The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 311: The tomb is opened


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"Okay, everyone can stop." At this time, the old man spoke and called everyone up.

"What are we going to do now?" an archaeologist asked.

"It's very simple. Everyone holds a pillar and rotates it clockwise, and then the tomb will be opened." The old man said, with excitement written all over his face.

"Do you need our help?" At this time, Wang Feng and others also stood up and asked.

"No need, the moment to witness the opening of the God's Tomb is coming soon, you can just watch from the sidelines." The old man said, then waved his hand and said, "Everyone can start."

Nine pillars require nine people, so soon all nine people were in place, waiting for the old man to give the order.

"Rotate." Suddenly a voice came from the old man's mouth, and then all nine of them took action.


The pillar looked quite heavy, but the nine of them spun easily. But as soon as they spun, the ground began to shake, accompanied by a huge roar.

"What's going on?" Seeing such changes, everyone's expressions changed.

"The tomb has been opened. Everyone, work harder. The tomb will emerge soon." The old man spoke loudly, and then the nine people responsible for rotating the pillar started again.

.Novel The ground shook more and more violently, causing Wang Feng and the five of them to look at each other, why did they act like there was an earthquake.

But soon the five of them were shocked and speechless, because they were actually in the big pit that was originally dug. At this moment, the soil kept rising up, as if something was about to rise from inside.

"Okay, everyone retreat." Seeing this scene, the old man spoke, and then everyone retreated here, including Wang Feng and the others.

The air became extremely dark at this moment and dropped by at least twenty degrees. Even from a distance, Wang Feng and the others rarely felt the biting cold.

They were all like this, not to mention the others, who were all holding their arms and shivering.

"I didn't expect that after decades of aging, I would still be lucky enough to see such a miracle." The old man said with excitement on his face.

"Stand away quickly." Looking at the old man, Wang Feng pulled him behind his back. He was already dozens of years old. If the temperature dropped any lower, he would freeze to death.

The big pit has indeed undergone tremendous changes at this moment. A platform breaks out from below, bringing with it a black energy that reaches the sky.

This black energy was so terrifying that even from such a distance, Wang Feng could feel his heart beating with fear. With his clairvoyance skills activated, he once again saw the scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. If what he expected was true, he saw this black energy a few days ago. Then the line of sight was blocked.

Black energy soared into the sky, and everyone felt as if their hearts had gone cold. Such a scene could be clearly seen even from several miles away.

Fortunately, no one lives nearby, otherwise I don't know how much panic it would cause.

Ice formed on the protective fence in the blink of an eye, and the ground was also covered with a layer of white ice. The freezing speed was too fast.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng and the others did not hesitate at all, and directly burst out their breath, blocking all the cold outside.

The few of them standing here are really fine, but if these archaeologists are hit by such cold, they may freeze into icemen immediately. It would be strange to not die.

"That is?"

Suddenly Wang Feng saw the scene on the platform, and the pores all over his body suddenly stood up.

Like him, Wang Yang and others were also wide-eyed and dumbfounded at this moment, completely unable to believe the scene they saw in front of them.

The black energy had almost dissipated now, but in the hiding of the black energy, they actually saw a person lying on the platform at the moment, and a long gun left beside him.

The spear must have been the weapon used by this man during his life, and it goes without saying that it is also a priceless antiquities. But what really shocked Wang Feng and the others was that the man lying on the platform was completely indistinguishable from a normal person, lifelike, and did not look like a dead person at all.

And the robe he was wearing was spotless now, as if he was a sleeping person.

Silence, very frightening silence.

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them and couldn't believe what their eyes saw.

A person who has been dead for thousands of years is not rotting now, and his face is even rosy. Who can be sure that this is really a dead person

And this is different from other mummies. Now that he is completely exposed to the air, he is still not rotting, which is really unimaginable.

"This... what is going on?" After being stunned for almost a minute, an archaeologist stammered and asked.

As we all know, if a person is vacuum sealed after death, he will not decompose, but if such a corpse is exposed to air, it will definitely be oxidized and turn into dust in the blink of an eye.

But now the person lying on the platform has not changed at all, just like an ordinary person sleeping, which completely goes against common sense.

"This is the ancient god." Seeing the man lying on the platform, the old man spoke with horror in his tone.

The man on the platform was probably about thirty years old, and he looked very young. It was hard to imagine that he had been lying here like this for thousands of years.

"Captain, what should we do now?" Wang Yang asked at this time.

"How do I know?" Wang Feng said, feeling frightened in his heart. Looking at a person who had not changed at all after death, he was also frightened.

He even doubted whether this man would stand up suddenly, because he looked so normal, and his skin color was the same as that of a normal person.

The stalemate here lasted for almost ten minutes. The man lying on the platform did not change at all. Wang Feng and the others could not detect that this man was alive at all. He was a completely dead man.

"You all stand far away, I'll go over and take a look." It had already developed into this, so someone had to deal with the body, so in the end, only Wang Feng went up by himself.

After all, he is the strongest here now, and he is the fastest to respond to any changes.

"Okay, everyone, retreat." After hearing Wang Feng's words, Wang Yang and the others retreated without any hesitation.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Wang Feng finally slowly walked towards the platform.

It is estimated that the most dangerous thing about this tomb is the black energy that has dissipated before. If it is excavated rashly and enveloped by this black energy, the people involved in the excavation may really be doomed.

But now that the black energy has dissipated, Wang Feng cannot sense any danger, otherwise how could he come here.

Looking at that person, Wang Feng suppressed the fear in his heart and slowly approached him.


Before Wang Feng got close to the platform, there was suddenly a huge roar in his ears, the protective fence was knocked open, and a car rushed in from the outside.

Chug tug tug…

The sound of machine gun fire sounded. At this moment, Wang Feng's expression changed and he dodged away.

The mission announced above was to protect the cultural relics excavation here, but after more than ten days, Wang Feng and the others found no danger. But at this moment, foreign agents finally arrived.

"Captain." Seeing someone rushing in, the faces of Wang Yang and the four others changed drastically and they rushed over.

"They want to steal something, stop them." At this moment, Wang Feng no longer cared about the fear of the corpse in his heart, and rushed over in the blink of an eye.

Just because the opponent's airport fire was too dense, Wang Feng was hit by bullets several times as he advanced and almost fell to the ground.

But he was not an ordinary person after all, so he still rushed onto the platform and held the spear next to the corpse in his hand.

The other party was obviously here for this weapon, so how could Wang Feng allow such an important thing to be taken away from them.

If they have been here for such a long time, it is definitely impossible for them to give what they have obtained into other people's hands.


The incident happened so quickly. At this moment, the soldiers on Wang Feng's side also opened fire and rushed forward.

Someone actually wants to rob cultural relics in front of them. How is that possible

Just like that, a fierce gun battle began. The car driven by the other party was riddled with holes in the blink of an eye, and the shooter inside was also killed.

In terms of number of people, Wang Feng and the others were several times larger than them. Of course, they could easily be wiped out.

The spear was very heavy. Wang Feng could feel his arms sinking when he held it. It is estimated that this spear alone weighed more than two hundred kilograms, and he did not know what it was made of.

"Plane?" Suddenly Wang Feng's expression changed, and he heard the roar of planes coming from the sky. Wang Feng was very familiar with this sound, because it was exactly the same roar as a fighter jet.

"Fuck, let's go." Suddenly Wang Feng shouted, grabbed the spear and started running wildly, because at this moment he actually saw a missile flying down above their heads, it was probably going to blow them all to death here. ah.

At this moment, he couldn't care about other people, because if he didn't leave, he would be bombed to death here.

As monks, Wang Yang and others' reaction ability was not comparable to that of ordinary people, so when they saw Wang Feng running away from him, they did not hesitate at all and followed him directly.

"Everyone, run away, the missiles are coming." Wang Feng turned around and shouted, signaling the archaeologists and soldiers to retreat immediately.

But at the moment when he turned back, his expression changed slightly, because he actually saw the corpse of the ancient man lying on the platform disappearing.


The earth shook violently again. This time the vibration far exceeded the previous vibration when the tomb was opened. It was exactly the same as an earthquake.

The power of the missile was so powerful that even though Wang Feng and the others had rushed thousands of meters away, they still felt a wave of heat coming from their backs, pushing them to the ground.

"Fuck." With a curse in his mouth, Wang Feng wiped the dirt from his face with his hands. Looking at the land behind him where everything was in ruins, he knew that those who did not follow were already dead.

The power of the missile is really too great. How can ordinary people go faster than the speed that the power radiates, that is, they run fast, otherwise they may have died by now.

"It's too rampant." A loud curse came from Wang Yang's mouth. Obviously, they had not thought that the other party would be so crazy and even dropped missiles. Is this really going to declare war

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