The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 33: Will Jia Zheng to hire teachers



Sun Shaozong sighed, put down his hand and opened the cover, and there was no progress in "The Law of the Great Zhou". He looked at the candlestick next to the crane and the tortoise, and froze.

After returning from Jia's residence, Ruan Rong stayed out of the house, and I heard that she didn't even eat dinner.

Sun Shaozong also thought about persuading her, but he didn't know what to say - do you want to tell her: the position of the main room is out of play, so you should be a little wife? !


I really shouldn't have brought her back to Da Zhou in the first place.

Just as he was thinking wildly, he heard a trivial noise from the outside world. At first, Sun Shaozong thought it was the two maids playing in the outside world again, so he didn't care too much. Who knew that the noise was getting bigger and bigger, and he wanted to ignore it. Can't ignore it.

What the hell is this

Although Sun Shaozong always felt that it was pitiful for 14- or 15-year-old girls to be treated as cows and horses, and he usually took good care of them, but this did not mean that he could allow the maids to be spoiled.

What's more, he's in a bad mood right now.

So he endured for a while, and seeing that there was still no sign of cessation outside, Sun Shaozong stood up, stepped forward and slammed open the door.

"You two..."

Seeing that a scolding had reached his mouth, Sun Shaozong swallowed it abruptly.

Because there was a beautiful woman standing outside the door, but who else could it be if it wasn't Ruan Rong

"Brother Sun."

Looking at each other, Ruan Rong shyly raised the corner of her skirt and asked, "How can you still see this concubine?"

Sun Shaozong didn't know where she got this wedding dress, let alone what kind of psychological struggle she went through after returning from Jia's residence to finally take this step...

But these are not important, and it is not the time to delve into it!

He slammed Ruan Rong into his arms, bit her earlobe like a silver ingot, and murmured, "No matter what others think, from this moment on, you are my wife!"

Ruan Rong's eyes immediately turned red, she hurriedly buried herself in Sun Shaozong's arms, and called out 'Xiang Gong'.

That night.

Sun Shaozong, who was always in a hurry, instead restrained his temper, hugging Ruan Rong and leaning on the bedside, he was speechless in the middle of the night.

Seeing that the fourth watch had already passed, she was about to rush to the fifth watch, but Ruan Rong was in a hurry, for fear that she would not be able to bring out the 'evidence' in the morning, which would make others suspicious, so she silently took out Fang Yuan from her arms. Pa, shyly spread out on the bed, not willing to say more than a word, but a silent invitation is better than a sound.

Seeing this, Sun Shaozong suddenly revealed his man's 'color'!

She put Ruan Rongheng on the bed, hooked her fingers around the waistband with the red bow, and with a few touches, she parted the placket, and her rough hand reached in to find out the secrets. With her face flushed red, she untied her belt again, and pressed her body like cast iron onto it...

As it is said:

The golden needle pierced the peach stamen, and did not dare to frown loudly.

-Dividing line-

Although Sun Shaozong tried his best to deter him that day, but unfortunately the capital was too large, Ruan Rong, who was still messing with her, was hoarse several times, and it was just now that she was worthy of relief.

So on the second day, Ruan Rong was paralyzed on the bed and couldn't get up without saying a word, so even the two little maids who were serving outside slept in a daze until the afternoon.

When he woke up and looked at Sun Shaozong again, the eyes of the two little maids changed, and there was a little bit of anticipation in their fear. Seeing the opportunity, they would scratch their heads and pose in front of him. The small breasts that had just bloomed, went to tease Sun Shaozong's biceps.

Less gossip.

However, after Ruan Rong confirmed the identity of her concubine, the happiest person was not Sun Shaozong, the master, but the cheap elder brother Sun Shaozu.

On the one hand, he rushed to Ruan Rong's side to say hello to the group of Yingying and Yanyan in his room, and also handed over the right to distribute the money in the house to Ruan Rong to show that Ruan Rong's aunt was different from others.

On the other hand, he found Sun Shaozong secretly, and asked him whether he wanted to find a noble family among the military generals and nobles, or to find a knowledgeable little lady among the civil officials, and by the way, change the style of the Sun House.

Sun Shaozong was naturally too lazy to pay attention to his calculations.

During the day, I prepare for the New Year with the old housekeeper Wei, and I mix oil with Ruan Rongmi at night. It is not a husband and a wife. It's also very busy.

On the morning of the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, Feng Xin, who had not been seen for many days, came to visit him, and he also brought a big truckload of dried fruit, saying that it was produced by his own village, and it was not worth a lot of money.

After hearing him talk about going to the Ministry of War to report, he waited for a few days without any news, so Sun Shaozong asked his big brother to help him. Could be of some help.

Feng Xin went away with great gratitude, and turned around and asked someone to send him a thousand taels of silver. Only then did Sun Shaozong know that he was born in a 'landlord and local tyrant'.

In this way, the family had a prosperous New Year.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, it is necessary to go to see relatives and friends with the cheap brother - Sun Shaozong thought that the Rongguo Mansion would definitely be in the first place, but who knew that the cheap brother went first, but it was the Shenwu general Feng Tang's mansion.

Later, I found out that Feng Tang was currently serving as the commander-in-chief of the patrol battalion, and it was Sun Shaozu's immediate boss.

Because Sun Shaozong's name of 'solving a strange case with a piece of paper' has spread all over the capital, and he was named Shuntian before he took office, General Feng was quite affectionate with him, and he even explained how close Sun Shaozong was to his son Feng Ziying in the future. It is also so that the 'Nizi' knows the truth that there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside of heaven.

After coming out of the General Shenwu Mansion, the second person to go is undoubtedly the Rongguo Mansion.

Originally, the two brothers wanted to go to see the first-class general Jia She, but they were intercepted by the second master Jia Zheng halfway through, and the cheap brother was spared, and only led Sun Shaozong to the Rongxi Hall in the north.

That Jia Zheng was in his early forties, he was born quite elegant and handsome, and he could see that he must have been a romantic figure when he was young.

It's just that the founder of Wenchuangchuang is extremely upright, and almost every sentence has to be quoted from the classics, which makes it hard to resist.

Fortunately, Sun Shaozong had read some books in modern times, so he didn't show his timidity on the spot. It was just that this cloudy and foggy chat, until he left the Rongguo Mansion, he didn't understand Jia Zheng's purpose of looking for him.

However, after Sun Shaozu asked about the details, he became a little unhappy. He suspected that Jia Zheng was going to marry his concubine daughter to Sun Shaozong, so he complained for a long time at home, 'How can a concubine's cheap hoof be worthy of my brother'.

Unexpectedly, on the day of the fifth day, Jia Lian sent a bunch of repairs and prayers with great fanfare, and wanted to hire Sun Shaozong as a horse and archery instructor in Rongguofu, responsible for supervising Baoyu, Jia Huan, Jia Cong, Jia Lan and other sons and brothers.