The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 11: Yang conspiracy?


As expected by Sun Shaozong, this kind of story of 'being a colleague in one anger, solving a strange case in half a day' was the easiest to spread among the ancient folk.

He didn't wait until the next day, when he just sent Ruan Rong, who was reluctant to part, to go home. On the way, he heard someone discussing the matter in a street restaurant, and his name 'Sun Duwei' was repeatedly mentioned.

The only thing that is a little inappropriate is that Li Jiuming seems to have been made into a harlequin who is jealous and capable, to set off him and Wei Guangzheng, the second male lead Feng Xin - Needless to say, this fellow Feng Xin must have secretly added drama to himself, otherwise he will rely on him. How can you be the second male with such a little ability

Now is the time to unite all the forces that can be united. When Qinglin Mansion is building momentum, it is not a good thing to offend a local snake like Li Jiuming for no reason, especially when others have helped him.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong was going to come to the door the next day to apologize, and to add fuel to the hype and earn the name of "hero cherishes hero".

Who knows, the plan can't keep up with the changes.

Early the next morning, Sun Shaozong just got up from the bed and hadn't even started to take a shower, when an official sent a famous letter asking him to go to the residence of Prime Minister Nguyen Phuoc Thong for a talk.

This Ruan Fuzhong is truly one person and more than ten thousand people in the country of Qianxiang, let alone a small commander of Sun Shaozong. Even when Niu Yongxin was still alive, he had to go to the Ministry of Rites to apply for a report if he wanted to see him.

Such a big man sent an invitation, how could Sun Shaozong dare to delay

Besides, his plan of 'pulling the flag and pulling the tiger's skin' also needs such a big man as a stepping stone. How can he miss such a great opportunity

Therefore, Sun Shaozong had to ask Feng Xin to come to the door and apologize on his behalf. Anyway, this matter was originally made by Ya, so it would be more appropriate for him to wipe his ass.

However, it was said that Sun Shaozong rushed to the prime minister's residence, and after the guests and the host were seated in the living room, Ruan Fuzhong first represented the court of Qianxiang Kingdom, condolences to the embassy and others, praised the guards headed by Sun Shaozong, and reviewed it again. The past years of solidarity and friendship between the two countries look forward to a brighter future.

At the end, Ruan Fuzhong finally began to conduct detailed cross-examination.

Up to this point, this meeting had given Sun Shaozong the feeling that he was going through the motions, just like those model worker commendation conferences he had attended in the modern era—the whole article was full of official articles and nothing to say.

The only difference is that Nguyen Phuoc Thong's speech is more refined, and his attitude is stronger than those of the city and county leaders.

However, when Sun Shaozong gradually lowered his vigilance, Ruan Fuzhong suddenly threw out a sentence: "I, Qianxiangguo and Dazhou are brothers and sisters, but the Zhenguo regards Dazhou as a tiger, a leopard and a wolf. Those assassins are naturally from Zhenguo, and they only It could be from Zhenguo!"

With just these words, Sun Shaozong felt his hair stand on end, and he almost broke out in a cold sweat!

What does this mean

Are you trying to see if you can see the flaws

Or is it showing that what Qian Xiangguo is doing is actually a conspiracy, and he is not afraid of Da Zhou discovering the truth

Just a short sentence, but it is very thoughtful!

It was also fortunate that Sun Shaozong had been in the modern officialdom for several years and was not a real boy, so he managed to stabilize his mind and did not show his timidity in front of Ruan Fuzhong.

-Dividing line-

After returning to the embassy.

On the one hand, according to the original plan, Sun Shaozong sent people to spread the rumors that "Prime Minister Ruan has a good eye for talents, and Duwei Sun loyally refuses to recruit", falsely claiming that Ruan Fuzhong recruited himself as a third-rank general, but he was very moved and rejected.

On the other hand, stimulated by Ruan Fuzhong, Sun Shaozong made up for the domestic and foreign situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and found that the surnamed Ruan might actually be engaged in a conspiracy!

Generally speaking, feudal dynasties pay attention to the fact that there are no two suns in the sky and no two masters in the people, but this Great Zhou court has two suns: the Taishang emperor who abdicated and the emperor who succeeded him.

In the face of imperial power, even fathers and sons are unavoidable to be suspicious of each other and restrict each other, so the decrees of Da Zhou in recent years have often changed and contradicted each other, which greatly dragged down the efficiency of the local government and reduced the prestige of the imperial court.

It is precisely because of this that the murmurs that were suppressed in the past are gradually rising. For example, the Mongolian tribes in the northwest were almost wiped out by the Great Zhou more than fifty years ago. The black water moss colluded, and it was quite eager to move.

On the southeast coast, Japanese pirates and Huangmaoyi people became more and more violent, and they repeatedly went ashore to loot, making the people along the coast miserable.

Under this internal and external trouble, Da Zhou still has the spare energy to take care of the six countries in the southern border

Therefore, although the middle and lower levels of Qianxiangguo still maintain their awe of Da Zhou, the high-level people have already developed a different kind of mind, so they secretly used methods to test Da Zhou's reaction.

Anyway, they mainly aimed at Zhenguo, and the court and the public showed great obedience to Da Zhou, as if they regarded themselves as a loyal dog of Da Zhou. Even if someone in the court of Da Zhou saw the flaw, how could they deal with it? Could it be that for Niu Yongxin, the only little brother who was considered 'respectful and humble' could be turned back? !

After figuring out these joints, Sun Shaozong felt more and more that the murky waters were unfathomable.

Therefore, on the one hand, he told Feng Xin and others to live in seclusion, so as not to cause any further trouble; on the other hand, he took the lead in raising funds of 500 taels of silver to buy the soldiers and officials who escorted the assassins, so that they could solve the mystery of "Sun Duwei in half a day. The story of Prime Minister Ruan's Wisdom to Know the Talents was spread to Shuntian Prefecture.

Four or five days passed in such a calm manner. Seeing that the escort of the assassins finally set off, the embassy suddenly welcomed an 'uninvited guest' - Ruan Rong's biological father, Ruan Liangshun, the prefect of Qinglin.

Ruan Liangshun came to visit in the name of 'thank you', but Sun Shaozong couldn't really see that he had any gratitude. Instead, his old face was tight, as if someone owed him a lot of money.

At first, Sun Shaozong was very inexplicable, but for Ruan Rong's sake, he didn't care about the old man. It wasn't until Ruan Liangshun said a word that he understood where the other party's inexplicable hostility came from.

"Captain Sun."

I saw Ruan Liangshun cupped his hands without smiling, and said: "The little girl was concerned about the safety of the old man, so she would inevitably be a little uneasy, Duwei Sun must not pay attention to it - just after a while, the little girl will We are about to get married to the eldest son of Pan Shangshu of the Ministry of Household, so this official will hold a wedding banquet at home and invite Duwei Sun to take the time to come."

How smart is Sun Shaozong

Immediately understood that Ruan Liangshun was saying something, and the real intention was actually to warn him: My daughter is about to get married, you better not have any relationship with your daughter, let alone have any unreasonable thoughts!

This invitation to participate in the engagement banquet is just a casual remark, and it cannot be taken seriously at all.

Although Sun Shaozong also had a good impression of Ruan Rong, it was still far from the level of the relationship between a man and a woman, not to mention that if there were no accidents, he would return to Da Zhou in a few days.

Therefore, after hearing this warning, although I felt a little uncomfortable, after sending Ruan Liangshun away, I also forgot about it.

After that, nearly 100 days passed, and the engagement banquet in Ruan's house arrived as scheduled. Most of the relatives and friends received invitations, but Sun Shaozong was missed - but even if he received the message, he was afraid that he would not have time to go. Going to the banquet, because at the same time as Ruan's house posted the wedding invitation, the new special envoy of Da Zhou finally arrived at Qinglin House!