The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 75: Party poisoning incident in the same year [中]


Everyone followed the guidance of the servant and saw a thin man with a hunched back on the last seat in the southwest seat, trying his best to shrink under the shadow of others.

"Jiang Yunhe? How could it be you?!"

Seeing the man's appearance, Zhu Hu couldn't help but blurted out and asked: "My third brother is now running around for your recovery, why do you want to poison him?!"


Before he finished speaking, he heard Jiang Yunhe burst into laughter: "Fufu? Running around? Hahaha... I bah~! Back then, I was blind, so I believed this bastard's nonsense, but he was deceived and ruined his family. Even inexplicably carrying a bad debt!"

"I went to him a few days ago to ask for an explanation, but he didn't even show his face. He only asked the servant to give me a coin, saying, 'I'm playing a clown to make him happy these days'!"

"That's not enough, he even thought about my pair of children and wanted to put it in the room as a plaything!"

"Ha... Haha... That's right, I poisoned his wine bowl, but he brought it on himself! Damn him, his mother should have died a long time ago!"

He roared and roared, and the body that had been hunched over was gradually straightened up. It was only at this moment that everyone realized that the man who had been sullen just a moment ago was actually a man with broad shoulders and a thin waist, and a height of eight feet!

Thinking about this, Jiang Yunhe was unlucky enough. He practiced martial arts for many years, and finally got a half-official position. As a result, his subordinates were first thrown into prison, and then he was defrauded of all his savings in the same year, and finally he was inexplicably carried a bunch of them on his back. Bad debt - who is this kind of thing on, I'm afraid I can't help but take revenge, right

Therefore, everyone silently responded, and even that Zhu Hu didn't know if he should step forward to seek 'justice' for Zhu Peng.

"It turned out to be your poison!"

At this time, someone stepped forward and pointed at Jiang Yunpeng's nose, angrily said: "You want to kill Zhu Peng, even if you do it, why do you want to involve me?!"

This person is not someone else, but it is Wang Bingxian.

When everyone heard the words, they remembered the 'anonymous letter'. It seems that this Wang Bingxian was really taken advantage of.

"what… "

However, Jiang Yunhe gave a strange laugh, scorned Wang Bingxian, and said with disdain: "Wang Bingxian, you really know how to sue the wicked first! Look, what is this?!"

As he said that, he took out a handkerchief full of words from his arms and threw it to Wang Bingxian suddenly.

Wang Bingxian was about to take it in his hand, but Zhu Hu grabbed the veil and read it from beginning to end.

But it turned out that this was also an anonymous letter, which was full of angry words. It first scolded Zhu Peng, and then revealed that Zhu Peng was coveting Jiang Yunhe's twin children, and planned to borrow the hands of debt collectors. Only the seven-year-old sister and brother made a plaything in the room!

After the conversation changed, the anonymous person expressed the hope that he could work with Jiang Yunhe to get rid of Zhu Peng, who was inferior to the beasts. He also gave a bottle of poison and an action plan with the letter.

Said to be an action plan, in fact, the content is simple and tight.

But it just means that before the party in the same year, he has a way to divert the people in the kitchen first, and Jiang Yunhe just needs to sneak in and apply the poison on the wine bowl next to the 30-year champion red in the altar. Someone brought the poison bowl to Zhu Peng.

After Zhu Hu finished reading the 'anonymous letter', Jiang Yunhe sneered again: "I was only half-believing, but the next day someone came and forced me to sell my son and daughter to pay the debt! It was because Zhu Peng was really deceiving people too much, so I gave up. Going out, intending to act according to Wang Bingxian's plan..."

Wang Bingxian hurriedly said, "What is my plan, don't spit your blood!"

Jiang Yunhe ignored him at all and continued: "In the evening, I stayed near the kitchen early, and I found out that everyone in the back kitchen was yelled at by Wang Bingxian, so I sneaked into the kitchen, and I found that the most conspicuous place was placed in the kitchen. There is one altar of champion red, while the other altars are all ten years of daughter red!"

After talking about these two ifs in a row, Jiang Yunhe's eyes narrowed and he asked aggressively: "Wang Bingxian, who else can arrange these two things so seamlessly except you, the young owner of the restaurant?!"

"I... I I I... I don't! I really don't!"

Wang Bingxian panicked again, shouting at a loss, and tried to tear up with Jiang Yunhe, but before he could get his wish, Zhu Hu grabbed his wrist.


I just heard Zhu Hu say solemnly: "No matter who the two of them are, the fact that they conspired to poison the younger brother to death is now an ironclad proof - I also ask you brothers and I to be a personal testimonial to the two of them. Sent to the Criminal Department for trial!"

Although Zhu Peng is unpopular, in view of his cheap father-in-law, this witness cannot be inappropriate.

Therefore, everyone agreed with a bang, and they detained Jiang Yunhe and Wang Bingxian, and sent them to the Ministry of Punishment to be brought to justice.

Unexpectedly, at this time, someone suddenly heard a loud voice from behind: "Brother Nian, please stay behind!"

Everyone looked back in confusion, but saw that Sun Shaozong did not know when, sitting in Zhu Peng's original position, with a sixth-rank commander named Xu Shouye standing beside him.


Just as everyone didn't know what Sun Shaozong was doing, Zhu Hu slapped his forehead and bowed apologetically: "Brother Sun, don't blame me, I was in a hurry just now, but I was a little bit overwhelmed - these two people should have committed the crime. Brother Sun should be sent to the Ministry of Punishment to be considered justifiable."

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized, and then they all felt a little disdain.

Just now, Sun Shaozong was just like a transparent person. Apart from proving that the poison was in a bowl, he didn't say the first half of the sentence was useful. It's a shame that he still has the face to take credit!

Could it be that the previous case also picked other people's fruit like this

In the face of the contemptuous eyes of everyone, Sun Shaozong smiled slyly and spread his hands: "If you want to send the criminal to the punishment department, you don't have to rush for a while - why don't you ask Brother Zhu to solve some of the doubts in my heart first, how about that?"

Zhu Hu hesitated: "But I don't know what the question is?"

"It's easy to say!"

Sun Shaozong fiddled with the wine bowl on the table, and asked with a smile, "The first thing I want to know is how exactly this wine bowl with poison was chosen by Zhu Peng? You know, this bowl is his. He divided it himself, and he gave himself the second bowl!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then they couldn't help but have some doubts in their hearts - Zhu Peng's initiative to divide the bowls was obviously a temporary intention. Could it be that Wang Bingxian and Jiang Yunhe could even predict this kind of thing in advance? !

Zhu Hu also frowned and asked tentatively, "Based on Brother Sun's high opinion, what is the mechanism behind this?"

Seeing that he didn't press Wang Bingxian and Jiang Yunhe, but instead asked himself directly, Sun Shaozong's smile suddenly became stronger, and then he said eloquently: "I guess that the mastermind behind the design of this poisoning plan is not a fine person. !"

"He took it for granted that Brother Jiang would smear the poison in the first wine bowl, so that the poisonous wine bowl would be sent to the most respected person!"

"Unfortunately, there were some unexpected errors in his plan - Brother Jiang did not put the poison in the first bowl, but in the second bowl!"

"As for the reason for choosing the second bowl..."

Sun Shaozong turned his attention to Jiang Yunhe and asked with a smile, "Probably because the poison was a little conspicuous in the light, Brother Jiang was afraid of being discovered in advance, so he had to do it - Brother Jiang, am I right?"

Jiang Yunhe nodded and said, "Indeed! It doesn't show much outside, but when it is reflected by the stove next to it, the poison is very eye-catching, so I had to swap the poisonous wine bowl with the one below."

After a pause, he added: "Because it was written in the letter that someone would bring poisoned wine to Zhu Peng, I thought that there was an insider on the table—who knew that Zhu Peng took the initiative to divide the bowl in the end. I thought I was going to hurt someone else!"

"Haha, that's why I said that the person behind the scenes was not careful!" Sun Shaozong laughed and said, "Because of this unexpected situation, the person behind the scenes had no choice but to change it temporarily. After making the plan, he took the initiative to stand up and put the poisonous bowl in front of Zhu Peng."

"and many more!"

Zhu Hu shouted in astonishment: "Isn't it my third brother who took the initiative to stand up and divide the bowl?! You... do you mean to say... "

Sun Shaozong said firmly: "That's right! It was Zhu Peng himself who planned all this behind the scenes! Because at that time, no one but him could accurately select the poisoned wine bowl! And it was only him, Only then can Wang Bingxian and Jiang Yunhe guide Wang Bingxian and Jiang Yunhe so accurately, forcing them to join forces to poison!"


"how can that be?!"

"Zhu Peng actually committed suicide?!"

"Did he put so much effort into dying at the hands of Wang Bingxian and Jiang Yunhe?!"

There was an uproar in the hall, and everyone felt unbelievable, but apart from this speculation, they couldn't explain what just happened!

Wang Bingxian and Jiang Yunhe were also stunned for a while.

The two couldn't help asking in unison: "He... why did he do this?!"


It was not Sun Shaozong who responded this time, but Zhu Hu next to them.

Only Zhu Hu let out a long sigh, and said leisurely: "You all know what happened to my younger brother in recent years. On the one hand, he became arrogant and domineering, venting all his dissatisfaction on others; When I mention it, I often say that I have fallen into a demonic obstacle, and I can't help but commit sins."

"At that time, I already felt that he was living a very depressing life, but I didn't expect that he would finally... actually..."

This time he said half of it again, but everyone present has already made up the unfinished words.

It's just that Zhu Peng couldn't stand the condemnation of his conscience, and finally came up with such a crazy plan, so that he could die at the hands of the two most sorry people in his life.

I have to say, this is really an absurd farce!

"Since Brother Zhu believes that Brother Ling committed suicide."

However, just when everyone thought the truth had come to light, they heard Sun Shaozong say with a smile: "Then I still have a few doubts here, and I have to ask Brother Zhu for advice!"