The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 48: Xinglong Street Tengu Heart-Eating Incident [Part 1]


Before the sky was bright, a messy sound of horse hooves shattered the tranquility of Xinglong Street.

However, the residents in the neighborhood are already used to it - after all, the streets are chaotic since midnight, and there is no peace for a moment.

Seeing that the white flags were erected in front of him, and many people were surrounded by shadows, Sun Shaozong knew that he was at the place, so he slowed down the speed of his horse a little, and said in a loud voice, "This official is Shun Tianfu's criminal name and sentenced Sun Shaozong. ?"

"Master Sun, you are here!"

Before he finished speaking, a green-robed official appeared in the crowd, but it was Zhou Da, the criminal and name inspector, and saw him leaning over flatteringly, holding the reins and saying, "Master Fang Caifu has urged me to ask. Several times, if you don't come again, the lower official really doesn't know how to respond!"

Ever since he was used as a scapegoat at the reception, Zhou Da simply turned to Sun Shaozong in anger this week—he was selected from among the swordsmen and scribes, and he was not a serious scholar himself.

Although Sun Shaozong has not expressed his position, he has not stopped him from pretending to be a lackey.

"Master Fucheng?"

Sun Shaozong frowned when he heard the words. When the case was bigger, it should be handled by the governor Han Anbang himself. At a smaller scale, Liu Chongshan, who was in charge of criminal cases, should also come forward, but how could it fall to the head of Jia Yu Village? superior

Seeing that he was frowning, Zhou Da vaguely guessed the reason, and hurriedly explained in a low voice: "Jia Fucheng just moved to this Xinglong Street yesterday, next to Ge Shilang's house."

This is unlucky!

If he moved in one day later, the case would never fall on him!

Sun Shaozong was a little speechless for a while, thinking that Jia Yucun was possessed by a weak spirit - but he didn't know the source of this matter, but it was actually on him.

If it wasn't for his help, Jia Yucun's arrival in Beijing would have been delayed by three or four days, and he would have to wait until mid-February when he moved to Xinglong Street. case.


Sun Shaozong followed Zhou Da and hurried to Ge's study, and saw Jia Yucun standing in front of the knocked-open door with his hands behind his back. It exudes a terrifying low air pressure, and it is almost impossible for strangers to enter!

That is to say, when he saw Sun Shaozong appear, his face showed a bit of joy, and regardless of the presence of Zhou Da, Zhao Wuwei and others, he stepped forward and grabbed Sun Shaozong's sleeve, and said excitedly: "Xian brother, this time no matter what. You have to help old brother too!"

Sun Shaozong can understand his mood. The new official took office and encountered such a big case. If he could solve the case, it would be very beautiful. What other capital can compete with that Han Anbang

However, Sun Shaozong has not yet grasped the basic situation of this case, so how dare he brag about it

He can only make a solemn promise: "Don't worry, Lord Fucheng, I will do my best to find out the truth of this case!"

"That's good, that's good, that's good!"

Jia Yucun said 'that's fine' three times in a row, but he forgot to let go of Sun Shaozong's sleeve.

As a last resort, Sun Shaozong had no choice but to say again: "Sir, can you let the lower official go to the scene of the crime to investigate first, and then ask the person concerned?"


Jia Yucun hurriedly pointed to the house on the east side and said, "Zhao Wuwei, bring Sun Tongjuan to investigate the scene; Zhou Da, go and call all those witnesses!"

Sun Shaozong was able to escape.

He was not busy entering the door, but first carefully observed the layout of the Ge Mansion's study - the study of a large family is often the place where the host lives and meets guests, and this Ge Mansion is no exception.

In the center is a delicate and elegant flower hall, the west side is where the real study is located, and the crime scene is in the bedroom in the east end.

Sun Shaozong walked to the bedroom, and immediately found that the door was also forcibly knocked open. Judging from the broken crossbolt on the ground, it should have been locked in the original state - exactly the same as the door outside the flower hall.

Secret Room Murder? !

Sun Shaozong's heart was tense. Although the murderers had also covered up the cases he had solved before, they were done hastily afterwards, so there were still many clues left.

However, this kind of secret room murder is usually carefully planned by the murderer, and the scene is often cleaned up carefully.

There is another thing that makes Sun Shaozong a little concerned. According to his experience these days, generally only the outer room will be locked for this kind of suite. In order to facilitate the servant girl to come in and serve at midnight, the inner room will not even be equipped with interlocking equipment.

However, a lock was specially installed on the door of this bedroom, and if you look closely, you can see that the lock was added later.

So, do the two door locks here indicate a lack of security, or do they hide some unknown secrets

Thinking about it in his heart, Sun Shaozong walked into the bedroom, and before he could see the situation inside clearly, he felt a wet patch under his feet.

Is there a layer of water on the ground

Sun Shaozong was stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood what was going on, because not far to the left of the door, there was an empty bathtub.

And not far from the tub, a fat corpse was reclining on the pier, with a huge opening in the chest cavity, but there was 'clear soup with little water' inside, and there was not much pus and blood accumulated.

The flesh at the wound is even more pink and white, and it looks like it has been washed repeatedly after death!


It's probably harder to find clues now.

Sun Shaozong was embarrassed, but his eyes suddenly narrowed. He hurriedly approached the corpse and observed it carefully. Sure enough, he found that the liver, spleen, stomach, and kidneys were all in the chest cavity, but the most important heart was missing!

"This is… "

Sun Shaozong carefully twisted up a few main blood vessels. Looking at the jagged cut above, which seemed to have been torn by force, he couldn't help taking a breath. The missing heart was actually pierced by teeth. Bitten off!

Immediately afterwards, he found even more terrifying evidence in the folds of the corpse's clothes - a small lump of chewed minced meat!

Could it be that the heart has been eaten by the murderer? !

Is this extreme perverted behavior stemming from deep hatred, or to cover up some important clues? !

Sun Shaozong pondered for a while, and then handed the broken heart to Zhao Wuwei for storage, raised his eyes and continued to look at the situation at the scene.


There is even a thick layer of curtains in this bedroom

You must know that paper windows are used these days, and it is difficult to see from the outside during the day, let alone at night, so few people will install additional curtains.

Sun Shaozong walked to the window, carefully opened the tightly closed curtain, looked up and down carefully, and found that the window was also locked.

Considering that the corpse was near the window sill, after the incident, the murderer should not have the chance to lock the window. It can be seen that before the door was knocked open, it was indeed in a secret room.

And through the additional curtains installed on this layer, Sun Shaozong also confirmed that there must be some secret hidden in this Shi Lang Ge!

And this secret is probably the cause of his death!

"grown ups!"

Seeing Sun Shaozong stunned by the window for a long time, Zhao Wuwei couldn't help but reminded, "You might as well see what's on the transom first."


Sun Shaozong had also seen an open transom on the northwest corner, but the window was only not much bigger than a slap, let alone an adult. He was afraid that even a child couldn't get out, so he didn't rush to check it.

Hearing Zhao Wuwei taking the initiative to mention it at this time, and seeing his face full of fear, Sun Shaozong was really interested. He stepped forward and looked at it a few times. He immediately made a 'huh' and twisted a few sticks from the edge of the window. With gray hair, he pondered: "This seems to be..."

"Dog hair!"

Zhao Wuwei said in a trembling voice: "Master, this is definitely dog hair! You... You think it's not really a dog's trouble, right?!"