The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 28: The Naked Corpse Case in Yunshui Lane [Part 1]


Sun Shaozong hurried out of Jia's residence and saw three yamen in blue clothes and soap caps standing under the wall on the right side of the gate.

Seeing that Sun Shaozong was burly and sturdy, the head of the yamen class saw that Sun Shaozong was tall and sturdy, and he was seven or eight similar to the legendary one, so he hurriedly stepped forward and gave a deep salute, and asked cautiously, "I dare to ask the honorable driver, but the new criminal name will sentence Master Sun? "

Sun Shaozong looked him up and down, and when he saw that the head of the class was in his early thirties, his face was full of unease, his eyes were even more unsteady, and he didn't dare to look at himself, and he became more and more sure that there must be something wrong.

So he frowned and said, "The transfer order I received is to take office after the new year, how did you guys come to the door a few years ago?"

The head of the horse-faced class knew that he was the rightful master, and he was not in a hurry to reply, but called out his two colleagues first, the three characters lined up in a line, and respectfully visited the shrine: "Little man, I have seen Master Tongju. "

"Okay, don't make these fools."

Sun Shaozong waved his hand, and asked again: "According to the rules, I haven't officially assumed office yet, even if there is a big case, it shouldn't be my turn, right?"

The head of the horse face then smiled and said: "Master, the villain doesn't want to disturb your purity, but the lord of Zhizhong has an order to say that it is a sudden murder at the root of this new year. It is really unlucky and urgent, and it must be Detect it as soon as possible so that people won't panic, so I have appointed you to take charge of this case."

As he said that, he scanned Sun Shaozong's face, seeing that his face was not in a hurry, but his eyes were burning like an eagle, so he didn't dare to look at it, and hurriedly continued: "Master Zhizhong said, sir, you are in Qian. Xiangguo solved such a big and strange case in half a day, and this mere murder case is no problem, and you must close the case before the New Year's Eve."

In addition to the governor of the third rank and the governor of the fourth rank of Shuntian Prefecture, the highest rank belongs to the ruling class of the fifth rank—and the 'Zhizhong' in charge of the criminal lawsuit is the direct superior who is sentenced to the criminal name. , naturally have the right to assign tasks to Sun Shaozong.

It's just that it is now the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, and the deadline for closing the case is less than three days, and Baba can't wait for Sun Shaozong to officially take office.

"Master Zhizhong really can lift people up."

Sun Shaozong sneered and asked again: "So, this should be a clueless unsolved case?"

Ma Lian Bantou's body and bones suddenly became half an inch shorter, but he didn't dare to comment, so he pretended not to hear, and shyly explained the case in general:

But they said that this morning, someone found a bulging sack in the small alley of Yunshui Lane West Street. I thought it was some treasure, but when I unpacked it, it turned out to be a naked man's corpse!

The man's corpse didn't even have a piece of cloth on his body, his face was scratched by a sharp weapon, and the traces nearby were covered by snow, so there was no useful clue at all.

No choice, the yamen officers had to carry out a carpet-like investigation. Who would have guessed that it was under the New Year's Day, and the people in the radius were all neat and tidy, and they didn't find half of the lost masters.

As a result, the case has reached an impasse.

But right now is the time to celebrate with the whole world. If this case cannot be solved, it will inevitably be blamed by Shangfeng.

So Na Zhizhong raised his eyebrows and got a plan, and pushed the case to Sun Shaozong, intending to kill two birds with one stone - not only relieved his own responsibility, but also set back Sun Shaozong's spirit, and eliminated his sharpness in cracking the strange case. !

"What's so good about a male corpse? Is there a naked female corpse case?"

Sun Shaozong was analyzing the case here, but he heard someone complaining behind him, but it turned out that Jia Lian was tidying up and hurried to the front of the house.

What the hell did this dude take as a major case of human life

Sun Shaozong reluctantly turned his head and rolled his eyes at him, but found that besides the three regular servants, Jia Lian also brought five sturdy servants-obviously, he wanted to watch the fun, but he was afraid that he would meet him. Danger.

Really too lazy to pay attention to Jia Lian, Sun Shaozong asked the yamen again: "Where is the body now? Is it still there?"

"I'm here!"

The head of the Ma Lian class nodded like a slap in the face: "The villain specially arranged for a few brothers to guard where, just wait for you to go and make a clear cut!"

-Dividing line-

Yunshui Lane is located in the southeast of the outer city. Although the location is not very good, it is much stronger than the slums in the south. Most of the people living here are wealthy families or the side branches of wealthy families that have already been established.

Although Jia Lian was in high spirits on the way here, when he arrived at the scene of the crime, he saw the bloody face, and his enthusiasm suddenly cooled down. Lean forward.

The crime scene is a relatively secluded small alley, only half a zhang wide, but it is three or four hundred meters long, and it extends in all directions—and because the light is blocked by the mottled walls on both sides, it looks a little dark even in the daytime.

The corpse was leaning against the middle of the alley, his face was bloody, the upper body was naked, but the lower body was curled up in a sack.

According to Ma Lian Bantou, the corpse had already been taken out, but it was only later covered in half to prevent the onlookers from getting their eyes dirty.

Before Sun Shaozong came to the corpse, he carefully looked at the wound on the corpse's face. Injury to the skull.

According to the analysis of the bleeding volume of the wound, it should not be the cause of death, but the actions after death.

After reading the wound on the face, he reached out and touched the top of the corpse's head to make sure that there was no damage under the dry and forked hair, so he asked the horse face team for a piece of coarse cloth for wrapping evidence and put it on the He squeezed the mouth of the corpse in his hand.

It was found that there was some black and purple plasma in the mouth, and the upper and lower rows of teeth were still intact and clean, at least much stronger than that of the people of the same era.

After examining the oral cavity, Sun Shaozong searched all the way down, and found several pinch marks on the armpit and shoulder of the corpse.

Seeing that the lower body was in the sack, he ordered, "Get him out, remember to be careful not to damage the traces on the surface of the corpse."

The horse-faced yamen hurriedly beckoned, and several yamen swarmed up to get the corpse out of the sack.

While they were playing with the corpse, the horse face team headed up and said with a smile: "Sir, there is actually no wound on the lower body. If the villain guesses correctly, he should have been poisoned to death..."


Before he could finish speaking, he heard Sun Shaozong snort, grabbed the saber from his waist with his hands, crouched down, and carefully fiddled with the object between the corpse's crotch with the scabbard, with a look of excitement on his face. It's like finding something rare.

Ma Lian's head just looked at the back court, and secretly thought that this newcomer, Master Sun, wouldn't he have some hobby? !