The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 56: Ask if you like Daiyu's birthday


Although the case of 'Tengu eating the heart' had already been solved before the noon yesterday.

But after all, it was only a temporary interrogation at the scene. In order to close the case seriously, it was necessary to bring the criminal back to Shuntian Prefecture and walk through the procedures of the court to conclude the case.

In addition to taking custody, filing, punishing, reporting...

This kind of chores are sandwiched together, and it is only after the middle of the night that the scene is barely finished.

Sun Shaozong slept for an hour when he got home, so he had to rush to work again—because this case was of great importance, and the top had to send someone to verify and investigate, so he didn't even have the opportunity to ask for leave.

Yawning all the way to Shuntian Mansion, Sun Shaozong handed over the horse to the doorman, and was about to go to his office for a while, but there was already a servant from Jia Yucun waiting at the second door, saying that the mansion had invited him.

No choice, Sun Shaozong had to cheer up and go to Jia Yucun first.

After entering the door, I saw Jia Yucun sitting at the desk in high spirits, writing something, and in the middle of the main room, there were actually two large wooden boxes.

Seeing Sun Shaozong come in, he tapped the two boxes with his chin and said with a smile, "One thousand taels of these are silver rewards given by the Ministry of Punishment, and the other two thousand taels are bonuses given by the Ministry of Industry in the name of Shilang Ge - I have already helped me with the money. If you ask for it, I don't care how you send it."


This human life is really incomparable to human life!

For the murder cases that Sun Shaozong solved in the past, it would be good to be rewarded with a dozen taels of silver, and it was often delayed for a long time.


"What about Liu Zhizhong? It stands to reason that the punishment and name division's reward must be passed through his hands first, right?"

"Need not."

Jia Yucun waved his hand arrogantly, and said, "It's clearly stated in the official document. This money is given to the handler and so on. When we were investigating the case, did you ever see the person surnamed Liu showing half of his face?"

It is estimated that Han Fuyin and Liu Zhizhong are about to regret their bowels by now.

Originally, this case was left to Jia Yucun and Sun Shaozong to let them take the blame. Who would have thought that this would look like a strange case where a demon is haunting it, but Sun Shaozong managed it in half a day!

Moreover, the case is so bizarre and absurd that it can be called appalling. Now not only the court and the public are discussing the case, it is said that it is rumored in the palace.

As the main manager, Jia Yucun's role is not comparable to that of Sun Shaozong, but his face is also exposed to the sky!

Therefore, he is in high spirits right now, not to mention Liu Zhizhong, even Han Fu Yin has to stand aside temporarily!


Thinking of the palace, Jia Yucun hurriedly warned again: "You should prepare well these few days, maybe His Majesty will invite you and me to see you and report the case of Shilang Ge."

To see the emperor again

You won't be acting this time, will you

Sun Shaozong murmured in his heart, but on the face he responded solemnly. Then he called four handymen from outside, lifted the big wooden box containing the silver, and went straight to the criminal justice department.

To say that with his strength, he was walking like flying with two suitcases like he was playing - but what kind of decency would he be walking around in the yamen with two suitcases of silver in the courtroom

Not sure, there will be some people involved in his 'philiac' charge.

However, he said that Sun Shaozong brought the silver to the Criminal and Ming Division, and went to Liu Zhizhong to report his arrival, and by the way, he mentioned the matter of rewarding the silver.

Hearing that the money was specially allocated to the manager, Liu Zhizhong's face turned gloomy again - in Liu Zhizhong's opinion, this was clearly a challenge to his financial power!

However, the Ministry of Industry was only able to pay it back, but the Ministry of Punishment was one of the dual leaders of the Department of Criminal and Ming Dynasty. How could he dare to disobey the meaning of the Ministry of Punishment

So he can only express angrily, let Sun Shaozong watch the distribution, and he doesn't need to report anything after the money is distributed.

Sun Shaozong 'happily obeyed his order', and let him carry the silver back to his small courtyard. Only later did he hear that after he went out, Liu Zhizhong broke a complete set of inkstones and pen holders, and at least he lost five or six hundred taels of silver. .

Less gossip.

When Sun Shaozong returned to the courtyard, Cheng Rixing had already greeted him. He bowed to the end, and said beamingly, "Congratulations to Dongweng for solving this strange case. Now that he is famous in four and nine cities, the day of his high rise is not far away!"

"Stop making this kind of nutritious flattery!"

Sun Shaozong rolled his eyes, pointed to the two boxes of silver, and instructed, "Master Fu Cheng has asked for a large amount of silver, and you can quickly draw up a list of managers so that you can distribute the money."

Cheng Ri was in a hurry to answer, and he was full of dog legs, and welcomed Sun Shaozong into the main room. This master from Qingke, flattering has become an instinct. Sun Shaozong said several times, seeing that he really can't change, he can only follow He went.

Entering the main room, seeing Cheng Rixing laying out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and just about to splash ink, Sun Shaozong hurriedly added: "Remember to put that Zhou Da in the first place."

Cheng Rixing held the right hand of the pen holder for a while, his eyes rolled around in the frame for a few times, and suddenly lowered his voice excitedly and asked, "Dongweng wants a thousand dollars to buy horse bones?"

Sun Shaozong smiled and said indifferently, "You can't talk about a thousand dollars. It's worth taking a few hundred taels to set a model. Besides, after this case, it's time for the people below to shine again."

Because he heard Sun Shaozong talk about the theory that 'butt decides head', Cheng Rixing immediately understood what he meant, so he became more and more excited.

So he took advantage of his enthusiasm and splashed ink, and in a moment he drew up a list, scattered the three thousand taels of silver in order, and took out the abacus and checked it carefully twice, then held it in both hands and sent it to Sun Shaozong before.

Sun Shaozong saw that behind Zhou Da's name was Zhao Wuwei and the other quick-shift yamen, he nodded in satisfaction, and called out to the handymen outside, asking them to notify all the officials on the list, and go to the lobby at noon to collect the reward.

After dealing with these chores, Sun Shaozong was waiting to go to the east wing to take a nap when he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly called Cheng Rixing to inquire: "You have been in the Rongguo Mansion for so many years, you should know the preferences of the ladies in Jia Mansion, right? "

When Cheng Rixing heard this, there was a look of embarrassment on his face. Sun Shaozong thought he didn't know about it, and he was just waiting to express that he didn't know.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Rixing suddenly folded his hands and said solemnly: "The old man who has been in power for many years, students should not say this, but for the sake of your future, Dongweng, you can't care about it too much. Although the young lady has a beautiful appearance, but they are all born from a concubine, and they are not valued by the old man and wife, they are not good candidates for marriage."

Sun Shaozong was dumbfounded by him, and waved his hands quickly: "When did I say that I want to marry Jia's house? Actually, it's in my house. I heard that her goddamn sister's birthday is coming soon, so he asked me to ask for a few things. The gift of the heart—but how do I know what little girls like?"

After all, Ruan Rong wasn't the real wife, so she couldn't be the word 'madam', and Sun Shaozong didn't want to call her auntie, so in front of others, she used the word 'in the house' instead.