The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 989: Your Highness


Because of the heavy snow in the city, just after Shen Zheng [four o'clock in the afternoon], the lights were lit in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the candlelight flickered, and the solemn faces were even more uncertain.

At this time, a guard hurriedly reported to the Golden Palace that it was Dali Temple Shaoqing Sun Shaozong who escorted the prince into the palace, and now he was outside the Meridian Gate.

The Emperor Taishang handed the tea cup to the old eunuch beside him, and he could not hide his tiredness and ordered, "Open the middle door and welcome Taisun into the palace."

The two middle-aged eunuchs next to him immediately shouted in unison:

"The Emperor Taishang has a decree to open the middle door and welcome Taisun into the palace~!"

The gate in the middle of the Meridian Gate, except the emperor and the queen on the wedding day can pass, only the top three in the palace test can win this honor.

At this moment, the Emperor Taishang announced 'open the middle door to welcome Taisun', which indicated that Taisun was about to take the throne of Shaoji.

When the two doors that had been dusty for many days slowly opened, Sun Shaozong jerked the reins and drove the car straight into the forbidden area.

The carriage was parked outside the gate of the hall, and the grandson, who was wearing hemp and filial piety, walked up the steps in the middle with the help of his mother and concubine, while Sun Shaozong followed step by step.

When he arrived in the hall, Sun Shaozong swept his eyes around, only to see that the six Jiuqings were like clay and wood plastics, gloomy and gloomy, as if they were in the underworld.

Taisun was obviously affected by this atmosphere, he grasped the princess' soft weeds tightly, and his thin body leaned on him unconsciously.

Seeing this, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but secretly sweat, for fear that he would forget his warning and explain when he panicked.

But when it came to the center of the hall, the Crown Princess had just pulled her grandson to kneel down to worship, and the Emperor Taishang said, "Hurry up, bring your grandson to me!"

The two eunuchs who communicated the word hurriedly trotted forward and carried the grandson to the emperor.

The Emperor Taishang put his grandson between his legs, touched his head and sighed: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid of this hard-working child. In the future, your great-grandfather will make the decision for you, and no one will try to bully your orphans, widows and mothers!"

After speaking, he motioned for the eunuchs to bring a Xiu Dun and place it on the right hand side of the dragon chair for the princess to take a seat.

After all this was settled, the Emperor Taishang discovered that there was still a Sun Shaozong kneeling in the center of the hall, so he asked aloud: "Sun Qing, have you found the two concubines who escaped from the palace?"

"Not yet found."

"In this case, you can step back first and do your best to handle this matter."

But Sun Shaozong got the decree, but he did not get up and retire. Instead, he kowtowed: "I dared to ask Your Majesty, where is the loyal and obedient king who murdered the king now, and when will he be able to clarify the official punishment?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became solemn.

The prince and the emperor passed away one after another, and the emperor returned to the center of power logically. This time, the name of the gathering of ministers was called for discussion, but in fact it was arbitrary.

All the civil and military officials are cautious in their words and deeds, but Sun Shaozong, a little Shaoqing who came to the 'rubbing meeting', dared to question him face to face!

The kindness on the face of the Emperor Taishang disappeared immediately, he stared at Sun Shaozong for a long time, and suddenly covered his face with his sleeves, and said sadly: "I have lost two sons in a row in such a rare age, and I have already burned my liver and intestines, and I can't bear it any more. Send someone to send a black-haired person!"

After all, he choked up.

"Bold Sun Shaozong!"

As soon as the cry started, Li Sheng, the minister of the Taichang Temple, jumped out of the slant, and heard him shout angrily: "What kind of person are you in this family business? What qualifications do you have to ask?"

Followed, kneeled down again: "Wan Wang Tai Huang Bao Chonglong body."

As soon as he knelt down, the cultural relics next to him naturally couldn't help expressing it, and they were busy kneeling down and asking the Supreme Emperor to take care of the dragon's body.

The dignified Taishanghuang did not teach etiquette, but instead wept and complained of the desolation and sadness of losing his son at an old age. In addition, a Taichang temple minister was playing a side drum. As a minister, how could he ask again, and how dare he ask again

"It's too often a bad word."

However, Sun Shaozong still said solemnly: "This heavenly family matter is even more of a world matter! The Supreme Emperor has a deep affection for his calf, and his ministers are also deeply impressed, but His Majesty's bones are not cold, and the crown prince is still to be buried. How can you comfort your majesty, the prince's spirit in heaven?!"

"Oh, why don't I know?"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a long sigh from the Emperor Taishang, and said with tears in the sky: "Everywhere is guilty, and the blame lies with me! If the emperor and the prince know about it, they can only blame me - I have made up my mind, there is no need to..."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The Emperor Taishang was preparing to completely cut off his words, when Sun Shaozong coughed violently below, and the sound of the cough echoed in the hall.

"Bold Sun Shaozong!"

Li Sheng, the minister of Taichang Temple, immediately jumped up again, pointed at Sun Shaozong and shouted, "How dare you lose your respect in front of the palace? What exactly do you intend to stir up court discussions over and over again?!"

He was scolding righteously here, but he saw Sun Shaozong straighten his spine, and he didn't even look at himself, but looked at the top of the imperial steps.

He cursed inwardly: Sure enough, he was mad when he was young, but he didn't know how the word 'death' was written!

Just as he was about to put some more charges on Sun Shaozong's head, but at this moment, someone behind him said, "Please put the Emperor Taishang to death for the monarch murderer!"

In addition to Sun Shaozong, who doesn't know how to live or die, is there anyone else who dares to offend the Emperor Taishang's Longwei

Li Sheng turned his head in disbelief, but saw a group of civil and military officers raised their heads in surprise and looked at the imperial steps.

And just above the imperial steps, the grandson, who was originally held by the Emperor Taishang, broke free at some point. He knelt down at the feet of the Emperor Taishang like a little adult, and turned his back to all the civil and military officials and asked again: "Please put the Emperor Taishang to death. King-killing traitor!"


Li Sheng suddenly lost his temper. He dared to scold Sun Shaozong in the hall, but how dare he directly scold the prince who was about to ascend the throne

At this time, the crown prince also stepped forward and knelt down and complained: "The grandson also begged the emperor to execute the king-killer traitor to comfort your majesty and the prince's spirit in heaven!"

The Emperor Taishang was also a little unable to come down to the stage. He never imagined that he would take the initiative to attack himself as a five-year-old child who was regarded as an idiot.

This princess is also not a fuel-efficient lamp.

But what he could not tolerate the most was Sun Shaozong, Shaoqing of Dali Temple!

Although he had known for a long time that he had a close relationship with the prince, he did not expect that he would have such an influence on the princess and the grandson who had never been taken seriously.

It seems that this child must not stay!

"Congratulations to the Emperor Taishang!"

It seems that he felt the malice of the Taishanghuang, so Sun Shaozong raised his chest again, cupped his hands and looked directly at the dragon chair and said, "When the Taisun was five years old, he knew how to avenge his close relatives, which shows a pure and filial heart - the Taishanghuang has such a pure and filial grandson. , He Xiyi kills the king and kills the unfaithful and unfilial son of the brother?!"

As he spoke, he bent down and kowtowed: "I hope that the Emperor Taishang will follow the love of his grandson and kill King Zhongshun to correct the country's laws!"

He waited for a while with all his body on the ground, and suddenly heard an old voice saying: "Chen Xu Furen reconsidered, the Supreme Emperor, out of the love of the Taisun, killed King Zhongshun to rectify the country's laws."

It was Xu Furen, Minister of Officials, who appeared!

Originally, Sun Shaozong thought that it would be Wang Zhe, who had hinted at it, jumping back.

But the effect is the same. After Wang Zhe opened his mouth, there was a sound of reconsideration all over the place. As for a few people, including Taichang Si Qing Li Sheng, although they refused to reconsider, they did not dare to jump out and make nonsense.

This is the situation that the Emperor Taishang does not want to see or think will happen!

As the saying goes, when things go too far, Emperor Guangde has been a puppet for a few years because he has swallowed his voice. After taking power, he is a little stubborn. Most of the ministers he appoints are 'sophisticated and prudent' people, and there is almost no possibility of offending his face.

Therefore, the Emperor Taishang thought that he would definitely be able to suppress the ministers - and the first half of the discussion in front of the palace also perfectly confirmed this.

But who would want to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway through!

This Sun Shaozong didn't even have the qualifications to participate in the discussion, but by escorting the grandson into the palace, he made a horizontal bar, which ruined the good situation.

At this time, the Emperor Taishang was also very regretful. He knew that he should not have promised to save the life of King Zhongshun, and now it is difficult to ride a tiger. If he still refuses to change his mind, he will inevitably conflict with the ministers; damage your prestige.

After weighing it over and over again, the Emperor Taishang finally sighed: "Stop, stop, with such a good saint, what a shameless son!"

The most important thing at the moment is to break the deadlock. As for the lost prestige, it will not be too late to make up for it after the grandson has registered.

The Emperor Taishang said that he rolled up his sleeves, stepped forward and pulled his Taisun, and said to the ministers in the hall: "All Aiqings should also be flat."

While carrying Taisun back to the dragon chair, he was thinking about how to send Sun Shaozong out as soon as possible, so as not to cause any trouble again.

But when she sat firmly on the dragon chair, she found that the princess was still kneeling on the spot and never got up.

The Emperor Taishang was stunned and hurriedly said: "Is the Crown Princess tired? Go, send the Crown Princess to the Queen Mother to rest."

The eunuchs on the left and right were about to step forward to help him, but the concubine first knocked her head on the ground and said loudly: "The grandson is young and weak, and the grandson-in-law is afraid that he will not be popular with the public, so she dares to ask the emperor to take it back and appoint a new prince."

These words were not thought of by the monarchs and ministers in the hall.

While the Taishanghuang was stunned, he secretly speculated that the prince concubine was not in harmony with the grandson, or that he was not of the prince's blood, so he was not qualified to succeed the throne

But in any case, letting the young grandson succeed the throne as a puppet is the Taishanghuang's established strategy - if you don't choose a grandson, how can you find a four- or five-year-old baby who can legitimately inherit the throne

So the Emperor Taishang had a stern face: "Absurd! Since he is the grandson, he should be the leader of Shaoji, not to mention that with my hands-on training, he will not make mistakes!"

After a pause, he said again: "This important event in the imperial court is not something you and other women can joke about, so let's step back."

The eunuchs were just about to act according to their orders, but the concubine slammed her head on the ground again: "Since the emperor said this, grandson-in-law can't stop it, but the majesty and the prince were successively murdered by traitors, and the guards in the palace and Beizhen The Secretary of Fu was unaware of the incident, let alone stopped one or two! Therefore, the grandson-in-law is really worried about Xu'er's safety. If your majesty insists on making the grandson the emperor, please also appoint the Dali Temple Shaoqing Sun Shaozong to supervise the dragon guards and guard the guards. , so that we orphans and widows will be safe.”

The hall was silent again, and the only response to the Crown Princess was the sudden heavy breath of the Supreme Emperor.

If Fang was a sudden attack, now it can be called a poor dagger!

If Sun Shaozong is really in charge of the palace ban, I am afraid that the Taishanghuang will also be afraid of him.

But what the princess said was not without reason. There were repeated incidents in the palace and the east palace, and the guards in the palace and even the Fusi of Beizhen could not be blamed.

How can this be rejected


At the critical moment, Li Sheng, the secretary of Taichang Temple, jumped out again: "Sun Shaoqing is a civil servant, and his official position is only four rank. How can he take the position of the first-rank dragon guard admiral? In this way, is the imperial court regulation in name only? "


This time it was still Xu Furen, the minister of the Ministry of Personnel, who stood up: "Sun Shaoqing was going to be promoted to the minister of the Department of Punishment after the year, and the minister of the Department of Punishment is the third rank, and it is customary for a civil official to be transferred to a military position by one or two ranks."

"That's a second-rank at most! And it's not against the rules to transfer to Chaopu as soon as you get promoted!"

"You can temporarily serve as the second-rank general and the admiral of the dragon guard."

This time, it was finally Wang Zhe's turn to come forward.

"The Sun family has been in charge of the family for generations, and Sun Shaoqing led five hundred officers and soldiers to destroy tens of thousands of thieves. His bravery is unparalleled in the world! If he were to sit in the ban, it would surely ward off all evils!"

This is Feng Tang, the commander of the right hall of the 50% army.

"Sun Shaoqing is famous all over the world for his ability to solve strange cases. If there is another Xiaoxiao in the palace, he can't hide it from his eyes!"

Fifty percent of the soldiers, Ma Sizuo, and the commander of the left, Qiu Yunfei, were not far behind.

"The old minister reconsidered."

The first assistant He Tiren's words were the shortest, but they meant a final word.

The first and second assistants of the cabinet, the left and right commanders of the army, and the officials of the Ministry of Personnel expressed their positions one by one, which has basically become an overwhelming trend among the courtiers.

What's more, the Minister of Household, Minister of Punishment, Dali Siqing and others are also eager to try!

Seeing this scene, the Emperor Taishang instinctively surged up with blood, and suddenly got up from the dragon chair, and regardless of Taisun's stumble, he pointed to the crowd and said, "Wait, this is... this is to..."

Suddenly out of breath, he raised his head and fell back on the dragon chair.

Um, uh, uh...

In short, the new book has been conceived almost, continue to write the Red House, and start from the inside of the Rongguo Mansion from another angle.

Make up for the shortcomings of the book is always free.

The identity of the protagonist of the new book does not dare to say that all Honglou colleagues have not written it, but at least it is extremely rare.

The introduction to the new book is as follows:

The so-called doujin is nothing more than a turbidity mixed in Cao Gong's dream. The story is turbid and vulgar, and it is difficult to be elegant. It is enough to make you smile.