The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 351: The strongest in the alliance


Climbing a tree, Wang Feng's clairvoyance ability unfolded. In the sea several kilometers in front of him, he did not see any ships, nor could he hear the sound of any airplanes. There was only the roaring sea wind, and the people of the Dark Soul Organization Probably won't come.

"Okay, everyone, come out." Wang Feng said, and then Liu Qing and Pu Yunfei slowly crawled out of the hole.

"I think the people who will save us are coming soon." Wang Feng said, and less than ten seconds after his voice fell, suddenly the head of a fighter jet suddenly appeared in the clouds above their heads, and then the whole Revealed.

"Great, he's one of ours. I recognize the logo of this plane." At this time, Pu Yunfei shouted with joy.

"I'm sorry, because we suspected that there was something wrong with the plane itself, so we were waiting to investigate slowly. We didn't expect that something like this happened to you." The plane landed on the island, and two people walked out of it. The leader was a middle-aged foreigner.

"This was a sudden attack. It's normal that they didn't know about it." Liu Qing said at this time.

"Is there anyone else?" the middle-aged man asked, his eyes constantly scanning the three of them.

"No more." Liu Qing shook his head, and then said dejectedly: "The plane exploded in the air, and only three of us survived. Now the others may have become fish feed."

"This is an area on the high seas. Let's leave here first." The middle-aged man said, and then arranged for Wang Feng and the three of them to board the plane.

Planes don't count, so there's no pressure for them to sit down.

After putting on the clothes this man brought over, Wang Feng and the others breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, they were finally much safer now.

Even if the people from the Dark Soul Organization come again, they will still have some resistance.

"The three of you are frightened. On behalf of our college, I would like to express my deepest condolences." The foreigner spoke, making Wang Feng and the three of them look strange.

Not the Justice League? How did it become an academy

"The place we are going to is the Justice League, not an academy. Did you make a mistake?" Liu Qing asked uncertainly.

"Haha, the Justice League is something we only know about ourselves. To the outside world, our league is known as an aristocratic academy. It only recruits strange people so as not to cause panic to ordinary people." This person explained, making Wang Feng and the three of them look panicked. color.

It turned out that it was just a cover, not a real academy.

"Okay, everyone, we are safe now. Let's talk about how you got into trouble first." After the fighter jet had been flying for almost half an hour, the middle-aged man suddenly said.

"We are now located in the territorial waters of the United States. Even the Dark Soul Organization does not dare to set foot here easily, so you can rest assured in terms of safety."

"We were attacked. Didn't you receive any information beforehand?" Liu Qing asked suspiciously.

Such a big thing happened, and it would be too much for them if they didn't know anything.

"Dear Mr. Liu, we are currently busy accepting students from all over the world, so we really did not notice that you will be attacked. This is what we did wrong. I apologize to you on behalf of the college." This middle-aged man He said with a ashamed look on his face.

Now that the academy has just opened, there are so many people coming that they are almost overwhelmed. How can they notice that Huaxia's plane will be attacked by the Dark Soul Organization? If they knew, nothing would happen to Wang Feng and the others. .

"Is that all it takes to apologize?" Upon hearing the middle-aged man's words, Liu Qing's eyes widened with disbelief.

A single apology wiped out more than a hundred human lives. This human life is too worthless.

And all those who died were their Chinese compatriots, so Liu Qing naturally had to stand up and seek justice for them.

If he himself died, there would definitely be no good, but now that he is still alive, he must seek justice for those who died.

It is absolutely impossible for a person to die in vain like this.

"What do you want?"

"I want to seek justice for those who lost their lives. They cannot die in vain without even finding their intact bodies."

"Brother Liu, please take one less. It's not their fault for this matter. After all, they didn't get the news in advance. No one is right or wrong about this matter. It's just that we were unlucky."

"Yes, if you let them take responsibility, how can they take responsibility? And I think their teachers will come to these people who lost their lives, so we don't need to worry." At this time, Pu Yunfei also followed Wang Feng. To be fair.

"Let the dean come and talk to you when you get back. If you have any questions, you can go to him. I can't make any decisions." The middle-aged man spoke, then stopped talking to Wang Feng and the others and closed his eyes.

The speed of the fighter jets was very fast, so it took them less than two hours to reach the mainland of the United States and land at a certain airport.

This is a private airport and a place now owned by the Justice League.

There was no greeting team and few people in sight. When they stepped off the plane, the first thing Wang Feng and others felt was desolation and sparsely populated.

The United States is different from China. It has a vast territory and a sparsely populated area. The population density is far less than that of China, so it seems normal to have a small number of people.

"Dean, I have brought him back, what should I do?" At this time, an old man led several people towards Wang Feng and the others.

"Go and do your work. I'll take care of this matter." The dean said and waved his hand.

"Yes." The head quickly left here.

"Three of you, I know that the death of your companions makes you very sad, but I have found out who leaked your whereabouts, so I will give you a satisfactory explanation." The dean said, letting Wang Feng and the three of them all showed strange expressions.

Caught someone so quickly? Is it so efficient

"Three good children, please get in the car with me first, and I will take you to your accommodation." The dean said, and then waved to a car not far away.

Sitting in the car he sent, Wang Feng and the others were finally sent to a castle-like building. The style of the building was very different from that of China. It was full of exotic European style, which made Wang Feng react for a moment. not coming back.

I am used to the Chinese style, and suddenly I see the exotic style. I think every normal person has some difficulty in turning around.

It was very desolate when he arrived, but now the college is full of students walking around, men and women walking together in twos and threes, which makes Wang Feng vaguely feel like he has returned to the time when he was in college.

After all, it had been so many years, and now that he felt this way again, it was really ridiculous.

"Wang Feng, come with me. I have something to discuss with you." At this time, the dean spoke, leaving Wang Feng stunned.

"Is there something that can't be done here?" Wang Feng asked doubtfully.

"Your master personally ordered this to me, so if you want to hear it, just follow me. If you don't want to, I won't force you."

"What about the two of them?" In a strange place with strange people, Wang Feng certainly didn't want to lose sight of Liu Qing and Liu Qing when he left. After all, Wang Feng didn't know anyone except the two of them. ah.

"Don't worry about the two of them. Someone will arrange for them. Just come with me."

Following the dean, Wang Feng was taken to a very closed room.

"Please sit down." The dean made a gesture of invitation.

"I feel very sad about the plane attack in China this time. I hope you can forgive me and accept the change." The dean comforted him.

"I'm fine. I've seen a lot of dead people. Please tell me what's the matter here first."

"It's like this. When I left China, your master personally told me to let you join our special plan, so I want to remind you now."

"Special plan? What special plan?" Hearing the old man's words, Wang Feng was confused and had no idea what his plan was.

He has never heard that his master had any special plans with him. Could it be that his master and his family have forgotten it because of their poor memory

"You're not going to tell me that you don't know about this plan, are you?" Seeing the change in Wang Feng's expression, the dean asked in disbelief.

For such an important matter, Wang Feng, as the person involved, didn't even know what was going on.

"I really don't know. I have never heard my master mention it." Wang Feng shook his head and responded.

"Forget it, since you haven't heard it, let me tell you again now. The biggest purpose of establishing our alliance is to cultivate outstanding students and strive to destroy the Dark Soul Organization as soon as possible. However, because many students have insufficient talents, One, so we have uniquely set up a special training program for geniuses, and you are in this program.”

"So you mean we're going to have separate training?"

"You can also understand it this way. In short, if you join this special plan, you will not practice with those ordinary students, because we want to train you to enter the virtual realm, or even stronger people."

"To cultivate the realm of virtual reality, wouldn't the person who teaches us be very powerful?" We can even teach the realm of virtual reality. What kind of strength does this require

"His strength is indeed very terrifying. He is the most powerful person in our alliance now. His strength has reached the late stage of the Void Realm. There are only a handful of people in the world who can be enemies with him." The dean opened his mouth and Wang Feng was stunned. Big surprise.

My master's strength in the middle stage of entering the virtual realm was already ridiculously strong, but now there is another person in the late stage of entering the virtual realm.

It really is true to that sentence, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

"Do you have any other objections? If you don't have any objections, you can pack up and follow me now. I will take you to report."

"No." It is the best thing to let a powerful person lead you to practice. After all, Wang Feng's purpose here is to improve his strength.

"Then follow me." As he spoke, the dean suddenly pressed his desk hard, and then the whole room began to shake and continued to sink.

In about a few seconds, what appeared in Wang Feng's eyes was a huge space, like a cave. At this moment, many people were already standing here carrying baggage.

As soon as Wang Feng and Wang Feng appeared, they immediately attracted a lot of attention, and they also attracted a look that made Wang Feng feel extremely dangerous.

That was a black man, a man whose head felt as if it was going to explode even when Wang Feng used a clairvoyant to look at him.

If the prediction is correct, this black man should be the strongest person in the alliance that the dean said, with strength in the late stage of entering the virtual realm.