The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 116: Suspicious Clouds in Blood [Part 2] (Revised)



This is a little embarrassing.

After a long pause in front of the two swollen and corrupt corpses, Sun Shaozong remembered that the anti-corrosion methods were not enough these days.

Not to mention the drunkard and Lin Zongmao, even Jin Yichuan's corpse has a tendency to develop a giant view.

Therefore, it is obviously not feasible to put clothes on the corpse to restore the scene.

"Uh… "

With Lu Jianxing and Shen Lian, they stared at each other for a while, and Sun Shaozong had to change his mind temporarily: "Let's find a few people who are similar in size to the deceased, and put on these three sets of blood clothes."

So after half an hour, there were three men with unfortunate faces, posing in various twisted poses on the ground and in the corner of the wall.

And Sun Shaozong took off his clothes for a while to take a closer look, and then stretched out his fingers to scratch on his chest for a while, and the three of them were just horrified...

Uh, to be precise, the two are creepy, and the other seems to be enjoying it. It seems that he is either a gay or a double plug!

There is no way, in recent years, it has become popular in noble families to keep male pets, and it works well.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong could only try his best not to be surprised.

However, he said that Lu Jianxing and Shen Lian were by the side holding their breath and accompanied him. After Sun Shaozong read it twice, he couldn't help but inquire: "Sir, you... can you see anything strange?"

Sun Shaozong didn't answer, but cut off a piece of the clothes on the three of them, let Lu Jianxing and Shen Lian loosely hold them in their hands, and then wrote on them with thick ink with their fingers, and then carefully observed the penetration of the back of the fabric. .

After a long while, he finally said: "The 'blood' on the outside doesn't seem to make any difference, but the blood stained on Jin Yichuan's underwear is significantly less than the previous two deceased."

"I just tried it. The permeability of the three clothes is similar, and Jin Yichuan's is even stronger."

"While the outer bloodstains have not been significantly reduced, this difference should be because the murderer's writing speed is much faster than the previous two times."

"in this case… "

Shen Lian interjected: "When that fellow faced Yichuan, he really had extra emotions?!"

"It can only be said that it is possible."

Sun Shaozong shrugged and said, "Actually, this is also very likely because he is currently on the ropes in the whole city, and he does not dare to stay at the crime scene for a long time."

As he said that, he looked at the morgue not far away, and said with some regret: "Unfortunately, the wounds of the first few deceased can no longer be clearly compared, otherwise, if the two are compared, maybe... Wait! "

As he was talking, Sun Shaozong's eyes suddenly lit up. These three cases were all handled by Daxing County, and the person responsible for disposing of the corpses was naturally the king of Daxing County, Gaosheng.

After the autopsy case in Daxing County, due to the stimulation and inspiration of Sun Shaozong, Wang Gaosheng's autopsy was much more detailed and detailed than before.

If he was asked to disassemble Jin Yichuan's body, he might be able to compare it!

So Sun Shaozong was busy and asked Lu Jianxing to send someone to the Daxing county government office to invite Wang Gaosheng to come.

Then Wang Gaosheng heard that it was Sun Shaozong who invited him, so naturally he brought all the equipment and came happily.

About an hour later...

"It's not the same, this wound is indeed a little different."

Holding a slightly deteriorated heart, Wang Gaosheng frowned and muttered to himself, but he was reluctant to announce the difference.

When Sun Shaozong was selling off, Lu Jianxing and Shen Lian were anxious, but they didn't dare to make trouble.

But how can a small county government office dare to sway people's appetite here

What's more, the two of them just watched helplessly, this fellow cut open his brother's body, although he didn't hold grudges, his goodwill was owed.

Therefore, Shen Lian scolded impatiently: "What are you talking about back and forth? Hurry up and talk about it, what's the difference?!"

After he scolded him, Wang Gaosheng was shocked to realize that he was not in Daxing County, but in the notorious Longjing Guard.

So he hurriedly showed the heart, smiling all over his face...


It seems that this is not the time to laugh, so he hurriedly put on a look of grief, and said: "Three adults, please look, there are some jagged marks at the wound of the heart, it should be when the murder weapon was slowly pulled out. left."

"The heart wounds of the first three deceased people should be relatively smooth. After piercing the heart, the murder weapon was quickly pulled out."

"In addition, the wound on Mr. Jin's heart is slightly larger than the other three - if it is the same weapon, it is very likely that it has been vigorously stirred after being pierced."

Vigorous stirring, slow drawing of the knife, changes in writing speed…

Sun Shaozong smacked his lips, took off the gloves and mask for dissection, and threw them in the copper basin beside him.

He frowned and said, "For whatever reason, when the murderer attacked Jin Yichuan, the emotional fluctuations should be far greater than when facing other victims-according to common sense, the possibility of acquaintances committing the crime is indeed very high."

This case is a bit like Agatha Christie's "ABC Murder". In order to clear his suspicions, he first starts with innocent strangers, and finally gets rid of his real target.


Sun Shaozong always felt that there was something strange about it.

If it is to clear the suspicion, the murderer can take more subtle methods, such as sneak attack from behind - this way, Qin Kejian will not suspect that an acquaintance committed the crime from the beginning.

Besides, if it was an acquaintance who started the attack, what would be the motivation

Jin Yichuan's business was to raid his home and destroy his family. If he had obvious motives, he should not let the other party approach him with a weapon, and he would not be on guard at all.

"So, the first three deceased are just pretense?" Shen Lian said anxiously: "His real purpose is to clear his suspicion of killing Yichuan?!"

"Perhaps so." Sun Shaozong said: "Anyway, you guys should check in secret first to see if anyone has forged an alibi."

After a pause, he said again: "When necessary, you can try to cooperate with Mr. Qin. He should not give up his inference so easily, and most of them are secretly checking."

When Lu Jianxing and Shen Lian heard this, they knew that Sun Shaozong was about to leave.

They bowed in a hurry, and said actively, "Master Duocheng is righteous! You have worked hard in the Gongyuan for many days, please go back to Haosheng to rest and wait for the two of us to find out any clues, and then go to the door to disturb."

"No harassment to speak of."

Sun Shaozong waved his hand and said: "I have some friendship with Yichuan, not to mention that investigating the case is my job - people cannot be resurrected from the dead, so please sympathize with both of you."