The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 49: Xinglong Street Tengu Heart-Eating Incident [Middle]


Tengu haunting

Sun Shaozong put the dozen or so dog hairs under his nose and sniffed, carefully twisted them into a small pinch, put them in the palm of his hand and looked at them carefully for a while, and a look of disdain suddenly appeared on his face. But he didn't say a word, he just threw the dog hair to Zhao Wuwei for safekeeping, and then searched it inch by inch.

Zhao Wuwei saw that Sun Shaozong didn't take the 'Tengu as a haunt' statement seriously, so he couldn't help following behind him, muttering like a broken mouth: "Master, this case is really evil!"

"I heard that Shilang Ge drove all the servants and maids out of the yard last night and stayed alone in the study. As a result, when it was nearly three hours, I heard shrill noises from the room. The dog barked, and it was a miserable one!"

"Ge Shilang's family felt that something was wrong, so they gathered a dozen people and came over to find out."

"As soon as they got to the yard, the barking stopped, but no matter how much they shouted outside, there was no response inside."

"Unfortunately, the housekeeper and the eldest son of Ge's residence gave the order to break in!"

"Who would have guessed that after entering this bedroom, I found that Shilang Ge had already died on the spot, and there was not half a person in the room, and a heart was still missing! Only a few dog hairs fell on the transom, you said this is not a tengu cable Life, how can I get it?"

Hearing this, Sun Shaozong suddenly pulled his head out of the tub, and said sternly, "Are you sure that the dog's barking disappeared suddenly after everyone entered the yard?"

"That's not true, more than a dozen witnesses said so!"

Seeing that his words finally had an effect, Zhao Wuwei hurriedly said: "Do you think this is evil or not?! Either the murderer is a demon who can fly and escape; , and then escaped through the transom! Otherwise, if so many people were blocked inside, how could it disappear out of thin air... "

Before the word 'lost' that disappeared had time to exit, Sun Shaozong didn't say a word, he rushed to the corner behind the door, and carefully inspected the floor and wall.

Zhao Wuwei also leaned over, but his eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't find anything strange behind the door.

He was wondering if Sun Shaozong had made a mistake, but when he saw him clapping his hands, he excitedly said, "Let's go! First, let me go to see those witnesses, and by the way, I'll give our lord a reassurance pill! "

With that said, he walked out of the messy bedroom.

Peace of mind

Has this case been solved again? !

Zhao Wuwei was horrified, and he forgot to follow up for a while—although he was very convinced of Sun Shaozong's ability to solve the case, it was obvious that this case could not be done by human beings!

Could it be…

Sun Tongju is the same as the Baolong Tu of 'The sun breaks the sun, and the yin judges the yin at night'. !

Because of the delay for a moment, when Zhao Wuwei came out of the bedroom, he saw Sun Shaozong talking to Jia Yucun and everyone in the Ge residence:

"The killer left two very clear pieces of evidence at the scene."

"First of all, a few dog hairs on the transom!"

"Secondly, the missing heart of the deceased!"

Having said that, Sun Shaozong stopped and looked around at the crowd before continuing: "According to the results of my investigation, the heart should have been torn off by the murderer's teeth, and then eaten directly in the stomach!"

"Tengu! It must have been the tengu that ate the master's heart!"

Before Sun Shaozong could finish speaking, he saw a middle-aged woman in a mink fur, screaming hysterically, "That ghost has tortured the master for a whole year and a half, and I knew that one day, the master will die at the hands of that ghost. !"


The woman's scream was still in his ears, and a half-hundred-year-old man cried bitterly again: "Master, master, the old slave said that he would invite some experts to exorcise evil spirits, but you said that you refused to agree. This is a good thing, and you will be hurt by that ghost. For my life! Woohoo…”

Judging from their positions and attire, they should be Ge Shilang's concubine and housekeeper.

Although the others are not as rude as they are, they are all as white as paper, and their faces are still in shock!

Even Jia Yucun changed his cold body to a face full of fear, his eyes were rolling around in his sockets, and the word 'shrink' seemed to be written directly on his face.

At this moment, Sun Shaozong suddenly laughed and shook his head: "The purpose of the murderer's actions is to make others think about the 'Tiangou's life' - but this clumsy method is like adding superfluous details and continuing the story. , is really ridiculous!"

With that, he stretched out his hand to Zhao Wuwei and ordered, "Give me that tuft of dog hair!"

Zhao Wuwei hurriedly unfolded the paper package and carefully offered the dog hair.

Sun Shaozong twisted it in his hand, shook it a few times, and snorted: "The thickness, length, color, feel of these dog hairs ... even the smell is different, it is clearly picked up by people to make up the number - everyone yesterday I heard it at night, shouldn't it be a group of dogs barking?"

After hearing these words, everyone looked suspiciously at those dog hairs.

But the fox-furred woman didn't believe it at all, sneered, and said disdainfully, "This dog is not an ordinary dog, but the resentment of many dead beasts, and there are many different hairs on her body, what's so strange? of?"

I'll go~

There is such an explanation!

Not to mention that others 'suddenly realized', even Sun Shaozong was a little speechless for a while.

Fortunately, he didn't have this piece of evidence, so he reached out and asked Zhao Wuwei for something, held it in the palm of his hand and showed it to everyone: "Well, even if the dog is indeed a hybrid breed, how should this thing be explained? ?"

Everyone looked intently, but they saw that what he was holding in his hand was clearly a small lump of minced meat sticking together—although some people had vaguely guessed the origin of this thing, but Sun Shaozong wanted to break his head when he showed it. I don't understand


Jia Yucun couldn't help urging: "Don't sell it, tell us what's suspicious about this thing?"

"Lord Fucheng."

Only then did Sun Shaozong explain: "If I'm not mistaken, this thing should be the minced heart after being chewed by the murderer—but don't you think that the minced meat is a little too delicate?"

As he said that, he rolled the meat foam into a thin layer on the palm of his hand, and continued to explain: "Although dog's teeth are sharp and sharp, they are more suitable for chewing hard objects or tearing flesh than humans - but they are also sharp and sharp. , the dog's teeth do not have the ability to grind food into fine foam! On the contrary, our human teeth can easily achieve such an effect!"

Having said that, Sun Shaozong gestured at the middle-aged woman with his palm, and asked with a smile, "This aunt, you wouldn't want to tell me that the dog not only had a coat of hair that day, but also a mouthful of human teeth. Bar?!"