The Falling of The Stars

Chapter 82: ----Ice Feather Divine Bow


Xue Han didn't understand these truths. Although Xue Han and Leng Yue were one of the strongest beings among human beings, they were still far weaker than those of the constellation adults.

Unless two people are together, the two-by-two star skills are superimposed on each other, and those constellation talents will have the power to fight, and if a war is really fought, although one or two masters can't play a role in changing the situation.

But if there is no one who is in the same position as the opposite, the military will be distracted, and even the battle that can be won will be easily won by the opponent.

Tears flickered in Xue Han's eyes. He had just recognized his daughter who had been parting for more than ten years. He didn't expect to be parted again soon. Xue Han was heartbroken and bit his thumb.

Blood slowly flowed from Xue Han's thumb, and Huo Xingming was surprised to find that Xue Han's blood was no longer blood red, but glowing with golden light.

He has heard before that people will encounter a bottleneck when they cultivate to a certain level. This bottleneck is the limitation of the human body’s energy. If you want to move forward, you need a certain amount of opportunity, plus a lot of rare and precious medicinal materials to slow it down. To nourish one's own sex, break it out of the realm of "flesh", and reach the realm of "spirit".

The realm of "spirit" is not the so-called soul realm, but the realm of reaching agility.

God, everything has spirit, stone has spirit, broken stone, sand has spirit, sand broken, dust has spirit, dust gathers, mountain has spirit. The spirit gathers the spirit to disperse, and finally becomes the spirit.

In the star realm, people with slightly better talents can almost reach the strength of the Protoss. Protoss is not the end of a person. Judging whether a person is in the Protoss or not is completely based on the total amount of star power in that person It is judged by not meeting the standard, not...purity.

A person is like a container, and the star power is water. When the star power is full, then that person will break through, the strength will continue to grow stronger, the container will continue to grow, and then continue to practice the star power, thus, the container getting bigger.

When the container can no longer grow bigger, then that person has reached the strength of the Protoss, and then, it is about to enter the stage of "transition".

Spiritual transformation is to slowly let the energy contained in the star power continue to nourish one's body. Originally, only the pubic area in a person's body can store energy, but after nourishment, a person's ** will continue. Breakthrough, enhancement, and even the hair can store part of the energy in the whole body.

But this is a negligible amount of energy. The most important thing is that during this process, the star power in one's body will become purer and thicker.

Although the total amount in a person's body has not changed, the power of a move from a pure star force and a move from an impure star force are completely different, just like you can pierce a flying needle at most. It pierces a person, but a flying needle can open a huge hole with a diameter of ten centimeters in the human body...

One of the final steps in the transformation of spirit, blood transfer, only when a person's blood has all become the purest energy, can it be possible for the whole body to transfer spirits.

And after getting the energy nourishment, what kind of point will it reach... There is a book record that in the long and long history of the star realm, there has been a most powerful person named Lu Fei, who has reached the whole body. All are spirits, even the sweat or tears that flow out are holy water that can heal all diseases.

Some people learned the news and wanted to assassinate him when they met, but he never resisted, leaving the enemy to attack at will, but there was never an attack that could...damage his clothes.

The biography of Lu Fei spanned more than a thousand years in the history books, and the various biography is even more numerous, and the final record is that he went to the endless sea and disappeared for three years.

Three years later, on the shoreline of Ashenvale Forest, someone found his body. Everyone thought it was the zodiac who defeated the strong man in the biography. From then on, the zodiac became famous and became famous for thousands of years. , No one dares to enter the endless sea anymore.

At that time, there were still people coveting his smart sex, but after his death, he was still invulnerable, and even his hair, not a weapon of the artifact level, was constantly cutting.

Now Huo Xingming saw that what Xue Han had flowed out was actually dark golden blood. It seemed that Xue Han had basically completed one-third of the process of transforming spirits in Xue Han's body, and after Xue Han had passed, Leng Yue was much stronger than her. I Xingming believes that as long as Leng Yue and Xuehan are given enough time, the two of them have the potential to catch up with the strong passer-Lu Fei.

Just as Huo Xingming was thinking wildly, Xue Han's hands didn't stop, and he continued to use his precious blood to draw an extremely complicated magic circle on the ground.

Xue Han kept controlling her star power to prevent the wound on her thumb from healing. He drew it for half an hour before putting his hand back. His face was a little pale, but now it has become bloodless, standing. It was still a little shaky.

Zi Xiao on the side hurriedly helped Xue Han. Xue Han gasped heavily and waved his hand to Zi Xiao, saying that he was okay. He pushed Zi Xiao away and put his hand in the middle of the circle.

The complex magic circle painted with dark golden blood illuminates, and Xue Han slowly stretched his hand in, as if there was another space on the other side of the magic circle.

Then, Xue Han's hand suddenly pulled out in the magic circle, and the blue light of the magic circle scattered. Huo Xingming and Zi Xiao closed their eyes at the same time. The light was too strong. Huo Xingming felt like he was looking at the sun with a telescope. Generally, it was only a moment, not only the eyes but also the head felt a sting from the bright light.

The strong light then dissipated, and Huo Xingming slowly opened his eyes, and found that Xuehan was lying on the ground like a puddle of mud, and she was still holding a bow in her hand... which looked like a bow made of ice crystals. , Carved with some chaotic patterns on the bow.

Huo Xingming couldn't understand these patterns, but still faintly felt that these patterns looked like the feathers of a bird, they looked messy, but they felt very textured.

Xueer came over silently, knelt down beside Xuehan, took out a black pill from his bag, and took it down for Xuehan.

Xuehan ate the pills his daughter gave him, and it seemed as if he had recovered immediately. He immediately sat up and handed the bow to Xue'er's hand.

"Xue'er, this bow is called the Bingyu Divine Bow. It belongs to the Leng Family, that is...your father, the treasure of the town in his family. You can take it and let me rest assured."

The old man in Chengqu, who had been silent for a long time, saw this bow, his eyes glowed, "This bow is a good thing, Yuehan Bingjing, where did you find this material? I have lived for so long, see The biggest moon cold ice crystal is only the size of a fist, and you actually made bows. It's really amazing."

Announcement: The last three weeks of the net-wen league audition stage this season! Those who did not participate, hurry up! Heavy bonuses and opportunities to become gods are waiting for you!