xingming faintly felt that there was a problem with the eighty-eight constellations, and it was not for the better. Although I heard a lot of bad things about people in this world from others, Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao were never people who believed in rumors. seeing is believing.

After traveling for more than ten days, Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao finally saw the holy mountain where the Scutum is located. After recognizing the direction, Huo Xingming decided to bypass the Scutum and go directly to the place where the human city is.

When detouring the other side of Scutella, Huo Xingming saw that there was a camp at the foot of Scutella. Looking closer, Huo Xingming confirmed that this is a military camp.

Humans are really at war with the constellations? Don't they know how powerful the eighty-eight constellation is

However, Huo Xingming did not get close to the barracks anymore, bypassing the barracks, Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao finally came to the human city in the center of Ash Valley Forest-Yinxing City

As soon as they arrived at Yinxing City, Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao were shocked. The city was not big, but the surrounding walls outside Yinxing City were thirty meters high and all were made of metal. Various large weapons were mounted on the walls.

Ballistas, catapults, and some Huo Xingming's weird things similar to the French seal. There were some soldiers patrolling the city walls, and many soldiers at the city gates were carefully interrogating. Thinking back to the military camp at the foot of the Shield Mountain, it seems that humans are really going to fight the constellations. Does that organization called Tongtian Tower have such a big appeal

Huo Xingming couldn't believe that it was such a big thing to launch a war, and the opponent was still the strongest existence in the world, so many people would really follow this organization

Huo Xingming believed that people in this world were not fools, and challenged the existence of gods with weak bodies. There must be a reason for this.

Just as Huo Xingming was surprised at this war city, a group of troops just returned, but the guards did not let them go. Instead, they checked every soldier to confirm their identity. Every soldier had to go through the check before they could enter the city. The ballista continued to face them, until all the people entered the city, the ballista re-directed towards the distance.

So the question is, how can we enter the city with such strict inspections? If you try hard, you will undoubtedly be bombarded with meat sauce by the machinery on the wall...

Seeing Huo Xingming's lingering motion, Zi Xiao patted him on the back of his head, "What are you doing? You can't get in yet?"

Huo Xingming was in pain, and said, "I'm thinking about how to get into the city."

Zi Xiao looked at Huo Xingming with an idiotic look, "Huh?? Have you killed the people in Yinxing City?" Huo Xingming shook his head.

"Then you have committed a crime and are wanted by the police?" Huo Xingming shook his head again

"Then did you assault the city lord's daughter?" Huo Xingming shook his head frantically

Zi Xiao kicked Huo Xingming, "Then what are you doing in a daze, hurry up? You didn't do anything, and no one knew you, what do you want? Want to steal back, or do you want to challenge the limit? "After that, Zi Xiao walked straight towards the city gate.

Huo Xingming patted his head and quickly caught up with Zi Xiao. How did you become stupid? I haven't committed a crime, and I'm not wanted, can I just go straight to the front door? Still trying to get into the city, really.

Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao came to the gate of the city soon, pretending to be a young generation who had come out of the hidden family outside, and wanted to go to the city to rest for a few days.

The guard only registered the identities of Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao, took out a round crystal, and motioned Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao to put their hands on them. The guards told them that this crystal can record the different star power energy of each person, just like fingerprint verification on the earth, they must be verified when entering and leaving the city to confirm that it is the person, and from which city gate to enter, you can only go from which city. Door out. If you go to other gates and want to go out, other guards will not let it go.

Announcement: The last three weeks of the net-wen league audition stage this season! Those who did not participate, hurry up! Heavy bonuses and opportunities to become gods are waiting for you!