The Falling of The Stars

Chapter 35: ----Gravity training


It was the afternoon when Zi Xiao woke up. Sure enough, Zi Xiao completely forgot what happened last night. He only remembered that he had eaten the egg fried rice brought by Huo Xingming and drank the strange-smelling milk, and didn't know what happened afterwards.

Huo Xingming finally convinced Taurus with his own three-inch tongue. Originally, Huo Xingming thought that Bi Aldebaran wanted to take this opportunity to help her lift the seal of another constellation.

But Aldebaran is two different things. Huo Xingming has to lose money. Huo Xingming can only promise that all future income will go to Aldebaran until all the losses are recovered. Taurus still does not give up, and proposes to repay the interest. …

Finally, Bi Aldebaran announced that Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao owe the great Taurus 846 billion stars, and the annual interest will increase by 5%. They are not allowed to leave the city before the payment is over, otherwise they will attack...

It was not that Huo Xingming had not tried to resist. Just when Wuming was summoned, Bi Aldebaran exuded strong pressure, making Huo Xingming unable to stand up, threatening not to defeat Aldebaran.

Instead, Aldebaran added another one-Huo Xingming attacked the great Taurus, fined one billion stars...

"Well, now that the accounts are settled, let's start training."

Huo Xingming was disgusted now seeing Bi Suwu's face, he had never seen such a greedy person. Zi Xiao stood behind Huo Xingming, bowing her head like a child who had made a mistake.

Although Huo Xingming didn't blame her, Zi Xiao still blamed herself.

"Today's training is very simple. Run around this restaurant and finish it before dark."

Huo Xingming said, "Are you kidding us? Run around this restaurant? The visual length is not more than two hundred meters, and you can walk with your eyes closed."

Immediately after that, Huo Xingming suddenly felt a strong gravity press down on his head, and was immediately pressed to the ground by this super strong gravity.

The same goes for Zi Xiao on the side, the huge gravity makes it very difficult for Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao to breathe.

"My abilities are strength and gravity. I can manipulate the gravity of space at will. Now it is twenty times the gravity that is pressing on you. Now there are about four times before dark, you have to run around the restaurant under this gravity. Come back here in a circle."

Huo Xingming thought about something, but the strong gravity made it difficult for him to breathe, and he didn't have the strength to speak at all.

"Oh, forget, if you can't complete this task, you will have to compensate the restaurant's daily turnover, which is about seven hundred thousand stars. I still have things to do. Good luck."

After that, Bi Suwu disappeared before Huo Xingming's eyes.

Huo Xingming began to wonder if Bi Suwu was deliberate, how could this be done? Twenty times the gravity, if it weren't for becoming a star caller, the body is much stronger than ordinary people, and there is star power to protect the body, he would have been crushed into meat sauce long ago.

Even so, being able to survive under this gravity does not mean that you can move flexibly here!

Huo Xingming wanted to stand up from the ground, but under these twenty times the gravity, it was difficult to even lift his fingers, and the whole person seemed to be sucked out by the ground.

When Huo Xingming couldn't help it, Zi Xiao moved first.

Zi Xiao gathered the star power on his legs and slowly got up from the ground with difficulty. He didn't use his hands during the whole process, because Zi Xiao had absorbed the energy of Lepus and his legs were obviously stronger than his hands.

It took Zi Xiao nearly ten minutes to get up from the ground.

However, under the influence of twenty times the gravitational force, the star power in Zi Xiao's body was also rapidly consumed. Just standing up and struggling to step out of the first part, the star power in Zi Xiao's body has almost bottomed out.

Zi Xiao was once again overwhelmed by the strong gravity to the ground.

On this side, Huo Xingming was still lying on the ground. He had tried various methods, focusing his power on his legs, hands, or even his head. He couldn't stand up at all, he could only move his body slightly.

Huo Xingming even wanted to summon Wuming to cut the space, but gravity simply wouldn't allow him to do so.

However, Huo Xingming still didn't give up, running the star power in his body to various parts of his body, trying to make his body adapt to this gravitational situation.

However, the star power runs very slowly under this gravitational condition. After three weeks of operation, the body has become accustomed to this state, but more than one time has passed.

Zi Xiao was also lying one step away from Huo Xingming, using her star power to recover her own losses, but it was only a drop in the bucket.

In this way, in the eyes of others, Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao are lying motionless in front of the restaurant like two dead dogs, while the two of them are constantly trying to stand up from these twenty times the power of the stars.

Time passes by one minute and one second, one hour, two hours. There is not much time until it gets dark, but Huo Xingming is still lying on the ground, unable to move, Zi Xiao has never stood up again after falling down.

At this time, Bi Suwu came back and brought three people back. Seeing Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao still lying on the ground, there was basically no trace of movement, he smiled slightly, and said, "Ahu, you go in and give them a run. Take a look at both."

The man named Ahu by his side responded and ran straight into the range of the twenty-fold gravity circle.

As soon as he felt twenty times the force of gravity, Ahu's face also turned pale, but he was not overwhelmed by gravity to the ground.

After taking a deep breath, Ahu slowly stepped forward within the twenty-fold gravity. Although it seemed very difficult and slow, Ahu did indeed walk in this gravity circle.

After about twenty minutes, Ahu finally finished the lap. When Ahu walked out of the gravity circle, he could clearly see that Ahu's face had become snow white, his sweat had wetted his whole body, and he sat on the ground prostrably.

Bi Suwu waved his hand, and the gravity pressing on Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao suddenly disappeared.

Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao lay on the ground and gasped for breath.

Su Wudao said, "Ahu is a starcaller. In terms of level, you two are exactly the same as him. There is no difference, but his physical strength is at least three times that of yours."

At this point, Bi Suwu paused, "Seven Stars Leading the Sky" is certainly a god-level technique, and it was also created by our 88-Star Palace, but there is only one person who can practice in history."

"This exercise has its advantages, and more of its disadvantages. You can get powerful power without having to practice very hard, and even the total amount of star power is more than that of ordinary people. In terms of destructive power, you can There is no such thing as "Seven Stars Attracting the Sky"

"Similarly, Seven Stars Attracting Heaven can improve your strength, but it cannot improve your physical fitness very well. With a strong strength, without sufficient physical fitness, you will not be able to perform at all, and because of the special technique, you can't even practice. Other people’s astrological skills can only be used by absorbing more astrological skills. Therefore, the first part you want to find Lepus to settle accounts is to improve your physical fitness."

Announcement: The last three weeks of the net-wen league audition stage this season! Those who did not participate, hurry up! Heavy bonuses and opportunities to become gods are waiting for you!