The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 74: Party Poisoning Incident in the same year [Part 1]


"Don't panic, try to stay where you are, so as not to destroy the evidence at the scene! Nian brothers sitting at the door, please call all the servants outside and let them watch all the people up and down this restaurant. Wait, lest the murderer escape!"

Although it was the first time that Sun Shaozong had encountered someone poisoned and died in front of him in two lifetimes, his strong professional qualities still allowed him to stand up immediately and control the scene.

When encountering such a sudden situation, people often have a mentality of blind obedience, not to mention that when Zhu Peng died, Sun Shaozong should be respected at the scene, so most of the people acted according to their words.

There were only a few on Zhu Peng's table, but it was really difficult to calm down. Some were retching their throats, trying to spit out the drink they drank; some were excited and grabbed Wang Bingxian, forcing him to ask him why he used poisonous wine to entertain guests!

"Don't worry, there should be no poison in the wine."

As Sun Shaozong walked towards the corpse, he said with 'reassurance', "If the wine was poisoned, at least half of the people at your table should have died by now."

Saying that, regardless of the reactions of those people, he squatted beside Zhu Peng's body and carefully checked it.

I saw that Zhu Peng's eyes and pupils were constricted, his muscles were tense, his limbs showed signs of violent twisting and twitching, and there was a small amount of milky white foamy vomit at the corners of his mouth...

Judging from these signs, he did die from a highly poisonous poison. As for the type of toxin, it is not possible to distinguish it with a pair of naked eyes.

In addition, Zhu Peng's facial expression was extremely distorted, and he probably suffered from acute suffocation after being poisoned - which also made his expression indistinguishable before his death.

Then there was a lot of alcohol sprinkled on Zhu Peng's chest and left sleeve. It seemed that he had been poisoned when he drank half of it, so he accidentally sprinkled the rest of the poisoned wine on his body.

After a preliminary inspection of the body's condition, Sun Shaozong ripped off another piece of the table skirt [the silk ornament that was attached to the edge of the dining table], carefully picked up two pieces of wine bowls, and placed them next to the candlestick to examine them carefully, and found that the bottom of the bowl was vague A milky, gelatinous residue sticks to it.

He asked Zhu Hu to hold the wine jar, poured some rice wine on the shard, shook it a little, and saw that most of the milky white residue had melted away again.

Seeing this scene, Sun Shaozong frowned even more.

"Brother Sun."

Zhu Hu asked with concern: "What clue did you see? Who exactly was the younger brother killed by?!"

Everyone also stretched their necks and raised their ears, waiting to hear how Sun Shaozong answered.

Seeing that Sun Shaozong frowned, he shook his head slightly and said: "Who is the murderer, I can't tell right now - but the poison should be in the wine bowl, because this kind of poison can be quickly dissolved in the wine, if it is put elsewhere, There is absolutely no possibility of poison residue left at the bottom of the bowl."

"In the wine bowl..."

Zhu Hu repeated these words, suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Wang Bingxian's collar, gritted his teeth and asked, "Wang Bingxian, did you do it?! You have long held grudges against my third brother, let's talk about this restaurant. It was opened by your house, other than you, who else can be so unknowingly poisoned?!"

"Zhu... Zhu Zhu Zhu brother don't want to spit blood!"

That Wang Bingxian's hands and feet were trembling in panic, his eyes kept wandering, and his mouth was hesitant: "I... why did I ever... why did I ever hold a grudge against Zhu Peng?"

Just because of his panicked appearance, more than half of the people present doubted him.

"Have you ever held grudges?"

Seeing this, Zhu Hu naturally became more and more annoyed, and he could no longer hide anything, and said angrily: "He pretended to be crazy at your house that day and forcibly insulted your wife, you dare to say what you feel in your heart. Don't you hate him?!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone on the field was in an uproar, and there was a bit of surprise - with such an inseparable hatred, it is no wonder that Wang Bingxian would poison and kill Zhu Peng!

"I... I really hate him, but I really didn't poison him!"

Wang Bingxian shouted in a panic, but no one would listen to him to tell the difference

Only to hear Zhu Hu sneer and sneer: "Have you poisoned the younger brother, you only need to call the person in the back kitchen and ask!"

As he said that, he gave a wink to the servants of the Zhu family, and the servants immediately went to the back kitchen, bringing the cooks, chores, and wine servants who had been taken care of for a long time into the hall.

Zhu Hu coldly swept them one by one, and all the people he saw were silent, and then he suddenly asked, "Who brought the wine bowl on the chairman?"


A shop assistant immediately knelt on the ground and shouted in a panic: "The villain is wronged! The villain went to the wine jar and wine bowl brought by the back kitchen together with the others. How could there be a chance to poison the bowl in front of everyone's eyes? !"

The shop assistant's argument is much clearer and more organized than that of Wang Bingxian.

However, someone in the crowd immediately refuted: "Maybe you were on the way, taking advantage of other people's unprepared poison! It was a mess at the time, who would notice what you did on the way?!"

When everyone heard this, they all believed it.

Then Zhu Hu's face turned gloomy again, and he was about to ask if he was instructed by Wang Bingxian.

The shop clerk hurriedly said, "You're wronged, my lord! The wine jar weighs more than a dozen pounds, plus there are fifteen wine bowls per table. Free your hands to poison?!"

Because it was a warrior gathering, there was no preparation for the wine jug at all. The 10-pound wine jar was directly put on it, plus the weight of the wooden holder and the wine bowl, I am afraid it would exceed 20 pounds.

In particular, it is difficult to balance the wine jar and wine bowl, and it is indeed unlikely that he will spare his hands and feet on the way to secretly poison Zhu Peng's bowl.

While everyone was thinking silently, the smart guy seemed to remember something, and said hurriedly: "Everyone, the villain knows who poisoned it!"

Having said that, he got up and pointed to Wang Bingxian's personal servant: "It's him, it must be him! When the young master called out all the people in the back kitchen, I saw him sneak into the back kitchen!"

The boy's expression changed drastically, and he was busy shouting: "Don't spit your blood, it was the uncle who asked me to guard the door of the back kitchen to see who would sneak into the back kitchen! I didn't go in at that time, how could I be there? Poison in the bowl?!"

This case really turned a corner!

Everyone focused their attention on Wang Bingxian again, but after seeing his complexion change, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I really asked him to guard the door! Because a few days ago, I suddenly received an anonymous letter on the Said that as long as I was willing to call out everyone in the kitchen that day, someone would take the opportunity to teach Zhu Peng a lesson!"

Speaking of which, he was busy and discriminated for himself: "I didn't know that person would poison, I thought he just wanted to rectify Zhu Peng!"

However, Zhu Hu ignored his distinction, just frowned and waited for the previous servant, and asked, "You said that you were guarding the door at the time, so have you ever seen someone mixed in?"

"Yes, yes! The villain did see someone sneaking into the kitchen!"

The boy said, stroking his feet in the crowd for a while, and suddenly pointed at someone in the corner in surprise and shouted: "It's him, it's him! I saw him sneaking into the back kitchen with my own eyes, it must be him. poison!"