The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 9: righteous? Scumbag?


With a bug-like character like Sun Shaozong in the lineup, isn't it easy for the guards to win a complete victory

In only half an hour or so, all the thieves lost their ability to resist.

According to the after-the-fact count, there were as many as twenty-six thieves who joined the battle group one after another. This number far exceeded the number of assassins who escaped from the Ruan Mansion. I think more than half of them were responsible for covering and responding.

Among them, five people were killed on the spot [including the doorman], seventeen people were injured and captured [more than half of them were written by Sun Shaozong], and there were only four people who gave up resistance and surrendered directly. It wasn't because they met Sun Shaozong, a human-shaped beast, and it was especially unknown whether the two sides would win or lose.

But he said that after the thieves were caught in a single net, Sun Shaozong saw the guards cheering and cheering, but no one came forward to take care of the funeral, so he had to wipe off the blood stains on the golden ring knife, and commanded loudly: "Feng Xin, take two people to guard the gate, No matter whether it is an official or a thief, no entry or exit is allowed!"

"Take orders!"

In just this half-day effort, Sun Shaozong has already established supreme authority. How could Feng Xin dare to be as negligent as he was at first

He hurriedly responded respectfully, ordered two brothers who were familiar with each other and hurried to the outside of the mansion.

Sun Shaozong continued to order: "The injured brothers will bandage each other, and the rest will first find something handy, tie all these rebels, and then divide them into two teams to search carefully to see if there are any fish that slip through the net!"

"Take orders!"

The guards acted separately, and after a while, someone brought a pile of curtains and clothes, cut them into rags with a knife, and tied the thieves like rice dumplings.

Not only that, Sun Shaozong also found that many people were bulging in their arms, stuffed with all kinds of valuable objects. At first, he wanted to scold him, but after thinking about it, the soldiers and bandits did not separate their families. If they came forward to stop them, although most of the people would obey orders, they would have to blame themselves afterwards—especially since I was a newcomer, I was relying on these people to act.

So Sun Shaozong also opened one eye and closed the other, pretending he didn't see anything.

After the thieves were tied up, seeing that the guards had spontaneously divided into two teams, he was about to start a search, and he hurriedly added two more sentences: "Everyone, be careful, if you encounter any difficult characters, don't be brave. , think of a way to notify me first!"

In the melee just now, under Sun Shaozong's deliberate care, only five or six of the nearly twenty guards were injured.

When the guards heard the words, they all said 'fat,' and then they each acted separately.

After the guards left, Sun Shaozong turned his attention to the captives. He was about to step forward to interrogate him, but suddenly found that he was still holding a warm and jade-like object in his palm. Only then did he remember that he had been holding Ruan Rong's softness. Weed, even now I forgot to let go.

He hurriedly released the bear's paw, scratched his head and smirked, "Miss Rong wasn't scared just now, did she?"

Ruan Rong blushed and shook her head. She didn't dare to look at Sun Shaozong, but her mouth was soft like glutinous rice: "Big Brother Sun just call me Rong'er, that's what my father calls me."

Even if he is not enlightened, he can still hear the implied affection in these words, not to mention that Sun Shaozong had several love history in modern times


In just half a day, the little girl gave herself an air of affection. Isn't it progressing too fast

But he didn't know that most of the ladies these days are not going to the door. The men he met before leaving the court were either relatives or friends, or servants and slaves. It was naturally easier to fall in love at first sight when he finally met a good stranger.

But after she said the word 'Rong'er', Ruan Rong felt more and more hot, so without waiting for Sun Shaozong to agree, she said in a panic, "Brother Sun, I will help them bandage their wounds!"

Saying that, she hurriedly approached a wounded person, took a 'bandage' and hurriedly bandaged it. As for the method and position of the bandage, she was unable to take it into consideration for a while.

Sun Shaozong was stunned for a few seconds, and finally remembered that he still had business to do, so he took the golden ring knife and walked directly to the wide iron sword assassin. Seeing that he was still in a coma, he lifted the The foot stomped lightly on his right shoulder.


I saw that the assassin raised his head and let out a mournful howl, and the echoes continued in all directions.

Sun Shaozong originally wanted to wait for him to finish shouting and then cross-examine, but who knew that this fellow shouted a few times, and he rolled his eyes and fainted in pain.

Sun Shaozong looked speechless, but he also knew that he was not pretending - this fellow's shoulder blades were smashed to pieces, and those bone ballast pierced into muscles, blood vessels, and tendons, like countless steel needles and iron files, plus serious subcutaneous injuries. Bleeding, half of the shoulders were swollen like a red-hot unicorn arm, enough to make life worse than death!

After hesitating for a while, Sun Shaozong simply turned to a captive who had surrendered, slashed the golden ring saber in front of the captive, and asked nonchalantly, "Who is the leader among you?"

Unexpectedly, that fellow looked blank, and stared at Sun Shaozong stupidly for a while, without saying a word.

"Our leader is Brother Bassom!"

On the other hand, someone next to him shouted in a strange tone: "It's the person you stepped on just now!"


Feeling that the guy just now can't speak Chinese.

It seems that the task of promoting 'Mandarin' in Zhenguo is very arduous.

Sun Shaozong turned to the thief who could speak the official language of Shuntian Prefecture, and asked, "Who instructed you to assassinate Lord Ma?"

"It's Brother Bassong who brought us here!"

The prisoner was rushing to answer just now, of course it wasn't a tough one, and he was scared by Sun Shaozong's force. , we Zhenguo will be able to relax and dominate the southern border again! So our dozen or so brothers rushed over from Zhenguo in batches - as for the people in this house, I heard that Big Brother Basong already had two years ago. The prepared ones are all as fluent in Chinese as the Qianxiang people."

As soon as he spoke, he immediately attracted condemnation and scolding from his fellow party members, but these murmurs were quickly suppressed by the guards with their fists and feet - these days, it is not popular to treat prisoners preferentially, and beatings and scolding are light. Yes, it's not uncommon for you to slash directly with a knife when you're in a hurry.

Sun Shaozong asked more carefully, and learned that this 'Big Brother Basong' was actually a well-known ranger in the capital city of Zhenguo.

This Bassong had two hobbies in his life: one is lust, he usually helps big girls and little daughters-in-law solve their physical needs, and takes care of virtuous women until they hang themselves, which is also a common thing; The assassins, such as Zhuanzhu and Jing Ke, who have been famous through the ages, are always thinking about what to do for the country with their own strength, so they did not hesitate to use their wealth and hard work to carry out this assassination operation.

Hearing this, Sun Shaozong didn't know how to evaluate this fellow, saying that he was full of evil, but he still had the pride of dying for the country, saying that he was a righteous man, but this fellow is a complete scum!

Fortunately, he is a military attache and not a historian, so there is no need to worry too much about this issue.

After repeatedly asking several times and confirming that the prisoner who was afraid of death did not lie to him, Sun Shaozong turned back to Basong again, and lightly placed his toes on his shoulder.


There was another shrill scream, but this time Bassong didn't faint, just stared at Sun Shaozong with a grim face. Because of the severe pain, the bloodshot eyeballs bulged outwards, as if they were about to pop out of their sockets at any moment.

"Basson isn't it?"

Although Ba Song's face was a bit terrifying, he still wanted to scare Sun Shaozong in a delusional way, and he smiled as if nothing was wrong: "Your subordinates have already explained everything, now it's your turn - tell me, who is it? Who instructed you to assassinate?"

Hearing Sun Shaozong calling out his name, the muscles on Basong's face twitched strangely. Just when Sun Shaozong thought he was going to scold him, he saw that the cheek on the left side of Basong suddenly bulged, and then it sank deeply.

not good!

Sun Shaozong secretly thought that it was not good, he quickly reached out and squeezed Basong's chin, but he was still a step too late, only to hear Basong hum a few times, and some white foam dripped from his mouth, and he lost his breath when he saw it.

This fellow has obviously hidden poison in his mouth and is ready to commit suicide at any time!