The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 58: Sun Shaozong encountered a strange case again


But he said that Sun Shaozong left Shuntian Mansion full of sighs with the 'comic book' and other things in his arms, and respectfully waited for Dai Quan to get on the sedan chair.

But just at this moment, a young woman suddenly jumped out of the slanting line, pounced on her knees in front of the horse, grabbed the ground with her head, and screamed: "Injustice, injustice! Avenge and call the shots!"

In the face of such an unexpected situation, Sun Shaozong was relatively calm, but the horse was a little frightened, raised its head and neighed and kicked its hooves wildly.

Sun Shaozong was afraid of hurting the woman who complained of injustice, so he hurriedly took the frightened horse aside and tied it to the stone lion in front of the door, and then turned around to take a closer look at the woman.

I saw that after such a short time, the young woman's forehead was already bleeding like a stream, but she seemed to be unconscious, still slamming on the bluestone slab 'dong dong dong', just with this determination to die, You know that she has a huge grievance to sue!

Sun Shaozong hurriedly stepped forward to help her up with both hands, and said with relief: "Sister-in-law, please get up quickly, if you have any grievances, just say it outright, why do you have to hurt yourself so much?"

The young woman couldn't help but be overjoyed when she heard the words, and while raising her hand to wipe the blood from her eyes, she was about to open her mouth to express her grievances.

"Sun Tong sentenced!"

However, at this time, among the dragon guards, someone impatiently urged: "Your Majesty and the Supreme Emperor are still waiting to hear your case, why do you delay here for a long time? If Your Majesty is to blame, we can Can't afford it!"

rely on ~

This guy really has no eyesight!

The street where Shuntian Mansion is located is a prosperous section of the inner city. It can be said that there is a lot of traffic and pedestrians. Now I see a woman 'blocking the street and calling for injustice', and I have already surrounded 180 passers-by. The woman's face was covered in blood, and all of them were sympathetic and unbearable.

In this case, even if you are really in a hurry to leave, you should find another decent reason. How can you say something so bluntly: The emperor is waiting to hear the story, can't delay

Isn't this obviously smearing the emperor's face

Therefore, Sun Shaozong turned his face and said solemnly: "Sir, what you said is bad, your Majesty called the official to the palace to ask the case, just to understand the suffering of the people - how can you blame the official because someone blocked the road and delayed a while to complain? ?"

As he said that, he tore off a white cloth from the lining of the sleeve of the official uniform, and personally helped the little woman to bandage the wound on her forehead, and said righteously: "What is the grievance, please take your time!"

Seeing Sun Shaozong's response, there was a sudden cheers from the surroundings, and the little woman was even more moved to cry. If Sun Shaozong hadn't stopped her, she would have to kneel down again and kowtow to Master Qingtian a few times.

After she calmed down a bit, the woman wiped her tears and cried, "My father is a butcher. Because he made some money around the New Year's Eve, he wanted to help our couple, so on the twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month, he called I went to my husband to…”

However, it is said that the husband of this little woman, Zhou Liang, went to his father-in-law Hu Butcher's house on the 29th of the first lunar month. Weng and his son-in-law were very drunk. Originally, Hu butcher wanted to stay in Zhou Liang for the night, but Zhou Liang was worried that there was only one wife in the house. , he insisted on going home overnight.

Butcher Hu and his wife couldn't resist him, so they gave Zhou Liang a few kilograms of pork that had been packaged long ago, together with 13 taels of silver and broken silver, and asked him to use the silver to do some small business after the spring.

Zhou Liang thanked him for leaving, and staggered all the way back to his home. He handed the silver and pork to Mr. Hu for storage, and then fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Mr. Hu first hid the silver in a safe place, and then pondered that the weather was getting warmer now that if he could not finish eating the several kilograms of pork for a while, he was afraid that it would be ruined, so he took the package of meat to the kitchen and planned to cut it into small pieces and marinate first. a bit.

Who would have guessed that after unwrapping the oil-paper package, what pork was inside, it was clearly a bloody human head!

Hu shrieked in fright on the spot. First, he alerted his neighbors, and then the officials in Daxing County. After the officials asked questions, they all brought Zhou Liang and Hu butcher back to the county office for interrogation.

Zhou Liang and Butcher Hu refused to admit their guilt at first, but two days later, the officers dug up the body that had been dismembered into seven or eight sections near Butcher Hu's house. Continue to deny.

So Daxing County charged them with conspiracy to murder.

However, Mr. Hu did not believe anything. Her husband and father would conspire to murder people, so she had been asking for help in the past few days. She also heard that there is a 'Shen Duan Sun Tong Ju' in Shuntian Mansion, who is good at breaking all kinds of yin and yang. The strange case, if he can ask him to personally ask the case, it is impossible to say that the butcher Weng's son-in-law can still be saved.

Therefore, the Hu family first inquired about Sun Shaozong's appearance and figure early this morning, and then guarded outside the Shuntian Mansion.

"Master's insight!"

Just listen to that Hu's distinction: "My father has only one daughter, and I treat my husband like a son. Even if he really killed someone, how could he send the head to my house? There is clearly some misunderstanding!"

When Sun Shaozong heard this, he frowned unconsciously, and said solemnly: "I saw the case file two days ago, and it clearly stated that Hu Butcher Weng's son-in-law confessed to the murder..."

"grown ups!"

Hu Shi immediately knelt down again and cried, "Daddy and Xianggong are really tortured, so they were beaten! The little woman had sent someone to the prison to see it the other day. Dad is better. It is dying, and it is possible to die at any time!"

Bend into a trick

These four words made Sun Shaozong a little embarrassed. It doesn't matter if this is true or not, as long as he intervenes, he will offend the Daxing County magistrate.


Looking at Mr. Hu who was kneeling on the ground, and looking at the expectant and trusting eyes of everyone around him, how could Sun Shaozong say the word 'reject'


Anyway, the job of my criminal name is to put things right, and it is inevitable to offend people.

"Get up now."

Sun Shaozong pulled Hu Clan up again, and turned back to the yamen who was on duty in front of the door and instructed: "Go to my courtyard and call Zhou Da to come over and let him take my famous post to Daxing County for a walk. No matter what, we must first keep it. Zhou Liang's life!"

Wait for the yamen to take orders.

Sun Shaozong said again: "Ms. Hu, you should go back and bandage the wound first. When I return from the palace, I will investigate the case again. If there is any grievance, I will help you wait for the grievance to be settled! But..."

As he said that, his eyes widened and he said solemnly, "But if there is nothing strange about this case, I will investigate you for slandering a court official!"

When Mr. Hu just got up, when he heard this, he hurriedly knelt down and vowed: "Sir, the little lady would like to guarantee that my husband and father are definitely wronged!"