The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 980: The big curtain [below]


Seeing the silence all around, the prince slowly glanced around, but saw that except for a few people, the rest either bowed their heads and retreated, or flattered.

Although he guessed that most of the other party had misunderstood his intentions, the prince still gave birth to the attitude of looking forward to his own pride, especially when he thought that after he regained his glory today, he could swept away the doubts and ridicules of the court and the opposition, and inherited it with a flawless attitude. The imperial lineage, and then established the real bloodline as the emperor's heir, and his weak chest was pulled even higher.

It wasn't until he had admired the anxious appearance of the courtiers that the prince continued: "Don't worry about it, everyone, the important thing Gu said is actually..."

"Prince Zhongshun is here~!"

Just as he was talking, a long shout suddenly came from outside the door, and it was heard that the 'hard-core royalist' King Zhongshun suddenly arrived, and half of the people in the hall couldn't help but look out - there were those who were timid and fearful, even one side. Looking back, he retreated into the corner, for fear that a bloody storm would follow.

When he was in high spirits, he was suddenly interrupted, especially when the visitor was King Zhongshun, who had recently been at odds with him, and a look of hesitation appeared on the prince's face.

Looking at the commotion in the hall again, the prince's heart was even more unhappy, so he didn't bother to do any superficial work, and stood still in the hall, until King Zhongshun walked into the hall under the guidance of the mansion, and then moved forward symbolically. After two steps, Pi Xiaorou said without a smile:

"Uncle Huang came by coincidence."

"I have seen His Royal Highness."

Seeing that his nephew was so arrogant, King Zhongshun was also very dissatisfied, but the situation was stronger than others, and now the emperor could no longer plant widely and earn less. Although the eunuch prince in front of him was quite controversial, he was the only orthodox heir at the moment.

In addition, this time it was for the purpose of subduing the soft, so King Zhongshun suppressed his grievances and said sternly: "I heard that Your Highness is going to discuss the matter of offering sacrifices to the sky in the spring, although the minister has never participated in the important affairs of the government, but the annual spring and autumn festivals have never been After being absent, I thought that maybe I could help His Highness beat the side drums and start a fight."

After speaking, he gave a deep bow: "I hope your Highness will not blame the minister for coming uninvited."

It's nothing to worry about, these two 'official' characters really made the prince feel very relieved.

Because Wang Zhongshun has always had merit in following the dragon, and he has won the emperor's respect. Even in front of the prince, he used to call himself 'uncle' and 'the king', but now he is 'creeping' in front of himself and calls himself a minister. It caused the prince to let out a bad breath.

At the moment, I want to ease a few words, but then I think about it, I will become a decisive situation today, and King Zhongshun came to say a few soft words at this moment, but it is just icing on the cake, so what's the point of praise

Besides, he had been disrespectful to him before, how could he be spared with two soft words

At the moment, he just smiled: "There is no shortage of people who beat the drums, but since King Zhongshun is here, he can also be a witness."

Homeopathy changed the name of 'Uncle Wang'.

The hot face pressed against the cold butt, and the cheeks of King Zhongshun were twitching wildly. He didn't know what to do, but the prince turned around and returned to the throne, leaving him alone in the middle of the hall.

Feeling the strange eyes cast from him twice, King Zhongshun wished he could walk away, and from now on, he would never share with the crown prince - but thinking about the current situation, he still gritted his teeth and endured it, and silently walked towards the left first line.

Unexpectedly, just after walking a few steps, he suddenly heard the prince say: "It's useless to wait here, just go to the back garden with the solitary, let's talk while walking on the road!"

Saying that, he conceded his hands and walked out of the hall.

King Zhongshun felt blood gushing up, his face was burning hot, and his heart was raging, he suddenly had an idea: At first, he gave up the struggle for succession and helped the emperor to ascend to the throne, did he do something wrong? Can't do it? !

"My lord?"

At this time, He Tiren stepped forward and called out, but he reminded King Zhongshun to follow quickly, otherwise it would be difficult for everyone in the hall to pass him first. Wouldn't this leave the prince out

In this way, King Zhongshun headed in a daze, and the rest of the people followed behind.

Walking and walking, King Zhongshun felt that there were always people making noise along the way, but he couldn't hear half a sentence clearly because of mixed feelings in his heart.

It wasn't until the team was stopped in front of a garden that he turned his head, and then found that the expressions of the people around him had become strange for some reason. Full of inexplicable subtleties.

And not far from him, I don't know when there was a Taoist priest with a whisk in his hand, and he was putting on a proud and independent face - thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was this old man who was making a lot of noise just now.

"Are you all ready?"

The prince blushed and asked excitedly.

The man kneeling in front raised his head and said with a charming smile: "It's all set, just waiting for you and the adults to arrive, the good show will begin."

King Zhongshun glanced sideways, but it was Jia Lian, the down-and-out son of the Rongguo Mansion. At this time, 'he' carefully traced his eyebrows, with rouge, blush, and flower tints, and his body was as romantic as his own favorite Qiguan ( Jiang Yuhan).

Especially after he was originally a royal honoree, even if he was really inferior, it would be a little more fulfilling in the eyes of others.

It's a pity that the castrated prince took it cheap.

Just as he was slandering himself, the crown prince rushed into the garden impatiently, and King Zhongshun hurriedly followed.

Walking a few steps into the garden, I saw a row of strange-looking houses in front of me. It's weird, but it's not because there is something strange in the design, but the doors and windows are sealed from the outside, and they are covered with a thick layer of film. .

This mysterious, but for what

King Zhongshun was suspicious, and couldn't help but stare at others from the corner of his eye, but saw that the faces of the mainstays of the Zhou Dynasty were "strangely shaped", but they all seemed to know what was going to happen next.

He couldn't help but secretly regret, he had known that things were weird, and he shouldn't be wandering on the road.

While sighing inwardly, he followed the prince into the sealed wing, and saw that the lights were brightly lit, and another scorching warmth hit his face.

I don't know how to provide warmth. It was in the sweltering cold but hot dog days. Just waiting for the people behind to enter the door, King Zhongshun was sweating profusely.

Looking at the prince again, he had already taken off his cloak and robe, and put on a white cloth bag-like robe, leaned on the soft couch in the middle of the room, stretched out his arms, and pulled Jia Lian, who did not know when to come over, into the room. in the arms.

Like this, he would usually be criticized by a lot of old officials, but today it is surprisingly unquestioned.

Even King Zhongshun, who was kept in the dark, didn't feel any charm when he saw this scene. Instead, he was sympathetic and scorned - this eunuch prince, the more he lacked, the more he had to show off.

At this time, the door curtain was lifted, and three six- or seven-year-old girls came in from outside, not knowing what they were doing, and shyly huddled in the corner.

He heard the Taoist say: "These three women are all virgins. If you have any doubts, you can check them at will."

Check it out

King Zhongshun almost sweated from his mouth when he heard the words. All of them are sanctimonious, and the lowest is from a second-rank official. Do you want them to go and see this in public? Isn't this the big joke of slipping the world

However, what King Zhongshun did not expect was that several important officials in the court exchanged glances with each other, and the chief assistant He Tiren stood up and said solemnly: "As ministers, ministers and others should not act arrogantly, but this is a serious matter. , the ministers and others can only be disrespectful."

Immediately after discussing each other, He Guan and other young sons and nephews who were accompanying him were summoned and ordered to check them out one by one.

After a few words.

He Guan and several people confirmed that it was correct. The Taoist moved the whisk, and it suddenly became dark all around, but most of the lamps and candles in the house were covered.

What followed was the shimmering light on the west wall and two swaying figures. It was not difficult to tell through the outlines that they belonged to a pair of men and women.

When King Zhongshun was inexplicable, many people around him held their breaths, and it seemed that they were looking forward to what was going to happen next.

The prince twisted a small red pill out of nowhere, and swallowed it into his belly while breathing heavily. After a while, his already red face became more excited.

"what happened?!"

Suddenly, he shouted loudly, but seeing that the two people in the 'shadow screen' didn't move for a while, he couldn't help urging: "Why don't you start quickly?!"

With the prince's urging, the opposite finally changed.

Seeing the figure of the woman hanging her head and neck, she didn't know what to say, or something else, the man seemed to be provoked, rushing up like a tiger, and grabbed her cheek!

This moment is like a rabbit rising and falling, showing the strength of a man and the softness of a woman.

After the two approached, the two people who originally seemed to be similar in height also became strong and weak. The burly figure of the man almost covered half of the screen. In contrast, the woman looked extremely weak. help.

It's kind of interesting!

As a senior LSP, King Zhongshun finally lifted his spirits. Although he still didn't understand what happened, it didn't stop him from looking forward to and focusing on the scene in front of him.


The figure of the man always felt a little familiar.

On the screen, the woman began to struggle desperately, while the man was like a goshawk fighting a rabbit, easily controlling her in place.

Next should be...

"Your Highness? Your Highness!"

Just as everyone was holding their breaths, Jia Lian aroused the prince for some reason, causing the prince to scold impatiently and excitedly: "What are you doing? Watch with the orphan!"

"Prince, you... you..."

But Jia Lian not only did not stop, but his voice became louder.

This time, King Zhongshun couldn't help but glance at Jia Lian, but saw that he was desperately raising his head, looking at the prince with a look of fear.

What did the castrated prince do

What can this castration prince do

With suspicion and playfulness in mind, King Zhongshun quietly leaned forward and looked closely at the couch. He didn't want to look at it, but his eyes widened suddenly, and then he couldn't help but blurt out: "Your Highness, you... why are you vomiting blood?!"

Shouting this whole life, finally dispelling the charm in the house, everyone looked sideways, and saw that the prince stood up blankly, blood dripped from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and the white underwear on his chest was already wet and red!

Continue tomorrow.