The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 57: In response to the imperial decree, there is a secret rift, and I sigh that the officialdom is ghostly


Although the misunderstanding was solved, Cheng Rixing really didn't know Daiyu's hobbies - in fact, even the young ladies in Jia's house might not know what other hobbies Lin Daiyu had besides reading and writing.

But for a little girl's birthday, it's not good to give her the four treasures of the study, right

Besides, the Four Treasures of the Study House used in Rongguo Mansion are good things that are chosen from thousands of choices, and those bought outside may not really be comparable.

In the end, Sun Shaozong and Ruan Rong put together, they simply took out more than two hundred taels of silver, struck ninety-nine golden leaves, and used more than half a meter of gold thread to thread them into branches, whichever meant the longevity.

Although it seems a bit tacky to send gold directly, this thing not only looks festive, but can also be used for emergency rescue or as a reward. In fact, it is the most affordable.

Now that he had made up his mind, Zhang Luo, the manor in charge of the mansion, naturally had to do specific things, so Sun Shaozong also acted as a shopkeeper, spending time in the mansion only every day.

Just like that, about three or four days passed.

This morning, Sun Shaozong was reviewing a case of brothers fighting for property and accidentally killing his nephew, when he heard a riot of troops outside, and then saw Zhou Da hurried in, shouting cheerfully: "Sir! It's outside! A few angels are probably here to call you to the palace to see you!"

Really let Jia Yucun say it right!

Sun Shaozong put down the dossier, stretched out a big waist first, and then hurried to the front lobby.

To be honest, he actually had no interest in the emperor's summons - kneeling and kneeling, wouldn't it be fun

But Jia Yucun was different. He waited all day long, and he didn't know how much preparation work he had done in the past few days. He even painted the whole process of solving the case together with various evidences into a vivid picture book. Just like a comic strip.

This time, he can be regarded as satisfactory!

When he was thinking about how to make fun of Jia Yucun after he reached the lobby, he suddenly saw a few people standing in the passage between the two doors.

What's wrong with this

Sun Shaozong was puzzled, and hurriedly stepped forward and cupped his hands with a smile: "Lord Fu Cheng, who are you going to be angry with if you don't go to the front to answer the order?"


Who knew that when Jia Yucun saw that it was him who came up to talk to him, he snorted coldly and said, "Why should Sun Tongjue ask for it?"

Saying that, without even looking at Sun Shaozong, he led his entourage away.

rely on ~

What's wrong with this bitch? !

Don't you still call a virtuous brother in the morning? In the blink of an eye, why did he change his face? !

Sun Shaozong felt inexplicable when he saw two handymen walking around in the lobby in front of him. Seeing him here from a distance, he rushed over.

Before they could get close, they couldn't wait to shout: "Great joy, Mr. Sun, there is a will to call you to the palace face saint immediately - I heard that even the emperor is waiting to hear your case!"

Even the Supreme Emperor got involved

The nobles in this palace are really idle eggs...

and many more!

Sun Shaozong's heart moved, and he hurriedly greeted him and asked, "Apart from me, did you invite others to enter the palace?"

The two servants shook their heads in unison: "You are the only one, there is no one else!"

it is as expected!

How much Jia Yucun sees this matter, Sun Shaozong can't be more clear!

In particular, the 'comic picture' he made has already been widely circulated in Shuntian Prefecture. Now that the imperial decree has arrived, only Sun Shaozong has been summoned. Where does this put Jia Yucun's face

No one can be happy with this change, let alone Jia Yucun, who is very utilitarian and has a high self-esteem

No wonder he had such an attitude!

After figuring out the cause and effect, Sun Shaozong couldn't help scolding Emperor Guangde and his son in his heart—either summoned both together, or none of them disappeared, what would it be like to summon himself alone? Doesn't it mean that he is obviously forcing Jia Yucun to turn his back on him? !

Especially since he was planning to seize power and take advantage of the situation, Liu Zhizhong, this is a good time. He really wants to fall out with Jia Yucun.

Sun Shaozong went to the lobby with a depressed mood, and saw several dragon guards surrounded by a middle-aged eunuch, chatting with Han Fu Yin there.

"Shao Zong, you came just in time!"

Seeing Sun Shaozong coming in from outside, Han Anbang immediately stepped forward, grabbed Sun Shaozong's wrist affectionately, led him to the middle-aged eunuch, and introduced him with a smile, "Eunuch Dai, this is the famous 'god' in our house. Duan Sun Tong sentenced', that Ge Shilang's case was solved by him alone!"

rely on ~

This is really officialdom like a play, it all depends on acting skills!

If you compare the black face of the talented Jia Yucun with the enthusiasm of Han Anbang at this time, who can tell that Jia Yucun is Sun Shaozong's backer, and this Han Anbang is Sun Shaozong's biggest enemy

If it were a real novice in officialdom, one would think that Han Anbang was trying to win over him.

But how meticulous is Sun Shaozong's mind

After thinking about it, I realized that the most important thing in Han Anbang's words is the word 'single-handedly cracked' - this is obviously to completely obliterate the credit of Jia Yucun, and incidentally divide the 'Sun Jia' alliance!

There is no fuel-efficient lamp that can get into the red robe by virtue of his ability!

Sun Shaozong thought like this, but he was busy and humble in his mouth: "Master Fu Yin is too famous. What can I do alone? It's not all about the government..."

He doesn't want to fall out with Jia Yucun now, so he plans to make up for it.

But how could Han Anbang allow him to show merit to Jia Yucun

Hastily interrupted Sun Shaozong, and said loudly: "Sun Tongjuan, come and see Eunuch Dai, the in-house supervisor of the Ming Palace."

A leak-proof one!

Sun Shaozong was helpless and was just waiting to see Eunuch Dai when he knew that the middle-aged eunuch waved his hand and said, "Don't be too polite, we are not outsiders either - you don't have a Dragon Imperial Guard Cavalry Deputy Lieutenant on your body. Is it an official position? The miscellaneous family happens to be the commander of the Dragon Guard, so speaking of it, he is still your immediate boss!"

When Sun Shaozong heard this, he hurriedly knelt down and gave a military salute: "I have seen the commander-in-chief under the mark!"

"Haha... he is indeed a clever one!"

When Dai Quan saw that he was performing a military salute, he immediately smiled and pretended to be bold: "If you have time to be the host of the miscellaneous family, please invite the brothers of Long Jingwei to gather together. You can't shirk it when you don't."

Sun Shaozong naturally responded.

Dai Quan again instructed Sun Shaozong to kneel before the incense table, and read the imperial edict in a cadence manner. Then he put on a smile again and greeted, "Come with me, the emperor and the emperor are waiting for you in the palace."

Sun Shaozong hurriedly stood up and ordered his horse to be brought to the front. Then he was about to enter the palace with Dai Quan when he saw two government officials hurried over.

When they got closer, they saw that the two subordinate officials were offering several scrolls and a book with their hands, but it was the 'comic book' and other things that Jia Yucun had prepared for Mian Sheng in the past few days.

The official said: "Master Sun, Jia Fucheng said that he was in a hurry because of official business, and he forgot to give these things to the adults. Please don't take offense."


Jia Yucun really didn't give it for nothing!

He managed to control his emotions so quickly, not only did he immediately send someone over to round up the field, but he also intended to use these 'comic comics' to paint some sense of existence!


Based on Sun Shaozong's understanding of him, if he hadn't still harbored grudges, he should have delivered the things in person.