The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 62: Daxing County Corpse Dismemberment Case [Part 2]


Erase the marks on the limbs? !

Wang Gaosheng was inexplicable. According to common sense, the self-healing function will also disappear after death, so all the scars on the corpse will be fixed. If you want to erase it, you will have to wait until it is completely decomposed.

Other than that, he really couldn't think of any other way.

Fortunately, Sun Shaozong didn't want him to keep guessing. He raised his chin slightly and gestured, "You try to spell her arm again."

Wang Gaosheng immediately pulled out the left arm that was cut into two pieces from the corpse, and then carefully spliced them together to form an arm with almost no gaps.

After the fight was over, Wang Gaosheng couldn't help but tell the difference: "Sir, this fracture is tightly stitched together, which shows the ruthlessness of the murderer's swordsmanship. That's why the villain suspected that it was killed by Butcher Hu."

"The murderer is not just cruel."

Sun Shaozong shook his head and said, "What really shows his superb swordsmanship is actually the hands and feet at the cut."

Hands and feet done at the incision

Wang Gaosheng split the broken arm again suspiciously, and after looking carefully for a while, he couldn't see anything strange at all.

"If you really can't see it, you might as well touch the bones of the upper half of the amputated arm!"

Wang Gaosheng gritted his teeth, took off his gloves, and carefully groped for the cross section of the bone.

At first, his eyes were full of confusion and doubt, but gradually, the confusion turned into awe, and finally he couldn't help but blurt out a loud cry: "This... the fracture groove on this bone was carved by someone! "

But it turned out that the bone spurs and grooves at the fracture did not seem unusual at first glance, but if you rub it carefully, you will find that they are a bit rounded, especially the inside of the grooves, which do not seem to be naturally generated. Break!

"That's right!"

Sun Shaozong said solemnly: "Not only that, but some muscles have been hidden from the severed limb, making the fracture a circle thinner than the original, and the fracture below it becomes a tight seam - so it is difficult to observe it carefully. I found out that this arm has actually been cut off as much as a finger!"

When Shen Dan, Zhou Da and the others heard this, they couldn't help but take a deep breath. They not only sighed at the murderer's ghostly mind, but also marveled at Sun Shaozong's magic eyes.

However, after Wang Gaosheng was excited, he couldn't help but have some doubts, and wondered: "It takes so much trouble to hide that this woman has been tied up - is it a bit too cautious?"

"The murderer wants to hide more than this!" Sun Shaozong shook his head and said, "Just based on the evidence we have found, we can't infer what he really wants to hide."

After speaking, he turned his head and said to Shen Dan: "Shen Xiancheng, I have also carefully inspected the cellar in the backyard of Butcher Hu's house. It's okay to hide a person in it for a short time.

"Not to mention that his butcher shop hired two guys, and there were often neighbors in and out of the backyard, so he couldn't hide this woman at all."

"If he had detained the woman elsewhere, at worst, he could have dumped the corpse on the spot. There was absolutely no need to work hard to bring the corpse home and bury it."

"As for that Zhou Liang, his husband and wife lived in a large courtyard, and there was not even a fence around them. The entry and exit would definitely be hidden from the eyes and ears of others, let alone the possibility of detaining the deceased for a long time."

"According to my inference, it is very likely that Zhou Liang was on his way home and encountered the murderer who intended to bury the head. Maybe the murderer deliberately framed the crime, or maybe there was an accident that made Zhou Liang mistake the head for the murderer. I got pork and brought it home."

"Afterwards, the murderer simply kept doing nothing, and buried all the remaining corpses in the wasteland outside the back wall of Butcher Hu's house, intending to put the blame on their husband and wife."

That Shen Dan listened in agreement, but looking at his appearance, he was obviously still a little confused, but Zhou Da, who was beside him, reacted a little faster, and blurted out: "So, the murderer should know the butcher Hu Weng's son-in-law, and he is very knowledgeable. Possibly living between the two!"

"That's right!"

Sun Shaozong confirmed his speculation, but then he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Unfortunately, butcher Hu and his son-in-law's house are separated by more than half of the East City, this range is still too large - if you want to find the murderer, I'm afraid it will take more Just a clue."

Having said that, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but glared at Shen Tan again, if it wasn't for this confused county magistrate delaying the best detection time, it wouldn't be...

"My lord, my lord! Look at what this is?!"

Right at this moment, Wang Gaosheng happily entrusted something to Sun Shaozong.

Sun Shaozong took a closer look, but it was a small wooden thorn stained with blood, about the length of a fingernail and the thickness of a matchstick.

Because the door on which the corpse was being carried was a little bad, Sun Shaozong also found several similar wood thorns and sawdust when he checked the corpse. But since Wang Gaosheng offered his treasure so solemnly, it was definitely not the sawdust falling from the door. So simple.

So Sun Shaozong carefully twisted the wooden thorn, put it under his eyelids and carefully observed it for a while, then twisted it with his thumb and index finger, and a dazzling look burst into his eyes!

Immediately, he grabbed Wang Gaosheng and asked, "Where did you find this thing?!"

Wang Gaosheng hurriedly said: "I wanted to check how much meat the murderer cut in the thigh fracture of the corpse, but I accidentally touched this thorn!"

"Then it shouldn't be wrong - as expected, Skynet is sloppy and not leaking!"

Sun Shaozong sighed, and immediately ordered again: "Shen Xiancheng, you immediately send someone to inquire. Among the well-known master carpenters in the east of the city, there are those who live alone for a long time."

"I'm going to do it now, lower official!"

After Shen Dan took the order to leave, Zhou Da was still a little puzzled, leaned forward and looked at the thorn curiously, and inquired: "Sir, just based on this small thorn, how can you conclude that the murderer is a murderer? Famous carpenter?"

"The color, density, and pattern of this wood can be seen at a glance. It is a good wood. This kind of quality wood, let alone ordinary people, even ordinary carpenters would not dare to concoct them - but look at this The wood thorns are triangular as a whole, with two cuts in the front and one at the back, the lines are extremely smooth, and the person who started it is obviously used to dealing with precious wood!"

"That's why I concluded that the murderer must be a famous master carpenter!"

After these few words, Shen Dan led another young yamen back to the inner hall, and introduced to Sun Shaozong: "Sir, this Li Sanbiao's father is the most famous old carpenter in Dongcheng, the big and small matters in the carpenter's business. I can't hide it from his family."

Then Li Sanbiao had obviously already had an explanation, so without waiting for Sun Shaozong to ask, he bowed and said: "Qi report to pass the sentence, as long as a famous craftsman wants to get a wife, it is not difficult to get a wife. The carpenter who hasn't married a wife, I'm afraid it's only the wooden man Zhang!"

"Wooden Zhang?"

"That's right, because he is good at carving all kinds of human figures and Buddha statues, so he got such a nickname - this wooden man Zhang had his face burnt when he was a child, and it can be scary in the daytime, so no girl from that family wants to be with him. ."

Since it looks so scary, no one would dare to come to disturb it at ordinary times - in this way, there will be more opportunities to commit crimes!

Sun Shaozong hurriedly said, "Do you know where the Zhang family lives?"

"this… "

That Li Sanbiao scratched his head and said, "He shouldn't be at home now."


Shen Dan shouted in surprise: "That fellow has absconded in fear of crime?!"

"No no no!"

Li Sanbiao hurriedly explained: "Actually, the big families in the city are all vying to build other courtyards, but all the craftsmen with some craftsmanship have been collected! He seems to have gone..."

As he said that, he frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands and said, "By the way, I went to work at Jia's house in Rongguo Mansion!"