The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 65: Grand View Garden of Jia Siye's Broken Arm


After cracking the death crush of five logs, there is a slate in front of…

Uh, this gravel is all over the ground, and it doesn't seem to be a smooth road.

In short, Sun Shaozong led a few terrified, but morale-like yamen to climb to the top of the mountain, and no more traps were launched.

When they reached the top of the mountain, they saw a sturdy, scarred-faced man in front of the rebuilt pavilion foundation, holding a young boy like a chicken in his arms—don't ask, these two are naturally the same. 'Wooden Man Zhang' and Jia Qin.

"Don't come here! Or I'll kill him!"

The wooden man Zhang held a carving knife in his hand, and held it tremblingly on Jia Qin's neck. In the blink of an eye, several bloodstains were drawn, and Jia Qin, who was only bluffing, screamed 'woo woo', and even more so on his crotch. Unbearably hot.

Sun Shaozong's gaze fell on Jia Qin's hands that were bound by the cross, and his heart suddenly moved, and he blurted out, "You spend so much time on the corpse just to cover up this kind of graduated rope?"

With the ancient technical conditions, it is naturally impossible to mass-produce metal tape measures, so the craftsmen printed the size on the rope to compare the length and measure the straightness, which is called 'rope ruler'.

If the hands and feet are bound by this 'rope ruler' for a long time, the skin will inevitably be stained with those scale marks. At that time, as long as a little investigation is required, it will not be difficult to lock the nearby craftsmen.

That's why this wooden man Zhang will spend a lot of time and effort to erase all the 'skin, flesh and bones' that are marked with traces!

Before waiting for the wooden man Zhang to answer, Sun Shaozong asked again, "What is the burn on the corpse's head to cover up?"

"You... you... gudu..."

The wooden man Zhang swallowed hard, barely suppressing the nervousness in his heart, and finally spit out a few more words: "You are the 'Shen Duan Sun Tongju' of Shuntian Prefecture, right? I knew it, How could it be possible for me to be found just by those idiots from Daxing County Government?!"

When several Daxing County yamen heard the words, they immediately yelled and cursed.

The wooden man Zhang Que didn't pay any attention, only Sun Shaozong was in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth: "Now, I'm not afraid to tell everything! My mother-in-law was originally an aunt in Shuiyue Nunnery..."

"Shuiyue'an's sister-in-law?"

Sun Shaozong was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "So you set the fire because her hair is too short!"

"That's right!"

The wooden man Zhang nodded and said: "She has been with me for more than two months, and her hair has only grown less than an inch. Anyone who looks at it can guess that she was originally a sister-in-law! So I had to clean her head with a fever. , so that no one can see the flaws again!"

So far, all doubts have been solved.

Sun Shaozong was waiting to be guided by the situation, and asked him to spit out all the other details, but Zhou Rui frowned and interjected: "Wooden Zhang, this little nun in Shuiyue Nunnery's name is 'Smart Child'. ?"

The wooden man Zhang squinted at him, and shouted: "What is the name of the law? Since she has become my mother-in-law, she naturally wants to change her surname to Zhang!"

Although he did not answer directly, but the meaning inside and outside the words, he has obviously admitted that the name of the deceased is 'Intelligent'.

Was the deceased still an acquaintance of Rongguo Mansion

Sun Shaozong glanced at Zhou Rui in surprise, and sneered again: "Wooden Zhang, you really are not afraid of the wind and flashed your tongue! That 'Intelligent' was obviously kidnapped by you, and you killed him in the end. , how did you become your mother-in-law?"

"I didn't kill her!"

The wooden man Zhang became manic all of a sudden, he raised the carving knife in his hand, and immediately opened a blood hole in Jia Qin's chin. It's him! It's his mother's life and death that prevents me from going back... that's why my mother-in-law was killed!"

While speaking, the wooden man Zhang choked up a little, and shouted excitedly: "Since I picked her up in the snow that night, I have identified her as my mother-in-law! Originally, I was going to wait for her to become pregnant with me. If you're a scumbag, marry her seriously, who would have thought..."

"Who would have thought that this bastard wouldn't let me go! I knelt down and begged and tried my best to make trouble, but he... but his mother just won't let me go!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became. Suddenly, he pulled the carving knife out of Jia Qin's chin, and shouted loudly, "Bastard, it's hard to escape death. I'll ask you to pay for her life today!"

Having said that, he has to find Jia Qin's neck and stab it!

"don't want!"

Zhou Rui shouted in fright. Before he could finish his words, he felt a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and then he heard the scream of "ah" from the wooden man, and fell to the foundation of the pavilion together with Jia Qin. !

Sun Shaozong stepped out of the crowd and stepped on the wooden man Zhang's chest. Only then did everyone realize that the stone stick in his hand was missing.

But it turned out that when he saw that the situation was urgent, Sun Shaozong threw the stone stick over and hit the wooden man Zhang's wrist, even if he smashed half of his arm with broken bones and tendons!

This wooden man Zhang is also a tough guy. Sun Shaozong stepped on his chest, and he struggled and scolded desperately: "Let me go! Let me kill this bastard and avenge my mother-in-law! Let me go..."


Sun Shaozong exerted a little force at his feet, stopped his scolding, lowered his head and sneered: "You have the face to say revenge? Stop joking! If you really liked her as you said, why didn't you dare to tell people that she You tied her in the cellar? Instead, she let her die of hunger and cold for nothing?!"

"If you really like her so much, why would you wantonly spoil her corpse in order to cover up the traces?!"

"Don't act like a girl!"

"You just want to find a woman to vent your ****! What mother-in-law, what likes her, it's all nonsense!

"All you really care about is yourself!"

After Sun Shaozong finished speaking, he moved his right foot off his chest.

But the wooden man Zhang didn't seem to realize it, and still lay on his back on the loess used for the foundation. There was no trace of hostility on his scarred face, and there was only endless confusion and shame.


At this moment, a shrill scream suddenly sounded next to him, but Zhou Rui rushed over and tore off the rag from Jia Qin's mouth.

I just heard Jia Qin crying hoarsely: "My arm, my arm is broken! My arm... my arm..."

It turned out that Sun Shaozong's throw not only smashed the wooden man Zhang's wrist, but also broke the bones and tendons of Jia Qin's right arm.

Sun Shaozong looked at his right arm that was limp, like a rag bag hanging over his shoulder, and shrugged helplessly: "I'm sorry, the situation is urgent, and I can only do this."

At the same time, he sneered in his heart: This arm should be regarded as the punishment for killing the 'Intelligent'.

That's right~

Just now, Sun Shaozong deliberately aimed at Jia Qin and smashed it!