The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 132: Ninety-nine Chongyang


The Double Ninth Festival in the tenth year of Guangde is really a day for Sun Shaozong to see the sun again.

Because of Qian Ning's murder, he was detained in the Beizhen Fusi for three days. If it wasn't for Dai Quan's words in the palace, he might have been 'co-investigated'.

But it was said that on the Double Ninth Festival, Sun Shaozong was just out of the gate of Fusi in Beizhen, when he was hugged by the cheap eldest brother, a bear.

Hundred and ten pounds of strength pounded the back of the heart, and it was a good time to ask for warmth.

It was only after he realized that he was detained in the Beizhen Fusi, the cheap brother immediately took a long vacation and stayed outside the Beizhen Fusi door from morning to night every day.

Although Sun Shaozong was moved, this Beizhen Fusi was not a place for gossip after all, so after only telling the eldest brother that he was not abused, the two brothers set off and returned to the Sun House.

"Second Master is back!"

"Second Master is back home~!!"

When they were outside the gate of Sun Mansion, without waiting for the carriage to stop, there were shouts from inside and outside the gate one after another.

The old housekeeper Wei Licai was even more tearful as he rushed under the wheel with a wicked wind.

Sun Shaozong was so frightened that he hurriedly jumped out of the carriage and grabbed the old housekeeper, but before he could speak, the old housekeeper stretched out his hand and rubbed it up and down, and said nervously: "Second Master, where are you hurt? Look at it!"

After speaking, he stamped his feet and scolded: "Zhao Zhongji, what are you doing, you bastard? Why don't you bring out that soft sedan chair!"

Zhao Zhongji shrank his neck when he was scolded, and then went to the door and called for the sedan chair to come out.

"Bring me back!"

Sun Shaozong hurriedly stopped him and laughed at the old housekeeper: "You see, isn't it okay for me? I'm an investigation assistant in Beizhen Fusi, and I didn't really commit any royal law. I eat delicious food every day. , and a little fatter."

The cheap eldest brother also got off immediately, and assured the old housekeeper that the old man would be relieved, and then he hurriedly ordered Zhao Zhongji to send all the doctors invited at home away, so as not to get any bad luck.

Then, under the witness of dozens of domestic servants, Sun Shaozong stepped over a flaming brazier and finally entered the gate of his house.

It's no wonder the family makes such a fuss. In the eyes of the world, the Beizhen Fusi is no different from the Yan Luo Temple and the Shura Field. Anyone who is involved in the case and gets skin and cramps is light, and every move is a crime of copying and beheading!

However, when he entered the mansion, Sun Shaozong was planning to have a chat with the cheap brother in the living room, but as soon as he walked around the screen, he saw two maids, Shiliu and Furong, poking around at the side door.

When he saw Sun Shaozong, Ruan Rong and Xiang Ling soon appeared behind the side door.

"elder brother."

Seeing this, Sun Shaozong had no choice but to plead guilty to the cheap brother: "I'm a little tired at the moment. I want to go back to the backyard to rest first, and I'll talk to you tomorrow."

After saying that, he took three steps and two steps, and went to the passage between the two doors.


As she crossed the threshold, Ruan Rong slammed her head up and choked, "I've been scared to death these few days!"

Sun Shaozong carefully wrapped her around his chest, and saw her bright eyes again, like a red and swollen peach.

He couldn't help but feel distressed and half annoyed: "Didn't I ask Zhang Cheng to spread the word, telling you not to worry? Look at you crying like this, what would you do if you had fetal gas?"

Ruan Rong looked at him up and down for a while, seeing that his complexion was the same as before, and he didn't look like he had been abused, she wiped a tear with her backhand, and said proudly, "It's not all for you. - Yesterday, there was a letter from Qian Xiangguo!"

In April, Sun Shaozong had someone send a letter to Qianxiang, but he didn't want to receive a reply until September.

He couldn't help but wonder: "What was written in the letter?"

Ruan Rong was stunned by the question, and half-sounded, Fang hesitated: "It doesn't matter if you write it down..."


Xiang Ling, who was on the side, suddenly interrupted, "Since you were taken to Beizhen Fusi, Sister Rong has been unable to eat or sleep all day, and even forgot to open that letter."

Sun Shaozong's chest warmed when he heard the words, but he felt heavy in his heart.

Although he was in the Qian Mansion that day, he fell into fear accidentally, and even his life was in the hands of Ding Xiu.

But Sun Shaozong, who was accustomed to all kinds of danger, didn't think it was a big deal.

In the past few days in Fusi, Beizhen, I have eaten and slept well. Except for not being free, it is almost the same as vacation.

However, after coming out of Beizhen Fusi, he increasingly regretted his original carelessness.

The big brother and the old housekeeper are okay, after all, the body is still strong, and it has been through the storm.

But if Ruan Rong was really locked up for ten days and a half months, causing Ruan Rong to have fetal gas, he might not be able to forgive himself for the rest of his life!

It seems that we have to be more cautious in the future.

After all, he was no longer the captain of the criminal police who was alone and had no worries.

Secretly keep this in mind.

Sun Shaozong carefully picked up Ruan Rongheng, hehe smiled and said, "Let's go, go and see what my father-in-law has written in the letter!"

"Put me down, let me down!"

Ruan Rong pretended to struggle a few times, but she had already put Zhen Shou on his heart.

Xiang Ling looked at it from the back and felt a little envious in her heart, but she also knew her position and did not dare to be jealous.

After all the way to the vicinity of the backyard, Sun Shaozong suddenly stopped, looked at the nearby flowerbed strangely, and asked: "This ninety-nine Chongyang, everyone wants to enjoy the flowers and drink, why did our family pull out all the flowers? "

But I saw the potholes in the flowerbed, and there was not a single flower.

"Isn't this going to be replaced with chrysanthemums?"

Ruan Rong said with a flat mouth: "Who would have thought that just after shoveling out those peonies, roses, etc., the master would have an accident. Who in this family would care to go up and buy chrysanthemums?"

In order to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival, it is necessary to shovel hundreds of flowers and plants and replace them with newly bought chrysanthemums...

If you think about the victims outside the city who are naked, it really is the stinking road of Zhumen who has frozen to death!

However, with emotion, it can't be a festival just because there are disaster victims, right

Sun Shaozong said again: "If you want to enjoy the flowers, let's find a suitable place early in the morning. It just so happens that you have also been at home for a few months, so it's time to go outside to get some fresh air."

Ruan Rong was obviously moved, but hesitated for a moment, but said, "Let's see what my father wrote in the letter first."

Also, if the cheap old man came up with some kind of trick of 'benevolence and justice', how could she still be interested in viewing flowers

"Okay, then let's read the letter first."

As Sun Shaozong said that, he was ready to take a step.

"Second Master, Second Master!"

Unexpectedly, a woman rushed over at this time, and when she got close, she said out of breath, "Second Master Lian, Second Master Bao, Master Xue Family from Rongguo Mansion, and Xiaoya Nei from General Shenwu's family, Uncle Feng [Feng Xin] from Fengzui Lane has come to visit you!"

These guys are really well-informed.

Sun Shaozong hesitated for a moment, then Ruan Rong struggled to the ground, pushed him on the chest, and said, "Go quickly, don't make people wait for a long time."

"Then you can't open the letter secretly by yourself!"

Sun Shaozong said, and gave Xiangling a wink again, signaling her to keep an eye on her, lest Ruan Rong open the letter by herself and be stimulated.