The Falling of The Stars

Chapter 43: ----The celebrity Huo Xingming


Zi Xiao here is enjoying the blessing of a medicinal bath, while Huo Xingming on the other side is suffering from hell.

Huo Xingming was pressed into the medicated bath with a string of Chaotian peppers, his whole body stabbed and wanted to faint, but Cao Yaoshi's Xingli continuously flowed into Huo Xingming's Tianling Cap.

Huo Xingming is now more awake than ever, but also more painful than ever.

At this point, Huo Xingming still didn't understand that Yaoshi Cao had deliberately punished him, so he might as well become a domestic animal.

But he couldn't understand, he clearly didn't offend Pharmacist Cao? Why does Pharmacist Cao have to deal with himself

I don't know, Huo Xingming played the role of an airbag this time.

Three hours later, Zi Xiao finally walked out of the medicated bath. The long bath made Zi Xiao's whole body glowing red, and at the same time her body was still smelly, so she immediately went into the prepared hot pool to wash in vain.

There are thousands of venoms and countless impurities in the human body, which are usually entered into the body by breathing and eating. The main function of this medicinal bath is to expel the toxins in the body. , Dredge people's meridians.

At two hours, the whole liquid medicine had been blackened by the venom and impurities flowing out of Zi Xiao's body, and it gave off a foul smell. If it hadn't been for Xueer had brought a few more sachets and placed it around, Zi Xiao might not be able to bear the smell coming out.

On the other side, poor Huo Xingming was crushed by the liquid medicine for three hours. Not only did he endure the high temperature, but he also endured the tingling pain caused by Chaotian pepper. Later when the liquid medicine turned stinky, Medicine Master Cao also treated Huo Xingming’s Pressing his face into the water, he said that this is a detoxifying beauty, which can make Huo Xingming no longer a popular face, but a handsome guy.

Sure enough, the effect of this medicine was obvious. When Huo Xingming's face left the medicinal liquid that exuded the foul smell, his face was indeed not a popular face, it became a "swollen face".

The whole face was flushed with swelling, especially the two lips, which were swollen like sausages, and the nose was also swollen, red, just as ugly.

Pharmacist Cao didn't expect that Huo Xingming would become like this. He suppressed a strong laugh, pulled Huo Xingming out of the liquid medicine, and then threw it into the cold water that had been prepared.

Of course, when Huo Xingming came out, Pharmacist Cao applied potion on all parts of his body and face to reduce the swelling, and finally looked like a normal person.

But Huo Xingming's own spirit has been hit hard.

Ever since he lived in the middle and upper class society, has he ever suffered from this kind of torture? The most painful thing from the beginning was that he was slightly beaten twice by Zi Xiao.

However, Zi Xiao is more measured every time, but Huo Xingming feels pain, and rarely bruises or the like.

Huo Xingming did have a mental breakdown this time. He didn't even know how he survived. He suddenly felt how happy it is to be bullied by Zi Xiao.

When Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao came out to change their clothes, Pharmacist Cao slowly said, "Today you two used medicine to wash the menstrual fluids in the marrow. The impurities in your body have basically been discharged. There are still three days left. Come to cut your marrow, that is to improve your roots and bones, and make it easier for you to grow."

Xueer stared at Pharmacist Cao and said blankly, "Uncle Cao, it only takes one day."

Huo Xingming clearly observed that Pharmacist Cao's face was cramping, and quickly said, "Xue'er, it's up to Pharmacist Cao to decide all this. I think he has been in medicine for many years, and there must be a better way to improve our abilities."

To Xueer, Pharmacist Cao also breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes turned a little softer when he looked at Huo Xingming.

Huo Xingming shuddered, and he was forced into helplessness. Of course, he knew that Xueer Compensation had a strong medicinal effect and could achieve the goal to the greatest extent and the fastest. However, Pharmacist Cao was obviously reluctant to use good medicine!

If I don’t do this, I might be guilty of how much I will suffer tomorrow.

Now Huo Xingming's face is rubbed with the medicine specially made by Cao Yaoshi, it looks very normal, but as long as you take off the bathrobe, you can see that Huo Xingming's body is redder than the monkey butt.

Occasionally, the movement is big, and when you encounter something, the skin will tingle.

Moreover, Pharmacist Cao had previous convictions before. When Zi Xiao drank an unknown poison for Xue'er while performing surgery on Xue'er, this Huo Xingming was enough to sentence Pharmacist Cao to death.

Had it not been for Zi Xiao to stop Huo Xingming afterwards, Pharmacist Cao had given Zi Xiao enough care, and had taken out a lot of medicinal materials for Zi Xiao to compensate Zi Xiao, Huo Xingming would have beaten him to the sky long ago.

And when he was training, he was ruthlessly infused with a lot of unknown and strange test drugs. This can be a shame for Huo Xingming's life.

Although the relationship between Huo Xingming and Cao Yaoshi does not have the hatred of killing his father, it can be "unshared."

But now, in order to be able to improve his own strength, Huo Xingming could have a chance of victory in the Star Martial Festival Grand Competition, so he could only swallow his breath.

No way, although the star spirit Cao Yaoshi couldn't defeat Zixiao, he seemed to be very bad at fighting. Similarly, if Huo Xingming didn't have a suitable knife, he couldn't defeat Yaoshi Cao.

If there is a fight with Yaoshi Cao now, the battle between the two parties is basically a pure star power, and Huo Xingming will undoubtedly be defeated.

Therefore, Huo Xingming really lacks a good weapon right now. Unlike Zi Xiao, Zi Xiao's kicking skills are ever-changing, and he can easily show all kinds of different moves and combos. What's strong is a mess.

He can play Ahu with a leaf and complicated body skills on the martial arts field, and Zixiao only needs three moves to kill Ahu in seconds...

For the next three days, Pharmacist Cao personally dispenses medicine for Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao to continue to soak in the medicated bath. This time, Pharmacist Cao has been gentle with Huo Xingming... at least he won't put any strange things in the liquid medicine.

However, before Huo Xingming's body was swollen and swollen with the medicinal solution of Chaotian Pepper, this wouldn't be all right for a while.

So taking a medicinal bath is still a very painful thing, and every night Huo Xingming can't lie down to rest, or sit and practice, and can only stand silently and enjoy loneliness.

Soon, the three-day medicinal bath was over, and Huo Xingming sighed. He felt that he had spent the most tormented days in his life.

But Zi Xiao has a different feeling. For more than a month before, he was living in intense training. After these four consecutive days, Zi Xiao has achieved rare relaxation both mentally and physically.

It seems to have returned to the life of the real elder sister. The two days of life are bathing, eating, resting, sleeping, plus a small amount of exercise to absorb the effects of the medicine, so that the life should not be too comfortable.

Announcement: The last three weeks of the net-wen league audition stage this season! Those who did not participate, hurry up! Heavy bonuses and opportunities to become gods are waiting for you!