The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 107: The plan is superfluous



Following Zhou Rui to the front of the flower hall, he saw Jia Lian waiting on the steps.

"Lian Er..."

As soon as Sun Shaozong handed over his hands, before he could finish the greeting, he heard someone shouting behind him: "Second Master, Second Master! There is an accident in the other courtyard, someone..."

Perhaps seeing an outsider present, the shouting stopped abruptly.

Then, I saw a sweaty servant rushing to the front, whispering a few words in Jia Lian's ear, Jia Lian's expression changed, and finally he scolded: "These lowly bastards, are they going to rebel? Can't it?!"

Immediately, he apologized to Sun Shaozong: "Erlang, I have an urgent matter to deal with here. You can wait here for a while. After waiting, my brother will punish himself three times to apologize to you!"

After that, he called Zhou Rui and hurried away.

This is really...

Sun Shaozong was speechless for a while in front of the flower hall, and then he stepped in and saw that the round table in the center was already full of banquets.

He stepped forward and picked up a jar of wine, first looked at the outer packaging, and then poured himself a bowl, and found that it had been drunk before.

So he became more and more certain that what he found 'aged wine' was just an excuse. Jia Lian called herself to come, just to open up the joints for the Lai family.

It's just that when Jia Lian comes back later, Na Lai will not be by his side - this is a plan, and it has to be used in front of the master to achieve the best effect.

I was thinking about how to respond when Da Lai was present; what to say when Da Lai was not there.

He suddenly felt that someone was spying outside.

Sun Shaozong didn't leave any trace, and with a glance out of the corner of his eye, he saw a maid outside the flower hall carrying a food box, pacing back and forth as if walking through the city gate, and a pair of peach blossom eyes did not leave the flower hall.

this girl...

It seems to be the one who just stopped in front of Li Wan.

This food box…

It seems to be exactly the same as the one with the hidden love poem.

Could it be again...

Sun Shaozong secretly complained in his heart, didn't he already refused last time, why is this pretty widow still entangled

If you have the heart to pretend not to see it, but you are afraid of being smashed by others - although he has a clear conscience, if he can say this clearly, there will be less gossip in the world!

So after a little hesitation, Sun Shaozong still got up and went outside the door to see that there was no one left or right. Then he called the maid and asked, "Is this sister here to find me?"

The maid approached shyly, brought the food box forward, and said, "Our milk... Our brother Lan heard that Master Sun was here, so he asked the servant to bring some snacks."

Looking at the appearance of this maid, it seems that she also knows some 'inside stories', and Sun Shaozong's heart is even more depressed - there is a saying that 'if you don't keep secrets, you lose your ministers; How to let others know? !

Sun Shaozong was thinking about how to reject Li Wan veiledly and resolutely, so as not to keep her entangled and cause some trouble.

Who knew that Sister Shan, seeing that he would not take over, put the food box on the steps, turned around and ran away.

"Hey~ you come back, you come back..."

Sun Shaozong shouted twice, but Sister Shan was willing to listen, and disappeared in a flash.

rely on ~

What is this called? !

Sun Shaozong stood at the door and was speechless, so he had to carry the food box into the flower hall.

Putting it on the table and taking off the lid, it turned out to be another dish of dim sum common in big families - it is indeed impossible to prepare anything in such a short period of time.

After fiddling with the chopsticks a few times, I picked up a note from under the snack. Sure enough, there was another love poem on it.

But this time, she added a lot of resentment compared to the last time, berating 'Lang's heart is as hard as iron', and saying that she also wanted to 'forget about the two from now on', but 'tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at night'.

So I thought about it again and again, and finally wrote this love poem, saying that if Lang Jun changed his mind, he would sing a song with her and put it on the bottom of the plate.

If he is still unwilling to 'prove the lovesickness', he also asks him to give him a personal token to comfort the pain of lovesickness.


After watching it for a long time, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but sigh and say: If this person is too good, he will surely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble!

and a poem or something...

First of all, Sun Shaozong must be able to write, so needless to say, this option is naturally excluded.

As for giving a personal token, he was a little undecided for a while.

The safest way is to choose neither of the two, but the problem is that there is no feedback at all, so Li Wan should write the third love poem!

This goes back and forth, in case anyone notices...

Right in the middle of a dilemma, Sun Shaozong noticed someone was peeping outside, and when he looked out of the corner of his eye, that person was hiding in the flowers, so he couldn't see it clearly.

Because when Li Wan bowed his head and was shy, there was obviously some affection in it, but Sun Shaozong never thought that this was a trap set by others.

So I just thought it was the maid who came back and wanted to see how I would deal with it.

Thinking like this, he didn't care too much.

at the same time…

In a small and secluded courtyard not far away, Mr. and Mrs. Lai were listening to a report.

"... Sister Shan threw the food box away and left, and then Mr. Sun carried the food box into the door, but he didn't know what he saw, so he started to be stunned."

To say that the most well-informed master in this Rongguo Mansion is naturally none other than Wang Xifeng.

But if compared with Mrs. Lai and Mrs. Lai, Wang Xifeng is more than one step behind - let's say today, starting from Sun Shaozong's entrance, every move is under the supervision of Mrs. Lai and his wife!

After listening to the latest progress, Lai Da waved his hand to let the trusted servant step down.

The husband and wife looked at each other, and Mrs. Lai Zhang couldn't help but suspiciously said, "The second grandma Erlian sang the song, why can't I understand it?"


Lai Da sneered and said with disdain: "Which one could it be? It's just a beauty trick. Isn't that how Rui Ge'er of the East Mansion was killed by her?"

Lai Zhang's eyes widened when she heard the words, and she said in surprise: "You... you mean that the second grandmother is going to seduce that surnamed Sun... "

"of course not!"

Lai Dao: "If that's the case, why did she ask Ping'er to lead the eldest grandmother to meet the man surnamed Sun?"

After a pause, he sneered again: "I heard people say a few days ago that the eldest grandmother often gave food to the 'Wu Xuetang'. I thought she was doing it for Lang Ge'er. I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

"You mean..."

"The eldest grandmother must have an affair with the person surnamed Sun, but when the second grandma Lian saw the clue, she wanted to make a plan to earn the person surnamed Sun into the urn!"

Lai Da said confidently, and suddenly thought of something, he hurriedly pushed his wife and instructed: "You go home quickly, and bring those 'Southern Border Wine' and 'Spiritual Turtle Zhanxiong Dan'!"

Lai Zhangshi was stunned for a moment, but became a little bit shy, and said ashamed: "In this daytime, how can you..."

"Another fart!"

Da Lai said angrily: "Then the second grandmother Lian is a little younger. If you don't add some seasoning to the surnamed Sun first, how can there be a 'treacher' to catch?!"