The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 93: Relieving jealousy and accommodating Zhen Yinglian


But she said that Xiangling arrived at the west gate of Rongguo Mansion with a paper umbrella. Seeing Xue Pan and Sun Shaozong standing side by side in the doorway, her feet slowed down a little, but she quickly stepped into the doorway.

Seeing that she put the paper umbrella away first, she stepped forward and bowed to Xue Panyingying, and said, "Xiangling is afraid that she will not be able to serve you in the future, so please take care of yourselves, and don't let your wife and maiden be afraid. of."

As a concubine who was given away by Xue Pan, being able to say these words in front of the new owner shows that she is a woman who values friendship.


"Master, how do I act, using your little hoof to teach me?"

Xue Pan waved his hand as if chasing flies, and said impatiently: "Get in the car, get in the car, don't make the second brother wait for a long time!"

Hearing that he was still so heartless, the expression on Xiang Ling's face suddenly darkened, she lowered her head, and waited to take the luggage from the servant.

Unexpectedly, a sturdy arm took a step ahead, picked up the two bags, put them into the carriage gently and skillfully, and then handed them to her.

"Get in the car."

Although they all let her in the car, how much difference is there between the two

Xiang Ling hesitated for a moment, and then carefully placed the soft weed in Sun Shaozong's hand, and got on the carriage with the help of her strength.


Sun Shaozong turned around and bowed to Xue Pan, and then got into the carriage.

She opened the curtain and saw that Xiangling was wrapping a pair of embroidered shoes with cloth heads, carefully placing them in the corner, knowing that she was afraid of soiling the carriage, so she smiled and said, "We have a lady in charge of starch washing in our house. Son, you don't need to be so cautious."

Hearing the words 'our house', Xiangling couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, but she still said, "It's more convenient to wash a small piece of cloth than to wash a whole mattress. Besides, the car is cleaner. Sitting comfortably, isn't it?"

It's a real waiter.

Sun Shaozong felt more and more that Xue Pan had no eyesight... and that's not right, if he really had no eyes, he wouldn't have robbed Xiangling to go home.

While thinking about whether there are any of these, Sun Shaozong also took off his wet boots, but he didn't bother to wrap them in some rags, so he lifted the mattress that was spread in the carriage and tucked it under.

Then he got into the carriage, leaned on the cushion, and took up most of the carriage.


Zhang Cheng shouted outside, and the carriage slowly started and drove into the torrential rain.

Along the way, seeing Xiangling quail shrunk in the corner, even Zhen dared not lift the capital, Sun Shaozong couldn't help reaching out and gently lifted her chin, swept the diamond-shaped rouge mark between the eyebrows, In his mouth, he said with admiration: "The birthmark on your forehead makes it difficult to choose a place - but since there is such an obvious birthmark, it shouldn't be difficult to find your parents and family, right?"

Xiang Ling's nervous body trembled, but after hearing him ask about her 'parents and family', she calmed down a little, pursed her lips and forced a smile: "The world is so big, I don't remember the past. How easy is it to find 'parents and family members'? Besides, I'm used to it now, so I don't have to worry about my master."

"That's it."

Sun Shaozong let go of her chin and pretended to be disappointed: "I was thinking about going to the Ministry of Justice to look up the lost case file when I have time. Since you don't mean that, then..."


Before he could finish speaking, Xiangling grabbed his wrist and said excitedly, "The punishment department can really find out about my parents?!"

I just said that I don't need to worry about it, but now I hear that there is hope to find my family, but I am so excited, it is really a typical duplicity.

"Although I'm not 100% sure, there are still 80%." Sun Shaozong said, "According to the criminal law of this dynasty, any boy under the age of ten who is abducted and sold must submit a file to the Ministry of Justice for the record, so as to facilitate future inquiries - like you Such obvious birthmarks should not be difficult to find."

In fact, with the ability of the Jia family, it is not difficult to go to the Ministry of Punishment to check the files, but there is no such master in the Jia family, and they are willing to take favors for Xiangling.

Jia Baoyu may be an exception, but he has always regarded 'economic career' as an enemy, so how could he know how to help

But after hearing what he said about having nose and eyes, Xiangling was so excited that it was hard to restrain herself, she shrank back, slammed her head on the ground, and said in a trembling voice, "I beg the lord to be merciful, and help the slaves and servants to check! No matter what the final result is. , the slaves will do their best to serve the master in the future!"

"Since you have entered the door of my Sun's house and look for your family affairs for you, it is my natural duty, my lord, to come and speak first."

While speaking, Sun Shaozong stretched out his hand to help Xiangling.

It's just that I don't know if it's because I just ate a few cups of yellow soup, that hand lost its focus, slipped down three inches along the collarbone, and grabbed it suddenly. He picked it up, but fell softly into his arms.

The sound of rain on the roof completely covered up the unspeakable and unspeakable trivial matters in the carriage.

-Dividing line-

Sun House, East Cross Courtyard.

Ruan Rong circled around Xiangling for three full circles, looking at Xiangling, her heart was trembling and she was at a loss, and then she smiled: "I told the master that my sister was well-behaved and sensible, but I didn't expect him to actually beg her for it— , then as soon as it comes, be safe.”

After speaking, he greeted the maid and said, "Pomegranate, take sister Xiangling to the west wing to settle down."

Xiang Ling then retired as if receiving a great amnesty.

When she came out of the room, Ruan Rong twisted Sun Shaozong with her eyes, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "Master has endured this for a long time, and now I'm finally trying to get my way."

Women are indeed fickle animals!

A few days ago, she also persuaded Sun Shaozong to take a housemate to survive the pregnancy, but now...

Sun Shaozong laughed, stepped forward and carefully wrapped around her waist: "Why, are you jealous?"


Ruan Rong pouted, and immediately raised her voice: "Furong, go and help you clean up the west wing, and make a wedding room for the master in the evening!"


Seeing that the sightless Furong was about to take orders, Sun Shaozong hurriedly stopped her and smiled: "How can I be so anxious? Let her wait in your room first, when will your jealousy stop, let's Then decide whether to close her or not."

Ruan Rong squinted at him again and said coldly, "Then what if my jealousy can never go away?"

Sun Shaozong said without hesitation: "Then it's up to you, let her be an ordinary maid for life!"


Ruan Rong spat fiercely, but her face burst into a smile: "It's not me who will make trouble for the future, so I shouldn't be this bad guy! You can close it whenever you like, as long as you don't get bored in front of my eyes. Just go!"