The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 2: Find a way out


The main body of the embassy is a large mansion with six entrances, and there is an independent garden on the west side. The overall area is very wide. From Sun Shaozong's room to the front hall, it is more than three miles all the way.

Sun Shaozong couldn't tell what style they were, such as exotic flowers and plants, pavilions and pavilions, Dougong waterfalls, Bichi rockery, etc., but the word 'luxury' never ran away—according to the memory in his mind, this embassy It was specially built by the king of Qianxiang Kingdom with huge sums of money, and the layout should be based on the specifications of the palace.


Qianxiangguo doesn't seem to be very rich, at least it is far worse than Da Zhoulai, but he built such a luxurious embassy with the fat of the people. No wonder people say that this Qianxiangguo is a loyal dog raised by Da Zhou.

It was because he wasted a lot of effort on getting dressed before. When Sun Shaozong rushed to the living room with a large golden ring knife, the courtyard was already crowded with people, at least there were hundreds of people.

Standing in the front row, most of them looked dignified like a concubine. They should be the official members of the Great Zhou Mission, that is, the unfortunate people who are about to be implicated in the crime; while those in the back were also silent, but there was no fear on their faces. The color ones are the handymen hired by the embassy.

Sun Shaozong first looked around blankly, and then asked Feng Xin to ask, "Have everyone arrived?"

"more or less."

Feng Xin slammed his mouth and added: "It's just that the kitchen is missing a handyman who helps the kitchen. It seems that the name is Ruan Wenhao."

Handyman in the kitchen

As expected!

Sun Shaozong was stunned, and then he raised his voice and asked loudly, "Does any of you know where Ruan Wenhao is going?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a rich fat man flashing out of the front row, and he cupped his hands and said, "Reporting to the captain, Ruan Wenhao asked for leave in the morning and said that he was going back to do some housework - he should be at home right now."

Did you leave in the morning

Sun Shaozong looked up at the sky, it was obviously past noon, and he felt a little disappointed in his heart - after such a long time, I was afraid that it would be too late to hunt down.

"Lord Duwei."

At this time, Feng Xin came up and asked rather puzzled: "Master Niu was assassinated in Ruan Mansion. What's the use of looking for Ruan Wenhao?"

Sun Shaozong glanced at him, took advantage of the opportunity to show the blood on his right hand, and sneered: "It's true that Sir Niu was killed in the Ruan Mansion, but I was poisoned in the embassy!"

These black and purple bloods flowed out from Sun Shaozong's nose and mouth.

At first, he didn't examine it carefully because there was a mess in his head, but later he heard Feng Xin mention that he might interfere with the assassination, so he immediately linked the blood to 'traveling'.

Obviously, the real Sun Shaozong has been poisoned to death by Ruan Wenhao, so Sun Yi, a transmigrator, can use his corpse to become the new owner of this body.

Therefore, he concluded that there must be an assassin's accomplice lurking in this embassy!

And the assistant cook is undoubtedly a very suitable identity for poisoning - if Niu Yongxin has been opening a small stove alone, maybe he doesn't need to take the risk of assassinating, and one Ruan Wenhao can settle him.

Feng Xin was not stupid at all. He was stunned for a moment when he looked at the blood, his face turned the color of pig liver, and he scolded: "His grandma is a bear, and this bird Wenhao is actually a spy sent by an assassin. If Let Lao Tzu catch him and tear him apart!"

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Sun Shaozong took a stab at the gate, and categorically ordered: "Choose twenty shrewd and capable brothers to put on civilian clothes, and come with me to arrest Ruan Wenhao!"


Seeing his boss's arrogance and arrogance, Feng Xin couldn't help but get excited because of his infection. He agreed neatly and was ready to order Qi soldiers.

But just as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly remembered that there were heavy soldiers guarding the door. The pride in his chest disappeared again, and he stammered: "Sir, there are hundreds of officers and soldiers outside..."

"With our current situation, what else is there to be afraid of?"

Before he could finish speaking, Sun Shaozong grabbed the conversation, pointed at the door with the tip of his knife, and pointed at his feet: "If you can get ahead of the Qianxiang people and catch the assassin Yu Dang, maybe everyone will have one. Survive; but if you continue to stay here, I am afraid that you will have to wait obediently to die!"

After speaking, he suddenly raised his voice again: "Brothers, are you willing to go out with me to find a way out, or stay here and wait to die?!"

"We have to find a way out with the adults!"

"Yes, the big guys go out together!"

"Whoever dares to stop Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will chop him up!"

As long as there is a way to live, who is willing to wait obediently to die? !

Therefore, Sun Shaozong's response was called a hundred responses. Almost all the guards were aroused by him, roaring indiscriminately, and some people hurriedly pulled out their sabres and slashed to death. Fighting posture.

Feng Xin was no exception. Resisting the excitement in his heart, he stepped forward and ordered twenty people. Unexpectedly, the guards who were not named were unwilling to stay.

Feng Xindan couldn't hold back, so he had to look at Sun Shaozong again.

This fellow is really incompetent!

It would be nice if the squadron leaders under his command could also follow him through.

Thinking wildly in his heart, Sun Shaozong took a few steps forward and said loudly, "Brothers, although it is important to hunt down assassins, the embassy can't be left unattended - please keep this house for me!"

Although the guards were still a little reluctant, in view of Sun Shaozong's strong performance and his superhuman strength, everyone reluctantly agreed.

Everyone went back to their rooms and put on their casual clothes. Feng Xin led a few more people to the stables. After a while, twenty-two fine horses were led to the front yard. Among them was a tall, strong hoofed black horse. Sun Shaozong's usual mount.

Sun Shaozong was originally worried that he would feel uncomfortable riding a horse for the first time. Who would have guessed that he would be extremely skilled when he got on a horse, as if he had practiced riding for more than ten years.

He was so determined that when his legs were tucked into the horse's belly, the black horse raised its hooves and headed straight for the corner gate, and the twenty-one horsemen behind him followed like a shadow!

When I rushed out of the corner gate, I saw that at the street intersection a hundred paces away, soldiers were surrounded by soldiers on the inner three floors and the outer three floors. It was probably because they heard the sound of horse hooves. Simultaneously.

Among them was a middle-aged general with bright armor, who shouted loudly: "This general has been ordered by the king to protect the safety of the embassy inside and outside. I also ask you to return quickly, and don't mistake your life for life!"

At the beginning of the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Zeng Xingbing occupied the entire territory of Qianxiang Kingdom, and stationed troops for more than ten years. During this period, the language, measurement, and even customs of Qianxiang Kingdom were all forced to Sinicization.

Later, although Da Zhou withdrew the garrison, the traces of Sinicization did not appear to be weakened in the slightest. Today, almost everyone in Qinglin Mansion can speak fluent Shuntian Prefecture Mandarin, but the native language of the country is almost extinct. .

Therefore, the middle-aged general's loud roar was heard clearly by all the guards. In addition, the dense spear forest and knife array in front of him were not something that flesh and blood could contend against. Therefore, the guards were unavoidable in their hearts. Somewhat apprehensive, the horse's speed involuntarily decreased by nearly half.

At this moment, Sun Shaozong swung the golden ring saber in his hand against the wind, and shouted sternly: "We are the envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty and have been ordered by His Majesty to protect the safety inside and outside the embassy, and now we are going to hunt down the assassins Yu Dang, who would dare To block is to despise my Great Zhou, despise my Majesty of the Celestial Dynasty, don't blame this general for being ruthless under the sword!"

After these several big hats were buckled, the middle-aged general suddenly changed color. Although he was ordered by the king, how can the king of the small Qianxiang country be compared with His Majesty the emperor of the upper kingdom of heaven

If there is really going to be a conflict, if this Da Zhou messenger does something again, I am afraid that the first king will not be able to forgive himself before the Da Zhou emperor invites his teachers to ask the guilt!

The more he thought about it, the more guilty he became. He watched Sun Shaozong galloping with his horse and sword, but he didn't mean to stop at all. The middle-aged general finally gritted his teeth and waved the order: "Disperse, let them go!"

After speaking, he seemed to feel that such behavior was too humiliating, so he hurriedly and bluntly added: "Anyway, the city gate is closed, they can't get out even if they want to run!"