The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 108: After you sing, I will appear


After opening the red seal on the wine jar, Da Lai threw a brown pill into it, thought about it, and added three more.

After re-binding the red seal and shaking it vigorously, Da Lai called in a servant and instructed: "If you send this wine, you will say that the second master won't be back for a while, please ask me first. Master Sun, try this 'aged wine'."

The servant took the lead and went with the wine jar.

Lai Zhang Shi was a little nervous, grabbed Da Lai's arm, and said in a trembling voice, "Head of the family, this... this won't be a problem, right?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Lai Da snorted and said, "If I really want to go out of business, it's because of the embarrassment of the second grandmother Lian. When Wu Liu comes back, let him go to Zhuangzi to hide for a few days, and then we won't be able to find us!"

Not to mention the Lai couple.

But Wu Liu, the young servant, took the wine jar to the door of the flower hall, took a deep breath, and was about to rush in, but someone suddenly stopped him with his arm stretched out, and asked with a smile, "You This wine was sent to the inside?"

While speaking, a baby face with a velvet hairpin on his head appeared in front of Wu Liu with a smile.

"Bao... Second Master Bao?!"

Wu Liu's shock was no trivial matter, and he fell down with a trembling of his hands.

Thanks to Jia Baoyu's quick eyes and quick hands, he hurriedly stretched his arms around his arms and said with a smile, "Look at how brave you are, let me deliver this jar of wine for you."

After speaking, without waiting for Wu Liu to respond, he strode to the flower hall.

"Second Master Bao, Master Bao! That wine... That wine is for Master Sun, that wine..." Wu Liu chased after him and shouted twice. Seeing that Baoyu had entered the flower hall, he stomped his feet in a hurry, and hurried back to report the letter. .

But he said that Sun Shaozong was undecided in the room when he heard someone talking outside. He hurriedly put the 'love poem' in his sleeves, looked around, and saw Jia Baoyu, holding a jar of wine, rushed in excitedly.

"Second brother, I really miss me if I haven't seen you for a long time!"

As Baoyu said that, he put the wine jar on the table, ripped open the red seal, poured out two big bowls, and said with a smile, "The last time my second brother came, I happened to be ill. Second brother, please accompany me to have a few drinks to make up for that day!"

"Brother Bao is not thinking about me, but about the case in my stomach?"

Sun Shaozong laughed, took the wine bowl from Baoyu's hand, and said, "But I've been busy with Qiu Wei all day recently, so I don't have time to investigate the case."


Baoyu's eyes widened, and he wondered, "Isn't that a 'business' for civil servants? When will it be the turn of a warrior like my brother to go to Dafali City?"

When Baoyu mentioned the matter of studying and being motivated, he couldn't help slandering him. Fortunately, Sun Shaozong was not a scholar, so he just laughed when he said Qiu Wei was a 'big profit business'.

"It's not a serious examiner, it's a patrol officer who supervises the order of the examination room." Sun Shaozong said with a smile: "I went to the Gongyuan a few days ago, and I only knew why Brother Bao didn't like the imperial examination - the numbered room used for the examination, It's not really a place for people."

As he spoke, he pinched his hands, making it the thickness of a bucket: "There is such a big hornet's nest inside, and the brother that the hornet was chasing, I fled in embarrassment, and even stung my Zhou Jianxiao all over his head for several days. I haven't even been able to go to the yamen to do errands!"

Seeing what he said was interesting, Baoyu slapped her thigh with a smile.

"Second brother!"

Immediately, he picked up the wine bowl and said with a laugh, "Come here, let's drink a glass of wasps for the wasps in the Gongyuan, and wish them great profits in the autumn season!"

Saying that, he raised his head and poured.


Just the next moment, he sprayed it on the ground again, and said 'bah bah bah': "What kind of wine is this? It tastes so weird!"

Sun Shaozong laughed: "Why did you ask me about the wine you brought yourself? Besides, it's common sense that you can't taste good wine at a young age."

As he said that, he also raised his head and poured the bowl of wine into it, but found that the taste was really weird.

If there was no one else, Sun Shaozong would have vomited out.

It's just that Baoyu just made a joke that Baoyu doesn't know good wine, but how could he lose his temper in front of him

So he had to swallow hard.

Strange to say, this wine tasted strange in the mouth, but when it entered the stomach, it turned into warm currents, and the ironing of the internal organs was very comfortable.

Sun Shaozong poured himself another bowl, then put the wine jar in front of Baoyu and persuaded: "This wine is really good, why don't you try it again?"

"Forget it, I really can't get used to this good wine, so I'd better drink some bad bars."

Baoyu, however, respectfully thanked Bumin, and leaned over to take another wine and pour it on.

The two exchanged cups and chatted for a while, but Baoyu couldn't help but bring the topic to Lin Daiyu, cupped her cheeks in her hands, half-truth and said, "Since Sister Rong is pregnant, I can't come here often. Afterwards, Sister Lin has been sullen, like my cousin, it is better to be close to my sister."

In the past, Sun Shaozong was the one who couldn't bear a boy or girl like him the most.

But today, for some reason, I don't think it's different at all, and I even feel a little... a little cute.

cute? !

Sun Shaozong was startled and thought to himself that something was wrong with his brain? Otherwise, how could the word 'cute' be used to describe a boy? !

And under this shock, he suddenly discovered that what was under his robe, he didn't know when it was already 'angry'!


It seems that this cannot be explained by the word 'confused'.

Could it be that Jia Baoyu was doing something in the wine? !

Thinking of such a possibility, Sun Shaozong was only in a cold sweat, and he was smitten by the pretty widow. How could even a double plug like Jia Baoyu want to make up his mind? !

"Brother Bao, what do you mean?!"

He jumped up suddenly, gritted his teeth and glared angrily, and waited to grab Baoyu to ask what happened.

Who knew that Baoyu was taken aback, but she said with a face full of grievances: "Brother, what's wrong? I'm just joking, and I'm not really jealous of Sister Rong."

This look...

Doesn't look like he's pretending

Could it be that he did the hands and feet? !

Anyway, no matter what, this flower hall must not stay any longer, otherwise Sun Shaozong and the two generations will clear their names, and I am afraid they will be destroyed in one fell swoop!

"Brother Bao, I... I'm in a hurry. It's convenient to go first."

After a random reason, Sun Shaozong hurriedly staggered out of the flower hall.

I thought that being blown by the autumn wind would make my mind clearer.

Who would have guessed that after taking a few steps in the wind, he felt that the drink was surging, and his body became more and more hot. After stumbled a few steps, he wished that he could tear his clothes off and run naked.

Just as he was rushing around in such a daze, he suddenly collided with a person!


Just hearing a woman's coquettish voice, without even seeing what that person looked like, Sun Shaozong completely lost the last shred of reason, and he took her into his arms without even thinking about it...