The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 42: The husband murder incident in Wanping County [Part 2]


But he said that Zhang Dalong rushed out of the gate in a hurry. He originally imagined that he would cut Li's face straight as he did last time, but he looked up and saw that there were sixty or seventy people crowded in the dark alley at the bottom of the alley. The house is empty, and there is no one person in sight!

Zhang Dalong was immediately stunned, staring at the neighbors across the street, not knowing what to do for a long time.

"It's behind you!"

In the end, her wife couldn't see it and couldn't help reminding her.

Zhang Dalong hurriedly looked back when he heard the words, but saw Li stumbled and ran to the vicinity of the alley!

"Okay, bring Li's back!"

Sun Shaozong gestured to the yamen guarding at the entrance of the alley, motioning them to bring the Li family back to the bottom of the alley again.

Then he rushed to Zhang Dalong, who was at a loss, and spread his hands: "Li's body is injured now, and the speed is probably slower than before, but when you went out, she had already escaped nearly thirty feet. - So your confession itself has proved that Mrs. Li is not the one who broke open the courtyard door and escaped."

At this point, Zhang Dalong actually noticed something wrong, but he couldn't get off the stage for a while, so he hesitated for a while, and then he said again: "But that knife... that kitchen knife is what she often uses!"

"That's it."

Sun Shaozong looked back and pointed to Zhang Erhu's yard, and said: "There is a sharpening stone under that old locust tree, I just saw it, the scratches on it are quite obvious, it must have just been used for a while - it is estimated that Zhang Erhu is grinding in the yard. When he was using the knife, he suddenly had a conflict with someone, and the murderer picked up the kitchen knife and stabbed him to death."

At this time, the Li family had also been brought back by the yamen.

Sun Shaozong ignored Zhang Dalong, and instead greeted Mrs. Li to return to Zhang Erhu's yard, and instructed her to go back to the back room and wait as in the testimony. After hearing someone screaming outside, she would demonstrate it again according to the original situation. .

After Mr. Li returned to the house with orders, Sun Shaozong chose the one with the most agile legs to play the murderer among several yamen.


After everything was ready, the yamen stood in front of the corpse, pretended to hold a branch and stabbed it forward, then screamed shrilly, dropped the branch and ran away!


Almost as soon as the yamen disappeared outside the door, Mrs. Li had already rushed out of the room, shouting 'Xianggong', first jumped on the corpse and shoved it twice, then jumped up and chased after him. go out.


As soon as Mr. Li crossed the threshold, Sun Shaozong immediately shouted, Mr. Li subconsciously stood on his feet, but the yamen who played the murderer failed to stop the car for a while, and ran forward seven or eight steps, and finally stopped at the Outside the door of a family, there are still about thirty feet away from the entrance of the alley.

"It's done!"

Sun Shaozong snapped his fingers and smiled proudly: "It's exactly what I thought! The total length of this alley is about 260 meters. Zhang Erhu's gate is almost 45 meters to the east, and there is still at least 215 meters away from the exit. And it took less than 20 seconds from the murderer rushing out of the hospital door to Li's chasing after him, if you want to run out of the alley in such a short period of time, it's no use even if Bolt comes!"

"But Mrs. Li and Zhang Dalong didn't see the murderer at all." Ruan Rong also suddenly said at this time, "So either Mrs. Li and Mrs. Zhang Dalong lied, or the murderer rushed out the door. Immediately hid in the neighbor's house!"

"That's right!"

Sun Shaozong pointed at the huddled neighbors at the bottom of the alley, and said, "That's why I insisted on bringing them back together at first—if it's unsurprising, the murderer should be among these people!"

Hearing that he only deduced many clues through the testimony of Mrs. Li and Zhang Dahu, and even locked the suspect in advance, Ruan Rong's eyes were full of admiration and pride, but she was suddenly curious: "By the way, What does 260 meters mean? Also, who is that Bolt?"

"Uh… "

Only then did Sun Shaozong realize that he had just gotten carried away, so he hurriedly covered up: "These are not important, and now we have to quickly separate the suspect and his family for interrogation, so that they don't collude with each other!"

Having said that, he instructed the yamen to temporarily isolate the two houses at the bottom of the alley and the six houses on the west side of Zhang Erhu's house, according to the distinction between men, women, old and young - even Zhang Dalong's family.

Although the probability is relatively low, it is still impossible to rule out the possibility of Zhang Dalong's acting skills feigning innocence after committing the crime.

As for the interrogation process, it was quite simple. All the officers were asked to ask the suspect and his family members about what they were doing at the time.

Then, the suspects with obvious alibi will be eliminated, and then continue to ask for details - for example, if he is resting at home, then ask the suspect and his family, whether he was lying down or sitting, and where he was resting, What kind of posture is used.

Finally, after investigation one by one, two suspects gradually surfaced, namely Liu Jinbao, who lived at the bottom of the alley, and Xu Gensheng, who lived next to Zhang Dalong's house.

One of the two said that when the crime happened, he was squatting in the toilet; the other said that when the crime happened, he was cleaning the fence of the vegetable field in the yard - but their family members could not provide circumstantial evidence for them.

However, it was difficult to tell who the real murderer was.

Therefore, according to Sun Shaozong's instructions, the yamen took them to Zhang Erhu's courtyard.

Seeing that everyone else had been let go, there was only one pair left. Liu Jinbao and Xu Gensheng panicked immediately, and they didn't care that "Shen Duan Sun Tongjuan" was right in front of them, so please tell me first. A word of 'bite' up.

"Liu Jinbao, you must be the one who killed the man, right?! I only saw you and Zhang Erhu arguing two days ago!"

"Fuck your motherfucker! Who in this alley doesn't know that Zhang Erhu and I have been arguing since childhood. If I really wanted to kill him, I would have done it already!"

"Look, look, you admit to wanting to kill Zhang Erhu, right?!"

"Your special girl..."

"Shut up!"

Jiang Laoqi, the head of the yamen in Wanping County, gave a loud shout, suppressing the dispute between the two of them, and approached Sun Shaozong again, and said with a smile: "Master, what are we going to do next?"

"This… "

Sun Shaozong was about to speak, but his expression suddenly changed suddenly, he suddenly stretched out his hand to point behind the two suspects, and said in a panic, "Zhang Erhu, you... how did you come back to life?!"

When Liu Jinbao and Xu Gensheng heard this, they hurriedly looked back, but they saw a man standing upright behind him, with round eyes, a pale face, and a blood hole three fingers wide in their chests. who is it? !

"Pay back my life, pay back my life quickly!"

At this moment, there was another ghost cry and wolf howl, Liu Jinbao was so frightened that he rolled and crawled, and went straight to Sun Shaozong's crotch, while Xu Gensheng was directly paralyzed on the ground, and he cried out in a voice: "Second brother, spare your life, second brother. Forgive me! I didn't mean to kill you, it's really... I really can't see Miss Li being tortured in every way by you, so..."


Before he could finish his words, Zhang Erhu fell to the ground, revealing the yamen who supported the body with a wooden stick behind him.