The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 76: In the same year, the party poisoning incident [Part II]


[It’s more than 3,000 words. It is said that the protagonist is the criminal who is responsible for investigating the case. It is his responsibility to be present after the incident. This case is the only one who was present beforehand. Those book friends who are worried that he will be regarded as a death star , is it too unfounded? In the real world, I have never seen the chief of public security or the captain of the criminal police being disliked by others. 】

Still in doubt? !

From the initial conspiracy to poisoning, to the current absurd suicide, the twists and turns during the period have been overwhelming, but now Sun Shaozong expresses that he still has doubts? !

While everyone was shocked, they couldn't help but open their mouths, urging Sun Shaozong to quickly announce the so-called 'doubt'!

Seeing Sun Shaozong compare two fingers, he said, "Actually, when examining Zhu Peng's body, I always paid attention to two details. First, when he was drinking alcohol, he deliberately used the sleeve of his left hand to cover it up; second, it was Wet marks on his front and cuffs."

"It's an ancient etiquette to cover up with your sleeves when drinking, and only women and the old men of Chonggu do this." After speaking, Sun Shaozong glanced at the corpse on the ground: "Brother Zhu, I'm afraid we don't have both. Are you close?"

Most people pondered along his line of thought, but some people made their own guesses: "Maybe... Maybe he didn't want people to see him drinking poisonous wine?"

"There is some truth to this kind of speculation." Sun Shaozong smiled and said: "However, if we speculate together with the wet marks on his front, the result may be different. Come on, please take a look at Brother Xu first. This dress."

After saying that, he gave Xu Shouye a wink, and Xu Shouye immediately stepped forward and raised his arms, showing everyone the royal blue gown he was wearing.

Everyone also took a closer look, only to find that the front and back of his clothes were actually wet, and there was a faint smell of alcohol.

"Just now I found out that Brother Xu's clothes are of the same fabric as the one on Zhu Peng's, and the style is not much different, so I asked him to do a little test."

Sun Shaozong said this, and bowed his hands to Xu Shouye: "Brother Xu, I have offended you."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that he suddenly picked up a large bowl of wine and poured it on Xu Shouye's right shoulder.

What is this doing

Everyone was looking at it inexplicably, but they saw Sun Shaozong pointing at Zhu Peng's body again and said, "Brothers, why don't you choose a few people to come forward and take a look at the wet marks on Zhu Peng's front and the one on Brother Xu's right arm. What a difference."

Hearing this, several people immediately stepped forward, surrounded the corpse and discussed their opinions, and then grabbed Xu Shouye's sleeve and watched from the beginning to the end.

"It doesn't seem to be any different, does it?"

"Yeah, if there is a difference, it is that Lao Xu has more alcohol on his sleeves, and less splashed on the clothes of the corpse."

"But this... shouldn't be any different, right?"

Hearing these people's chattering, all of them were questioning words, then Xu Shouye quit the job first, without saying a word, grabbed the clothes on his left shoulder and ripped it open, half annoyed and half disdainful: "You motherfuckers. I always see that there are farts on the outside, but also look inside!"


Everyone looked at the white underwear on his shoulders, squatted next to the corpse again, and took a look at Zhu Peng's collar. Sure enough, they found the difference!

The layers of clothes on Zhu Peng's chest were soaked through, but Xu Shouye's robe on his shoulders was only slightly wet.


"What does this prove?"

"Maybe Zhu Peng's underwear is more absorbent!"

Seeing that these guys were still obsessed, Xu Shouye snorted in disdain, and poured out half a bowl of wine on his own, and handed it to the person next to him, saying, "Hey, you slowly pour it over my left shoulder, remember not to Too fast!"

Although the man didn't understand what he meant, he still took the wine bowl and slowly poured the wine on it in front of everyone's eyes.

Against the backdrop of the candlelight, the amber-colored wine was seen gurgling down, and soon a wet mark spread on Xu Shouye's left shoulder.

However, in the next period of time, the speed of the expansion of the wet marks became slower and slower, and when most of the bowl of wine was poured out, it did not spread to the elbow, and the traces on the right arm from the shoulder to the cuff, A stark contrast was formed.

"This... this this this... "

"Could it be..."

"how so… "

There is that clever one who has already guessed something faintly, but it is unbelievable. For a time, the hall is full of hesitant words.

Xu Shouye waited for a while before doing the same, tearing off the jacket on his left shoulder and dangling his arm for everyone to see.

But I saw the inner robe on the left shoulder, as if it was already wet, and it was exactly the same as the wet mark on Zhu Peng's chest!

"how so?!"

"The weight of these two bowls of wine should be about the same, right?!"

"Could it be... But how is this possible?!"

"Cough cough!"

Sun Shaozong cleared his throat, and all the discussions in the audience disappeared. Everyone's eyes widened and ears pricked, waiting to see how he explained.

"Did you all see it just now?"

Sun Shaozong smiled, pointed at the wet marks on Xu Shouye's body and said, "Actually, I just pulled Brother Xu and tried several times, and the results were similar each time."

"This kind of fabric is actually very easy to seep water, but the surface is very smooth. If a lot of alcohol is poured on it at once, it will be too late to penetrate in a short time, so most of the alcohol will drip down. This is the situation on Brother Xu's right arm."

"But if you don't pour it all at once, but pour it slowly on it, after the wine spreads to a certain extent, the water seepage speed will be faster than the speed of the wine flowing down, so in the end most of the wine will be The underwear inside absorbs it"

"Brother Xu's left arm and Zhu Peng's front are like this!"

A small wet mark hides many secrets!

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but express some admiration—if it wasn't for the demonstration before and the explanation later, they would still be skeptical by now.

Just so...

That wet mark on Zhu Peng's front, didn't it also fall down slowly? !

"That's right!"

Sun Shaozong pointed at Zhu Peng's corpse, and said firmly: "After Zhu Peng fell, he first lay on the ground, and then he was lifted up by someone. The wine was dripping down - so if the wine was poured on it, it would never have caused such a wet streak!"

"Furthermore, in order to cause such wet marks, at least half a glass of wine is enough, and with the contamination on his sleeves and the spills on the ground, there is already a full glass!"

"So there is only one truth, that is, he pretended to be drinking at that time, but with the help of his sleeves, he secretly poured the poisoned wine on his front!"

"After pouring out half the bowl of wine, he pretended to accidentally knock over the wine bowl, and then pretended to panic and shouted 'the wine is poisonous'!"

Although after the experiment just now, many people have vaguely guessed this point, but when they heard Sun Shaozong reveal the truth, everyone couldn't help but change their color in an uproar.

"He... he... you said he didn't drink that bowl of poisoned wine?!" Jiang Yunhe couldn't help but question: "But... but he was obviously poisoned to death?! Besides, why did he do this?!"

Hearing Sun Shaozong say: "How he was poisoned, I probably have an eye on it, as for why he did this..."

Having said that, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Zhu Hu, and said, "Then I have to ask Brother Zhu!"

When he suddenly pointed at him, Zhu Hu was stunned, and then he couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry: "Brother Sun, don't make fun of me, if it wasn't for your demonstration, I would have thought that the younger brother committed suicide by taking poison, so what? Maybe he knew what he was doing?"

clap~ clap~

Sun Shaozong clapped his hands and praised: "Brother Zhu is really good at acting. Even at such a time, he still doesn't reveal the slightest flaw."

These remarks are already equivalent to directly pointing out that Zhu Hu is the murderer.

Therefore, in the stunned eyes of everyone, Zhu Hu finally lowered his face and sneered: "Brother Sun is targeting Zhu, I don't know if there is any proof? Besides, I have been brothers and sisters with the third brother since childhood, what reason is there to hurt me? Kill him?!

"The reason, I don't know yet, as for this certificate..."

Sun Shaozong spread his hands and pointed at the corpse: "When Brother Zhu pretended to ask about the case, I took the opportunity to examine the corpse carefully with Brother Xu, but I didn't find any obvious traces on the corpse."

"Therefore, I infer that the murderer may have used a small object such as a poison needle to pierce the hair-covered place such as the back of the neck, so no trace was left."

"I further scrutinized the situation at that time, and felt that in the public eye, the murderer was unlikely to have the opportunity to put away the poison needle again, or toss it in some secret place - considering this kind of thing that seals the throat with blood, I'm afraid No one dared to hold it in the palm of his hand for a long time, so I carefully searched around the body with Brother Xu."

"It turned out that this poison needle was found under the table!"

He picked up a handkerchief from the table, carefully showed a steel needle to everyone, and then rushed to the door to recruit: "Come on, bring what I want!"

Following this order, someone immediately carried a half-sized piglet.

Sun Shaozong wrapped the poisonous needle with a handkerchief and poked it lightly on the piglet's butt. After only a few seconds, he saw the piglet lying on the ground with twitching limbs and foaming at the mouth. sound.


Sun Shaozong shook the poisonous needle at Zhu Peng and asked, "Brother Zhu, what else can you say now?"

At this time, everyone had already believed 80%, just waiting for Zhu Hu to bow his head and confess his guilt, and then tell the inside story.

Who would have thought that Zhu Hu didn't even look at the poisonous needle, but raised his head and laughed loudly: "Ha...haha...hahaha, this is really a guilt that I want to add! Sun Shaozong, you said that I lost the poisonous needle. What evidence is there under the table?!"

"If there is no evidence, and it's just random speculation, then why can't Zhu suspect that it was you who saw through the younger brother's death by pretending to be poisoned when examining the corpse, took the opportunity to kill him with a poison needle, and tried to blame me? ?!"

I have to say, this fellow is really a ruthless character who doesn't cry without seeing the coffin!

And his counterattack can't be said to be completely unreasonable.


Sun Shaozong also laughed and shook his head: "Brother Zhu is not only good at acting, but his tongue is also neat and tight. It's a pity that just now, Brother Zhu's habitual little actions have already been exposed like a mountain of iron evidence, I really can't tolerate you. What a quibble!"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Zhu Hu's waist and said, "When Brother Zhu was nervous, he subconsciously supported the jade button on his belt three times, but every time he touched the jade button, his body and expression suddenly stiffened again. Get up, and quickly remove your hand—Brother Zhu, you are worried that you will get the venom left on it?"