The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 328: Donate


But if there is really no other way, he has only one way to go.

From the bottom of his heart, Wang Feng didn't want to change his nationality, because deep down he still considered himself a Chinese. This was just the final choice out of desperation.

"Then you should take matters into your own hands. I can't help you much." Knowing that what Wang Feng said was reasonable, Ran Liyun stopped pressing.

Marriage is a major event in life, so if you can't give them a status, then you really can't get married, which will only make Bei Yunxue and the others miserable.

Marrying without a title will cause people to stab you in the back. To put it more seriously, it is degrading to the family tradition. And even if they are willing, will the families of these girls agree

So she was too impulsive before.

Because of Wang Feng's words, this brief meeting ended here. It wasn't that Wang Feng didn't want to get married, but that he didn't dare to get married because his status was not in place.

The marriage was dropped and no one mentioned it again. Wang Feng and the others did not return to Zhuhai City that day, but planned to stay in Qing County for a few days.

This is the place where Wang Feng lived since he was a child, and all his childhood memories are here, so Bei Yunxue and the others wanted to take a walk around Qing County and see where Wang Feng had been.

And even if they wanted to leave, I'm afraid Wang Feng's parents would not agree. It would be unreasonable for any of their children to leave just one day after returning.

When it was time to go to bed, because Wang Feng's home was only so big, there were not enough beds. Originally, Wang Feng thought he had a chance to sleep with Bei Yunxue and the others, but before he said this, he He was kicked out of the house directly by his mother.

"Go find a hotel outside and find a place to sleep. Just remember to come back early tomorrow morning for breakfast." This was what Wang Feng's mother said to him, which made Wang Feng still smile bitterly after arriving at the hotel.

Is this still my biological mother? What a rare opportunity this was, and it was wasted like this.

But the only time when Wang Feng felt relieved was when Bei Yunxue and the others called to express their sympathy before going to bed. This made Wang Feng's broken heart feel a little better.

The next day, Wang Feng went home early, and when he came back, the house was already busy. A large family was making dumplings, and the atmosphere was very lively.

"Didn't I ask you to come back early? Why did you come back so late?" Ran Liyun said reproachfully when she saw Wang Feng walking into the house.

After taking a look at the sky outside, it was estimated that it had only been bright for less than an hour. Wang Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Mom, I came back early enough, right?"

"Now that you're back, let's make dumplings together. Today I'm going to cook you a pot of my specialty."

"Okay." Knowing that his mother's dumplings were delicious, Wang Feng rubbed his hands excitedly and quickly joined the team.

Wang Feng has been eating such delicious food since he was a child, so even though he has grown up now, he still has not forgotten the familiar taste, so he was also excited when he heard that he was eating dumplings.

After so many years, I can finally eat the delicious dumplings made by my mother again.

The reason why Ran Liyun's dumplings are so delicious is actually related to her fillings. According to her, this is her exclusive secret recipe and can never be eaten outside. This is also her best food.

After working for almost a full hour, the delicious food was finally delivered to Wang Feng and the others. Of course, the happiest person was Zisha. She was a foodie among everyone, and she enjoyed eating. Ran Liyun was also smiling. Open mouth from ear to ear.

After breakfast, Bei Yunxue and the others proposed that Wang Feng take them out for a walk. Of course Wang Feng would not refuse this small request and took them out.

But as soon as they went out, they became the focus of everyone's attention on the street. Beauties like Bei Yunxue and the others were so rare in Qingxian County that there was not even one.

Because they are not only beauties, but also have extraordinary temperament, so if they walk on the street, they are really eye-catching, and no one can help but notice them.

Along the way, Wang Feng didn't know how many murderous looks he received. A man leading so many beauties was really enviable and jealous.

Wang Feng has long been accustomed to this feeling, but this is his hometown, so it is inevitable that there will be people he knew when he was a child in the crowd, so Wang Feng is in a good mood along the way and has earned enough face.

The first stop was the school where Wang Feng once studied. It was considered a relatively poor place in Qing County. Although I had not been here for almost ten years, this school did not change much from Wang Feng's impression.

The dilapidated teaching building and the roads were full of potholes, and after walking around the school, Wang Feng and the others didn't see a few students. They were very calm. This situation was very different from the bustle of a school.

Finding a teacher, Wang Feng asked directly: "Why are there so few people in the school?"

"Who are you?" Looking at a group of beauties such as Wang Feng and Bei Yunxue, the teacher was also a little confused and did not recognize them at all.

"We were just passing by here and came in to take a look." Bei Yunxue responded at this time.

"Oh, this school is about to close down. How can there be students coming? Even the teachers have almost withdrawn."

"Going bankrupt?" After hearing his words, Wang Feng and others looked at each other, and they all felt incredible. Schools are a place for teaching and educating people. How can it be so easy to go bankrupt as long as there are children

"Yes, the educational facilities in our school are too old, and the buildings are also dangerous. Other parents will not send their children here when they see a place like this, so the closure of the school is inevitable."

"Since it's old and can be repaired, what's the big deal?" Bei Yunxue asked doubtfully after hearing his words.

"Repair?" After hearing what they said, the teacher smiled bitterly, and then said: "We are a private school. We don't have any extra funds to repair the buildings. Even if we have some money, it has been gradually used up over the years. , I can’t hold on any longer, forget it, it’s useless to tell you this, I’m going to pack my things.”

"Wait, what are you packing for?" Wang Feng pulled him and asked.

"As the saying goes, when people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. Now the school can't afford our salary. If we don't leave, why are we still here waiting to die?"

After saying that, he broke away from Wang Feng's hand and left in a hurry.

"Is this going to close down?" After looking at the school where he had studied for several years, Wang Feng felt a little emotional. After all, he was returning to his old place. He never thought that this school would close down.

"Come, follow me to meet the principal." Wang Feng said, and then led Bei Yunxue and the others to the principal's office.

Soon, Wang Feng and the others found the principal of the school, who is also the current legal person in charge of the school.

Looking at the old man, Wang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, because this principal was still the principal he had been when he was a student, only older.

"Who are you?" Seeing Wang Feng and the others walking in, the old principal pushed up his reading glasses and said.

"Oh, our school no longer accepts children. Take them to other places." The principal said. Although his voice was calm, Wang Feng could feel the sadness in his tone.

"We are not sending children here. I just want to ask how much it will cost if your school needs to be repaired?"

In any case, this place was where Wang Feng once studied. Although he didn't have deep feelings for this place, seeing that it was about to close down, Wang Feng still felt that he should help.

He is not short of money now, but if his donation can keep this school going, Bei Yunxue and the others will definitely support his move.

"Why do you ask this?" After hearing Wang Feng's words, the old principal asked in surprise.

"Oh, that's right. We think this school is too old, so we want to help you. I wonder how much it will cost to renovate your school?" Wang Feng said, looking directly at the old man.

"You..." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the old man was shocked and looked incredulous.

This school is about to close down, and even the children who were still studying here are leaving one after another. Not to mention them, even the teachers have run away, and there are only a few old teachers left who are unwilling to leave.

It can be said that the closure of this school is inevitable, but now Wang Feng actually asked him how much it would cost to repair the school. How could he not be shocked.

"You have a good idea. I want to donate to your school. I studied here when I was a child, so I see that the school's supporting facilities have become like this. I want to help you, but I don't know if you will accept us. Kindness?”

"Okay, okay, if you are really willing to donate, that would be great." After hearing Wang Feng's words, the old principal had a smile on his face, and quickly walked over and covered Wang Feng's hand affectionately, feeling indescribably excited. .

"Principal, you'd better tell me how much money it will cost first, so that we can have a clear idea."

"Our school has been open for more than 20 years, and these houses have not been rebuilt since they were first built. So if all the money is counted, I am afraid it will cost more than five million."

"But don't worry, you don't need to donate so much. Even if it's 10,000, I will thank you on behalf of all the teachers and students of our school." It seemed that he was afraid that Wang Feng thought he said too much, so he quickly added One sentence.

"Haha, five million." After hearing his words, Wang Feng smiled, then turned his attention to Bei Yunxue and the others, and asked, "Sister Xue, can we help?"

"Of course I want to help." Seeing such a dilapidated school, Bei Yunxue actually donated more than Wang Feng. Although five million is a lot of money, this amount of money is nothing to them. , because almost everyone present can take it.

Five million couldn't buy a supercar, but it could revitalize a school. Of course Bei Yunxue and the others knew what to do.

"Okay, then I will donate five million to you. I hope this school can be opened as soon as possible. Anyway, this was once my alma mater, so I don't want to see it close down like this." Wang Feng said. , making the old principal's eyes widen with an expression of disbelief.