The Falling of The Stars

Chapter 55: - Cher's past


Xueer left Yinxing City. No one knew about this, not even Bi Suwu.

Xue'er didn't tell anyone about this, but asked Pharmacist Cao to secretly take herself out of the city last night.

Pharmacist Cao certainly disagreed at first, but Xue'er didn't know where she learned it, and in front of Pharmacist Cao, she cried with rain.

Pharmacist Cao immediately relented. He had lived with Xue'er for twelve years, and had never seen Xueer smile, let alone Xueer cry! He agreed to Xueer and took her out of the city.

As a result, Pharmacist Cao just came down, and Xue Er immediately changed back to a cold look, as if nothing had happened.

However, Pharmacist Cao also had many considerations. Since her body recovered, Xue'er has been cultivating constantly, and now she is strong enough to protect herself in the wild.

Pharmacist Cao also knows Xue'er's inner pain. When she was just brought back by Bi Aldebaran, she would be awakened by her nightmare every night, constantly calling "Mom, don't leave me."

Since Leng Yue and Xue Han came to Cao’s Medical Center, Xue’er has never waited to see them, will not dispense medicines for them, and will not take care of them specially, even without seeing them directly.

Pharmacist Cao and Xueer have lived for twelve years, but Xueer has never been like this before, and vaguely guessed that Xueer is actually a child abandoned by Leng Yue and Xue Han.

When Leng Yue and Xuehan decided to stay in Yinxing City on the night of guarding, Xueer came to Pharmacist Cao and wanted to go out and fight by herself. Pharmacist Cao also confirmed her own thoughts, but she didn't know it.

Pharmacist Cao didn't know how much spiritual trauma the Leng Yue and his wife brought to Xue'er, but he didn't seem to be a good person to intervene as an outsider, and Xue'er never mentioned the situation when she was abandoned.

Therefore, Pharmacist Cao decided to help Xueer himself, and it would be better for her to go out quietly.

Xueer walked through the forest alone, feeling a little melancholy. She clearly remembered the scene twelve years ago.

Xueer remembers that she was only six years old at the time, and she still didn't understand the condition of her body. It was just hot and cold. When Xueer was uncomfortable, her mother would hold herself and cry, so Xueer was not uncomfortable, and Xueer was very good. Cher didn't let her mother cry.

But on that day, the woman left Xueer in the forest, but she ran away, "Mom, Xueer feels so cold", Xueer finally cried, "Xueer wants her mother", when Xueer was in the forest that day , Helpless, helpless, fearful, "Xue'er is so scared, mother, come to rescue Xue'er, Xue'er must not be uncomfortable anymore, Xue'er will not make her mother angry anymore, Xue'er must take medicine after returning, no The medicine is bitter again."

Six-year-old Cher was crying in the forest, crying constantly, and all kinds of complicated moods came to her heart. But the woman still did not appear.

That day, Xue'er clearly remembered that she fell for the first time, no one came to help her, her knee was bleeding, and no one came to give him a blow.

Xueer cried helplessly against the big tree. She didn't know how long she cried. She cried until the ice broke out, and her body gradually turned into an ice sculpture. She was unconscious and cried until she lost consciousness.

When she woke up and saw a strange aunt and uncle taking care of herself, Xueer was very moved, but... Xueer couldn't cry anymore.

"Twelve years, what do you want to do when you show up in front of me now?" Xueer muttered to herself as she rushed, "I finally forgot how heartache was, but your presence reminded me of the tears of the past. What does it feel like to have a cleft heart."

Xueer bit her lip and continued to rush in one direction aimlessly. She didn't know where she was going, she didn't have a plan, just didn't want to see that woman again...

Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao didn't know that Xueer also left Yinxing City at the same time, leading the two brothers Along and Ahu towards the direction of Hercules, and the speed was...very slow.

This is all Ahu's fault. Although Along and Ahu are people with animalized bloodlines, their combat abilities after animalization are even higher than those of the same level.

But unfortunately, Aaron and Ahu inherited the blood of the Black Demon Giant Ape. The Black Demon Giant Ape is not good at speed. Although Aaron is high in strength, he can still keep up with the speed of Zi Xiao and Huo Xingming, but Ahu can’t do it. what.

Ahu ran forward with all his strength, and Along felt like he was jogging, while Huo Xingming felt like walking in a quiet courtyard. Zi Xiao, who is best at speed, felt like a snail crawling...

Later, Aaron couldn't stand it anymore, looking for such a speed, he couldn't reach the territory of Hercules for half a year, and he simply transformed into a beast and became a huge dark giant ape, bringing Huo Xingming, Ahu and Zixiao with all his strength. Hurry up.

This speed is indeed a lot higher, and the ordinary star beasts along the way feel that the aura of the black devil giant ape will not come to Huo Xingming and them, making trouble a lot less.

But Along’s beastization was only a short hour, and he would still be weak for three full hours afterwards, which made Huo Xingming very speechless. Is this a bodyguard sent by Bi Suwu or a burden

In the end, Zi Xiao let her power out and found a rope, dragging three big men through the forest by herself...

Huo Xingming and Along Ahu's stomachs churned up after rushing down this day.

Huo Xingming felt like he had been on a roller coaster all day, and after stopping, he vomited out yesterday's overnight meal.

Along and Ahu didn't get much better. Regardless of their physical strength, no matter how strong they were, they couldn't stand such a bumpy day. After stopping, his legs trembled and he couldn't stand up for a long time.

Zi Xiao glanced at her mouth, "It's really useless, I have to prepare dinner for you in this state, right?"

Huo Xingming hurriedly said, "No need, I will go hunting, and we will have barbecue in the evening."

"Brother Huo, wait a minute, Ahu, you stand up for me. A man can't do it. Let's go hunting with Brother Huo and prepare firewood."

Ahu even got up tremblingly from the ground, but after all, Ahu and Along's physical fitness were too different, and he stood a little unstable.

Zi Xiao couldn't help being a little amused looking at Ahu's aggressive appearance, and Ahu felt the ridicule from Zi Xiao's side, and couldn't help but blush.

A man is most taboo to be ridiculed by a woman, and Ahu directly used beastization and became the Black Demon Great Ape of Than Aron One, and he rushed into the woods all at once.

Soon, Along and Ahu returned with a variety of different game dishes. Zixiao also picked up some firewood around, and the fire began to roast the meat.

Aaron said, "Eh? Zimei, why isn't your brother Huo coming back? This meat is almost cooked through."

Ahu, who was on the side, took the opportunity to fill in the fire, "Maybe it was a prey that didn't hit him, and he came back with no face."

Zi Xiao patted Ahu's forehead, "Do you think men are as useless as you?"

Ahu was in pain, "Well, my Zizi, I didn't take you to play like this. You laughed at me just now. It's your own man's turn to show him so much!"

"Who do I need to be kidding?" Huo Xingming walked out of the bushes empty-handed, "I heard you talking about me as soon as I came back, so I'm full?"

Seeing Huo Xingming empty-handed, Ahu suddenly became energetic, "Look, Zimei, I'm not messed up, right? He really didn't get anything back."

Huo Xingming smiled, and took out a variety of fruits and wild vegetables from his storage ring, "I know you two can only hunt, and you will look like cows if you eat them."

Zi Xiao stared at Ahu grinningly, "How about? Convinced? Otherwise, how come he is my man instead of you? You are the second fool."

Ahu made a big blush, and said in his heart that he would never ask for trouble anymore. Ever since I met Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao, he seems to have been abused. Whether in the ring or in private, there is no quarrel. Won.

Announcement: The last three weeks of the net-wen league audition stage this season! Those who did not participate, hurry up! Heavy bonuses and opportunities to become gods are waiting for you!