The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 122: It is not selfless to cut off public affairs


In Liuer Hutong, Xicheng, two brothers beat each other for four taels of six coins, and accidentally killed the old father who persuaded peace. The sentence: the elder brother was hanged in prison, the younger brother was exiled to Guangxi, and if he was pardoned, he would not return it.

On Guozijian Street, there was a mischievous man who threw a dog and hurt people, but he refused to repent after the incident and refused to stab the vicious dog. At the request of a scholar from Guozijian, he was held in the kennel for three months.

In Rouge Hutong, a shrew set fire to a brothel, causing more than a dozen men and women to run naked in the street, and three people were seriously injured - sentenced: The woman was charged with the Jiaofang Division and her husband compensated for all losses.

Lema Slope…


Liu Zhizhong's recent verdict is enough to do whatever you want.

When a dog bites a person, the owner of the dog is locked in the dog's cage, and he is allowed to eat and sleep with the dog for three months.

It seems that people haven't left yet, and their hearts have flown to the field first!

The cinnabar pen, which Sun Shaozong silently mentioned, wrote a big 'refutation' on the verdict of the case of 'shrew burning a brothel'.

Then it was stated at the top: The woman's temperament is as fierce as fire, and such a sentence may lead to her suicide; in order to avoid material disputes, please change the sentence as appropriate.

This kind of judgment, the victim may feel relieved after hearing it, and others will hear it as an interesting talk.

But since that woman dared to set fire to the building, she must be a face-saving and fiery master. If she was sentenced to be the Secretary of Jiaofang, wouldn't she be forced to seek death

If she really finds a rope to cut herself off, the public opinion will probably be one-sided, condemning the Shuntian government for forcing the death of the virtuous martyr.

If it affects Liu Zhizhong's errands, how can Sun Shaozong succeed him as Zhizhong

In the final analysis, Liu Zhizhong still owes some composure in doing things for others.

Sun Shaozong slandered 'regardless of his age' and put the rejected case aside. He was about to continue to review other files when he heard Cheng Rixing knock on the door and said, "Dong Weng, it's time for lunch. already."

"come in."

Sun Shaozong threw away the case in his hand, and saw the door to the left and right, a small official holding a tray, leaning forward with a smile on his face, and said: "Sir, today's main dish is too oily and watery, if you don't Hi, the small ones let you make a few other dishes alone."

There were more than a dozen bamboo slices on the tray with the names of the dishes written in block letters for people to choose from.

Of course, not everyone has the right to order food, and there are only three court officials and three general judges in Shuntian Mansion.

"Do not bother."

Sun Shaozong rummaged through the tray and saw that they were all common dishes and nothing new, so he randomly chose six dishes and one soup according to his and Cheng Rixing's tastes.

Then he rolled the seven bamboo slices with red silk and said, "That's all—if you have some fresh fruit, you might as well bring me a plate after the meal."

The clerk went in obediently.

Sun Shaozong didn't bother to handle any official business anymore. He punched a few sets of fists in the yard, stretched his muscles and bones, and then got a wave of flattery as usual.

In this regard, Sun Shaozong has long been surprised, returned to the main room without squinting, took the towel from Cheng Rixing's hand, wiped it a few times, and was ready to wait in the inner room.

At this moment, a plump figure suddenly came in from the door, and said with a smile: "Sir, the errand you ordered has been completed!"

It was none other than the governor, Lin Delu.

Remembering that he had asked him to help find Xiangling's family, Sun Shaozong threw away the towel and blurted out, "Why, have you found my concubine's family?"

"Found, found!"

Lin Delu took out a piece of letter paper from the sleeve and put it in both hands, saying, "My aunt's real surname is Zhen and the double character is Yinglian, and her ancestral home is from Suzhou. Her father, Zhen Shiyin, also worked as a master bookkeeper [Nine Pins]. The slaves were not well cared for and were kidnapped by the gangsters…”

Sun Shaozong only listened to the beginning of what he said, and then lowered his head to read the information transcribed in the letter. Seeing that the above conditions were very detailed, he knew that there was nothing wrong.

So he took the letter in his bag and said with satisfaction: "You did a good job of this job, I..."

Just as he was talking, he saw the two stove soldiers brought food over, and Sun Shaozong pointed and said, "This soup will be given to you."

Then Lin Delu didn't feel the chills, he bowed and said, "Thank you for the soup!"

As he said that, he stepped forward to hold it in his hands, but was grinned by Tang's teeth. He hurriedly changed his sleeves to close it, and then happily carried the soup out of the door.

After going out, he was not in a hurry to go back. Instead, he went back and forth between the east wing and the west wing, and when he met everyone, he said that the lord would give him hot soup, and praised him for his recent self-discipline and public behavior.

This is to let others know that he has switched from 'cold kang' to 'hot stove'.

Not to mention this Lin Delu holding a pot of hot soup, how to sway around.

But he said that after this episode, Sun Shaozong thought of a private matter, so while he was having lunch, he said to Cheng Rixing: "Mr. Cheng, among the batch of 'literature dealers' we arrested, there was a man named Drunk. King Kong Ni Er's?"

Cheng Rixing heard him ask about Ni Er, and immediately said, "Is that fellow really a relative of the lord?"

But it turned out that after Ni Er was arrested, he kept shouting that the flood was rushing into the Dragon King Temple, and said that he was a relative of Sun Shaozong.

Seeing that this fellow looked like a rogue, Zhao Wuwei only believed half of it in his heart, but he still did not dare to make his own decisions, so he hurriedly found Cheng Rixing for instructions.

After Cheng Rixing heard what happened, he asked his husband to take care of Ni Er.

In this way, if Sun Shaozong mentioned it in the future, there would be nothing wrong with it; if Sun Shaozong never mentioned it, he would punish the person who pretended to be an official.

"Now people are being remanded in prison, but fortunately they have not suffered any crimes."

Cheng Rixing suggested: "If it's really a relative of the lord, it's better to let Zhao Wuwei quietly let him go - anyway, this case is an errand for a patrol envoy, and the dossier list or something has not been handed over to the government."

"It's not a serious relative. Besides, it's too cheap to let him go like this?" Sun Shaozong waved his hand and said, "Give him a name for his meritorious reporting, so he won't be charged with the army and will be distributed—that's the board for me. Play hard, so that he will have a long memory!"

Cheng Rixing replied in his mouth, but in his heart he planned to let Zhao Wuwei keep an eye on him, and don't offend the relatives of the adults.

The two were eating and chatting, but suddenly they heard a commotion outside, exclaiming and shouting noises one after another.

How did this happen

After all, it is also the place in charge of the criminal name of the government, but it is like a vegetable market!

Sun Shaozong led Cheng Rixing out to take a look, but he saw everyone pointing and pointing, all looking towards the sky.

He also looked up curiously, only to see a round ball floating in the air, with a large rattan basket hanging from the bottom...

Are there hot air balloons this year? !