The Falling of The Stars

Chapter 73: -Underground forest


Huo Xingming's mouth twitched, "...what about your mother?"

Along's eyes suddenly dimmed, "Our mother is a human, and I have never seen her. I just heard from my father. She was very weak when she was alive. She died in the second year after giving birth to Ahu..."

Huo Xingming patted Along on the shoulder, "Sorry, I..."

Aaron shook his head at Huo Xingming and smiled happily, "It's okay, anyway, we have a father."

Huo Xingming had nothing more, although Along smiled at him just now, but Huo Xingming still felt a trace of decline in Along's eyes.

Although my mother has been in my own studio for many years after memorizing things, I can count the days that I can spend with my mother in dozens of fingers, but at any rate my own His mother is still by his side.

Huo Xingming shifted his gaze to Zi Xiao who was sitting on "Da Hei"... murmured to himself, "Does this brute want to make Zi Xiao the stepmother of the two of them?"

Just as Huo Xingming was thinking about it, Zi Xiao suddenly moved towards Huo Xingming and motioned for him to come up too.

Huo Xingming looked at the huge "mount" under Zi Xiao's body and hesitated, but he still mustered up the courage to run the star power, and rushed to Zi Xiao's side in two or two.

Zi Xiao grabbed Huo Xingming and said, "Come on, sit down, you are like a jar of vinegar overturned, and I'm so sour."

Huo Xingming was agitated, his eyes glanced at Da Hei secretly, and said, "Don't be blind, I can be jealous for you? Besides, Senior Hei is more than six hundred years old, can I look at you?"

Hei Fengli, who was on the side, turned his head and looked at Huo Xingming, "Son, I really fell in love with your girlfriend, and do you think I can’t hear your self-talk? I just want to give it to my two sons. Find a stepmother, how can I do it? A duel?"

Huo Xingming was at a loss for a moment, so his own voice was heard? Worthy of being the Dark King of Great Apes... But now is not the time to admire! Someone blatantly grabbed his wife with the protagonist! Can this be tolerated

Of course Huo Xingming couldn't bear it, even if he was a behemoth who could crush him with one finger, Huo Xingming couldn't back down!

Just as Huo Xingming raised his chest and wanted to propose a duel, Zi Xiao suddenly laughed, "Clam, Da Hei, don't be funny, I'm two years older than Along Ahu, and I will be a mother for the two of them... Hahahaha, hello~~Along, Ahu, do you hear me? Mother scream, listen~"

Huo Xingming was discouraged at once, and looked at Zi Xiao, who was more than a muscle.

Zi Xiao patted Huo Xingming on the shoulder and said, "Why are you jealous?"

Huo Xingming bitterly said, "I feel like my girlfriend ran away with the old Wang next door."

Zi Xiaoqiang held back his smile, "Don't worry, I won't marry a beast, but I won't necessarily marry you~ Do you remember what I said to you at that time? My future husband must be A hero of salvation."

Huo Xingming continued to bitterly, "Isn't that me?"

Zi Xiaobai glanced at Huo Xingming, and turned away from Hei Feng, "Da Hei, cut him!"

"Hao Le~" Da Hei raised his right hand, aimed at Huo Xingming on his shoulder, and flew out with a flick of his finger.

Huo Xingming quickly raised the star power defense. Although Da Hei didn't use any strength against Huo Xingming just now, he actually "gently" pushed Huo Xingming off his shoulder.

But this is more than ten meters high. It is about the height of four or five stories on the earth. Even if Huo Xingming is a star now, his body strength is much stronger than ordinary people, but at least a few pieces will be broken if he falls like this. bone.

Seeing Huo Xingming fall, the sand king Atas who had been following behind moved, and the barb on the tail shot out instantly, hooking Huo Xingming's clothes accurately, and slowly sending him back to the ground.

Huo Xingming bowed slightly to Atasi, expressing gratitude, and said in his heart, "This Liangzi is forged. When I have the strength, I will beat Helen first and then you!"

For half an hour after Huo Xingming and his party followed Da Hei through the intricate tunnels, they finally saw the light in front of them. Different from the cave where Artas was just staying in, this looked more like...sunshine

Huo Xingming ran forward a few steps quickly, stepped out of the tunnel, suddenly enlightened.

Huo Xingming's first feeling was as if he had returned to the earth. This was the first time he felt the real warmth as the sun shines after he came to the star realm.

But this does not return to the earth, this is still underground, this is a huge dug out underneath... it should not be a huge new world.

In this world, there are endless forests, lakes, and various animals and plants, and above this underground world, there is actually a sun shining

"Surprised? In order to arrange the old scorpion to tell you the truth, we took a lot of effort to talk. The old scorpion is a secret arranged by the Scorpio family. In order to prevent him from being watched by the fake Helen completely, the old scorpion pretended to be A star beast that suddenly emerged."

"At that time, when our Sifang overlord noticed the desertification, we found Lao Xie Zi. Lao Xie Zi told us everything. We were very saddened by the experience of Master Helen, and the reason for supporting the implementation of this plan.

"My eyes were not hurt by others, but by myself, because when the old scorpion was talking to us, he was afraid of being watched, detected, and exposed. We deliberately lost out by four on one. Old Scorpion, for the sake of the drama, all four of us hurt our bodies."

"The desertification continued, but in the dark, we began to move to the aboriginal people in the Kado Forest, and secretly moved them underground, and then Lord Phoenix sent his family members to bring light to this underground world."

"On the surface, the Kado Forest has been completely deserted, but in fact, the Kado Forest has just moved."

"It's just that we have treated humans badly, but this is nothing we can do. Humans, as the only race in the world with natural intelligence, have been closely watched by false Helen. We have no way to move them here. ."

"So the old Scorpion can only send his tribe to drive out these humans and drive them out of the Kado Forest. Otherwise, do you think that the humans in Yinxing City can stop our star beasts from attacking? It’s only a matter of minutes before Yinxing City is breached."

Huo Xingming said, "Then what is Helen's next plan? What does he need me for?"

Announcement: The last three weeks of the net-wen league audition stage this season! Those who did not participate, hurry up! Heavy bonuses and opportunities to become gods are waiting for you!