The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 40: unambiguous evidence


"Stop for me and put down that woman!"

But it was said that the man and woman were carrying a bamboo cage, and they were walking through the streets and alleys with high spirits, when they suddenly heard this thunderous roar, some stood on their heels obediently, some still moved forward with inertia, and others. The panic retreated back, and the entire team suddenly became a mess.

The one who stepped on the foot, bumped the buttocks, touched the breast, yelled and scolded each other, it was like opening a pot - on the contrary, Sun Shaozong, the initiator, was left aside by them.

But among these many people, the master with clear eyebrows and eyes is naturally indispensable. Seeing that Sun Shaozong has a BMW incense car on his crotch, and he is followed by a wife and a healthy servant, he knows that he is not that person without identity.

So one of the half-hundred-year-olds hurriedly yelled: "Don't make any noise, just be quiet for me!"

This old man should have some prestige among the neighbors. As soon as he started, the men and women behind him gradually quieted down.

After the chaos behind him was completely suppressed, the old man stubbornly leaned in front of the carriage and cupped his hands flatteringly and asked, "Master, I don't know if you asked me to wait, but do you have any advice?"

Listening to this tone, it is like reading a book for several years.

Sun Shaozong was about to jump out of the carriage at this time, and the tower-like body made everyone cringe a little.

With his eagle-like gaze, he stared at the old man condescendingly, and said with a sneer in his mouth: "In this bright sky, you dare to set up a private court to take care of people's lives, do you really think there is no king's law?!"

Although the old man had some knowledge, how could he stand the oppressive gaze of Sun Shaozong

It is impossible to say that even the spine is soft, and the body is bowed like a prawn.

However, someone in the back protested in disgust: "What's wrong with human life? We are people's stolen goods and get it! This poisonous woman who doesn't obey women's ethics murders her husband, shouldn't she invade the pig cage?!"

As soon as these words came out, the morale of the opposite party was immediately boosted, so several people shrank in the crowd and shouted strangely:

"Yes, we are stolen goods and taken!"

"Murder for life, not to mention that this poisonous woman is murdering her husband!"

"You are that green onion, why do you care about our private affairs?!"

In a feudal society, clan lynching and state laws can be said to go hand in hand. Especially in such cases that occur within the family, the people often deal with it without the government's trial. As long as no one speaks about it afterwards, the local government often turns a blind eye.

Because of this, they dared to shout so confidently.

After being scolded by these gossips, Sun Shaozong was about to speak, but his groom flashed out earlier, waving a whip and yelling: "My master is the sentence of Shuntianfu. You guys like donkeys and dogs, you dare to use lynching in front of him, are you trying to rebel?!"

With just this scolding, dozens of people on the opposite side suddenly became silent, and on the long street, they could only hear the muffled hum of the woman in the bamboo cage.

After a while, the old man at the head asked tremblingly, "Old ... Master, could it be that 'Shen Duan Sun Tongju'?!"


In modern times, he has solved numerous major and important cases, and no one has ever called him a detective. Unexpectedly, in this world of Red Mansions, just after solving a mere case of naked corpses, he was nicknamed 'Shen Duan Sun Tongju'.

Speaking of...

That nickname sounds pretty cool!

Sun Shaozong endured the secret joy in his heart, and nodded calmly: "Yes, it is this official."


Before he finished speaking, the dozens of people in front of him were all short!

The leading old man threw himself on the ground and said in a terrified manner, "The villain, who did not know that it was Master Qingtian in front of him, made no statement for a while, and asked the master to forgive him!"

Everyone in the back also begged for mercy:

"Master, forgive me!"

"Master, we are also fighting for that brother Zhang, that's how... I must not dare to offend the sentencing master!"

If it were left in modern society, I am afraid that even a national leader would not be able to use only one name to scare many people on their knees and beg for mercy!

For the people, this is definitely a great tragedy.

But for officials...

This feeling of being in awe is really good!

Although he has been educated by the party for many years, Sun Shaozong inevitably has some sense of accomplishment - compared to those predecessors who preached equality everywhere and strictly ordered others not to kneel before him, his ideological awareness is still too low.

However, Sun Shaozong did not mean to 'correct' for the time being, but was rather happy.

He didn't even think about getting those men and women to stand up first, so he pointed to the woman in the bamboo cage and asked condescendingly, "You just said that she murdered her husband, and that she was stolen from someone and got it—could it be that someone saw it with their own eyes? Until she killed her husband?"

"This… "

The old man hesitated for a moment, then lay on the ground and turned his head to look at a disheveled man behind him.

The man was timid at first, but he was forced to use his eyes, but he had to climb a few steps forward and stammered: "Hui... I report back to the judge, although the villain has never seen me My brother was killed by her, but it's almost like seeing it with my own eyes!"

After speaking, he danced and told what happened.

But it turned out that this fellow's name was Zhang Dalong, and he and the deceased Zhang Erhu were brothers of the same mother.

The two brothers lived in the same hutong, separated only by a low wall.

Last year, Zhang Erhu went out of the mouth with the firm and was away from home for more than half a year. His wife, Mrs. Li, took the opportunity to hook up with others.

Zhang Erhu naturally refused to give up with her after returning home, so the couple have often fought at home in the past few months.

In the evening, Zhang Dalong had nothing to do and was chatting with his mother-in-law on the kang when he heard a fierce quarrel coming from the next door - because Zhang Erhu and his wife did not know how many quarrels, and the more people persuaded them, the more they would quarrel. The more they quarreled, the more they were too lazy to persuade them.

It didn't take long for the next door to stop, so Zhang Dalong and his wife took it even more seriously.

Unexpectedly, right at this stall, there was suddenly a shrill scream from the next door, followed by the sound of slamming the door and running wildly!

Zhang Dalong and his wife were startled, they quickly put on their clothes and rushed to the door, only to see Zhang Erhu's wife, Mrs. Li, running in the alley with blood on her hands.

Zhang Dalong stopped Mr. Li and asked what happened, but Mrs. Li said that Zhang Erhu was killed, and she was going to hunt down the real murderer!

Zhang Dalong hurried to the next door, and sure enough, he found his brother lying in the yard with a sharp kitchen knife stuck in his heart!

Having said this, Zhang Dalong stopped stammering, raised his head angrily and said: "There is only this wicked woman in the alley, where is the real murderer?! Besides, I heard her and Erhu arguing with each other with my own ears. Damn, that kitchen knife is something she always uses every day, and it is clearly this wicked woman who has grievances, murdered my younger brother, and wants to put the blame on others!"

The leading old man also helped: "Sir, Mr. Li kept saying that someone else killed him, but he couldn't tell whether the murderer was a man or a woman or whether he was young or old. This is not prevarication, how else can it be obtained?"

This sounds like a bit of solid evidence.

But remembering the unwilling and angry look of Mrs. Li, Sun Shaozong felt that she didn't look like the one who just killed her husband.

Therefore, after a little hesitation, let someone get the woman out of the bamboo cage and put it on the side.

"Master, master! I am wronged!"

As soon as the towel was torn off from his mouth, Mrs. Li raised her head desperately and shouted injustice.

Sun Shaozong was refreshed when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked: "What grievances do you have, come quickly!"

Unexpectedly, the woman replied: "I didn't steal a man, I really didn't steal a man! It was all falsely accused by others!"


It seems that this woman is also a bit of a jerk. When is this going to be, and still struggling with a hairy thief? The most important thing right now, shouldn't you first prove that you didn't murder your husband? !