The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 54: Xinglong Street Tengu Incident [The Truth]



The large wooden box found from the mezzanine on the top of the bed was smashed to the ground by Sun Shaozong.

Gold chains with cat's eyes, jade belts with white tails, purple-gold Burmese bells like bunches of grapes, vivid dog-head masks...

These things, either gold or jade, are all carefully crafted, and if you take any one of them to sell outside, you can at least exchange them for a hundred and ten taels of silver - but now these things are added together, but they are not comparable. Those horns are eye-catching!

Wood carving, stone carving, jade carving, gold casting...

All-encompassing materials, various shapes, and terrifying dimensions, even if you are lying quietly on the ground, you still look 'murderous'!

Seeing these things suddenly in the study, everyone in Ge's house couldn't help but stunned.

He was stunned for a while, but in the end it was the old housekeeper Xu Ren who was more 'informed'. He was the first to come back to his senses and frowned, "Sun Tongjuan, you... what do you mean?"

"what for?"

Although there was a smile on Sun Shaozong's face, his eyes were like eagles, but a cold stab on Ge Xiaoxian's face: "I'm afraid you have to ask your second son, except for the dead Ge Shilang, these things should only be useful to him. Clearest."

The expression on Ge Xiaoxian's face was a little distorted when he saw what was in the box. Now that Sun Shaozong called his name, he suddenly roared like thunder, "What nonsense are you talking about? What does these things have to do with me?!"

With just this roar, everyone in the house has already noticed something strange!

Ge Xiaorui looked at the younger brother beside him in surprise.

"Ha ha… "

Sun Shaozong shook his head and let out a laugh. He pointed to the things on the ground and said, "Although these things are very elegant, they will inevitably leave some traces on the body after using them for a long time, such as this gold chain, this jade belt, this ring. —Second Young Master, do you want to take it all off for a test, or just take the initiative…”

"shut up!"

Ge Xiaoxian roared abruptly, his chest heaving and undulating rapidly, and his delicate face was filled with manic arrogance.

By this time, the truth has actually been revealed.

Ge Xiaorui swallowed hard, but still said in a dry voice: "Erlang, even if the lord... the lord is absurd, he is your biological father after all, how dare you..."

"I told you to shut up!"

Before Ge Xiaorui could finish speaking, Ge Xiaoxian pounced on him and grabbed him by the throat, shouting frantically, "Absurd? Absurd?! Ha... Hahaha... What do you know?! You know what he did to me? What?! You don't know anything!!!"

Ge's mansion had long been accustomed to his femininity, but when he saw that he was so mad, he couldn't react in time.

In the end, Sun Shaozong couldn't see it, and he flicked his finger on Ge Xiaoxian's wrist, which saved Ge Xiaorui.

Not to mention how Ge Xiaorui escaped from death, clutching his throat and panicked.

It is only said that Ge Xiaoxian staggered back a few steps, the hideousness on his face gradually subsided, and what was replaced was endless confusion and bitterness.

He seemed to be talking to himself, as if he was accusing someone, and hissed: "Two years ago, after my mother died, he was depressed for several months. He made fun of him in a different way—once when he was drunk, he mistook me for his mother, and he just… just did that stupid thing.”

it is as expected!

Everyone sighed and sighed for this shocking fate.

Only that Ge Xiaoyi thought of his mother's death with hatred, but he didn't see Ge Qingfeng asking the first half of the sentence. He was jealous and angry, and couldn't help sneering: "Just because of this, you have murderous intentions against your father?"

Everyone thought that Ge Xiaoxian would admit it, but he shook his head firmly and muttered: "You were wrong, although I felt a little ashamed at the time, but seeing his mood improved greatly afterwards, I felt a little joy in my heart. come."

"After that, while I consoled myself, I thought it was doing my filial piety; on the other hand, I was in a trance, feeling that I had replaced my mother's identity, so I had a good relationship with him a few times in a daze - two or three of them, it was me. Actively teasing him."

Speaking of this, Ge Xiaoxian's face actually showed a girl-like blush, and his eyes were full of indescribable amorous feelings.

I'm going~

This boy actually likes his own father!

Even Sun Shaozong could not speculate on this absurd and bizarre plot, let alone others!

While Jia Zheng was stunned, he couldn't help but interjected and asked, "Since it is your love and my wish, why did you kill your father?!"

"Ha ha ha ha… "

As soon as he heard the word 'killing his father', the expression on Ge Xiaoxian's face turned into endless savagery, but seeing him raised his head and laughing wildly, two lines of blue tears fell in his eyes.

"I used to really think that I was a substitute for my mother, the second person he really loved in his life! But I was wrong, completely wrong!"

"In the second month after we were in trouble, a wild beast suddenly bit off three of his toes."

"At that time, when I saw how miserable he was, I wanted to appease him - who knew that he wouldn't be humane anyway, even if I went to find those fox spirits in the backyard, it would be of no avail."

"At that time, he was extremely frightened and tried all kinds of remedies all day, but none of them worked, until..."

When Ge Xiaoxian said this, he paused for a while, then raised his finger to the big bed under the north wall, and said in a trembling voice, "It wasn't until I was lying on the bed once and randomly learned a few dog barks that he suddenly regained his strength. Brilliant!"

"Since then, whenever we were together, he let me learn how to call a dog to cheer me up, and because of this, there were rumors that a tengu was possessed."

"He was afraid that our relationship would be exposed, and he was naturally happy to make others misunderstand, so instead of clarifying the rumors of that dog, he was behind the scenes!"

"I didn't think there was anything wrong with it at first, but gradually... He became more and more aggressive, and he collected a lot of tools."

Ge Xiaoxian pointed to the utensils on the ground, and a layer of resentment gradually appeared on his face: "After that, I was no longer a substitute for my mother, nor the second person he loved, but a dog and a dog that he kept. A dog that he can humiliate at will!"

Having said this, he smiled sadly: "And it's still a bitch of Te Niang!"

"Bitch...haha...a bitch...hahaha..."

"Since he humiliated me like a bitch, what's so strange about being bitten by me?"

"But I didn't just take a bite, but bit by bit, bit his heart out and swallowed it whole!"

"Ha...hahaha...In this way, his heart belongs to me alone, and even my mother can't take it away! Ha...hahaha..."

Wanton laughter echoed in the bedroom, bleak and absurd.