The Falling of The Stars

Chapter 60: -Possibility of the body


Huo Xingming took the Yuhun back into his body. For the first time, he felt that strength was so good. He suddenly changed from the weakest to the strongest among the four. Huo Xingming felt very comfortable.

Just when Huo Xingming was happy, Old Bell's voice came out of his mind again, "Okay, son, the matter is solved, I'm leaving!"

Huo Xingming just wanted to ask Old Bell what this sentence meant, the energy in his body suddenly began to agitate, frantically rushing out from all the places in the body that could come out.

Huo Xingming couldn't stop the gushing of these energy at all. After a while, all the extra energy in Huo Xingming's body disappeared, and Huo Xingming returned to its original state.

"It's okay, don't summon the Yuhun. You will charge a fee for using the Yuhun!"

Huo Xingming wants to scold his mother now, what do you mean? ! Is this power a one-off? It’s gone after using it? Is your liver worth so much

Huo Xingming put Zi Xiao on the ground and checked before and after. It was found that Zi Xiao was not in serious trouble, that is, the Xingli overdraft was more serious, and the bones of his right leg were a bit misaligned. Fortunately, he also learned some things in Yaoshi Cao’s hospital a few days ago Simple medical treatment, this simple dislocation, Huo Xingming clicked twice to connect him.

She gave Zi Xiao water again, and sat down to examine her body carefully. Huo Xingming didn't go to see Ahu and Along. He was very sure of himself when he shot. The two of them just came out of the illusion and passed out temporarily.

Huo Xingming closed his breath and looked inside and sensed the power of the stars. Everywhere in the examiner’s body, the heart, kidneys, liver and stomach

The spleen actually stopped working, but it didn't seem to be a major problem to my body. It was not sick or hurt, and I couldn't be healthy anymore, just like my heart stopped, but I was still alive.

This made Huo Xingming very puzzling. Logically, at this time, the function of his whole body should have stopped completely. Why could he still be so alive

Old Bell's voice came from the alarm clock, "Don't think about it, the more you think about it, the more I can't sleep!"

Huo Xingming said, "Then tell me, what is going on with you? Why is it in my mind? What is going on with my body? What is your purpose?"

Old Bell sighed, "Am I not anymore? I'm just a soul fragment! I don't know anything, I just store it in this knife. The only purpose is to give you strength in exchange for all you have! You offer Of course I took away the sacrifices."

Huo Xingming said, "Is the power all at once? Is my liver so worthless?"

Old Bell said, "It's worth it! Of course it's worth it. It's worth more than your heart. The power you get can easily defeat any trash zodiac in their mouths, but hey, it's a one-off."

Old Bell continued, "It's not that I pit you, your heart was passively sacrificed to wake me up, and the liver is yours. No matter what I want, take it away, and I will take your liver politely. of."

Huo Xingming was a little speechless, as if he was indeed so, he suppressed the other questions in his heart, and said, "... Then, logically, how many things can I sacrifice to you to solve this crisis?"

Old Bell said, "The fingernails are fine, even if you sacrifice your appendix, it's okay."

Huo Xingming suddenly waved his right hand, Yuhun appeared in his hand, blasted a pit on the ground with star power, and directly threw Wuming into it.

"Hey! Son, what are you doing! Hey! I warn you! Don't mess around! Hey!!!"

Huo Xingming ignored this profiteer, it was too deceitful, he took his heart passively, and he took his liver without shame!

Huo Xingming squatted down and picked up the soil beside him to bury the Yuhundao.

"Young man! Young man, there is something to discuss! Impulse is the devil, and I am a soul fragment! If you bury Yuhun, the world is so big, maybe when you can be found..."

Huo Xingming said irritably, "Whoever loves to look for, don't worry about such a deceptive thing." He didn't stop his work.

"Brother! You are my brother! I am no longer in this knife. I am now imprisoned in your spiritual world. If you bury the Yuhun, I have not completed the task before you die. It will die!"

Huo Xingming ignored Old Bell, and worked silently. Seeing that Yuhun was about to be sold in its entirety, Old Bell was finally anxious.

"God! I, you are my relatives. Wouldn't it be enough if I gave you your heart and liver back? I will charge you honestly in the future. Don't I just do it in a hurry to complete the task... you and me A soul fragment, not even a lonely wild ghost, you have a large number of them, take the Yuhun and continue to travel... I will do my best."

Huo Xingming said, "This is yours!" With a thought, Yuhun suddenly disappeared underground and reappeared in Huo Xingming's hand.

Only then did Old Bell reflect that he had been tricked, and became angry for a while, "You!..."

Huo Xingming said with an innocent look, "What's wrong with me? I was also a big man before listening to your tone. It doesn't matter if you don't talk?"

Old Bell sighed, "Forget it, I also blame my own soul for being mutilated, and I don't know the connection between Yuhun and you very well, so I will give it back to you if I give it back."

Huo Xingming felt a shock in his body, as if he was suffocated. "Plop", "Plop" is a heartbeat! Huo Xingming quickly touched his heart and checked his body everywhere.

Not only the heart, but the liver that had just rested for less than ten minutes also resumed functioning. Huo Xingming suddenly felt relieved.

Although the cessation of my cardiopulmonary function and liver function does not affect me much, it is more reassuring to operate than not to operate.

Old Bell sighed again, "Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that my great Belfigau would have such a day, and after working for a long time, he only got a dispensable appendix."

Huo Xingming comforted, "That's right, this thing can still inflame, the appendicitis that made me sick."

Old Bell said, "This time it’s my fault, the great Belfigol, I don’t care about you, but next time you are so shameless and want to take the sacrifices back, I’ll blew myself up and bombed you. Divine consciousness makes you an idiot forever."

Huo Xingming repeatedly said that there was no problem.

Next, Old Bell told a lot of what Huo Xingming knew.

It turns out that Yuhun does not belong to this world. He comes from Old Bell, that is, the world of Belfigor... As for which world Belfigor comes from, Old Bell himself has forgotten, only vaguely remembers his own world population. rare.

The Yuhun was his weapon during his lifetime. The Yuhun is actually not sharp. It depends on the sharpness. In fact, even a harder stone can't be cut into pieces. It can only be used with a knife made of ordinary profound iron. Cut vegetables and meat or something.

But Yuhun has a passive skill, that is, the cut-off of the soul. Old Bell told him that everything has a spirit, even the stones on the roadside, there are souls, but they have no consciousness, and there is no soul. In theory Does not exist.

Just like ordinary things, if you use it for a long time, you will have feelings for it. In an old place, if you stay for a long time, you will inevitably also have feelings. This phenomenon is what Old Bell calls the soul’s antithesis. .

And Yuhun can cut off all soul connections, or destroy the soul directly.

For example, if your hand is cut off by a sharp weapon, but after treatment, you can still connect it and recover. It will be as easy to use as before.

But your hand was severed by Yuhun, even if the genius doctor connects it to you, it is absolutely impossible to use it again.

Because what is cut off by ordinary sharp tools is only flesh and blood, there is still a disconnected relationship between your soul and your hand. After you connect it, the soul in your hand and your body will slowly recover and join.

But the soul is not only your flesh and blood, but also your soul. As soon as the hand leaves the body, it no longer belongs to your hand. The severed soul is an independent existence. Completeness will still dissipate in the air and become the purest energy existence.

Therefore, Yuhun is not sharp, but it can cut off the spirit of all things. In many cases, Yuhun can penetrate the body of others and cut off the soul of others, but it can not hurt others.

And to sacrifice to Old Bell to gain power, Huo Xingming understood that it was the same as ancient alchemy, which was an equivalent exchange, using his own things to exchange for equivalent power to Old Bell.

The power conference is evaluated according to the true value of things in their hearts. The sacrifices can be not only the parts of Huo Xingming’s body, but also the money, food, clothes, etc. in Huo Xingming’s hands. As long as they belong to Huo Xingming, all You can ask for strength from Old Bell. In Old Belle's words, he wants to take away all of Huo Xingming, not just a mere life.

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