The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 5: Hit luck


However, she said that Ruan Rong was brave enough to break into the hospital. At first, she walked like flying, but after passing through the coffins, her footsteps slowed down. Her big eyes were rolling around, revealing anxiety and fear in her heart.

If Li Jiuming persuaded him a few more words at this time, she would have retreated.

But Li Jiu Ming was a good hand in handling the case, but he couldn't read the little girl's mind at all.

He came up from behind, and seeing that the autopsy room was not far in front of him, he shook his head helplessly and said, "Forget it, since you have to be brave, come in with me."

Now Ruan Rong had no way out, so she had to bite the bullet and cross the threshold with Li Jiu Ming.

Just as he was walking in and out of the door, he felt a stench coming towards his face. Even if Ruan Rong covered her mouth and nose in time, she still could not completely isolate it, and the disgusting breath ran down her nose. Get in and 'scratch' in her stomach, as if to take out the overnight meal!

"This... what kind of smell is this, it stinks!"

Ruan Rong endured her nausea and complained angrily, and then heard someone behind her say: "You're right, this is really the odor of corpses from the dead, but it should be the smell left over from the past, if there are carrion corpses in it. If so, the taste should be much bigger.”

Corpse smell

Much bigger? !

Before Sun Shaozong finished speaking, he saw Ruan Rong turn around and fly out of the courtyard, followed by intermittent vomiting.

"This girl Rong!"

Li Jiuming sighed helplessly, and when he looked at Sun Shaozong again, he was more inquisitive. He had seen a lot of desperadoes who licked blood with a knife, but he could tell the smell of a corpse in one sentence, and he could still be in front of this smell. It is rare to see young people who are at ease.

So invisibly, his attention to Sun Shaozong was raised a little bit more.

"Captain Sun, please."

"Thank you Li Caotou."

Li Jiu Ming raised his hand to give in, and Sun Shaozong casually thanked him and walked into the morgue.

At this time, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon, but there were more than a dozen candles lit in the morgue, and those candlesticks were high and low, and a single bed covered with a white cloth was faintly surrounded.

On the left side of the single bed, two fat men and one skinny were silently cleaning up the knives. When they saw Li Jiuming bring someone in, they just nodded slightly and ignored them.

Sun Shaozong knew that these people who often dealt with corpses were often not very gregarious, so he didn't take it seriously. He walked to the bed on his own, pointed at the white cloth covering it, and asked politely, "Two two. Can I open it up and take a look?"

The thin one raised his head and glanced at Li Jiuming. Seeing that he didn't mean to stop him, a mocking smile appeared on his face, and he replied dryly, "As you wish."

Said, a pair of triangular eyes full of schadenfreude.

Although the fat man didn't speak, he squinted over, as if he was waiting to see a good show.

Faced with these two gloomy gazes, Sun Shaozong was very magnanimous.


The white cloth was uncovered, and a bloody corpse appeared in front of Sun Shaozong. The man's head and limbs were still intact, but his chest was completely cut open. And the bloody mouth of the bite!

And in the 'mouth', the internal organs, intestinal esophagus and other fragmentary objects are all wrinkled and churning outward, dripping with dripping yellow-brown mucus...

Ordinary people would be scared to death on the spot when they saw this terrifying scene!

But Sun Shaozong has been a criminal police officer for more than ten years, what kind of corpse has he never seen

Not to mention this kind of 'fresh stuff' that was cut open, that is, the corpse was fried and then fried, and he had seen more than a dozen!

Therefore, he bent down carelessly, lay beside the corpse and looked carefully for a while, then stretched out his hand and poked in the abdominal cavity for a while, then raised his head and commented: "It should be a sharp blade, from the left side. The fifth rib was stabbed between the fourth rib and the liver was pierced, causing hemorrhage and death, and the blade was downward when pierced, thus leaving a cut mark on the fifth rib."

Fat and thin Zuzuo and Li Jiu were stunned to look at each other.

After a while, the fat man put down the knife in his hand, tsk tsk and praised loudly: "The expert! Which yamen is this little brother from? He has the courage and experience at a young age..."

"Cough cough!"

Li Jiuming brought Sun Shaozong here privately, how dare he reveal his true identity

Two dry coughs interrupted Fat Zuzuo's cross-examination, and said sternly: "Since you know you are an expert, don't hide it, and tell this little brother the results of your autopsy."

Fat Zuzuo didn't mean to go into it, he pointed at the corpses and said, "A total of three corpses were sent, all of which were killed by Ambassador Niu's guards when they were resisting. I have seen each other, none of them are familiar faces, they should not be from Qinglin Mansion."

Li Jiuming added: "It didn't come just a few days ago. The city gate guards have no impression of them. It can be seen that they have been hiding in the city for a while, and there are even people who are responsible for taking care of them. Otherwise, more than a dozen foreigners will be there. After living in the city for so long, how could no one notice?"

After he finished adding, the fat man continued: "Judging from the calluses on the corpse's limbs and the wear and tear of the teeth, these people usually live well and rarely participate in labor, but they dance with knives and guns all day."

The thin man replied: "But judging from the strange wounds on their bodies, they should not be officers and soldiers or policemen, and they are more likely to be market rangers."

Fat Zuzuo took over the conversation again, pointed to a single bed in the southwest corner, and said, "The one lying there, originally had tattoos on his back, but recently destroyed it with brute force, probably because he was afraid of the tattoo meeting. reveal his identity."


Sun Shaozong's heart moved when he heard this, and he hurriedly turned his attention to Li Jiuming, but Li Jiuming shook his head slightly and said, "The rangers from the Six Nations in the Southern Border have a habit of getting tattoos. If the tattoos are still intact, I might be able to. I found out something along the way, but now... "

Sun Shaozong was a little disappointed, turned his head and asked the two Zuzuo again, "Have you checked the food residues in your stomach? Did you find any clues?"

"Sure enough!"

Fat Zuzuo praised again, and immediately took out a tray from under the shelf where the knives were placed. Inside the tray were three small enamel bowls. There was a disgusting sour smell.

"That's what came out of their stomachs." Fat Zuzuo pointed to the batter in the bowl and said, "In addition to the common meat and pasta, there seem to be some fruits - they should not be common fruits on the market. As for the specific What kind of fruit is it, I can't tell the difference between the two of us."

Sun Shaozong suddenly cheered up again and blurted out, "Can we use this as a clue to find out where the assassin Yu Dang is hiding?"

"this… "

The fat and thin people looked at each other and smiled bitterly, and finally Li Jiuming explained: "Southern Xinjiang is known as the hometown of melons and fruits, but now it is the end of summer and early autumn, and there are hundreds of kinds of fruits. I don’t know how much time it will take to compare all of them—and this has to be eaten first and then spit out before it can be used for comparison, it’s really…”

After a pause, he added: "What's more, this kind of fresh fruit doesn't last for a long time. Maybe it will be completely spoiled at night."

It does.

In the absence of scientific instruments, one would have to rely on luck to find out the roots of these fruit residues—but the iron rule of modern criminal police is that no matter how trivial the clues are, they cannot give up their investigation!

Therefore, Sun Shaozong still asked: "In this case, can you two share this fruit residue with me? Maybe I'm lucky and I can find this fruit by chance."

This thing doesn't last long, so what's the use of leaving more

Therefore, without any hesitation, the two dudes agreed to Sun Shaozong's request, took a piece of oiled paper, carefully separated out nearly half of the fruit residue, packaged it and handed it over to Sun Shaozong.

Sun Shaozong refused to give up, and discussed with the two for a long time, but there was still nothing to gain, and finally he had to leave in a hurry.

Li Jiu ordered him to be sent out of the mortuary, so he stopped and said solemnly: "I still have official business, so I will send him away soon - remember to tell Rong girl for me, don't interfere in this case indiscriminately in the future! "

Sun Shaozong nodded in agreement, and hurried out of the courtyard door, he saw Ruan Rong leaning against the wall with a pale face, with a huge amount of vomit spread around him. It was estimated that he even contributed breakfast.

Ruan Rong also discovered Sun Shaozong at this time. Seeing the vomit in his eyes swirling, she felt a little embarrassed. She rubbed her boots on the ground, intending to cover the vomit with mud.

But at this moment, Sun Shaozong's eyes suddenly lit up, excitedly rushed to the pool of vomit, squatted down and studied it carefully - unexpectedly, he just said casually, but it really made him hit the big luck!