The Falling of The Stars

Chapter 57: ----The decisive family member


Huo Xingming and his party immediately set off to move on. This time it was no longer Zi Xiao tied the few men away. Everyone cooperated with Ahu's steps, guarding the surroundings while slowly advancing.

Huo Xingming is now surrounded by everyone in a triangular formation. There is no way. Who calls him the weakest existence now

You can't use draw swords, just like a magician with full energy can't use magic.

Huo Xingming is now constantly thinking about the possibility of the appearance of the silver light worm.

In the constellation of Turfidae, it was at least tens of kilometers away from Huo Xingming's current position, and logically, there shouldn't be a Silverlight Turffly.

According to Aaron's description, the silver light worm is indeed a good scout, changing the color of the body, covering up his own breath, and having a stature, and capable of performing illusions. It is simply a first-class scout.

But why should it monitor itself? Could it be Helen sent it

The more Huo Xingming thought about it, the more suspicious he was. What exactly Helen's purpose was. He had known Helen since the age of twelve, and he completely trusted what Helen said, but what Helen did now made Huo Xingming have to start to re-examine Helen.

If Helen was only to destroy the star realm and then reshape it, then there would be no need for his own unstable factor to come. He might betray Helen at any time, and might even stab Helen in the back.

Then there is the fifth of Lepus. Why is the fifth with Helen? Do you hate humans? Why do you want your family members to attack the villagers of Mojia Village

And the time has passed quite well, just what happened to me in Mojiacun...

The more Huo Xingming thought about it, the more suspicious he became. Huo Xingming didn't think Helen would do such a conscientious thing. The Helen he knew had always been a wise, sensible, and kind person.

Now I can only wait for the wormfly to wake up and see if it can get something out of its mouth.

Just an hour after Huo Xingming and the others left, hundreds of silver-eyed worms sprang out from various places in the forest, "The target is lost! You guys go back and tell the boss, the others, take this as the center and set out to look around! Remember not to Close, the other party may have the means to detect us."

In another instant, all the silver-eyed worms disappeared in place.

And Huo Xingming and his party didn't know that there were hundreds of silver-eyed worms looking for their whereabouts behind them. After recognizing the direction, Huo Xingming and his party continued to march towards the Hercules in the Kado Forest.

The fainted glaucoma bug under Along's care still had no symptoms of waking up, and the sky gradually darkened.

Ahu said, "Big brother, let's stop and rest. It's been four hours in a row, and I'm hungry."

Huo Xingming turned his head and said, "Zi Xiao, drag Ahu away!" Zi Xiao immediately rushed to Ahu's side, picked up Ahu and continued on his way.

Aaron Dao on the side, "Yes, you can't stop at this time. The opponent must have noticed that this worm has lost contact. If the opponent is really targeting us, we will probably be tracked again as soon as we stop."

Ahu reluctantly raised Xing Li, let his weight become a little lighter, and a group of four people kept rushing forward.

After walking for another whole night, even Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao felt a little lack of physical strength, so they stopped and found a place to rest.

"Oh, well, I'm so exhausted, how can I walk like this!" Ahu sat down on the ground, "I didn't drive pigs like this."

"Only you talk a lot! Sister Zixiao took you all the way, and she didn't say a word! This will let the old man know that you are like this. You must be killed!"

Ahu immediately covered his mouth. From the time he was born, Ahu was not afraid of fear. The one who feared most was his own Lao Tzu. I usually get beaten up at home.

Huo Xingming took out the leftover barbecue from the day before yesterday from the storage ring, "Okay, don't quarrel at this time, eat quickly to recover, the fire will stop, rest for two hours, and then move on."

Alongtou said, "At this rate, we can enter the territory of Kado Forest probably before it gets dark today. The forests over there are not so dense, and it is much easier to counter-reconnaissance."

Everyone ate, hydrated, and sat on the ground to recover their star power and physical strength.

And what made Huo Xingming speechless... Zi Xiao also took out a cucumber from the storage ring and made a mask for herself...

Big sister! When is it, you still make a mask! And is this useful? In Yinxing City, when Xueer washed the menstruation and cut the marrow of the two of us, the impurities in the body were eliminated. What kind of thing did Cucumber suck from your face? !

When Huo Xingming and the others were resting, the silver-eyed worms under Along's care finally woke up, but Huo Xingming didn't have time to ask any questions. Without a word, the silver-eyed worms detonated the power in their bodies and committed suicide.

Huo Xingming didn't expect this silver-eyed worm to be so decisive, committing suicide the moment he noticed that he was caught, which caught Huo Xingming and Along by surprise.

This is a family member, this is simply a group of dead men! Judging from this reflection, the person who sent the silver-eyed trophies over was Helen.

Huo Xingming has no grievances and no grudges against the constellation of the constellation. It is impossible for it to target itself. In addition to the constellation of the constellation, it can also drive the silver-eyed constellation to monitor itself. Apart from Helen, Huo Xingming can't think of a second one.

What happened to Helen? If you persuade you to send yourself, and then throw yourself in the forest, you are now aiming at yourself. Is this also to give yourself a temper

In any case, Huo Xingming only knew that he was in danger, but now he had no fighting ability. For the first time, he felt that he had a desire for strength.

"Why, did you call me so soon?" Huo Xingming was startled, and a strange and familiar voice appeared in his mind.

"Don't panic, as long as you give me an order, I can bring you endless power, and even let you destroy the boring earth you live on in an instant."

Huo Xingming said, "No matter who you are, no matter what you can bring me, I only know that you are dangerous! Now, immediately, immediately, get out of my mind!"

"... Trust me, you will come to me soon."

Then no matter how Huo Xingming called in his mind, the other party didn't reply.

Huo Xingming is a little irritable, who is he? Why does it appear in my mind.

Huo Xingming absolutely didn't believe that the pie would fall in the sky. He must have paid a great price for what he said could bring strength to himself.

Huo Xingming shook his head. Things were already complicated enough. Now an unknown lunatic came out of his consciousness, disrupting his thoughts, and couldn't help feeling a very headache.

Zi Xiao saw that Huo Xingming's behavior was a little unusual, and walked over and said, "What's wrong? I have a headache? I will rub it for you

Huo Xingming shook his head quickly, "Don't be so gentle to me, I am not used to..."

Zi Xiao punched Huo Xingming's abdomen, staring at his big watery eyes, "Now what? Are you used to it?"

The organs on Huo Xingming's face were twisted together, enduring the pain, "Zi Xiao, you should rub my brain for me..."

Zi Xiao slapped Huo Xingming's head and looked at Huo Xingming with pure eyes, "Now what? Have you adapted?"

Huo Xingming hurriedly said, "Adapt, adapt..."

Announcement: The last three weeks of the net-wen league audition stage this season! Those who did not participate, hurry up! Heavy bonuses and opportunities to become gods are waiting for you!