The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 121: Things are different, some are happy and some are sad (repair)


Because of the need to assign people to deal with the disaster, the government office was obviously much deserted than before, and even half of the government servants on duty at the door were missing.

Sun Shaozong signed in at Dianmao, and found out that Liu Zhizhong was not in the city at the moment, so he went straight to the Yin place in Hanfu—Jia Yucun as one of the examiners.

After asking the subordinate officials to report, Sun Shaozong waited in the flower hall for about half a quarter of an hour, and then saw Han Anbang stooping and walking in, his face was pale and bloodless, and even his hair was quite gray.

How did this happen

Haven't heard that he recently died of his wife and children

Is it because of the disaster victims outside the city, they were anxious to get angry

But shouldn't it

I heard that the emperor threw a lot of money this time [80% of the gains from the inspection of the He family], so the victims' emotions were very stable, and there was no intention of committing chaos.

Sun Shaozong was thinking wildly in his heart, but on the surface he bowed to the end without looking sideways: "For the humble post, see Lord Fu Yin."

"cough cough..."

Han Anbang didn't speak, but he coughed a few times first, but his face flushed and he was out of breath.

Just when Sun Shaozong was hesitating whether he should step forward to help him, he finally squeezed two words out of his teeth: "Sit down."

Saying that, he also stooped and sat on the main seat.

Sun Shaozong waited for him to sit firmly before sinking his butt down and said, "I have just handed over the errand of the Autumn Patrol Envoy, but Lord Zhizhong happened to be not in the city, so he came to the Lord Fu Yin to return his orders."

According to common sense, Han Anbang should have encouraged a few words at this time, and then politely served tea to the guests.

However, after Sun Shaozong finished speaking, he saw that Han Anbang was looking at him, his eyes gloomy and his face depressed.

Just looking at Sun Shaozong felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't take the initiative to ask the reason - otherwise, if Han Anbang got off the donkey along the slope and explained some embarrassing errand, wouldn't it be that he was blinded

After such an awkward silence for a while, Han Anbang finally said quietly: "When did Liu Zhizhong get involved with the Rongguo Mansion?"


How did Liu Chongshan, the second or fifth boy, exposed

Is it because of this that Han Fu Yin was hit like this

Then his heart's ability to bear is too fragile, right

He complained in his heart, but Sun Shaozong had a look of doubt on his face: "What do you mean by this, sir, why can't I understand it?"

"Ha ha… "

Han Anbang gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "Since Master Sun doesn't want to tell the truth, then treat me like I didn't say anything."

After speaking, he cupped his hands again: "I'll congratulate Master Sun in advance on being promoted to Zhizhong."

Today, the governor's speech is really endless,

"The adults are joking."

Not sure what medicine was sold in the gourd, Sun Shaozong had no choice but to gossip: "I have only held the post of general sentencing, and it has only been more than half a year. Even if Master Liu is promoted, I am afraid that it will not be my turn to succeed him. "

Han Anbang shook his head again and said, "That's what you think is wrong. Although you are emphasizing civility over martial arts now, you were transferred from the sixth-rank commander to the sixth-rank general judge, but from the imperial court system, it is still considered to be balanced, and the tenure of service should be from Guangde. Eight years from the spring."

And this good thing

If this is the case, I count myself as two and a half years on the job. Although it is a little bit worse than the three-year term, but I have a lot of credit, and it is not too dazzling to even be promoted two levels...

Thinking like this, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but feel a little eager in his heart. After living in the small cross courtyard for half a year, he had long thought of Liu Chongshan's five main rooms!

Besides, only when you become a court official will you be qualified to compete with Jia Yucun in the future!

So he couldn't help but ask: "Listen to what the lord means, is Liu Zhizhong going to be promoted?"

Han Anbang stared at him for a while, and then sighed: "It seems that you really don't know about this—that's all, you go down first."

rely on ~

This mother-in-law had just whetted other people's appetites, but she suddenly issued an expulsion order!

Sun Shaozong murmured in his heart, but his movements were not slow at all. He stood up and said, "I will retire from my humble position."

Saying that, he walked out without any reluctance.

As the old saying goes, rushing is not a business!

If Han Anbang really made a few words, he would lose the ground, and he would not be able to lead him by the nose in the future

Besides, Han Anbang has changed so obviously, it is impossible for no one to notice in the government office. If you go back and inquire about it, it is not difficult to know what happened during these days.

"Master Sun!"

As soon as he left Han Anbang's yard, he heard someone say hello.

Sun Shaozong turned his head to look, but it was Chen Zhichuang from the seventh grade who was in charge of documents in the mansion.

When he first took office, this surnamed Chen also felt sorry for him.

But now Chen Zhichuang is smiling like a chrysanthemum. He leaned forward like a pug and said flatteringly, "When did your lord come out of the Gongyuan? I heard from the scholars yesterday that this year's autumn season will be more than in previous years. There are a lot of rules, and it is a compliment to your parade, my lord!"

"Chen has experienced fame."

Sun Shaozong said indifferently: "This is all due to the good leadership of the Minister of Rites, Zhang Shilang, and I just follow orders, so what should I praise?"

"You deserve it, you deserve it, my lord!"

In the past, if Sun Shaozong showed his face, he would most likely back away embarrassed, but this time his enthusiasm did not diminish in the slightest, and his mouth was flattering.

Seeing it like this, Sun Shaozong saw that he probably got some inside information, and knew that he was about to be promoted to Zhizhong, so he became so enthusiastic.

Of course, serving as the Autumn Patrol Envoy is also a big plus - with this origin, Sun Shaozong's anomaly in the civil service system is not as eye-catching as it was at first.

In front of Han Anbang's gate, it's hard to ask anything in detail.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong perfunctory words without trace, turned around and returned to the Criminal and Ming Division, but immediately dispatched Zhou Da to find Chen Zhichuang for news.

Then Chen Zhichuang really knew the inside story!

But it turned out that during the days of Sun Shaozong's tour of Qiuwei, Shuntian Mansion was too busy for the disaster victims outside the city.

Later, the emperor allocated a large sum of money for disaster relief, and the disaster was relieved. Han Anbang and others were relieved.

This laxity inevitably leads to misunderstandings.

It also happened that Jia Yucun and Sun Shaozong were not there, and there was only one Fu Shi, who had just arrived in the Jia family.

And such a big event, how can you not call your ally 'Liu Zhizhong' to take a look at it together

However, how did Han Anbang know that Liu Chongshan had actually taken refuge in Jia Yucun secretly!

On the surface, he helped to make plans, but when Han Anbang arranged his actions, he immediately made a secret case and impeached Han Anbang for framing his colleagues.

Then Han Anbang was captured by the censor and captured!

Although the disposition of the court has not yet come down, Han Anbang is afraid that it is impossible to secure the throne of the governor. Of course, Jia Yucun has not been in the office for a long time, and he is not like Sun Shaozong. I'm afraid it's not that easy.

As for Liu Zhizhong, because of his merits in reporting and the fact that he got a lot of benefits from Sun Shaozong, he has already been included in the list of expatriates.

And the position he left behind, apart from Sun Shaozong, the famous 'Shen Dian', I am afraid that no one will be able to sit firmly.