The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 112: The second deceased (repair)


PS: In addition, for those who questioned my liars, I used to make up for the next day when I was less updated. Just say something straight, do you need to lie? Besides, it makes sense to take the number of power outages in the city and the number of power outages in a village in a poverty-stricken county? 】

Guangde ten years on August 16th.

A sudden heavy rain in the second half of the night completely extinguished the resentment of the officers for the past few days - before, he was still complaining that 'the old man moved his mouth and ran down and broke his leg', but now he has changed his mouth and praised Sun Shaozong, saying that he was prepared for a rainy day and foresighted. God.

If Sun Shaozong hadn't applied to start construction ahead of schedule, the officers would not be able to make it in time even if they were rushing to repair in the rain.

In contrast, failing to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival safely and steadily is naturally not a big deal.

But he didn't know that Sun Shaozong was also very lucky. He just saw that the Gongyuan was too dilapidated, and he was afraid that it would be too late to repair it, so he made the decision to start the construction ahead of time. He never thought that he would hit it right, and he could have avoided this heavy rain.

However, the officers breathed a sigh of relief, but he and Jia Yucun could not rest yet. They rushed to the Gongyuan in the rain early in the morning and led people to carefully check the situation of the examination room, lest there would be another trouble tomorrow when the Ministry of Rites sent people for inspection.

Fortunately, the situation at the scene is not bad. Although there is a leak in the numbered room, it is basically close to the wall seam, which will not affect the normal use - after all, they are all made of thin wood, and the requirements cannot be too high.

After the inspection, Sun Shaozong was discussing the order of day and night duty with Jia Yucun in the temporary thatched shed, but saw several yamen rushing over.

"Report to the lord of the mansion, the master of the sentence, the pontoon bridge has been built in Hebei, and the victims have already started to cross the river this morning. The lord of the government called for the two masters to return to the yamen to discuss matters!"


Now it's more lively.

Jia Yucun gave a wry smile and couldn't help twitching his beard and said, "Brother, now even I'm beginning to doubt whether you can predict the future."

At the beginning, all the bridges on the Yongding River were washed away by the flood. In addition, the water did not retreat, and it was difficult for ordinary boats to cross. Therefore, the victims were blocked on the south bank, and it was not Shuntianfu's turn to worry about it.

But once these victims crossed the river, Shuntian Prefecture would have to take responsibility, and it was imperative to send most of the officers to maintain order, lest these 'mud legs' who had nothing would affect the good life of the people of the capital.

In this way, if you want to repair the Gongyuan in the rain, you will definitely not be able to rely on the Shuntian Palace alone. You have to ask for help from above, and then you will be scolded for 'short-sighted', 'repair after a sheep' and so on.

Therefore, Jia Yucun has such a statement.

Sun Shaozong smiled, but he didn't bother to explain anything.

The two went back to the yamen by car, and Jia Yucun was naturally one of the protagonists of the opera.

As for Sun Shaozong, who was sentenced under the name of the criminal, he is now serving as the patrolling envoy of Qiu Wei, and he really has nothing to do with him when dealing with the victims of the disaster.

So he had a helper in the inner hall of the back ya, listening to the people in the hall shirk responsibilities to each other, and incidentally scolded Hebei officials for being shameless, and deliberately indulging the victims to cross the river.

Seeing it, someone was about to accuse the victims of refusing to starve to death obediently, and wanting to cause trouble for the court, but suddenly a green-robed officer was seen poking his head outside the hall.

Wang Qian, the magistrate of Daxing County, and Su Xingfang, the newly appointed magistrate, quickly got up and pleaded guilty, and hurried out of the inner hall.

Sun Shaozong didn't care about this at first, but after a while, Su Xingfang quietly turned back, leaned over to Sun Shaozong and said, "Master Sun, Magistrate Wang and I have something to do, I want to ask you for advice, you Look… "

Sun Shaozong's heart moved, and he blurted out: "But the murderer who left the blood of 'Shen Dian' hurt another life?"

Generally, such madmen who take the initiative to provoke 'law enforcement agencies' often choose to commit crimes continuously before they fail to achieve their goals.

Besides, Daxing County doesn't need to ask him for advice on anything other than this case, which is obviously aimed at Sun Shaozong.

Su Xingfang bowed slightly and praised: "Your lord is indeed well-deserved. I just want to ask you about the 'blood letter' case, and I would like to ask your lord to give me some advice."

It is said that cases of this kind are usually named after the content of the words in blood, but in order to avoid the Shangguan Sun Shaozong, Daxing County is called "the case in blood", and the word "Shen Dian" is not mentioned.

Since they said it so politely, Sun Shaozong would naturally not refuse, and besides, he was originally interested in this case, but he just couldn't walk away for the time being.

So Busy got up and complained, and followed Su Xingfang out of the inner hall.

Outside the door, I saw Wang Qian, the magistrate of Daxing County, talking with the green-robed officer who was poking his head in the corridor not far away—to be precise, Wang Qian was scolding the green-robed official.

Due to the heavy rain, Sun Shaozong didn't understand what he was scolding, but when he got closer, seeing that he was still with a dark face, he guessed that this 'Zhen's son-in-law', 80% did not want him to intervene in the case.

As a deputy, but being able to surpass Wang Qian as the master, it seems that this is not easy for Su Xingfang.

"Master Sun."

"The magistrate of the king."

Although they are both of the sixth rank, Wang Qian is much bigger in terms of power, but Sun Shaozong is after all a Shangguan in the government office.

Therefore, after Wang Qian bowed reluctantly, he returned the bow and asked straight to the point: "I don't know who the murderer has killed this time?"


Wang Qian turned his head and glared at the green-robed officer, "Don't hurry up and tell the latest case to Master Sun!"

"Ding Renlu, a humble post, has seen the Lord Sentencing."

The little official in green robes also stepped forward to greet him, and then, one by one, informed Sun Shaozong of the latest progress of the case.

However, it was said that the influx of disaster victims from Hebei into the Shuntianfu boundary caused a lot of uproar in the city, but there were also many people cheering for it - such as the people in the city, brothel brothels, and bachelors who could not afford their wives on weekdays.

After all, after a catastrophe, selling children and daughters is the most common thing. If there are those who really can't get over the hurdle, it is also a common thing to sell wives and daughters at low prices.

Chen San'er, a lame man in the east of the city, is a member of this army of bachelors.

Therefore, after hearing the news, he hurriedly took the copper coins from his home and prepared to go to the rice store to buy some food to save—after all, for the victims, food was much more useful than copper coins, and it was also good for preserving value.

However, Chen Saner hurried out of the house with the money in his hand, and rushed all the way to the nearest rice shop in the rain. Who knew that he had encountered a body halfway along the way!

At that time, Chen San'er was so frightened that she didn't care about buying any more rice, so she hurriedly went to Baozheng to report.

"The deceased was a prankster. Because of his strength and ruthlessness, he was considered a little famous in that neighborhood."

"The cause of death was being pierced through the heart by a sharp weapon. Based on the shape of the wound, it is inferred that the murder weapon should have been a single knife."

"When I first started, I didn't even think about the 'blood' case, but during the autopsy, I found that the blood stained on the lining of the clothes could vaguely distinguish two words."

"Although the handwriting has been soaked in rain, the handwriting is already indistinguishable, but I waited to speculate, it should be related to the 'blood letter' case."

When Sun Shaozong heard this, he suddenly asked, "When was the drunkard killed? On the night of the ninth day or the morning of the tenth day?"

"This... According to Zou's analysis, he died around the time of his ugliness, probably in the morning of the tenth day of the first lunar month." Ding Renlu said, embarrassedly: "As for the dead skin, because it was soaked in the rain for a long time, it was temporarily still alive. It is impossible to infer when he died.

"In that case, there should be no mistake."

Sun Shaozong said solemnly: "As long as this kind of madman who takes the initiative to provoke the government, he often sets some goals for himself, such as... kill a person every five days!"

"Since he wants to provoke the government, he will naturally leave a clear mark.

"And the mark on the poppy's body is obviously written by the murderer at Zishi-that is, before the rain."

"in this case!"

Wang Qian's face became deeper and deeper, and he said angrily, "Could it be that on August 20, he will continue to kill people?!"