The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 100: Take the heavy responsibility to tour the autumn season


Early on the fifth day of August.

Sun Shaozong rolled over and dismounted in front of the government yamen, but he was still thinking about the fierce battle yesterday afternoon.

He didn't know the taste of meat for more than a month, and he ate a lot of nourishing things. It was the time when the dragon and the tiger were fierce, but Xiangling was a person who would be flattered. .

But what is even more rare is that although Xiang Lingpo's bones are crisp and tendons are soft, and seeing the sun getting worse outside, he still insists on washing up and goes to the front yard to welcome Ruan Rong back in person.

In the evening, he took the initiative to move Sun Shaozong's bedding back to the soft slump outside the main room, without any intention of being spoiled.


Such a sensible and lovely person, it is really a loss for Xue Pan to be willing!

"Sir, stay still."

Signed at the former Yayingmao, and Sun Shaozong was about to go to the Criminal and Mingsi Xiaoyuan to see if there were any suspicious or wrong cases recently.

Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the clerk in charge of Dianmao, who told him, "Master Fu Yin explained yesterday that if you arrive, please go first and then take a walk."

Han Anbang please

Could it be that he wanted to ask if the disaster on the south bank would affect Shuntian Mansion

This is what the title should be about.

Sun Shaozong originally wanted to write a statement and hand it up, but since Han Anbang has invited it, he might as well give it a dictation first.

Thinking like this, he walked through the courtyard and went to the courtyard of the Houya Han Anbang.

The clerk was asked to report, and after a while, Han Anbang greeted him with a smile on his face, stood on the steps and cupped his hands and said, "Sun Tong took the initiative to go to the disaster area to supervise the execution. He is really a role model for my generation! "

These words are obviously compliments, but secretly they have ulterior motives.

When Sun Shaozong was going to be executed at the South Bank, Jia Yucun tried his best to dissuade him, and he broke up because of it.

At this time, Han Anbang said that he was a 'model of our generation', clearly antagonizing Jia Yucun and provoking the relationship between the two.

Unfortunately, he was doomed to be busy.

Although Sun Shaozong is now drifting away from Jia Yucun, he has no intention of joining Han Anbang at all.

He just smiled humbly and said, "Your Excellency is wrong, I don't know if Your Excellency is calling for a humble post, what is your order?"

"Well... Come on, let's go ahead and talk about it."

The two entered the small living room, and seated the host and guest in front of Songhe's Yannian map, and another official served two cups of fragrant tea.

Han Anbang said sternly: "To tell the truth, this time I invited my brother to come, but it is for this year's autumn."


Sun Shaozong was stunned when he heard the words, and asked him about the disaster. It was quite reliable, but this autumn...

He frowned and said, "Sir, Shuntian Prefecture's Wuju Township Exam has always been in charge of the military divisions of the five cities. What does it have to do with our Shuntian Prefecture?"

Han Anbang laughed, shook his head and said, "Of course I'm not referring to the martial arts exam, but the Wenju Township Exam of the kenke."

"Then it has nothing to do with the lower officials." Sun Shaozong spread his hands: "The humble post is a martial artist. This literati imperial examination will never let me be a martial artist to be an examiner?"

"It's impossible to be an examiner, but the important task of supervising the examination room is none other than my brother!" Han Anbang said, with a look of awe: "We Shuntianfu have many powerful people, and the relationship is even more complicated, so this matter of imperial examination fraud , is also repeatedly prohibited!"

"It's fine in the past, and if something goes wrong, it's just the punishment that deserves to be hit and the punishment that deserves to be punished - but seeing that it will be the ten-year period of His Majesty's rule in the near future, the court will definitely celebrate it, if something happens to this situation. Something is coming..."

Having said this, Han Anbang stood up and bowed to the end: "So I want to invite my brother to act as the patrolling envoy of this autumn season, so as to completely eliminate the fraud in the examination room!"


Sun Shaozong hurriedly got up to avoid it, and the rattles in his hands seemed to be: "I'm a martial artist, how do I do a patrol? If the scholars know about it, I'm afraid it will cause trouble!"

The rural examination in this capital has always been dominated by the Ministry of Rites, and Shuntian Prefecture is responsible for co-organizing it.

And this so-called inspector is the chief inspector of the examination room. Although he is not a serious 'examiner', his authority is still above the general examiner.

It is said that with Sun Shaozong's background, it is definitely a rare honor to be able to become a 'patrol ambassador' in the rural examination.


Han Anbang just said that this year's township examination is different from the past, and there should be no mistakes - Sun Shaozong is not a fool, how could he recruit such an errand

"That's a bad word, brother!"

But Han Anbang was willing to let Sun Shaozong go

He saw his face stern and said, "Although you don't have a serious reputation, you are born with a pair of discerning eyes, and you are the most impartial and selfless, and you are the best choice for the patrol envoy - and this is not what I mean alone. , Jia Fucheng also strongly recommends that you take up this important task."

rely on ~

Sun Shaozong couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

Don't ask, the old fox Jia Yucun must be afraid of being implicated in the fraud case in the township examination, so he sold himself without hesitation!

The first and second leaders have combined to deceive people. How can he be rejected as a subordinate

Therefore, Sun Shaozong had to grit his teeth and folded his hands and said, "If this is the case, the lower official can only reluctantly - but the lower official should also put the ugly words in front. If there is any trouble because of the prison affairs, please ask the adults..."

"Ha ha… "

Without waiting for Sun Shaozong to finish speaking, Han Anbang laughed and said, "My brother is always smart and strong, I believe you will be able to grasp the balance and let me and Jia Fucheng be safe and sound!"


This is forcing people to work hard labor, and the mother doesn't want to take any responsibility - if the court did not care, Sun Shaozong would have been beaten to death by one punch!

Angrily, he left the office.

After returning to the Xing Ming Si Xiaoyuan, Sun Shaozong first called Cheng Rixing to him and asked about the fraud in the imperial examination.

Cheng Rixing has been recruiting people for more than ten years. The reason why he is only willing to serve as a Qingke and Shiye, but not to become an official, is because he is unwilling and insists on winning the title of a jinshi.

Therefore, he takes the test every three years, which is unstoppable!

When Sun Shaozong asked about the fraud, he even said a lot of words, from pen, ink, paper, ink, shoes, hats and socks, to tattoos with pigeon blood, it was really all kinds of strange things!

After talking for a long time, Cheng Rixing suddenly asked curiously: "Why did Dongweng suddenly think of asking this, but there are relatives in the family who want to participate in this year's autumn festival?"

"No relatives."

Sun Shaozong reluctantly said: "This official is going to be the patrol envoy of this department, so first..."

"Congratulations to Dongweng, congratulations to Dongweng!"

Before he could finish speaking, Cheng Rixing bowed beamingly to the end: "Although the inspector is not as good as the [examiner], he is often included in the [examiner] of the room teacher recently. Ke, in Shilin, you must give some help, and you will never be crowded out by literati like today!"

This sounds...

It's a real benefit!